Fitness bracelets

Fitness bracelet for iPhone

Fitness bracelet for iPhone
  1. History of origin
  2. Functions and characteristics of sports models
  3. Review of the best
  4. Operating principle
  5. Tips for choosing

Modern portable electronic gadgets that functionally interact with a smartphone have long been a fashionable and even necessary purchase. If earlier Bluetooth headsets were very popular, now the demand for them has significantly decreased. And today they have been replaced by "smart" bracelets for the iPhone.

History of origin

Since the second half of the last century, a comprehensive study of the indicators of the human body has become available to residents of Western countries. However, at that time, for the study, it was necessary to connect more than a dozen different wired devices to the human body. Since the early 2000s. the ability to measure heart rate, calories burned and distance traveled has become an absolutely accessible function of modern home sports equipment. The appearance of a portable gadget controller was not yet known.

And only since the end of 2011, the first smart fitness bracelets for the iPhone can be seen. It was during this time period that Jawbone confidently presented its own “smart” fitness product. At that time, there was no complete confidence in the rapid consumer demand. Then no one could have predicted that the presentation of a fashionable device would be able to cause a complete revolution in the modern fashion industry for the production of accessories for comfortable engagement in an active, healthy lifestyle.

Let's move on to considering the most popular models of smart fitness bracelets for the iPhone, analyze their functional component, highlight the advantages and obvious disadvantages of these modern fashionable gadgets.

Functions and characteristics of sports models

Currently, one can observe the particular popularity of a healthy pace of life. An important role of its relevance is guaranteed by modern gadgets. Of course, they are not urgently needed, but they add comfort to their user. Fitness bracelets are the absolute sports know-how of the modern world.

Such accessories are conveniently fixed on a person's wrist in the area of ​​the pulse and carry out precise control over the heartbeat. A person has the ability to independently choose the level of load, change the intensity of training, thanks to clear and understandable information on the instrument display. This advantage significantly increases the efficiency of training and reduces unnecessary stress on the human body.

This is far from the only function that these "smart" devices perfectly demonstrate. Manufacturers of women's fitness bracelets offer a wide range of different models, the system of which is distinguished by the capabilities of their functionality. Thus, they all have their own characteristics and advantages, as well as differences that form their individuality and uniqueness. Let's make certain comparisons of fitness bracelets with an indication of their main "chips" and purposes. This will help you to fully evaluate modern devices and make the right choice.

Accessories with built-in alarm and heart rate function

These devices not only help control your heart rate, but they also do an excellent job of waking up in the morning. Of course, the alarm clock is a very controversial and controversial function. Many owners simply hate him for his persistent morning reminders and the need to leave cozy beds for routine tasks. On the other hand, this is an absolutely necessary component. An additional plus is that the design of the fitness bracelet is endowed not with a standard alarm clock, but with a "smart" one.

Many are more likely to be surprised that this is a significant exaggeration. All of us have long been accustomed to an unpleasant sound that awakens every day in a clearly defined time period. The same devices function according to a different scheme. During sleep, the alarm clock fully monitors the position of your body, records the phases of sleep.

After studying the state of the body and assessing how well you rested, the device independently determines the right moment when it needs to earn money. Plus, what you hear is not the haunting sound, but the vibrations of a soft and laid-back style.

In cases when you need to get up at a well-defined period of time, then you shouldn't fully rely on this alarm clock, however, the very functional component of the device, of course, deserves special attention to itself.

Smart models for pressure control

Human blood pressure monitoring is another functional advantage of fitness bracelets, in addition to equipping them with a heart rate monitor function. Of course, the indicators of this mechanism are not a full-fledged analogue of a medical device. The pressure control function does not exclude measurement errors, however, giving the “smart” device the ability to control was not intended to create a medical device.

It is still not worthwhile to declare the absolute uselessness of such a function, since it is used to determine the minimum and maximum blood pressure indicators. Pressure control is a very important component in the process of long training sessions and during exhausting physical exertion. Modern fitness devices are endowed with the ability to record other indicators related to the medical field.

For example, fitness bracelets calculate the ratio of the level of adipose tissue in the human body in percentage terms, read the level of sugar content, as well as indicators of the respiratory rate, etc.The extreme accuracy of these readings is fairly approximate, so it shouldn't scare or mislead you.

Sports accessory with pedometer function

Most modern models of fitness bracelets highlight the option of counting steps taken. This function allows you to develop personal systems and training plans, individual modes for weight loss. The number of steps you take while walking and the result of calories burned are recorded by the sensors of this "smart" device.

Anyone can easily set the standard for the day that he wants to achieve. And as soon as this norm is reached, your bracelet will notify you of the joyful result with a special signal. The device will not allow lazy people to forget about themselves and will quickly remind with the help of vibration about failure to perform exercises. Thus, the bracelet will hint that it will not work to take time off from physical tasks.

IPhone sync function

Absolutely all models of fitness bracelets work with both smartphones and computers. Nowadays, the iPhone is no longer a sign of luxury, but is a completely standard gadget that people of any age have. This device can be found both in a teenager studying at school and in a wealthy oil businessman.

Review of the best

Stylish smart bracelets for fitness have long gained immense popularity in the sports fashion gadgets market. Let's take a look at the best ones.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2

This bracelet model from the well-known Xiaomi brand works with OC Android and iOS devices. The advantage of the device is the backlit touchscreen display. The model is reliably protected from splashes and raindrops, although it is certainly not worth diving in it deliberately. And while it doesn't have holes for earbuds, the device has a built-in heart rate monitor and is capable of monitoring both physical activity and sleep. Thanks to the non-removable battery, the standby mode gives 480 hours of activity to the wearer.

Onetrak sport

The model is equipped with much more powerful functionality. In addition to the advantages that were indicated in the first model, it is possible to note the function of protection against various blows, up to hammer blows. The device's device includes information on almost 16 million different dishes, restaurant menus with detailed details of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in them.

The battery of the model perfectly fulfills its functions and requires a single charge for 7 days.

Teslawatch T-Band

The first thing worth noting is the lack of a screen, all functional components are based on the action of smartphones of the OC Android and iOS platforms. The “smart” device is also protected from moisture, counts calories, physical activity, and the user's sleep time.

Of the minuses, it can be noted:

  1. rubbing the silicone strap (after a month of active use) and, accordingly, the loss of a presentable and beautiful appearance;
  2. recorded complaints about the software of the device and the lack of necessary support for customers.

Apple Watch 42 mm

Apple Watch 42 mm, block wrist bracelet. The device offers its users the information they need and performs daily tasks at a fast pace. The accessory is endowed with the ability to instantly communicate with loved ones. The delicacy of the touch, which distinguishes this model from others, is a completely new version of notifications - physical. At the same time, you can easily turn on a quiet audio signal, which will additionally pleasantly notify you of the planned action.

To read messages, e-mails, the user just needs to raise his wrist. For an instant response, you can easily dictate a message, choose a short answer, or use the built-in microphone.

This device is perfectly fixed on the wrist and guarantees safety and comfort when walking and exercising quickly.The battery allows you to actively and safely use the device all day. Full overnight charging is sufficient for full daytime use.

Operating principle

There are certain sensors on the fitness accessory that accurately record the desired indicators of a person's sports activities. After fulfilling this condition, they send this information via the Bluetooth function to a special mobile application that is installed on iPhone devices.

Of course, this application must be downloaded in advance and correctly fixed in order to comfortably use all the functions of the sports bracelet afterwards. As soon as the application is installed, it is necessary to make the required settings for all the necessary indicators on it, fix the main goals that must be achieved in a day.

The time indicator image, as well as all other information about the current process, will be located on the display of the fitness device.

Absolutely all statistics data on results and achievements for the day will be displayed on your mobile device. Among these indicators: daily loads, distance traveled per day, the number of calories burned, as well as the amount of time spent in sleep and its quality.

Thus, we can say with confidence that a fitness bracelet is the same fitness trainer, analyzing your performance indicators and determining an effective training program that will help maintain your body in a healthy state and fit.

Constantly motivating and supporting you on the way to achieving the desired result is an additional similarity to a real trainer. Of course, the trainer in the gym does this as convincingly as possible, however, warnings and daily reminders from a fashionable fitness accessory also perfectly motivate you to fast pace, accelerate movements, perform planned actions, etc.

Tips for choosing

Companies producing "smart" gadgets are well aware that the majority of people use two operating systems in their mobile devices - iOS and Android. It is clear that the best option is to manufacture devices that support not one, but both of these operating systems. Of course, we are mostly interested in fitness devices that functionally sync with the iPhone.

If you are a satisfied owner of a modern iPhone and an ardent fan of an active lifestyle, do sports every day and want to buy a fitness bracelet, advice on choosing a fashion accessory will be useful to you.

Among the main aspects that confirm the high quality of the product and its demand in the fashion accessories market, it is worth highlighting:

  • The accuracy of the readings given by the monitoring. Only minor minimum errors are allowed.
  • As far as possible, a fitness bracelet should synchronize functionally with several versions of operating systems.
  • The optimally powerful component of the device's battery is obliged to guarantee the proper level of recharging, eliminating the need to be distracted by this.
  • Availability of the simplest and most understandable operation of a mobile application in the absence of unnecessary and complex actions.
  • A wristband for comfortable and safe fitness activities should have minimal protection from wet exposure. Even if only some models can operate in a full-fledged way in water, a protective function from the effects of rain drops or a shower, of course, must be present.
  • The presence of an LED panel that conveniently and easily reflects the necessary information at any time of the day.
  • A discreet decision in the design of an accessory for the realization of its main purpose is only welcome.

So which is the best fitness bracelet to choose? A small video review - to help lovers of fashionable gadgets.

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