Fitness bracelets

Fitness bracelet with heart rate monitor and blood pressure measurement

Fitness bracelet with heart rate monitor and blood pressure measurement
  1. Features and Benefits
  2. Models
  3. Review of the best - 2017
  4. Principle of operation
  5. How to use?
  6. How to choose?
  7. Reviews

A modern gadget called a fitness bracelet is very popular among athletes and adherents of a healthy lifestyle. However, around this invention, disputes about the appropriateness of its use and the functionality of the gadget do not subside. You can learn more about the pros and cons, as well as about popular models of bracelets that measure blood pressure and heart rate, from the article.

Features and Benefits

Products with a heart rate monitor and tonometer are new to the market of modern devices, and the demand for them is quite high. With the help of such a device, athletes during training can monitor the state of their body, and for people with cardiovascular diseases, this gadget will allow them to control pressure and pulse without using inconvenient blood pressure monitors.

The advantages of such bracelets include their following characteristics:

  • A bracelet with a built-in tonometer allows you to measure blood pressure anytime, anywhere.
  • Measurement is carried out on the go, you do not need to stop and take a certain position.
  • Most of the gadgets are capable of interacting with Android and IOS, which makes it easy to synchronize the accessory with a smartphone. There are more modern and functional bracelets that support Windows Phone software.
  • Usually, fitness bracelets are compact and weigh about 30 g, which makes them not noticeable on the wrist.
  • Manufacturers use hypoallergenic materials to create straps. The silicone accessory does not chafe or squeeze your wrist.
  • The variety of colors and designs allows you to choose a stylish bracelet for every taste, which attracts the attention of buyers. Many companies have removable straps, which allows you to replace a classic bracelet with a bright one (for sports or parties).
  • Fitness bracelets have a wide range of functions. They can often calculate calories and steps, monitor sleep phases and set an alarm to wake up at the best time for each person. Business travelers will love the alert feature for incoming calls, emails or messages to stay connected even during sports. Fans of jogging accompanied by sound will like the ability to use a bracelet to control the player on their mobile device.
  • For many, the purchase of such a gadget becomes a motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle. The device is capable of displaying the degree of human activity, which not everyone can determine on their own.


With the growing popularity of gadgets on the market, more and more models of such bracelets from different manufacturers appear. It is difficult for a person who does not understand modern technological advances to make a choice and understand why prices for an accessory are different everywhere.

You can often find sports smart bracelets with heart rate measurement, which are also equipped with a pedometer and tonometer. Such devices do not always display accurate readings and have significant errors. Their main task is to determine the minimum and maximum indicators of blood pressure and heart rate during training, which can be done with bracelets with constant measurement.

Sometimes these devices are able to determine other indicators of the body that are important for health:

  • blood sugar levels;
  • the amount of fluid in the tissues;
  • the proportion of fat cells;
  • breathing rhythm;
  • calorie consumption.

However, all these indicators will be relative.

The step counting function is basic for all types of gadgets. Thanks to this device, each of its owners can set a daily activity rate for themselves, which will motivate a person to move and track their achievements. Some instances are capable of taking into account other types of physical activity as well. A separate calculation will be made for running or cycling.

Gadgets can count the number of not only steps, but also steps and floors.

For swimming, you can choose a waterproof fitness bracelet. Such models allow you to swim at depth and take a shower without hindrance. However, in this case, it is worth giving preference to more expensive and high-quality gadgets, since some cheap waterproof models retain their tightness only in a light rain.

More modern models are often equipped with a screen. Today, in the lineup of many manufacturers, you can find items with an OLED display, which allows you to use the watch. For the display to become active, in most devices, it is enough to raise your hand up.

Such devices are capable of displaying various information on the screen:

  • number of steps and distance traveled;
  • calorie consumption;
  • heart rate and other indicators.

If the owner of the gadget sits in one place for a long time, he can receive a signal from the device with a call to warm up a little. The bracelet will notify you of incoming calls or messages, allow you to control the alarm. Usually, the glass of the screen is quite durable, it is protected from shocks and scratches, which allows you to use such a device in the most extreme conditions.

Review of the best - 2017

Manufacturers of "smart" bracelets are constantly developing and releasing better models of gadgets. It is difficult to find the perfect device that would combine all the necessary functions, but some models deserve special attention and are rightfully called the best of their kind.

Garmin Vivosmart HR +

The Garmin Vivosmart HR + wristband is striking in its functionality, which made it a winner among other models at the Wareable Tech Awards in 2016.

With this gadget you can:

  • track many health indicators;
  • find out the exact location using the built-in GPS;
  • receive notifications about calls and messages on your phone.

To some, this accessory will seem too weighty, but it keeps the battery charge perfectly. The gadget can be used at a depth of 50 meters.

Among the disadvantages are errors in measuring the heart rate and an incomplete range of sports modes.

Fitbit Charge 2

Another interesting bracelet is the Fitbit Charge 2. Many people will love the tracking functions for steps taken and sleep patterns. The gadget continuously records blood pressure and heart rate. The wristband also reflects your VO2 max. This criterion characterizes the ability to absorb and assimilate oxygen during exercise, and with the help of the bracelet's health program, you can train your breathing.

The disadvantages of the device are considered instability to moisture, lack of GPS, failures during intense workouts.

For people who simply monitor their condition and do not exhaust themselves with training, such a bracelet will be an excellent assistant for a very reasonable price.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2

The excellent combination of low price and necessary characteristics pleases the owners of Chinese bracelets Xiaomi Mi Band 2. Such a device is the undoubted leader among all Chinese bracelets, which is confirmed by many positive reviews.

This device:

  • measures the pulse;
  • counts steps;
  • monitors the phases of activity and sleep;
  • counts calories;
  • notifies about incoming messages.

The display is attached to a silicone strap. If necessary, the strap can be replaced, choose a brighter version or classic black.

Disadvantages include a hand-squeezing heart rate sensor. Such a device does not measure pressure.

Basis peak

Intel's Basis Peak bracelet combines the best qualities of trackers and sports watches. One of the main tasks of the gadget is to control the heart rate. The model allows you to record fairly accurate data even during training.

Like other bracelets, this gadget is capable of:

  • distinguish between types of physical activity;
  • track sleep phases, but it stands out against the background of competitors for its accurate indicators;
  • measure the heat generated during activity, it is equipped with a galvanic sensor and a three-dimensional accelerometer.

The disadvantage of this model is the lack of a GPS navigator.

Gear Fit 2

Samsung's Gear Fit 2 wristband is quite powerful, which justifies its high price tag.

This device is equipped with a 1.5-inch display and has its own dual-core processor. The gadget is able to continuously measure the heart rate, it is equipped with an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and is capable of determining the height and location. The bracelet notifies about calls and messages on the phone. He monitors activity and sleep.

Due to the large number of functions, the battery lasts no more than three days.

Healbe gobe

The Healbe Gobe is another good mid-range fitness bracelet.

The gadget is capable of:

  • Distinguish between stress levels.
  • Determine the pressure and heart rate, distance traveled.
  • It can calculate your calories burned by measuring your glucose level.

The downside of this bracelet is the weak battery, which needs to be charged daily.

Principle of operation

The appearance of compact and stylish fitness bracelets with the functions of measuring blood pressure and heart rate has become a real salvation for many athletes (and not only for them). With the help of this smart device, hypertensive patients can monitor their well-being continuously. Of course, he will not determine the exact state of health, but it is quite possible to maintain some indicators in the norm with the help of such a gadget.

All smart bracelets function thanks to special sensors and software that can be installed on the bracelet or on a paired smartphone. All measured and calculated data are displayed on the screen, and when some indicators increase, the device gives a warning signal.

For uninterrupted pressure measurement, the devices are equipped with a double module. With its help, the bracelet constantly captures nanosecond pulses of near-polar sensing. By tracking indicators in two places, the device can measure the upper and lower pressure, which is immediately displayed on the screen.

To get the most accurate heart rate data, use a chest strap. In some bracelets, the measurement sensor can be worn not only on the arm, but also on the chest. Other models require an additional sensor.

With accurate data from such a heart rate monitor, athletes can adjust the intensity of their training (in accordance with the general condition of the body).

You can find out which heart rate monitors are best for athletes in the following video:

How to use?

Using a smart bracelet with additional functions is quite simple. Among the wide variety of models, you can pick up a battery-powered device that works autonomously from a smartphone. There are many elderly people among people suffering from high blood pressure, so the ease and clarity of the indications play a very important role.

The bracelet is much better than other medical devices for taking indications. It allows you to measure blood pressure and pulse in any position, without being distracted from important matters. If desired, you can easily remove and put the bracelet back on, and some people do not part with their device even during a night's rest.

Using a fitness bracelet allows you to easily monitor your activity without harm to your health, track your achievements, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and a correct daily routine. A visual display of indicators motivates people to be active or forces them to consult a doctor in time, without waiting for a serious deterioration in well-being.

How to choose?

You should purchase a gadget only from trusted manufacturers, paying attention to the appropriate certificates. During the purchase process, special attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. Before buying a bracelet, you need to decide for what purpose it will be used. To control the pressure, you need a bracelet with a tonometer, the calorie counting function is useful for losing weight, and for those who like swimming, you should choose waterproof models.
  2. The bracelet must most accurately and correctly determine all the main indicators. For this, manufacturers conduct a large number of tests, information about which is available in the description of the model.
  3. If your every day is quite busy and involves constant movement, it is better to choose a model with a powerful battery that holds a charge well.

The most popular fitness bracelet models are often counterfeited.


Of course, each model has its own pros and cons. Best of all, real buyers who have already tested the gadget on themselves can tell about these qualities.

Many people consider an important advantage of fitness bracelets to have a removable strap (a worn-out product can be replaced with a new one). In addition, models with a screen and a clock function are more attractive to most. Some devices provide the ability to compete with friends, which is also appreciated by gadget users.

Most often, there are complaints about the inaccuracy of indicators. Some models take a strong wave of the hand as a step, causing the data to fail. Users also talk about the discrepancy between the quality of some models and their high price.

This is what they usually say about the Garmin Vivofit 3.

Some models (for example, Polar A360) do not have an alarm, but they do a good job with basic functions.Small errors still occur, although the price is quite high.

The leader in terms of the number of reviews can be called the bracelet with the function of a pedometer and heart rate monitor Xiaomi Mi Band 2. It does not have a screen, there are errors, but the affordable price attracts a huge number of buyers.

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