Flute: description and varieties

A description of the flute in general and its varieties can be very interesting for people who are keen on musical topics. It is necessary to figure out what a transverse, wooden multi-barreled, alto, antique and other options look like. It is also important to figure out how to choose it, how to play it, and learn a lot of additional interesting facts.

What it is?
It should be pointed out right away that the flute is not just one musical instrument, as ignorant people often assume. This is a whole group of wind instruments, necessarily wood, and it has a long history. A characteristic feature of the sound of flutes is associated with the fact that it occurs due to the dissection of the air flow against the border. The tongue, which is typical for other wind instruments, is not used here at all. Not every wood is suitable for making such a tool.
Be sure to use only hard rocks for the whistle block. The actual channel for sound transmission can also be made of soft wood. Experts note that in this case the sound picture looks softer and acquires velvet notes. But we must understand that the softest breeds suffer greatly from warm humidified air. This effect can be compensated by applying a polyurethane varnish - however, this removes the characteristic notes and makes the sound more uniform.

The lip plate of the flute is attached to the head tube through a special plate. It has long been established that the most beautiful unique sounds occur in the middle register. They are distinguished by clarity, transparency and purity. No wonder a number of medieval legends and romantic stories are devoted to the mystical effects of the flute.It is believed that the music performed on it necessarily evokes the most positive emotions. It is impossible to say in what year the first ancient flutes appeared, even the century of their creation cannot be established. Finds of such instruments dating back 35-40 thousand years BC are reliably known.
However, archaeologists and other experts do not exclude that some prototypes were invented much earlier. The earliest predecessor of flutes is considered to be a simple whistle, which gradually began to be equipped with holes. By holding them, ancient musicians could influence the pitch of the sound emitted. Further improvements were made by lengthening the whistle tube and adding holes. The sound range was expanded. Gradually, the creation of new techniques of the game began. Then the flutes began to be divided into several options for quality and sound characteristics.
The instrument, close to its modern form, appeared 3-5 thousand years ago.

In addition to the main developmental milestones, it is necessary to characterize the structure of the flute. You can influence the pitch of the sound through such a technique as overblowing, that is, extracting harmonic accords with the lips. The same problem can be solved by opening and closing the holes (valves are used for this). Most often, flutes are made metal, wood is used a little less. Glass, plastics and composites are rarely used. The range of this instrument is approximately 3 octaves. It is very difficult to rise above the "C" note in the fourth octave. Still, experienced flutists on a good instrument can raise this bar a little.
The story of how the flute works should start from its top. There, in the lateral plane, there is an opening through which air is blown in. The musicians themselves call him simply - a dulce. But in technical documentation, the term "ear hole" is more common. Below it is complemented by thickenings similar to lips. Their task is to increase the stability of the game by blocking excessive air outflow. The head ends with a cork, which must be handled as carefully as possible; replacement of the head part allows you to correct the sound of the instrument.

Next comes the so-called "body" of the flute. It is located in the middle. In this segment, channels are placed that serve to extract sound, as well as valves that allow you to close and open these channels. The mechanics of the "body" require particularly fine tuning. You need to handle it with the utmost care. The knee is equipped with keys. You need to play them with your right little finger. There are two knee formats - C and C. Valve mechanics are divided into inline and offset types.
Despite the fact that the specifics outwardly boil down only to the location of the Salt valve, this affects the specifics of the positioning of the musicians' hands. Complex flutes are equipped with open valves. You can only use such a tool if you have solid experience. The knee is also structurally different.
Materials of professional products are selected much more carefully than for simple household models. The difference also applies to the design of the valves.

Flute piccolo
Its alternative name is the piccolo. It is considered to be a wind instrument with the highest sound. Professionals speak of a "brilliant" timbre. In the forte position, it is shrill and has a sibilant note. It is physically impossible to extract low frequency sounds.

Alto flutes
They were first introduced in 1854 by Theobald Boehm. Musicians note here "rapid consumption of breath." This type of flute is often not performed by itself, but as part of the orchestra. Many composers of the 19th century have already created works with "parts" for it. Among them was the very Boehm.

This name was given to one of the developments of the ancient Greek period. Experts consider it a subspecies of longitudinal flutes. The first mention of such a word was found in the immortal Iliad. In the past, there were single-barreled and multi-barreled syringes.But those and others have long been supplanted by more perfect options.

Pan flute
This is a typical multi-barrel design. More precisely - the generalized name for a number of products with many barrels. Such items received their name in honor of the ancient god Pan. Constructions can be made both with bonding and from separate tubes. Now this option is rarely used.

There are also such flutes. They are no longer associated with ancient, but with the Chinese tradition. In the PRC, it is one of the most widespread wind instruments. But it was not invented there, but in Central Asia at the beginning of our era. There are 2 subtypes of di related to the southern and northern regions of China.

Irish flute
This is the name for a type of transverse flute with a specific fingering. It is used to perform traditional Irish and northern British folk music. Models with and without valves have been developed. It is worth considering that the name "Irish" is conditional, since the development was invented by the British.
It is curious that initially they preferred to speak not about the Irish, but about the “German” flute.

It is a longitudinal instrument that helps to play music around the Andes. The main material for its manufacture is reed. Musicians outside of South America do not use kena. There was only one brief burst of interest in her in the 1960-1970s. By default, there are 7 holes, 1 of which is located at the bottom.

This is a longitudinal construction typical of Russian culture. Sometimes it is double (or rather, double-barreled), the length of one trunk is from 30 to 35 cm. In another, it is 45-47 cm. The upper edges of the trunks end in whistles. When adjusting the trunks, they seek to obtain a “quart”.

This is a Slavic or Russian folkloric flute of small size. It is made strictly of wood. The tube section is from 1.5 to 2.5 cm.The length ranges from 40 to 70 cm. A "wad" is attached to one edge, that is, a cork made of wood.

This is the name of another traditional Russian variety. Experts have established that it was the nozzle that appeared in Eastern Europe earlier than other options. It was characterized by a diatonic scale. The acoustic range was about 2 octaves - however, modern types have not much more. Sopel is not just an instrument with history; amateur groups continue to actively play on it.

This is an ancient version. It was customary to make it out of clay. At first glance at the ocarina, it is difficult to believe that it is a flute, because outwardly it is closer in shape to an egg. The surface is equipped with 4-13 finger holes. Sometimes even a large multi-chamber ocarina is used, and there are also more holes in it.

Block flute
The name itself already says that this is a flute with a block. This is a close relative of the flute. Modern orchestral recorders are already made of plastic, not just wood. This is almost not reflected in musical capabilities. Musicologists have long noted the full chromatic scale and the ability to play in different keys.

An electronic band is simply a further modification of a traditional instrument. In terms of their functionality, the tools are very diverse and depend on the specific model. The Korean flute is conventionally called tangso. The classic version was made of bamboo. But modern designs are made of plastic. The bass model is usually in the key of C. It is one octave lower than the live sample. It is most often used in flute choirs rather than singly. There are also sometimes zug flutes. They make a sound as close as possible to the singing of birds.
Additionally, there are:
- nasal;
- solo format;
- pentatonic variety of the instrument.

How is it different from a pipe?
The difference between them is manifested primarily in the level and type of sound. The similarity of flutes and pipes concerns only external signs. In addition, the flutes themselves are visually different, depending on the type. You need to play them in different ways. More details can be obtained from the specific description.

How to choose for beginners?
The most important thing is not to assess the sonic potential and tuning features of the flute, but to start with the selection of a teacher. Only experienced teachers and experienced musicians can give really valuable advice. It is better to visit the store directly with an experienced person to see what scales the tuner and the body of the device can play, how convenient it is. The popular belief is that the first tool should be cheap. However, this is not true, because the most affordable versions do not have decent characteristics.
Moreover, they do not last long, and soon you will have to buy a new product. The inconvenience and impossibility of repair make low-budget models a deliberately unprofitable purchase. The cost of products from well-known companies is higher, however, it will not last 1-1.5 years. Moreover, the better the instrument, the easier it is for musicians to learn. The difference will be noticeable in concert performance as well.

Important: it is advisable to immediately choose a cover along with the flute. Better than the same manufacturer and even designed for a specific model.
Any good store sells all the necessary components, so there shouldn't be any problems. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the material. For beginner musicians, it is recommended to choose models from nickel silver, the sum of the characteristics of which is quite acceptable for training.
The lip plate should be made of better quality metal. The same requirement applies to the riser. The budget-class instrument is made of brass coated with a thin layer of silver. Pure silver flutes are needed only for those who already have solid playing experience. Their cost is not justified for newbies; only trained musicians will be able to clearly recognize acoustic nuances.

Flutes are produced by a variety of companies. It is better to pay attention to those brands that supply products of various categories, for beginners and professionals, for people of different ages and physical conditions. Then you don't have to relearn in the future. The specific brand for themselves is determined only by experienced flutists. If you have no playing experience, it is more correct to consult such an expert.
They were popular some time ago Yamaha products... But lately, musicians have noticed a decline in the quality bar. So far, proposals from Di Zhao, Tomasi. However, again, it is not a fact that they will remain leaders in a few years. Of course, it is better to make your first purchase directly, rather than in an online store - which is especially important when buying used products.

Only the trained eye of an instructor or a musician, wise over the years of playing, will be able to assess how shabby the flute is, how well it is preserved, whether it will be convenient for a beginner to use it. With good handling, the products of decent companies will last quite well, even if they have already been in use for some time. But if you plan to study at a music school, it is better to take a new copy; its service life is just long enough for training. It is better for children to choose transverse flutes with a drop or U-shaped head for initial preparation. Such solutions are relatively compact and convenient. For your information: the same tool is optimal for people with small hands.
Newbies should also prefer products with valves not in line. Playing like this makes it much easier to hit the G note. The choice of open or closed valves for the initial stage of training depends on the recommendations of the teacher. It is his approach that is most important in this topic. If it is difficult to give preference to one option, you need to buy a tool equipped with special plugs.
Educator advice is also important for the choice of mi-mechanics, neo-mechanics, Brogger system, French and German versions of the instrument. Without the help of experts, only a professional can figure them out.

How to play?
The enchanting timbre of the sound is not always immediately extracted from the flute - but as you gain experience, you can achieve an amazing effect. It is recommended to assemble the instrument strictly according to the instructions. Before starting the game, its parts must be leveled. The left hand is placed closer to the mouthpiece, turned towards itself from the opposite side of the flute (by placing it on the upper buttons). The right hand is placed near the knee, with the palm of the musician's body. From the very beginning, you should learn how to properly hold the instrument. When he is accustomed to in the hands, you can master the blow. Sometimes you have to practice the whiff itself before the notes are played.
Some people even have to train with a bottle, and only then do music training. The location of the notes should be learned by heart so that you can switch between them without looking. It is not required to inflate the cheeks during performance. Normally, air flow comes from the diaphragm, not from the depths of the mouth. The sound "tu" will help you to practice the proper skill. It is very important to pay attention to each note, working it out to a completely flawless performance. Only then can one move on to playing the melodies; at this stage, a smooth transition is more important than technical perfection.

There are also such recommendations:
- maintain a stable and precise body position during the game;
- stand or sit upright;
- avoid leaning on one leg;
- keep your neck straight;
- play relaxed;
- it is better to train 20 minutes daily than 4 hours once a week;
- relieve tension after each practice or concert game with stretching;
- to be morally prepared that not everything will always go smoothly, and that sometimes quite long periods will go without visible progress.

Given the complexity of the game, the help of a mentor is not a whim, but a necessity. But if you study on your own, it is better not by video courses, but by time-tested textbooks.
Practicing hard exhalation is very important. Otherwise, the game will be hoarse. The flute, like any working instrument, must be kept in order.

Interesting Facts
This musical instrument is one of the most ancient in history. However, its popularity is not decreasing, and there are already literally hundreds of options. Valves also appeared quite a long time ago - in the 17th century. The initiative here came from prominent French masters. The specificity of flutes is also in their manufacture from unique materials - experience has shown that they can be made quite well from jade. And one copy was completely made of pure platinum.
There are some more interesting facts:
- flutists have, on average, better immunity and lower risk of respiratory infections;
- the number of professional musicians who masterfully mastered this instrument is relatively small;
- a crane bone flute over 9 millennia old was once found in China;
- the smallest specimens - about 5 cm in size - were made for their needs by shepherds;
- until the 1920s, professional performances by flutists took place mainly in France.