The flute

All about the Peruvian flute

All about the Peruvian flute
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Origin story
  3. Sound
  4. How to play?

Peruvian flute - it is one of the most ancient musical instruments invented by man. Thanks to its special melodic sound and beautiful appearance, it often attracts the attention of musicians and collectors even now.


The ethnic Peruvian flute is called the quena. It is usually made from lightweight materials such as reed or bamboo. Hardwood tools are also found. Longitudinal open flutes are made by hand. This makes each instrument unique.

The length of the flute varies from 25 to 70 centimeters. Standard models range in length from 30 to 35 cm. These are the flutes that are best suited for beginners. Typically, the body of the instrument has 5 or 6 holes on one side and one additional hole on the other. It targets the thumb. The kena, like the Japanese shakuhachi flute, does not have a whistle.

Origin story

There is a legend that the first ken flute was made from human bone. It was made by a guy in love, whose girlfriend died at a young age. He so did not want to say goodbye to her that he decided to make a musical instrument out of her tibia. Listening to the sound of this flute, he recalled the gentle voice of his beloved and her soft cry, which helped him not to forget about her. It is because of this legend that kenu is also often called the flute of sorrow.

But there is no evidence that the first flutes were actually made by the Indians of Peru from human bones. The musical instruments that have survived to this day are made of clay, animal bones or stone. The oldest specimens found during excavations in Bolivia are more than 10 thousand years old. Now Peruvian flutes are known all over the world.They play not only folk melodies, but also modern music.

It should be noted that not only musicians buy kenas. Most often they are purchased as a souvenir or gift to a loved one.


Peruvian flute is different very pleasant and clean sound. Those who have heard this music say that it is very light and relaxing. Kena sounds are great for meditation. The Indians of Peru themselves played on it, conducting traditional rituals, celebrating various celebrations, or simply, meeting a new day.

There is also a type of kena called kenacho... It has a lower and softer sound and a slightly larger size. Both instruments are quite versatile, and you can play music written in different keys on them.

How to play?

Ken is played both solo and as part of an ensemble. The sound of the flute is perfectly complemented by various drums and wind instruments. Several ken also sound great together. In order to learn how to play even the simplest melodies, you need to understand how to extract sound from this flute. The first step is to find the correct position for the kena. Its end should rest against the chin. The lower lip is at the edge of the kena, and the upper lip forms the air flow. Having fixed the musical instrument in the correct position, you can start playing it.

This is not very difficult to learn. To see the desired results, you will have to practice on a regular basis. It takes a couple of weeks to learn how to play simple tunes on the Peruvian flute. This does not even require the help of a teacher or the ability to play other musical instruments. It is enough to watch a few good master classes and start practicing.

Having mastered this ancient musical instrument, you can play any melodies on it, giving them a completely new sound.

For what the ken flute is and how to play it, see the next video.

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