
Algophobia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Algophobia: causes, symptoms and treatment
  1. What it is?
  2. Causes of occurrence
  3. Symptoms
  4. How to overcome?

Sooner or later, everyone may experience pain. They are more than unpleasant and even to some extent unbearable. Such moments, when an individual is subjected to suffering, remain forever in the memory.

Some people understand that they need to come to terms with this and move on. Others begin to dwell on this issue and each time excite their minds. The torture endured becomes an obsession, and then algophobia develops.

What it is?

Irrational fear algophobia originates from the Greek language: "algos" (ἄλγος, álgos) is "pain" and "phobos" (φόβος, phóbos) is "fear." In the dictionary of the Russian language, this word is interpreted as extremely unpleasant sensation.

This feeling is defined by experts as complex and indicates that something unpleasant and even threatening the human life cycle is happening to the body. It is because of this that a certain anxiety arises. And this feeling very much destabilizes the emotional state.

Unlike other phobias, algophobia lends itself to logical explanation. The fear of pain is a natural human condition.

However, if an individual is mentally healthy, then any pain is perceived adequately as something inevitable, which must simply be experienced. For example, removing a wart does not cause violent emotions, since the patient understands that the operation needs to be performed, the pain will soon subside and be forgotten, and health will remain.

And among those who are among the algophobes, the fear of physical pain is formed completely groundless. Even if nothing hurts them, they simulate future situations, and panic develops on this fertile ground. It can get worse.

Feelings of fear of pain get in the way when problems begin. They interfere with living a fulfilling life. A person does not develop, his brain is always busy with some fears.

These concerns become the cause of concomitant diseases and cause severe harm to health.

Causes of occurrence

The fear of pain, called algophobia, can arise for a variety of reasons. Basically, all these reasons were embedded in the mind of a person in childhood. The young child may have suffered severe pain associated with the removal of the tonsils. Later, when this child became an adult, a negative situation arose that led to a phobia.

The main prerequisites for the development of fear of pain are quite specific reasons.

  • Hereditary genetic. American psychiatrists, after conducting research, have found out the following fact: if a parent suffers from such a disorder, then the child in 25% of cases can transmit this condition.

A predisposition to excessive anxiety is a genetically determined phobia. It is pathological and irrational.

  • Social. Such reasons are the main reason for the occurrence of phobias in humans. The greatest predisposition to them have hyperemotional personalities. Basically, these are people dependent on other people's opinions, they try to avoid problems and withdraw from them into themselves.
  • There is also a theory of biochemical predisposition to fear. It is due to the corresponding processes occurring in the body, and is determined by the production of hormones serotonin, melatonin, adrenaline, etc. Also, people with various addictions (alcohol, drug, tobacco) are prone to phobias due to consumed substances that negatively affect the functioning of the body.

And this theory is supported by research. For example, it is very difficult for drug addicts to find the dose of anesthesia due to the fact that drugs contain anesthetic components. The body gets used to them quickly, and as a result, it then reacts poorly to anesthesia.

  • Psychological reasons. They largely depend on the behavior of the person and on his character.

    Let's look at some examples:

    • low self-esteem, self-criticism, negative attitude towards one's “I”;
    • vision of the future in gray and black colors;
    • in the immediate environment there is a negative environment and relationships with people around;
    • isolation from social life, stressful situations (divorce, loss of a loved one, illness);
    • overestimated requirements for his personality, heightened sense of justice and responsibility;
    • chronic fatigue syndrome.

    However, those individuals who have a very high self-esteem and a low sense of responsibility towards themselves and society, practically do not suffer from phobic disorders.


    Phobias interfere with life, since the physical condition of a person suffers due to various psychological problems. As a result of panic attacks, the general health background clearly changes. Negative emotions provoke disruptions in the work of the whole organism, and then the following symptoms appear:

    • heavy sweating;
    • tremor of the limbs;
    • malfunctions of the respiratory system;
    • pulse quickens;
    • pressure rises;
    • fainting is possible;
    • discoloration of the skin.

    These manifestations are not only unpleasant but also life-threatening.

    A person can die from a painful shock, and if this condition is aggravated by algophobia, then the risks of negative consequences increase significantly.

    That's why it is necessary to take measures to eliminate panic attacks. And algophobia is no exception.

    How to overcome?

    Various methods related to psychology and psychocorrection will help to get rid of increased emotional dependence. Experts connect psychotherapy and pharmacological approach in the treatment of algophobia.

    Treatment for fear of pain is directly related to anesthetics. Some people have a higher pain threshold.To eliminate discomfort in this category of patients, a special approach to the choice of medicines is needed. And this requires the joint work of the therapist and the psychotherapist.

    The main thing is to start fighting the obsessive state as early as possible, then the consequences can be quickly eliminated.

    To carry out the first steps, it is necessary to identify and understand the reason why this disease arose. And if the case is rather neglected, then you need to start with pharmacology. The drugs are prescribed only by a doctor who has the appropriate education.

    Uncontrolled intake of pills threatens your life and health with negative consequences.

    But if you do not conduct additional psychotherapy, then after the abolition of drugs, the problem may return with renewed vigor. Therefore, you need the right choice of a specialist. He must have relevant experience and diploma.

    The psychotherapist may also prescribe you physiotherapy: electric current, wave radiation, heat have a beneficial effect on the restoration of the human psyche. Will help with frequent occurrences of fear and water treatments... A visit to the pool and special water exercises are good at eliminating fatigue and obsessions. If this practice is not possible, then use an ordinary shower or bath with warm water.

    Relaxing massage sessions, which should be carried out by an experienced specialist, will also help in this matter.

    In addition, there are general ways that are sure to help you get rid of your algophobia.

    • You need to be able to track the manifestations of your fears so as not to bring yourself to a panic state. To do this, you need an "emotion map". We start making it. Glue a human silhouette in the very middle of the poster - this is your image. Then write your feelings where they appear.

    If your heart hurts, then write about it and put a mark. If your legs, arms are taken away, your head hurts, then these points should also be noted on paper. Analyze your condition and try to determine when the physical symptoms begin. When you learn all this, then it will be easier for you to manage your condition.

    • It is necessary to "be afraid", that is, try to increase the tension in the muscles. To do this, sit comfortably and start shaking with all your might. The tension will soon leave your body along with the fear.
    • Try to portray your fear on paper.... Draw your pain. Draw what you see in your mind or what you want (maybe your pain has the image of a snake or turtle). Then take this “fear” in hand and think about what you can do about it. Destroy your phobia the way you want it.
    • Move your eyes as recommended by Francine Shapiro... To do this, sit comfortably against the wall and select the extreme points. There should be two of them. Think about what scares you and move your eyes from one point to another. Just do not turn your head while doing this.

    The pace should be comfortable, there should be about fifty movements in total. Do these sessions throughout the week and your anxiety levels will go down.

    • Try the meditation method. This will strengthen your emotional state and will be able to control yourself in all situations.
    • Look your phobia in the eye... These actions must be carried out under the supervision of loved ones. Pick up a syringe and imagine that now you will be given an injection. Hold it in your hand and think all the time about how it will hurt you. Repeat these steps several times. You will notice how each time your anxiety decreases.
    • Playing sports takes a lot of energy. After a long run, you will think more about thirst or food than about pain. Therefore, do not deny yourself such pleasure. In addition, like-minded people meet at these events, and communication with new people will help to distract from fears.

    You should not hope at random and ignore your condition, relying on the fact that it will pass by itself. Otherwise, you will have to heal not only the soul, but also bodily diseases. And this is much more complicated and costly.

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