
Fear of mice: a description of the disease and how to get rid of

Fear of mice: a description of the disease and how to get rid of
  1. What it is?
  2. Signs of surphobia
  3. How to get rid of?

At first glance, small mice are not dangerous. With their muzzles, these animals look like hedgehogs or raccoons. So why, then, is it the mice that cause fear and even panic attacks in humans? Probably because they are able to bite a person and bring a dangerous disease into the wound.

And earlier, when there were no poisonous agents capable of massively destroying these rodents, mice could leave entire settlements without a future harvest. The causes of phobia in mice are not as simple as they initially seem.

What it is?

The state of fear of mice is called suriphobia or musophobia. The name comes from the Latin word mus, which translates as "mouse", and "phobia" means irrational fear. It is the fear of rodents that is widespread throughout the world.

This phobia combines dislike, disgust, and disgust.

Everything happens because these animals can infect a person with the most terrible diseases and leave him hungry. In those days, when civilization was not yet at such a high level, mice spread dangerous pathogens, the plague - the so-called black death, which destroyed a very large number of people.

Little critters live where they can spread dangerous pathogens of rabies, beryllium disease, hay fever etc. Carriers of fleas and parasites can in a matter of days infect a large number of inhabitants of the house due to the fact that they will run around the food and spread germs. Unless special measures are taken, rodents will cause significant damage to agriculturethat will infect healthy animals such as pigs with African plague.

Naturally, mice and rats hide from people in holes or crevices formed in the walls of the house.When a living creature suddenly appears underfoot, any person has an involuntary reaction to an intruder. The first emotion is fear, and then disgust and the realization that the rodent has visited the places where food is stored comes. After a complete analysis of the situation, any normal person understands that contaminated products will have to be thrown away. And this is another blow - now on the budget.

Children copy the behavior of their parents. As soon as they begin to show concern about the appearance of mice, the younger members of the family unwittingly "connect" to this process. Since childhood, fear of mice is laid in them.

Often little villagers bitten by rats or mice... Pain and fear settle in the subconscious of those who watched the consequences of the bite of such a creature. Later, already in adulthood, the fear of mice can "emerge" in the memory as a result of stress.

The above suggests that even in childhood, some people have some kind of anxiety about the potential danger from rodents... Then this anxiety can develop into a great fear, and then into an obsessive state.

Moreover, not only women, but also men are afraid of mice. These fears also arise when people see bats. These creatures can terrify some people who have a weak psyche and great imagination.

Bats appear at night. They fly through the dark streets and make strange, barely audible sounds. That is why humanity has developed certain stereotypes that speak of the dark qualities of such animals. Many remember from childhood that all vampires are portrayed in the form of a bat.

In fact, the bat is a fairly harmless creature. Yes, it bears some resemblance to ordinary gray mice, but lives by completely different rules. The creature feeds on insects and it is believed that in this way it relieves the gardens of bears and other plant pests.

Signs of surphobia

Musophobia (or surphobia) is always an experience and a great fear. This condition has its own symptoms, which are expressed in anxiety... Human behavior becomes unpredictable. He sees the smell of mice everywhere (it is quite peculiar). Small shadows flicker in every corner.

The phobia sufferer begins to look everywhere for traces of rodents, conducts a thorough cleaning of the room, throws out the food that, as it seems to him, mice were running around.

May manifest and more severe symptoms.

  • The patient tries to escape.
  • May start crying and hysterical. The frightened man climbs onto the table and chairs. It seems to him that this way the rodents will not be able to touch his feet.
  • Surifhobes experience panic attacks.
  • At the thought of rodents a sick person's pulse quickens, blood pressure rises.
  • There is a feeling of nausea or vomiting.
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath appears.
  • The skin either turns white, or become crimson.

When this condition occurs, you need to seek help from a specialist. He will conduct a thorough examination and prescribe treatment.

How to get rid of?

Any sane person should understand that it is necessary to get rid of phobias of various orientations as quickly as possible. You can do this yourself.

An experienced professional will tell you that psychoemotional symptoms intensify somatic ones. The more you are afraid, the more your body reacts to this fear. And then the most severe symptoms of fear begin, which were listed above. Your phobia can go on forever, and then you will need the help of a doctor.

But if you consider yourself a strong and strong-willed person, then try to eliminate your obsessive mood on your own. Yes, not everyone can control the emotional state. And even a person with a stable psyche, having received tremendous stress, can break down and stop analyzing his actions.

However, the same person, who has received a psychological trauma, can try to regain his strength, regardless of the circumstances, and teach his body to respond to neuroses and fears more calmly. Simple breathing exercises are suitable for this.

Start with the following exercises:

  • count to four and take a deep breath at this time;
  • exhale at five;
  • we do everything in a circle until the condition begins to improve.

You can choose another breathing technique that is more comfortable for you. It is important to remember that at the first sign of panic, you need to start breathing exercises right away. This practice will definitely help, it is not for nothing that it has firmly entered the whole system of phobia treatment.

Practices such as meditation, also helps in getting rid of musophobia. Nice music and a mood for inner balance will eliminate your negative emotions and direct your subconscious mind in the right direction.

Of course, not everyone can cope with this problem. And if your case is also neglected, then you need to take more serious measures. Consider situations when you need to see a doctor.

  • Your fears provoke symptoms like this which threaten health and even life. Long-term obsessive states can cause irreversible mental reactions and lead to serious physical illness such as heart attack or stroke.
  • Musophobia prevents you from focusing on your professional activities. If a person works with food, then it is difficult for him not to think about rodents. He is constantly afraid that they will harm people and spoil the food.
  • Against the background of all this, depression develops., apathy, thoughts of suicide, a breakdown appears.

    In any case, the help of a psychotherapist is needed here. There are several things that go into treating a phobia.

    • Cognitive behavioral therapy (psychotherapy) is used.
    • The course of the disease can be severe and usually results in extensive symptoms. Therefore, medications of various types are prescribed: depressants, nootropics, antidepressants (SSRI group), tranquilizers. But there is one caveat: self-treatment is unacceptable. Taking such serious medications without medical supervision can lead to dire consequences.
    • You need to eat right and get plenty of rest, exercise (so your brain will direct its activity in a different direction).
    • You can conduct hypnosis sessions.

    In any case, if you are afraid of rodents, you need to reduce the space around you, which will facilitate their spread.

    Keep all rooms clean. Living in the house, make a major renovation, eliminate spaces between walls where small pests can hide... Then you can be sure that the mice will not do you any harm.

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