
Heterophobia: causes and features of the disease

Heterophobia: causes and features of the disease
  1. Description
  2. Causes
  3. Symptoms and Signs
  4. How to get rid of?

Heterophobia has been talked about in the world quite recently. In the case when there is a rejection of people of the opposite sex and heterosexual relationships in general, they are not even talking about the disease, but rather about a phenomenon in society. Nevertheless, heterophobes often need the help of a psychotherapist.


If we decompose the word "heterophobia" into its components and analyze its origin, then in translation from ancient Greek we get the phrase "Fear of others" (others). The term does not always denote a mental disorder directly, it is often used to describe certain social processes, discrimination against people with heterosexual orientation.

The term first appeared in use in the 90s of the last century.

Homosexuals and lesbians are often heterophobic, who express hostility towards people with a traditional orientation.

The first mention of heterophobia is found in Eichel's book Kinsey, Sex and Forgery. Later, the famous rapper Eminem will write a song in which he will also sing about homophobia - Homophobic? Nah, you're just heterophobic.

You can look at heterophobia in different ways. But experts in the field of sexology and psychotherapy tend to believe that it is still not a disease, but a multifactorial hostility of one person to any manifestation of heterosexuality. And it's not only about relationships with the opposite sex, but also about aggression in relation to the classical and generally accepted way of life, familiar to traditional, heterosexual families.

Children, weekend picnics, weddings, divorces, family responsibilities, demands to give a woman a seat - all this causes extreme irritation in a heterophobe. And since traditional families, fortunately, still prevail in the world, the attitude towards them forms in the heterophobe a dislike for society as a whole and the rules by which it lives.

The heterophobe does not like his own gender, with which he was born, she seems alien to him, and also often in him there is a strong anxiety and irritation at the sight of everything alien, in his understanding, the norm, for example, at the sight of the homeless, disabled people.

Heterophobia does not belong to the list of phobias provided for by the international classification of diseases (ICD-10); it is not considered a full-fledged mental disorder.

But individual manifestations of heterophobia can be listed on the list of psychiatric diagnoses... For example, fear of men is called androphobia, and fear of women is called gynecophobia, and such mental disorders exist.

Heterophobes often experience fear of sexual intercourse, and in this case, the doctor diagnoses "coitophobia" and treats this very disorder. If representatives of sexual minorities suffer from heterophobic moods, then this may even be a mental norm for them, but in general it speaks of social discrimination.


The reasons that can lead to the fact that a person joins the ranks of heterophobes are numerous, and only one of them does not always take place, it is often the cumulative effect of factors on the psyche that affects.

People who have very little knowledge about sex and do not have the appropriate skills can become heterophobes.

A girl or boy who has not previously had sex, for which they were regularly ridiculed by girlfriends and friends, may well become heterophobes, since the very prospect of entering into a relationship with the opposite sex can cause them a state of anxiety, fear and rejection, hostility.

Often, heterophobia develops in people who are ashamed of their bodies (for example, in the presence of dysmorphophobia), suffering from inferiority complexes, as well as after a negative sexual experience, for example, after ridicule by a sexual partner, bullying, humiliation, rape.

In most cases, a negative event takes place in childhood or adolescence and is firmly fixed in the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person.

In men, the most common fear of relationships with members of the opposite sex arises against the background of a fear of suddenly losing a normal erection, doubts about their ability to please a woman... In women, the reason may lie in the characteristics of the first sexual contact - for example, if there was severe pain. The first sexual contact, which immediately ended in an unwanted pregnancy and subsequent abortion, is also dangerous from the point of view of the development of heterophobia.

In the case of homosexuals, it is very difficult to understand what came first - heterophobia first appeared or initially there was an attraction to people of the same sex. Both scenarios are possible.

Symptoms and Signs

If we are talking about supporters of same-sex love, then everything is quite obvious: heterophobic moods will break through with ridicule of traditional couples, avoidance of traditional sexual intercourse, demonstrative contempt for traditional marriage between a man and a woman, etc.

In other cases, careful observation will be required to "calculate" the heterophobe. What may indicate heterophobia:

  • a person sincerely and for a long time, and sometimes loudly, is indignant at the sight of a kissing couple on a park bench, at the entrance, on the street;
  • a person is extremely unpleasant (to disgust) couples who hug on the street, somehow demonstrate their relationship;
  • if love scenes occur when switching the TV, the person with disgust switches the channel or turns it off altogether;
  • a person does not have a permanent partner, he remains lonely, despite the fact that he looks good, is quite successful in his career, studies, has a social status;
  • a person with irritation rejects any signs of attention from the opposite sex;
  • he refuses to go to weddings and christenings of children to his friends, acquaintances, relatives, while he always finds good reasons that allegedly prevented him from attending the celebration.

Heterophobic men often develop erectile dysfunction, which is not caused by any medical reasons, diseases, infections. Heterophobes of both sexes are shy it is unpleasant for them to visit beaches, water parks, swimming pools, where people are almost completely naked.

In severe cases, a person develops aggression.

He can beat a kissing couple on the street, aggressively attack family neighbors only because the crying of a baby or the erotic noises of spouses behind the wall prevent him from sleeping.

How to get rid of?

In society, an hostile attitude has developed towards heterophobia, and therefore a person who notices the first symptoms of such a violation in himself is very ashamed to go to a doctor or psychologist, to admit this to relatives and friends. And this interferes with the timely disposal of fear of the opposite sex and relationships with them.

Very often, a man who suffers from heterophobia is considered gay, and this does not always correspond to reality, and a woman is credited with having affairs with other ladies, and sometimes there is not a drop of truth in this either.

But the fear that you might be suspected of belonging to sexual minorities somehow prevents the heterophobe from admitting the existence of a problem and asking for help. And while a person tries to hide his true moods and fears, hostility and fears, heterophobia progresses, and the quality of life of the heterophobe decreases. Meanwhile, the earlier you start therapy, the more chances you have to get rid of the disorder quickly and permanently.

Cognitive behavioral therapy techniques are used in the treatment given by psychotherapists. It allows you to establish the reason for the emergence of hostility to heterosexual foundations, relationships, traditions. The doctor helps to revise the wrong psychological attitudes and change them to more positive ones., which will make it easier and more tolerant to treat members of the opposite sex.

Shown as individual and group therapy, psychoanalysis, in severe cases - hypnosis and methods of suggestion. In addition, sedatives, sleeping pills, vitamins are sometimes prescribed.

Frigidity in heterophobic women and lack of erection in men with such a disorder are not treated separately. As the old psycho-attitudes are replaced by new ones, the problem of the sexual plan is solved by itself.

Helping yourself on your own, without going to a doctor, with severe heterophobia, is difficult, almost impossible, because controlling your emotions is very, very difficult... Moreover, without eliminating the root cause, cure is impossible.

The following video introduces the perception of the world by heterophobes.

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