
Fear of the future: what is it called and how to treat it correctly?

Fear of the future: what is it called and how to treat it correctly?
  1. What it is?
  2. Causes of futurophobia
  3. How to overcome fear?

Many people want to know what will happen to them in the future. For this they go to fortune-tellers and psychics. However, there are also such persons who are afraid to look into the future. Everything there scares them. It seems to them that troubles and misfortunes await all people in the future. These behaviors are called futurophobia.

What it is?

A rather specific problem has appeared in modern society - this is futurophobia (in a simple way, fear of the future). And I must say that for a reason, people have a certain nervousness at the thought of the approaching time.

People, or as they are also called "inhabitants", with primitive thoughts and consciousness have always been afraid and will be afraid of various changes. They need constant stability, and it suits them.

This behavior is associated with a reluctance to take responsibility for the consequences of actions taken to change the future.

Nowadays, the situation has become very aggravated. Perhaps this is how presentism affects people, which has not been completely eradicated since the days when people lived in the Stone Age. To be precise, presentism denotes a feature of the human psyche, where the past and the future appear to be identical to the present.

But the fear of the future, namely: futurophobia, includes complete rejection of ideas about what will happen next. When humanity was just developing, the problems of the future simply did not arise. There was only one present. Of course, then there was no other problem - futurophobia.

Besides, phobia from the coming future is caused by the decomposition of life traditions that are fading into the past due to the onset of progress... Many people understand that today's humanity has come to the point where uncertainty awaits it. Perhaps a completely different life will come, where you will need to completely rebuild your consciousness. And few are capable of this, and they have a very flexible consciousness.

The individual manifestation of futurophobia is expressed in the rejection of the problems associated with change, followed by difficulties. Here there is either a conscious avoidance of possible problems, or an unconscious one.

If we take a larger scale, namely: approach from the point of view of a particular society, then in this case, futurophobia can act in the form of collective infantilism. This manifestation has become common among many people who suffer from a decrease in the tone of psychosomatics, depression of consciousness and lack of confidence in their abilities.

Futurophobes experience depressive disorders.

Mass manifestation slows down the implementation of global projects and modern ideas. This is where the caveat is triggered: no matter how worse... People are afraid to think about progress for fear of man-made disasters. Some are tormented by the questions of self-destruction of all mankind. Instability in the world causes thoughts that lead to the development of a phobia. All sorts of financial crises bring the consciousness of the individual to the point that many begin to seriously think about a miserable existence in the near future.

Causes of futurophobia

Psychological factors affect the occurrence of physical diseases in a person. These manifestations are studied by the science of psychosomatics, which is called so because it is translated as follows from Greek: ψυχή is the soul and σῶμα is the body.

Futurophobia often causes panic attacks in people, and these, in turn, affect the general well-being.

Fear of the future is considered a symptom of obsessive-phobic neurotic personality disorder. Fear helps a person survive, but only when it is conscious. Unconscious fear interferes with living and feeling completely healthy.

The causes of futurophobia can be different. Let's list some of the most famous ones.

  • Imposing ideologies that promote the development of a military conflict. Many fear that the situation will spiral out of control, that inadequate leaders will provoke conflict, and an all-out war will begin that will destroy life on Earth. This phobia is associated with obsessive compulsion. Why think about such a future when there is a present. Wars between people have always been going on - sometimes for a long time, and none of them ended in complete tragedy. Humanity has always stopped in time due to the prudence of one of the opposite sides.
  • The mass media have a great influence on the development of psychosis. They act on the principle: the more negative, the more attention from the viewer. Therefore, one should not fall for the tricks of the media moguls, and even more so be afraid of the onset of a future life.
  • Today it has become very popular to seek advice and help from the methods of the occult.... Believing in the paranormal is not forbidden, but you need to do it without fanaticism. No one can predict what the future holds for us except God himself.
  • Modern society is distinguished by advanced thinking in the field where gadgets are present. However, many have ceased to be interested in the necessary information. Scientific arguments were exchanged for computer games. And this leads the human mind to a dead end. Consciousness revolts and is active in the form of various phobias, including futurophobia.
  • Many people get tired at work, sleep deprivation occurs. The brain perceives information in this situation in a completely different way. Therefore, hearing the negative on TV or on the bus, many begin to think out the situation, and the result is an obsessive state.
  • People expect something good from life. But it doesn't always work out the way it was intended.Negative events are taking place. They happen, and you need to come to terms with them. Do not think that these negative events will haunt you in your future life always and everywhere. Know how to rebuild your consciousness to a positive, and then you will not be afraid of futurophobia.

Futurophobia is also dangerous because it can lead to the development of schizophrenia.

As it was found out by scientists, this dangerous disease is considered a disorder of the whole organism as a whole... In social terms, futurophobia can cause irreparable harm because people with fear do not believe in the possibility of changing everything for the better and solving global problems.

    How to overcome fear?

    Any fear, including fear of the future, must be recognized, and then an individual analysis of this state should be carried out. So there will be more chances to overcome the obsessional state. To do this, answer yourself a few questions.

    • Why am I afraid? What question is it that prompts my fear of the future?
    • When does a phobia take on the shape of panic, and when does it "itch" in the mind like an annoying fly, and at the same time does not intensify or diminish?
    • When the future comes, what can I lose? Or maybe I'll get a lot more?

    This way you can see your fears, that is, look them in the eyes. Ask yourself these questions every day. You will gradually get used to your phobia. Habits can destroy even the most fervent feelings. The same will happen with your fear.

    To be effective, write all your answers on paper. Do this every day. Reread what you have written. When you get used to fear, and you stop experiencing anxiety, then perform the following ritual of final destruction: take all the sheets covered with writing and burn them with pleasure.

    When you start fighting the phobia, then in parallel you can and even need to do a few additional useful things.

    • By media... Make peace with yourself.
    • Sports. Exercise in the fresh air improves mood and wastes a lot of energy. It is this energy that you will not have enough to develop your fears. Muscle fatigue is more likely to cause healthy sleep than fear of some future that has not yet arrived.
    • Meditation. This technique will help relax your mind and drive away bad thoughts.
    • Listening to music. She should be calm and peaceful. This activity reduces feelings of anxiety.
    • Favorite thing... Sign up for a handicraft class. There you will acquire like-minded people, and communication with new friends will only benefit you.

      Remember, life is never without problems. They were in the past, they will be in the future. Accept this thought, insure yourself just in case, make an airbag. It can be multifaceted.

      Wise people say that life changes are always beneficial.

      They help you get rid of the burden of past problems and grievances. Therefore, you should not be afraid of change.

      In the following video, you will learn the advice of a practicing psychologist on how to overcome fear of the future.

      1 comment

      Thanks for the information.


      the beauty
