
Fear of childbirth: causes and methods of struggle

Fear of childbirth: causes and methods of struggle
  1. What is tocophobia?
  2. Reasons for the appearance
  3. Symptoms
  4. How to deal with fear?
  5. General Tips

Bearing and giving birth to a child is a logical continuation of conception and previous thoughts about the child. Nature itself commanded that man is the most intelligent creature on Earth. Unfortunately, a person does not put meaning in all of his life processes, including such important ones as his own continuation. As a result, childbirth turns out to be something unknown and disturbing, and if the perception of someone's negative experience is superimposed on this, then a real phobia to this natural process may develop.

What is tocophobia?

Excitement in anticipation of the upcoming birth of a baby is quite natural, as soon there will be a new person to whom you give life. But sometimes this pleasant excitement is mixed with unwanted anxieties related to the actual physical condition, frightening stories of friends or impressions from the media, as well as living conditions. This is especially evident before childbirth, when their dates are approaching. Anxiety can then escalate into anxiety and the birth process can seem intimidating.

Strong, inexplicable and overwhelming fear can result in a phobia. Anxiety about childbirth is called tocophobia.

Reasons for the appearance

Fear of childbirth can be due to various reasons.

  • Difficult previous childbirth... If a woman is about to have a second child, and the previous birth experience was painful or unfavorable, then it is likely that in the current one she will feel apprehensive. A negative attitude towards a woman in labor in the hospital can also cause fears associated with childbirth.
  • Lack of information. The unknown is usually alarming.And if a young woman, who is about to give birth for the first time, draws out disturbing information from everywhere instead of studying this issue deeper, then fears, driven by incorrect information, can cause fear of giving birth.
  • The physical state. There are a number of diseases that can actually complicate pregnancy and thus cause fear of pain or fear of dying in childbirth.
  • Living conditions... There are many reasons associated with the characteristics of the conditions in which a woman is to give birth:
    • raising a child alone;
    • negative attitude of the husband to the possible loss of the attractiveness of his wife;
    • material difficulties;
    • accidental pregnancy.
  • Experience of sexual assault. This is a serious psychological trauma that leaves an imprint on a woman's attitude towards pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Hormonal and physiological changes in the body. Changes in the process of bearing a fetus significantly affect the emotional background of a pregnant woman.


Here are some of the fears associated with childbirth.

  • Physical anxiety. This includes the fear of not making it to the hospital and that childbirth will begin at home, fear of pain, postpartum complications or deterioration of the child's condition, disruption of the labor process, the possibility of caesarean section, fear of death.
  • Experiences associated with the role of mom... A girl may be afraid of the emergence of serious responsibility, not to cope with caring for a child, to have time to do household chores, work. As a wife and her beloved, she may be worried about losing her form, deteriorating relations with her spouse.

    Usually, anxiety in pregnant women is manifested by anxiety, doubts. A woman can be often thoughtful, flinch from surprise, get irritated over trifles or be capricious, become demanding and “break down” on loved ones - all these are signs of inner tension.

    Pre-pregnancy fears can be amplified by new responsibilities. For example, a girl has an attitude that in no case should she become pregnant without receiving an education. If she finds herself in a similar situation, then she will be tormented by anxiety about the university she has not completed. A pregnant girl who watches TV shows with enthusiasm, listens to idle conversations, in which the experience of painful, difficult childbirth is most often discussed, shows her immaturity as a future mother and accumulates other people's fears.

    If the reasons are deep, which are difficult to share with others, the pregnant woman may withdraw into herself. She can experience her sadness alone, engage in self-criticism. With extreme depression, try to get rid of the pregnancy. With a true phobia, a pregnant woman has constant anxiety, depression, nightmares, and panic.

    Physiologically, tocophobia is manifested by dizziness, sweating, nausea, weakness, even fainting.

    How to deal with fear?

    To defeat fear of childbirth, you need to understand its cause. Accordingly, she chooses the tactics of overcoming the anxiety state.

    A woman giving birth for the first time is often frightened by the unknown. To overcome anxiety in such a situation, you need to find out more information about childbirth: read educational literature, consult with competent specialists, try to provide yourself with psychological peace and choose the environment of people with a positive attitude.

    Eliminate non-explanatory but scary information in the form of gossip, horror stories, and movies.

    A woman who is pregnant with her second and subsequent children, who has had experience of postpartum complications or fear of pain, also needs the advice of a competent specialist. It is good to study the literature on this issue yourself.

    It is also important to understand that preparation should include, among other things, an analysis of the internal psychological causes of the problem, because strong psychoemotional stress causes tension - muscle spasm, which leads to pain, tears, difficulty in fetal movement, and more. The decision to give birth has already been made, so try to trust natural processes as much as possible.occurring during childbirth, and mentally transform fear into a joyful expectation of the appearance of the baby. It will calm you down and help you relax.

    Approximately the same recommendations can be made for a mother who has a physical ailment that complicates pregnancy and childbirth. Your baby has chosen you, despite the illness, and is already preparing for birth. Therefore, you Replace fear with love and prepare properly with knowledge and deep faith in your natural strength and your child. This preparation will help you build confidence and conquer fear.

    Anticipation of childbirth can overshadow fear of negative attitudes in the hospital. If you can choose a maternity hospital, then visit different institutions in advance, familiarize yourself with their environment and rules, talk with the staff. Anyway, The attitude and the idea that the most experienced and humane obstetrician will take care of your childbirth will help to overcome anxiety.

    Of course, such visualization will not change the essence of a particular person, but your attitude will certainly respond to the staff, and when interacting with you at these crucial moments, they will heartily try to be just that for you.

    An accidental pregnancy can stress both a purposeful, ambitious woman, striving for self-realization in work, and an infantile girl who is not ready for motherhood. The opposite view of the situation will help to overcome anxiety. The child, already in your womb, needs your love and protection and looks forward to meeting you - the main person who will be waiting for him in this world. After all, the main purpose of a woman is motherhood. Acceptance of your feminine, maternal essence will dispel all worries and fears.

    Coping with the trauma of violence on your own is not easy. Psychologists or psychotherapists can help with this and offer appropriate treatment.

    The material side of the issue at the birth of a child is, of course, important, just as it is important for the child to have a father. If a woman is faced with material difficulties before childbirth or with the prospect of raising a baby alone, then such a situation cannot but upset the expectant mother, which adversely affects her and the child's well-being. To get rid of the fears associated with the conditions of raising a child, it is necessary not to get lost, but to involve all possible sources of help in solving the situation.

    You need to find out in the department of social protection what payments are due to pregnant women and women in childbirth; in the same place, ask if they have contacts of a social lawyer and, if necessary, consult with him about their rights; enlist the support of loved ones and tune in to the arrival of a new miracle in this world - your child. After all, what he most needs is a loving mother. And with love, any obstacles are surmountable!

    A girl who is afraid of losing her attractiveness should visit a school for expectant mothers, where she can get information on maintaining shape after childbirth. Exercising for pregnant women can also help build self-confidence. It is necessary to take care of yourself, but it is also important to remember that a man who has chosen you as a wife and future mother of his children lives more in the expectation of joy from the birth of a child.

    General Tips

    • If possible, attend courses for expectant mothers. Talking to professionals and other pregnant women will give you a sense of confidence and peace.
    • Remember that the release of the joy hormone during labor will naturally anesthetize pain.
    • Your attitude with love and care for your child, who already exists, will help overcome any fears.
    • It is important to tune in to a positive mood, even with an effort of will.You need to tell yourself that your child is your responsibility. This means that his and your destiny is in your hands. In every person, nature has enough strength to overcome any difficulties.
    • Your child already hears and feels you. Say kind words to him. Say that you love him and look forward to his birth.
    • Surround yourself with pleasant, gentle sensations. Take walks in the fresh air when you need it, eat healthy, pleasant food for you, get enough rest. Play classical music to calm you and your child.

    Excitement before childbirth is quite normal. Most often, anxiety before childbirth is manifested by irritability, resentment, or, conversely, a desire to withdraw from the world. You can overcome this condition by armed with useful information and calling on your sanity and a positive attitude as your assistants.

    For more information on the causes and methods of dealing with fear of childbirth, see below.

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