How to choose the shape of your eyebrows for a round face?

Hardly anyone doubts that the eyebrows are one of the most important parts of the face. Eyebrows make the look more open and attractive, and facial features - harmonious and beautiful. But finding the perfect eyebrow shape is not easy. It is important to consider the type of face, the age of the girl, and many other factors. Next, let's talk in detail about which eyebrows are best for a round face.

Features of a round face
It is imperative to correctly determine if your face is exactly round. To do this, check the compliance with the following criteria:
- the equivalence of the length and width of the face;
- the obvious width of the parts;
- smoothness and roundness of all features.
The cheekbones of chubby girls are not very pronounced, they diverge at a rather wide angle from the chin. At the same time, the correct shape of the eyebrows will help bring the round shape closer to the ideal - oval.

How to choose the shape of your eyebrows
To make the face too wide visually a little narrower, it is necessary to form a mandatory bend and break on the eyebrow line. It also requires raising the base and tip of the eyebrow. Such manipulations will help to visually stretch out the features and make the proportions narrower. For a round face, rounded lines that are curved at the outer edge of the eye are ideal, as well as ascending eyebrows with the tip raised above the level of the temple line. Eyebrows that look like a gull wing will also be a versatile option.

In order not to doubt the result, it is best to contact a beauty salon, where professionals will help you, or use a universal stencil, according to which you can make the desired eyebrow line for your face.
However, such stencils are not suitable for everyone, so you should be careful with them.

You can also make the correction yourself. To do this, you need to go to the mirror and take a pencil or thin brush with you. Draw an invisible straight line to the bridge of the nose and forehead from the outside of the wing of the nose. It is in this place that the widest part of the eyebrow should be, otherwise the expression on the face may turn out to be frowning and tired.
Next, you need to determine the point at which the bending of the line will begin. To do this, draw a straight line from the outer corner of the wing of the nose to the outer edge of the iris. It is important that the line runs along the border, and not through the middle of the iris, as the latter will make your eyebrows look old-fashioned and irrelevant.

To select the point where the end of the eyebrow will be located, you must once again draw the line of sight from the wing of the nose, but to the outer corner of the eye. All points found should be marked on the skin with white or any other cosmetic pencil. Even any eye or lip product from your makeup bag will work.
Pre-defined precise contour will help to avoid mistakes in the process of eyebrow correction, as well as immediately see the approximate result and understand how much you like it.

Common mistakes
Do not make your eyebrows too arched and arched - this shape will add even more roundness to the face, so this option should be avoided. Also, give up the straight line of the eyebrows, which will visually make the face even wider.

Correction and design rules
After you have created an approximate outline of the future shape, you need to start removing excess hairs. Take a pair of tweezers and pluck out all the hairs that are outside the contour line. Remove them in the direction of growth, avoiding breakage, as this will lead to unattractive blackheads that cannot be masked until the hairs grow back. Do not assume that the upper hairs should not be removed.
If they clearly interfere with your ideal shape and spoil the overall look, do not leave them.
Before using tweezers, it is important to disinfect the device and the skin to prevent infection and irritation.

Also, in the process of adjusting with tweezers, you need to constantly check the shape for symmetry. If the procedure for plucking hairs is rather painful for you, you can pre-prepare the skin and significantly reduce the painful sensations. For example, ice cubes are an effective way to cool the skin. Pre-steaming is a good alternative to cooling. A universal and safe option would be local anesthesia with a cream or special solution. However, before applying such drugs, you must make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the medication.
The width of the eyebrow directly depends on the natural density of the hairs. You should not make strings from the eyebrows - this has long gone out of fashion.
Moreover, thin eyebrows suit only girls with ideal face proportions, and are completely unsuitable for chubby ones.

How to dye your eyebrows
Eyebrow coloring will make them look much thicker, more well-groomed and beautiful. Moreover, pre-staining before correction helps to perfectly remove all hairs, without missing even the smallest ones. At home, staining can be done with paint or henna. If you use professional materials, you will be completely delighted with the result obtained, but working with professional paints requires a certain skill and knowledge.

On average, the result from staining with paint lasts for 2 weeks. Hair coloring with henna makes it possible to forget about eyebrow shaping for about 1 month. But it should be understood that both materials differ not only in the duration of the effect. So, the paint stains only the hairs, while henna also affects the skin, therefore, when working with henna, you should be especially careful and careful.
It is advisable to also outline the desired contour of the form with a cosmetic pencil before the procedure, in order to avoid trouble.
But in any case, you can always correct an unsuccessful result with the help of a special tool - a remover.

Eyebrow coloring with henna or paint can be done not only at home, but also in a professional beauty salon. In this case, the salon specialists themselves will select the ideal shape for your face and help you maintain it for a long time.
Another popular way to style eyebrows for a round or any other face is microblading. It is a modern and better alternative to tattooing. The tattoo made it possible to make a certain line of eyebrows for several years, but it was strongly noticeable on the face, looked unnatural and could turn black over time. Microblading is devoid of such disadvantages, since the technique for performing such a procedure involves drawing individual hairs. This allows you to achieve maximum naturalness of the result.

In addition to permanent makeup, you can also use regular makeup. This method requires a daily waste of time, but you can always create the shape of the eyebrows that suits you best without any problems. In addition, if you do makeup often, you will have a certain skill, and very little time will be required for coloring.
For a modern and beautiful eyebrow makeup, you will need several products: a pencil or eye shadow, a light shade corrector, a highlighter, as well as a fixing gel, wax or mascara. If by nature you have rather thick eyebrows, then in your daily makeup you can get by with a transparent or tinted gel. Simply comb the hairs with a brush, lifting them up and then gently styling them.
In the event that your eyebrows are asymmetrical, or in some places there are simply no hairs, you will have to use additional cosmetics. Consider two makeup options.

With the help of shadows
The shade of the eyeshadow should match your hair color or be about half a tone darker than it. Avoid shades that are too dark - it will look ugly. To work with shadows, you will need a thin beveled brush, usually sold with such decorative cosmetics. First, carefully comb the hairs up to understand where the shadows are missing. Then, with light strokes, draw lines that simulate natural hairs.
In the process of shaping, keep an eye on the symmetry of the two eyebrows. Next, take a concealer that is slightly lighter in color than your foundation. Apply it to the brush and draw a neat line under the brow, highlighting the tip. This will make it look as neat as possible.

The final stage of make-up will be to fix the result with a special transparent gel or wax. And to make the look open, fresh and expressive, apply a little highlighter under the eyebrow.
Important: Avoid a sharp eyebrow contour - it looks bad. When painting with shadows, a gradient should be created: the head of the eyebrow will be slightly lighter than the base and tip.
The darkest point should be the break point of the eyebrow, if there is one. This rule is especially true for a round face.

With pencil
In general, the rules of eyebrow makeup with a pencil are almost the same as the previous version. It is important that the pencil is always sharpened so that all lines will be neat and invisible.
If you are using a tinted fixing gel with a pencil or eyeshadow, it is important to make sure that the hair does not come out too dark.

For more information on adjusting eyebrows to fit the shape of the face, see below.