Short haircuts for a round face: what is right for whom and how to choose?

Short haircuts always look stylish and modern: teenage girls look older with them, and adult women, on the contrary, are younger, but they suit almost everyone. The main thing is to take into account the type of face if you decide to cut your hair short, because the geometry of the haircut is especially important at short lengths. From this article you will learn all the nuances of choosing haircuts for a rounded face.
Form features
A round face is a shape with chubby cheeks, a petite chin, and a low forehead. If you have just such a face, you do not need to additionally expand it and emphasize your cheeks. On the contrary, in order to achieve harmony, you should try to visually stretch your face.

Many types of haircuts can do this: it is important that the main lines are directed from top to bottom, and the shape gravitates towards a rectangle or triangle.
If you have a small chin, you should avoid trimming the strands at the same level with it. - with many styling options, such hair will visually shorten your face. In order for a low forehead to look good, you should choose bangs with care - the classic straight options are unlikely to suit you. Finally, you shouldn't do haircuts that open and accentuate your cheeks.

Fundamental rules
Many haircuts can look good with a round face, but it's important to pay attention to detail. Sometimes the same haircut can look harmonious or not very good, depending on the length or type of hair.
If you are thinking about a short version, check out the rules for emphasizing your face type.
- Try to open your neck as much as possible - this will allow you to visually slightly stretch your face. For these purposes, various cascading haircuts are excellent, in which the bulk of the hair is concentrated on top.

- Pay special attention to the strands of the face - negligence in their design should not be allowed, they must be carefully worked out and lie neatly. For example, a "debut" haircut is a good option - it implies framing the face in an arc, which perfectly hides the extra volume in the cheeks.
- Avoid very short haircuts with strands of the same length - this option for your face type can look casual and visually plump you.

- Usually round faces look very miniature, so you should not choose too voluminous haircuts - behind this volume, your facial features may be lost. For the same reason, you do not need to cover your face with massive bangs.
- Try to concentrate the bulk of the hair at the top, and abundant thinning can be done on the sides.

Common mistakes
It is also important to know about which haircuts are categorically not suitable for a round face. Usually the masters in the salons know how to adapt different haircuts for certain types of persons, however, it is useful for clients to delve into the details.
If you are going to have a haircut at home, it is especially important to carefully study the issue.
Pay attention to the main mistakes that should not be made.
- You shouldn't add extra cheeks. This means that it is worth giving up short strands that reach the line of the eyes, and also be careful with long, evenly cut hair that frames the face.
- Another common mistake is the extra volume on the sides. Often it turns out in cascading haircuts with insufficient thinning. This haircut option is especially dangerous for curly hair.

- Smooth straight bangs without thinning greatly reduce the face and make it even wider in appearance.
- A smooth cut of all hair to the same length is also a mistake when styling a hairstyle for a round face. Regardless of whether the hair is completely short or reaches 10-15 cm, you need to try to vary the length at least slightly.

Options and tips
You can choose very different stylish and beautiful haircuts for a round face.
If you cannot make a choice, use the options that stylists advise the owners of chubby cheeks and a low forehead.
- Asymmetry is an original, interesting and fresh solution that allows you to stretch your face and harmonize its shape. Asymmetrical haircuts can be both extreme and quite restrained, so everyone can choose the option to their liking. Both completely short haircuts and those that combine short and medium length hair can look good.

- A shaved temple is a bold and stylish addition to any haircut, which, among other things, will help and competently design a round face.

- A bob haircut is another extremely relevant option for a round face. In this case, the volume is concentrated on top, due to which such haircuts look very good. They are chosen by both older women and girls - "bob" has long become a classic of short haircuts and does not lose its relevance.

- Oblique bangs are a much more effective option for those with a round face than an ordinary straight one. Strands cut obliquely visually lengthen the face. Nevertheless, you should not make such a bang unnecessarily lush, so that it does not obscure your face too much.

- A filleted cascade is a good option for a round face, if done correctly. It is necessary to achieve maximum splendor of the hairstyle from above, and on the sides, on the contrary, remove excess volume. This haircut is best suited if you have fine hair.

- A pixie haircut can also be a good solution, because the emphasis in it is on the strands at the forehead.This will make your face look more harmonious. The haircut is suitable for both straight and curly hair.

- Ladder, debut and rhapsody haircuts also work well due to the fact that the strands of the face stand out. At the same time, it is important to choose the right length for them and correctly thin out.

- If you have perfectly straight hair, straight bangs may suit you, if it is as short as possible - 3-4 cm of hair will allow you to beat the shape of your face and create a stylish look.

How to make it short?
Many women want to get the shortest possible haircut - for some it is part of the image, while others want to heal their hair after damage or just spend less time on grooming and styling.
Short haircuts always look stylish. But if you are dealing with a round type of face, choose the shape of the haircut very carefully.
Consider the techniques for the most popular short haircuts that work for you.
The pixie haircut is a pyramid shape: on the sides and on the back of the head, the strands are made short, and at the top they are left long. You can comb them both straight and to the side. Consider the step-by-step instructions for performing such a short haircut.

- All hair is combed back and then divided using two parting. The frontal one goes from the forehead to the crown, and the radial one is carried out from one ear to the other.
- The areas above the ears on the sides are divided diagonally. At the bottom, the hair is either cut short with scissors or with a razor. It is necessary that the length of the hair decreases towards the back of the head.
- Then the strands are cut a little longer from above on both sides.

- At the back of the head, you need to take the hair in thin horizontal layers and cut it so that the length of the strands gradually increases as you move up - so the hair will repeat the shape of the head.
- At the crown, the hair is divided into two halves, pulled at a right angle and cut diagonally from ear to forehead. The length may vary depending on the effect you want.
- Strands of hair near the face require special attention - they need to be decorated very carefully. They are usually cut in a straight line.
"Bob" is one of the few haircuts that is recommended to be done at homeif you have any experience with scissors. This haircut is very simple, but also works great for a round face. The diagonal geometry allows you to accentuate the cheekbones and remove the emphasis from the cheeks. In addition, due to its simple, smooth shape, the haircut is perfect for women with small facial features: attention will be drawn to you, not to the hair. Performing the classic bob involves several steps.

- The hair is divided into seven parts: one at the crown, two near the temples, two at the back of the head and two near the neck.
- First, the areas near the temples are sheared. Hair here should go diagonally: the longest strands will be near the face, and gradually shorten them in the back direction. In execution, accuracy and precision are important.
- The areas near the neck should be cut equally short - sometimes even a razor is used.

- At the back of the head, you need to make a gradual transition so that the ends of the hair form an even arc. To do this, you need to take the strands horizontally and align them to one another.
- Finally, it's time to cut your hair at the top of your head. They must extend two diagonals from the sides and connect exactly in the middle. Here, the strands will be much shorter than at the temples.
"Debut" is a layered haircut, a distinctive feature of which is the special design of the strands near the face. They are cut in such a way that they bend around the oval of the face in an arc: it is thanks to this that the "opening" so successfully hides the cheeks. A short version of this haircut can be done by cutting the hair in a certain way.

- Hair is divided into four conventional parts: front, back and sides. Start cutting from the sides.
- On each side, you need to take the horizontal parts of the hair: just three layers are enough for the short version.Each top layer should be slightly shorter than the bottom. To make the strands look neat near the face, light thinning is done.

- The hair is then cut at the back of the head in the same way. It is important that the difference between the layers of hair is no more than a few centimeters - the minimum difference will allow you to create a neat shape.
- The crown is cut to the same length, pulling the hair at right angles in small strands, and then dividing them together. The length should be slightly less than the length on the upper tier from the sides.
- At the top and back, and you can make a slight thinning to remove excess volume - so the haircut will take on a beautiful rounded shape.
With or without bangs?
Straight straight bangs do not suit girls with a round type of face too: the horizontal line further expands the forehead. In addition, medium and long bangs cover a large part of the face, making it look wider in reality.

Nevertheless, these restrictions are not at all a reason to refuse a haircut with bangs.
You can consider all kinds of long oblique bangs. If you comb your hair to one side, you will create the necessary asymmetry and horizontal orientation of the hairstyle: this will visually extend the face.
An oblique bang can be successfully entered into almost any haircut that implies a gradation of length: it will not fit except for the classic "square", however, in principle, it is not recommended to do it for a round face. In other cases, an oblique bang is not only an actual option, but also very convenient: it grows back easily, and if you wish, you can always simply comb it back.

Very short arched bangs are another good option.
Due to the short length of the bangs, it will seem that your forehead is larger: for this, the strands in the center should be no longer than 3-4 cm. Due to the fact that the bangs will lengthen to the sides, you will slightly cover your face on the sides.
In combination with well-designed front strands in a haircut, this will give the desired effect and will harmonize the shape of the face.
If deliberate negligence is close to you, you should definitely try torn or profusely milled bangs.
Her idea is that shorter and longer strands will be layered one on top of the other. This will create an interesting effect, and, most importantly, the line will cease to be exactly horizontal, thanks to which the round face will look better.
A similar bang option is good to combine with a slight asymmetry: for example, on one side, the bangs can be cut short, and on the other, they can become longer and gradually turn into a hairstyle.

Nuances and secrets
Face type is by no means the only item that is important to consider when choosing the right haircut. Age and body type will also be important. Find out the secrets of the perfect hairstyle, depending on the totality of all the criteria, determining the most successful option for yourself.
Women over 50
It can be especially difficult for adult women to choose a haircut - creative unusual options look too youthful, and classic models add age. In addition, it is often on a round face that age-related changes become apparent quite early: after 40-45 years, you should think about a hairstyle that would hide your flaws and emphasize your advantages. Women over 50 want a haircut to harmoniously fit into their image, look modern, but at the same time solid and elegant.

It is worth giving up shaved temples and cropped bangs. - such options look bold and fresh, but are unlikely to suit middle-aged women. Consider the same is the shortened "bob" and haircuts based on it. "Bob" suits all types of hair, looks quite restrained and traditional, and due to the fact that the hair on the sides is cut diagonally, it visually lifts the contours of the face perfectly, allowing you to hide age-related changes.
In addition, a "bob" looks the best with long side bangs, which are good for a round face and give the hairstyle a fresh, informal look.

Curvy ladies
It is also not easy for overweight girls to choose a haircut. There are two basic rules to follow. First, the haircut should visually stretch the face, make it thinner and accentuate the cheekbones - all recommendations for a round face are especially important for you. Secondly, you need the haircut to blend well with your figure, creating a harmonious proportional silhouette. This means that it is better to give up sleek hairstyles and not choose options with the same length of all hair - you need additional volume.

"Cascade" and any other layered haircuts will suit you.
Thanks to the different hair lengths, they will create a lush hairstyle that will organically fit into the full figure. To hide the cheeks and outline the contours of the face, you need to be especially careful to work out the front strands of hair. Light thinning is suitable for overweight girls, creating the effect of deliberate negligence.
Smooth and strict hairstyles will rather emphasize your voluminous forms, and soft fluffy hairstyles, on the contrary, will not draw attention to figure flaws.

Almost any haircut is suitable for girls: the main thing is to take into account all the tips for a round face. Nevertheless, young people often abandon traditional simple haircuts that seem boring. Very often, girls prefer shaved whiskey or the back of the head, which can be successfully combined with pixie or bob haircuts. All sorts of interesting bangs are also relevant: although their choice is limited for a round face, oblique and very short bangs, with a certain styling, look bold and modern.

Very young teenage girls often want to look older, and a short haircut can help. For these purposes, you do not need to choose graduated haircuts or options that imply a diagonal geometry from the bottom up in the direction from the back of the head to the face. Better, on the contrary, when the strands of the face are longer, and the back - shorter: this allows you to additionally highlight the cheekbones and makes the face more mature. The classic "square" and a short ladder, which neatly framing the face, also look good.
Beautiful examples
Fashionable women's haircuts are very diverse. Before choosing, it is important to delve into all the details, think over its front and rear views. The choice should be based not only on the type of your face, but also on the condition of your hair, figure and even age.
If you haven't decided yet what short haircut you're ready for, consider stylish examples for inspiration.
- A bob haircut for short hair with oblique bangs is a very convenient option. Depending on your look, it can look both bold and traditional. In addition, such a haircut requires almost no styling: both curly and straight hair lie well in it. Finally, oblique bangs create asymmetry, which is important for a round face, and if you get tired of it, the length makes it easy to comb it back or just stab it.

- The pixie cut is suitable for a round face due to the fact that in the area of the temples the hair is cut as short as possible, and a small volume is created on top. This geometry of the haircut allows you to visually stretch the face and give it clearer contours. In addition, an unusual haircut looks playful and will make you look younger than your age.

- The debut haircut is suitable for those who like voluminous styling. It is also an irreplaceable option for owners of curly hair. The extra volume that a graduated haircut gives makes the face look longer. The main role in this haircut is played by the strands that shape the face: they are cut in an arc, which allows you to create a neat appearance, hide the cheeks and emphasize the chin.

You can watch a master class on performing a bob haircut for a round face in this video.