Round face contouring rules: step-by-step instructions and recommendations

A girl always needs to look perfect, wherever she is, be it everyday life or a special celebration. Those who are not satisfied with something in their appearance do not have to go to extreme measures and resort to the services of a plastic surgeon. It is enough just to learn how to use cosmetics correctly and hide problem areas with it. Many owners of a round face strive to visually make it better. In this they are easily helped by such a technique as contouring.

What it is?
This special type of makeup: it helps to remove imperfections and make any girl attractive. Contouring is usually used to hide a large nose, forehead, or full cheeks. But at the same time, they emphasize all the advantages of the appearance, make the face more beautiful and expressive. Contouring is "painted" with various cosmetics, both dry and liquid.
Of course, you should not get too carried away, because if you apply a lot of funds, it will look ridiculous and ugly. The whole contouring scheme is to visually reduce the size of the face. By playing with light and dark shades, you can achieve a good result. A well-done contouring will give the effect of a thin face.

Sculpting tools
Modern cosmetics manufacturers of the most common brands consider it their duty to produce complete sets of sculpting palettes. Previously, shades of different tones were selected that go well with each other.
However, with a huge selection of finished sets, not every girl is able to choose the cosmetics she needs.This or that color will certainly become ineffective. Therefore, you need to independently choose the colors for contouring under your skin. That is, choose three basic shades with which you can make beautiful face outlines.

There are different types of contouring cosmetics. Can be dry or cream. Dry include: powder, highlighter, eyeshadow or blush. Liquid foundation, makeup base or BB cream, as well as various cosmetic oils. They can also be used as a makeup base. All of these products are very useful when creating makeup. A blush can make a blush, and a highlighter can add a glow to the face.

Powder is needed in order to matte and remove shine after foundation. And the make-up base moisturizes well and protects the skin from all applied products.

What tools do you need?
You will need brushes to distribute all the cosmetics over your face. They will help you apply makeup evenly. If the brushes are good, then they will do all the work for you, thereby blending the entire contour.
Brushes should be of good quality, soft and fluffy, so that the villi do not fall out of the base, and when in contact with the skin, they should not cause discomfort.

You can also use a beauty blender. They come in different manufacturers and qualities, so you need to choose them with special care when buying. The beauty blender does a great job of blending and can also be used to apply foundation to your face.

Application techniques
Sculpting and contouring is a complex process, but everything can be learned, including these techniques. By practicing every day and performing the necessary actions step by step, you can master these techniques to perfection. There is one standard algorithm to learn.
- With the help of contouring, you can mask individual areas of the face or completely change the girl's face.
- Areas that are darkened will be less visible and will create beautiful indentations on the face.
- The darkest tone needs to be a natural color, it needs to match your skin color perfectly.
- A slightly lighter product is also required. You can use a highlighter, bronzer or shimmer. Such products are needed to highlight certain areas of the face.
- The bronzer is applied to the cheekbones, it makes them look more tanned and raised. The highlighter is applied just above the cheekbones and applied to the corners of the eyes.
- When contouring, pay attention to the area of the temples and cheekbones. Most often, these places are always darkened, this process is suitable for all types of faces.
- At the very end, it is worth applying blush over the contour lines. Blush will give a healthy complexion to the face.

Step-by-step instruction
Each girl is individual in her own way, each has a different face shape. Someone likes everything in their face, and they only support natural beauty, while someone has to hide flaws. If you are the owner of a round face and you don’t like something about it, it doesn’t matter. You can correct everything and make it look as if you did not apply any cosmetics.
- Prepare your face first by applying a foundation.
- Use a foundation or BB cream to even out the skin tone (while applying the products, you can use brushes or gently distribute the foundation with your fingers).
- The outline of the nose is done with a corrector; it is enough to draw two even dark lines on the sides of the nose (after applying, form a small beautiful nose).
- To make the cheekbones, you need to attach a brush so that you can draw a line from the ear and almost to the lips (be sure to pull in your cheeks and draw from one side and the other).
- The cheekbones are highlighted with a corrector, it darkens the area under the pits (do not forget that the part near the cheekbone should be pigmented, and near the ear - darker).
- To reduce the forehead, you need to darken the strip located near the hair, but be sure to step back about a centimeter from them.Fill in the space near the temples and work them out well (this process is important for those who find their foreheads wide).
- Next, it is worth highlighting the eyes, thereby darkening the eyelid areas.
- With the help of a highlighter, it is necessary to lighten the nose, the center of the forehead, the corners of the eyes, the area above the cheekbone and the area of the upper lip.

After that, you need to shade all the lines drawn, namely, dark and light. During this process, you need to carefully make smooth transitions between shades so that clear and bright lines are not visible.

It is best to start with light areas and smoothly transition to dark ones. You should contour the face with brushes, and you can blend it with your fingers.

Summing up, we can say that for a rounded shape, visual thinness should be created. Areas to be darkened take up more of the areas to be dimmed. This is the area near the temples, the lines under the cheekbones and the lower part of the chin. Be sure to highlight the forehead area, nose and tip, chin with a highlighter.
Observing the simple recommendations given above, any owner of this type of appearance can always look attractive.

For details on contouring a round face, see the video below.