Haircut "bob" for a round face: options and tips for selection

A haircut called "bob" in recent years has gained immense popularity both among celebrities and other women. This hairstyle is often preferred by owners of a round face. To find out which features of a round face can be favorably emphasized by a bob haircut and what types of it exist, read the materials presented in this article.

Who is it for?
In the process of selecting a bob haircut, you need to take into account not only the shape of the face, but also its features. To choose the right hairstyle, you should take into account a number of nuances.
- The degree of volume. In any case, such a haircut assumes the presence of volume, however, it can be performed to a greater or lesser extent depending on the chosen length. Remember that this property of a haircut can visually draw out a round face.
- Most women prefer to leave a parting on their heads. In the case of this option, it is recommended to make a side parting. Usually a bob haircut is asymmetrical, and a non-standard parting line can further emphasize all the unusualness of the haircut. You should not wear a straight part, as hair that is divided into two equal parts can accentuate the cheeks.
- Many chubby ladies complement this haircut with bangs. This is a perfectly valid option, but you should carefully calculate the length. Too long bangs can compromise the integrity of the haircut concept.
- Remember that a similar haircut can be chosen by girls with a round face, only if their curls are naturally straight. Unruly hair will be more difficult to style, it can look sloppy (which is unacceptable in a bob haircut), and curls can emphasize the volume of the face, which will look unattractive.
If you combine "bob" with dark hair, then it is better not to stop your choice on too gloomy monochromatic shades. It is better to do coloring or bring the dark tone as close to natural as possible.

Based on the variety of modern trends, different types of bob haircuts are distinguished for owners of a round face. Let's consider the most popular options.

The maximum hair length in this hairstyle is usually slightly below the chin. Please note that the strands on the sides of this haircut are the longest. In this case, the back of the head is cut rather shortly. There is also an opportunity to create additional volume on the crown and back of the head, and owners of a round face should not neglect this opportunity.

In order for the hairstyle to truly conceal the roundness of the face, it is important not to make it bulky along the cheekbone line. For this, the strands are often milled from the sides. In this case, the strands are not cut according to the standard scheme, but at a certain angle, adding personality to the image.
Younger people choose this option. It is even more than a standard "bob", visually lengthens the shape of the face. The maximum length of the strands usually depends on the wishes of the client, as well as the concept of the haircut and the original length of the hair. But it is worth remembering that in the case of a round face, the transition should be smooth.
An important feature of this type of haircut is the contrast between short hair on the back of the head and long hair on the sides. This effect perfectly accentuates the neck. To make a round face look proportional, it is recommended, as in the first case, to give volume to the crown and the back of the head.

If you have chosen this haircut option, then it is not recommended to supplement it with bangs.
Such a hairstyle will look very impressive anyway due to the long side strands. And bangs on a round face can only violate the concept of a haircut or overload the whole image as a whole.
However, extravagant chubby ladies can take an example from Cameron Diaz and cut bangs in addition to a bob. But remember that in this case it should not be straight, but go a little to one side. In this case, it is advisable not to make it too thick.

This hairstyle is quite difficult to achieve. Generally, the longer the hair is cut, the more difficult it is to discern the silhouette of a bob hairstyle. However, a skilled craftsman can create this shape even on shoulder-length hair. With this option, you can embody a more romantic image.

Other species
Stylists offer the following options.
- Some people prefer to combine two classic haircuts - "Bob" and square. This option is suitable for ladies who find it difficult to decide on radical experiments. In this interpretation, the back strands are longer than the front ones, but the overall silhouette of the haircut is made using the bob technique.

- Option "Page". This type of bob is quite short. She assumes the presence of straight bangs, like Mireille Mathieu. But the owners of chubby cheeks should not choose this option.

- Option called "A" assumes the presence of an oblique bang, the length of which is equal to the length of the middle strands. As a result, the hair framing the face in the forehead, forming a triangle or the outline of the letter A. This hairstyle can favorably emphasize the cheekbones.

For thick and thin hair
Not all women have hair in perfect condition and are naturally strong. There are both owners of heavy thick hair and fairly thin strands.
For thin hair, it is optimal to choose asymmetric haircuts. To achieve the desired effect and visually correct the structure of the hair, you must adhere to several recommendations.
- A haircut is best done in layers. This will help avoid strands with straight ends.
- Also try to exclude contrasts when moving from a longer length to a shorter one.
- It is important to lengthen the strands near the cheekbones. At the same time, they should be shortened at the back of the head.
- It is permissible to supplement the haircut with bangs. But it is important that it has the so-called torn edges. This technique will allow you not only to create a brighter image, but also greatly facilitate your daily styling.

If you are the owner of luxurious thick hair, then you need to take into account a number of other nuances when creating a bob haircut.
- For a round face, in this case, a very short type of haircut is suitable. It is especially suitable for ladies who, despite their round face, have prominent cheekbones. A short "bob" can emphasize them in a very beneficial way, while such a hairstyle is very easy to maintain.
- You can also use asymmetry, but in the case of thick hair, it is better to opt for a haircut in which one side is only slightly longer.

Styling and decoration
The ultra-short version of the haircut can be presented in two interpretations: smoothed hair is suitable for every day, and for a special occasion, you can slightly tousle the strands, while maintaining the overall shape of the hairstyle.
An important rule of styling with a hair dryer is the use of mousse: it is an additional tool for acquiring a hairstyle. It is necessary to first lubricate the comb with mousse, and then comb the hair so that the product is applied along its entire length.

To further emphasize the overall shape, the ends of the strands can be treated with gel. Also, a round comb will become an indispensable assistant when styling: it is able to most quickly give the hair the desired shape.
Chubby ladies can effectively highlight their chosen haircut with color. It is quite voluminous, but at the same time a "bob" will look airy in combination with streaked strands.
Dark strands can give your hair a crisper look. You can selectively accentuate the hairstyle with them, if this option corresponds to the general concept of the image.
To diversify the look, you can experiment with the parting. By periodically changing its direction, you can update your image and create different interpretations of the hairstyle.

For festive styling, use a perm. In this case, not all hair is curled, but only a few curls. But girls with a round face should not wavy a large number of strands, otherwise there is a risk of emphasizing their cheeks.

Various hairpins or invisible hairpins can serve as additional decorations both for holidays and for every day. Some even combine beautiful headbands with such a hairstyle.

Remember that the design of a haircut should not differ from the general image of its owner. Choose your styling and accessories carefully.
If you nevertheless decide to create a bob haircut on unmanageable hair, use a straightening iron and products with enhanced fixation when styling.

Thus, the "bob" is a versatile haircut that looks good on ladies with a round face. It is important that short, medium or long hair can be used as the basis for creating the shape, so everyone can choose such a hairstyle. If you correctly decide on the choice of a haircut, and also learn how to correctly design it, this will help you create a vivid and memorable image.

In the video below, you will learn how to do a graduated bob hairstyle.