Which bangs are right for an oval face?

With bangs, you can easily change your appearance. Sometimes a small strand of hair gives mystery, sometimes it makes you look young and gives a kind of romance. The main thing is to find your style correctly. What kind of bangs is suitable for girls with an oval face type, is it worth considering the length and structure of the hair - tips and recommendations in this regard are outlined below.
Before choosing your hairstyle and type of bangs, you should consider the shape and type of face. Today we will focus on the shape of an oval face. It is easy to identify this type of face. In this type, all proportions are close to the ideal as much as possible. That is, the length of the face itself is slightly greater than its width. Approximately one and a half times. In this case, the chin is narrower than the forehead, there are no strongly protruding cheekbones.

This form is considered ideal, due to which it has a number of advantages. For example, this type of face allows you to choose any hairstyle, no matter how long the hair is. Such types are short haircuts, long, classic and even asymmetrical options. In addition, thanks to the oval type, you can choose the ideal option for thick, straight, thin and curly hair.

Stylists are very fond of working with this type, since it is easier for them to choose a hairstyle, do makeup. In addition, almost any option suits this type of face. Let's figure out what types of bangs are most suitable for this type of appearance.

For a perfect oval, any type of bangs, from the classic to the non-standard, will do. It may well be straight, oblique, ragged, or arched.
Such types should not be afraid of new and unusual shapes, since their face oval is perfect and any type of bangs will suit them.

The most classic option is straight bangs.Remember only the image of the famous Cleopatra. It is about this type that we are talking. This option remains relevant to this day and never goes out of fashion. Thanks to this type of bangs, all ideal forms and proportions of the face can be favorably emphasized.

By the way, the classic version can also be divided into several types. This can be a short version, when the cut line is in the middle of the forehead. The longer version of the classic bangs is trimmed below the eyebrows. Such strands are made thick. There is also a torn option that perfectly complements various kinds of cascading hairstyles.

The option with oblique bangs can be safely chosen by ladies who are not afraid of something new and regularly follow fashion. This type is considered universal, because it is suitable not only for the oval type, but also for other face shapes. Usually, they begin to cut such a bang from one temple to the second, moving diagonally. There are slight variations here too. The shortened version is suitable for very short, almost boyish haircuts.
For the more daring and daring, you can choose a torn oblique bangs, which gives the overall look a certain boldness. There are also oblique layered options that are suitable for long hair.

Owners of an oval face type can safely experiment with their appearance and even try to cut a triangular bang. Not all girls can decide on such an experiment. This option is perfect for an oval face type if the hair is smooth and even. The triangle can be cut exactly in the middle, between the eyebrows, or you can move it to one side. It all depends on personal preference.

You can also safely choose options that are cut with clear geometric lines. Of course, only if the hair is perfectly smooth and even. The arcuate or semicircular shape was once very popular. And these days, many fashionistas prefer to choose this type of bangs, as it is great for an oval face.

How to choose?
Among such a variety of shapes and options, it is very difficult to choose one thing. In addition to choosing a bang for your face type, it is important to take into account the type of hair, hairstyle and length.
Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in recent years are increasingly giving preference to shorter haircuts, such as pixie. Short straight, torn short or oblique long bangs are suitable for such hairstyles. Also, girls with short hairstyles should try the multi-layered bangs. It will be unusual and fresh.

A bob-style hairstyle is worn by many women of different ages over the years. Long straight and short straight bangs are suitable for this hairstyle. It all depends on the length of the square. If the square is medium, then it is better to choose the long option. Oblique and torn options are also suitable for the square. In these cases, the length of the strands also depends on the length of the hairstyle itself.

For medium length hairstyles, it is best to choose oblique options. And it is worth choosing exactly long oblique bangs. Sometimes the bangs are cut almost flush with the total length of the hair. It looks stylish and harmonious.

For long hair, it is best to do classic or arched bangs. These are the best options. In this case, be sure to take into account the length, it should reach the eyebrows.

In addition, it is also important to consider the type of hair. For example, for thin hair, it is better to cut bangs from the very top of the head. Thus, you can not only update your style, but also make your hairstyle more lush and voluminous.
For too coarse hair, you need to choose a medium length option and in no case make it thick. If you do not take into account all these recommendations, then there will be problems with styling the bangs, it will constantly bulge.

For curly hair, only short options are suitable. For example, torn or oblique. In this case, it is important to lay the bangs on one side.In addition, owners of an oval face type and curly hair should remember that it is best not to choose thick options, give preference to more rare ones.

Hide flaws
Despite the ideal face type, nevertheless, sometimes you have to go to some tricks to hide small flaws. For example, there are options for girls with a high forehead - these are classic straight bangs or long oblique ones. In this case, it is important that the strand itself is as thick as possible. With a high forehead, it is better to refuse short options for bangs. With a low forehead, you cannot choose thick and long bangs, thus, the face will appear round and expressionless.

In the event that the nose seems a little long, then purely visually, you can correct this defect by choosing a torn oblique option. If you have big eyes, and you want to further emphasize their expressiveness, then you should pay attention to the option of a straight strand to the very eyebrows. If the eyes, on the contrary, are small, then it is better to refuse such an option. For girls with small eyes, short and light options are suitable.

If the facial features are large, then voluminous and thick bangs are perfect. Thick oblique bangs perfectly hide rough facial features, making them softer. And if the facial features are small and not very expressive, then you should choose one of the short options.

Stylish examples
Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity wants to be the same as the girls from the covers of glossy magazines. They are beautiful and stylish. Sometimes this beauty and style is given to them precisely by correctly styled and selected hairstyles. We will reveal a few secrets and give examples of some stylish options.

In addition to the fact that you will choose for yourself the version of the bangs you like, you need to be able to wear and style it correctly. For example, if you have chosen a long option, then sometimes you can use stylish hairpins, with which you can easily lay your bangs on one side and give yourself a new style and image. Also, the classic long options perfectly complement ribbons or various kinds of headbands. At the same time, you can always choose the color of accessories to suit your mood or style of clothing.

In order to lay straight bangs, it is enough that at the time of drying you pull it out with a special brush and slightly twist the ends inward. If your hair is curly, then it is better to use special styling products. Be sure to use mousse or foam to style side bangs. This will not only help shape your bangs, but also keep them looking perfect all day long.

Straight long hair below the shoulders, like Jessica Biel's, looks great with long, ragged bangs. This gives a certain lightness and carelessness to the image. Please note that this hairstyle option is worn almost without styling, everything is natural and very stylish. Also take a look at Kim Kardashian's hairstyle, who often opts for ragged bangs for her luxurious long hair. This option favorably emphasizes facial features and hides minor imperfections.

By the way, long bangs can always be divided in half, as Eva Longoria often does. This option is also suitable for loose and gathered hair.

Wavy long hair and sparse bangs like Liv Tyler look great. Pay attention to its length, it is just up to the eyebrows, which allows you not to focus on the fact that the face is oval. After all, many girls with an oval face are afraid that it looks too long and ugly. In this case, not too thick and straight bangs to the eyebrows save the situation.

Sienna Miller does not have very thick hair. Nevertheless, she knows exactly how to give her image lightness, beauty and unique style. A shag-style haircut, small torn curls and long bangs that perfectly emphasize oval facial features. Even if the cheekbones protrude slightly, such a bang will perfectly disguise everything.Plus, this type of bangs helps draw attention away from a slightly pointed chin.

Don't be afraid of short bangs and hairstyles. Pay attention to Ginnifer Goodwin who, thanks to her short bangs, perfectly hides her low forehead.

Many stars, thanks to the advice of stylists, choose torn bangs or classic options.
The advantage of an oval face is that you can afford anything. Moreover, knowing some of the subtleties and secrets, any hairstyle, thanks to the right bangs, can be made perfect.

For an interesting video about the perfect transforming bangs, see below.