Family look: features and overview of images

The general family style is called Family look. It conveys the strong cohesion of one family. This name means wearing the same clothes or accessories. Examples of uniform and harmonious images can be found in various photosets. Recently, the stylish trend has become popular in everyday life.

What it is?
Translated from English, family look means "family look". When clothes or some of its elements create a common style for the whole family. Things can have perfect similarity to each other or overlap with some details. This creates a harmonious ensemble for a married couple or for parents with children.
Family look clearly demonstrates kinship and nepotism. It hints to the outside world that this is one team.
The outfits do not have to be of exactly the same style. It is enough to put an emphasis on any elements of clothing.
You can also choose a specific print for all or combine colors.

Family Look is an American idea that was developed at the beginning of the last century. The cult of the family is very widespread in the USA. At that time, it was especially important, so the style was even in vogue. On the streets there were a huge number of mothers with daughters in exactly the same outfits.
Soon, the unusual style moved to the covers of fashionable gloss and holiday cards. Family photo sessions in similar clothes have become fashionable. This approach also attracted Russian citizens. Until now, the style has not lost even a share of its stunning popularity. It has long been no wonder to see an equally dressed family on a walk.

Even when family members have only identical shoes, for example sneakers, this is also considered a family look and looks incredibly stylish, making such people stand out from the crowd. It should be noted that a single style unites family members on a psychological level. It has a positive effect on family foundations and the internal atmosphere in the house.

How could it be?
To create a fashionable look, it is not necessary to choose completely the same clothes for all relatives. As mentioned above, it is enough to dress in the same style. This will become a common link in the chain of outfits for adults and children. Also, a good solution would be to choose clothes with a similar texture or in similar shades. And you can only hint at the relationship with accessories - caps, sunglasses, scarves.
The same clothes
The simplest and most ubiquitous option. He is often preferred by husband and wife and mothers with daughters. Moreover, parents with babies or adult daughters look equally advantageous. For maximum similarity of images, dresses or sundresses are sewn from one piece of fabric. The cut is also chosen identical.

You can dwell on some separate element in the image, for example, a T-shirt or sweatshirt. Or create a total look - tracksuits, pajamas, swimwear and swimming trunks, overalls, shirts or sweaters for the whole family.
The same clothes are not only interesting, but also comfortable. Children dressed in mini-copies of their parents' clothes are very touching. For your daughter, you can sew a dress like that of a mother, using the same fabric and identical style. You can even order a copy of one of Mom's jewelry. Or comb the baby's hair in the likeness of her mother.

The son will look very cute in a suit similar to his father's. In the same color as the parent. The look will be emphasized by the same shirts, ties and, for example, cufflinks. The image looks interesting, consisting of the same type of outfits for mom and son and for dad and daughter. The whole family can wear the same T-shirts and complement the similarity with trousers. Dad and daughter will make a cute impression by wearing similar tracksuits and almost indistinguishable pairs of sneakers.

One color scheme
If all members of the family want to dress up in this style, it is easy to combine with one color. Then it will immediately be noticeable that your company is not just together, but dearer does not exist.
This way of creating a general family style allows you to add more variety to the images: you can choose a dress in the color of your husband's shirt. And for the baby, choose a jumpsuit in the same color.

When choosing a color, a married couple is usually guided by the following criteria:
- he must be loved among family members;
- match the color type.
If the whole family belongs to the same color type, then everything can be considered successful!
You will have to choose beautiful tones from the preferred palette in accordance with the case.

If the spouses and children belong to different color types, the choice of neutral colors will help to resolve the issue. Those that suit most people: beige, vanilla, light graphite. To add brightness to the image, it can be complemented with accessories of the same color, for example, red.
Not all clothes may be the same color, but only the top or bottom of the set. It's important not to be afraid to experiment. Then you will definitely be able to stand out with the whole family against the background of others.

Prints and shades
An alternative option for different color types is to choose unifying shades in clothes or choose a single print for each.
It is acceptable that clothes for children and adults are different in style. The similarity of shades will allow the images to look harmonious and harmonious.
For a family look based on a generalizing print, stripes, peas or any other pattern are suitable. Mom will look spectacular in a striped dress next to dad in a striped jacket. T-shirts are suitable for children. Play with colors for a summer nautical look.

General details
Partially overlapping details of clothing look very interesting and more original.Not all things have to be the same, only a few. It is very convenient for both man and woman. A pair with the same accessories - caps, vests, shoes, goggles, or bags - looks cool.
At the same time, it is important to choose one style of clothing, be it a sporty, casual look or an option for going out, a beach look or something else.
A single direction, complemented by general details, is fundamental. With this approach, the family looks very harmonious, as the style direction suggests.

For photosets, sweaters with deer or something with a winter theme are often chosen. For the most avid fashionistas, the option of sewing a copy of your outfit for a pet or for a beloved doll of a little daughter is attractive. This option looks extremely touching and remains as a keepsake in the form of beautiful frames in the family album.

Why do you need a uniform style?
When a family chooses clothes in the same style, they wins by showing a common motive and mood.
Family look looks incredibly stylish both in the photo and in real life! This is a great opportunity to unite for the New Year, make a photo session at sea, surprise everyone with beach suits, walk outfits on vacation or for a special occasion.

We can say that this style is dictated by the desire to demonstrate unity and cohesion, a beautiful and successful attempt to distinguish the family from the background of other families. Choosing the same outfits is an exciting game that is especially for children who dream of being like adults in everything. And for parents tired of adult life, it makes it possible for at least a short while to feel like children.

Beloved daughter will be incredibly happy to dress up in a dress, just like her mother. And the son will proudly try on the same T-shirt as that of the authoritative father. Of course, we are only talking about small children. Teenagers don't like being told what to wear. They develop their own style, which should not be interfered with. Wise parents take this into account and sometimes even agree to reflect nepotism in detail.

In addition to the fact that you can create a common family style for yourself and your children, it is recommended to include your own parents in the process. This option is very relevant for a joint trip to the sea or a trip to the country. Of course, people of venerable age may react ambiguously to such a proposal. But most still accept the idea with enthusiasm. After all, this is an occasion to proudly demonstrate the connection with children and grandchildren.

Beautiful examples
The most popular is considered to be a family look with the participation of a mother and daughter, since girls tend to dress up more. Such games of mothers and daughters turn out to be touching, stylish and harmonious, attracting the views of others. In the same dresses, wonderful photo shoots are obtained. Identical girly outfits are perfect everywhere: for a city or sea trip, for any festive occasion.

The easiest option is to choose wardrobe items of the same type in the same shades. Let's say snow-white or bright sundresses made of light fabric for mom and daughter. Or dark trousers and light-colored shirts for the father and his precious heir.

The family look of mom and son is also very relevant. A parent usually selects a shirt (T-shirt) for her son in the color of her outfit.

Or he dresses in a masculine style, complementing the image with a shirt, tie, waistcoat, suspenders, dressing up his son like himself.

If you don't want to order the same clothes, you can try to combine the finished products. In a family wardrobe, there are sure to be items of the same or similar colors. There is only one rule - a single style should be read in a common bow.

You will find even more useful tips on how to correctly compose a family look in the video below: