Gel polish brands

Features and color palette of Pole gel varnishes

Features and color palette of Pole gel varnishes
  1. Expert opinion
  2. Varieties
  3. How to choose?
  4. Advantages and disadvantages
  5. Price

Usually, girls think that all nail gels are the same, but in reality they are not. They all differ in quality, cost and manufacturer. First of all, it is necessary to remember about the quality of the varnish when choosing and about its properties, and select it depending on individual characteristics and requirements.

Expert opinion

Many people ask themselves the question: which varnish is currently considered one of the best? Experts say that Pole gel polish can be considered optimal today, since it is quite viscous in consistency and provides a bright color to the base. It adheres well to the surface and can be applied even to an unprepared plate. But this varnish also has some disadvantages. Among them, the main ones can be noted:

  • dries quickly;
  • a small number of shades;
  • one bottle can be used for 15 coatings.

    It is recommended to choose such a tool only for a single-color layer and creating a manicure at home, which will give the nail plate shine and a beautiful look. Unusual compositions today have become quite fashionable and widespread, since a special formula is used in their preparation, which makes it possible for the coating to stay on the surface for up to 7 days.

    At the same time, chips or cracks do not appear on it.


    The specialists of the Pole gel polish developer company have been selecting its structure for a long time, as a result of which it was possible to obtain the ideal consistency of the product, which ensures reliable nail coverage. The products are packaged in beautiful bottles and have a convenient brush.In addition, they can last up to three weeks on nails. It should also be noted that these varnishes cannot be applied to the sawn-off plates, as the view will be ugly.

    Today all varnishes are divided into three main groups.

    Single phase

    These are the simplest fluids for applying and coating nails. They can be applied quickly and without problems to the surface, even with a lack of experience. A special feature is that various components are mixed in the varnish, which ensures a one-time application with the preservation of its structure for a long time. Such varnishes are usually preferred by girls who do manicure at home. It should be noted that varnishes of this group have an uneven and weak coating, unlike others.


    It is recommended to apply such substances on a prepared base, which will be pre-leveled and protected. In this case, the varnish will perfectly fit the surface, harden quickly and create a beautiful look. It can hold out for quite a long time without losing its characteristics.


    These fluids are used by professionals and consist of several components. After application, it is recommended that the protective film on the nail be treated with ultraviolet rays and corrected if necessary. Such a manicure is able to protect the nail plate from the negative effects of the environment, while it will look natural.

    How to choose?

    In this case, you cannot give precise advice on how to choose one or another varnish. Here it is necessary to proceed from the individual characteristics of the person, as well as the expected result or operating conditions.

    To work

    It is recommended to give preference to three-phase products, which, although they are expensive, can hold out on the surface for quite a long time, protecting it from negative influences. Those who use such a varnish will be satisfied with the result and will be able to attract the attention of others.

    But at the same time, it is also important to learn how to use this tool correctly, since it involves application according to certain conditions and rules.

    For beginners

    For those who want to do a manicure at home, you can choose single-phase products that do not require a special method of application and can not last long on the nails.

    For french

    It is recommended to use only high-quality compounds here, since improper application and poor quality varnish will immediately be noticeable and will become conspicuous. In this case, you can also use inexpensive varnish options, as long as they do not crack and freeze quickly.

    All these varnishes are today produced by various companies, and when choosing, it is recommended to give preference to well-known manufacturers who have gained popularity in the market. At the same time, the Pole company makes high-quality varnishes, and it is quite easy to find them.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    When using gels, both their advantages and disadvantages can be noted.


    • large palette of colors;
    • affordable cost;
    • protection of the nail from negative influences.


    When using varnishes, there is the possibility of some unpleasant moments, among which the main ones are:

    • before applying certain types of varnish, preliminary cutting of the nail may be required and, if such procedures are repeated constantly, this can negatively affect the health of the nail itself, and it will become brittle;
    • to remove nail polish, you will need to use special liquids that are also harmful to nails;
    • Poor quality varnish can negatively affect the plate, as it contains harmful components.

        But also among the negative points, some girls in the reviews write that Pole gel causes them allergies or irritates the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to initially check the varnish for compatibility with your body, which will help to avoid negative manifestations.Also, when applying varnish, it is recommended to avoid contact with surfaces with cuts or scars.

        Teenagers should also not get too carried away with the use of any gels or varnishes, since they are not dangerous in themselves, but with excessive use and constant removal, there is the possibility of damage to the nail plate, which can weaken the nails, especially for a young body. It is strongly not recommended to apply varnishes to girls under 12 years old.

        Pregnant women who are carrying a fetus should also refuse to use such funds.


        Most of the products that are on the market today are affordable and anyone can purchase them. But some of them are quite expensive and cost about 5-10 thousand rubles.

        Pole gel varnishes are located in the middle price category, the approximate price of a bottle is around 350 rubles.

        Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that any gel polish is a good and durable coating for the nail, which can protect it from negative influences, but at the same time it is worth following the rules of the application procedure and choosing the right varnishes, paying attention to their manufacturer and composition. At the same time, it is recommended to constantly look after your nails.

        Some positive properties of varnishes make them in demand among girls, but when using them, it is worth remembering the above negative consequences. It is better to contact a specialist when applying varnish, not to perform such actions yourself at home. Knowing these positive and negative aspects of varnishes, as well as their application features and dignity, each girl will be able to make the right choice and purchase this or that remedy and this or that formulation that suits her best.

        For an overview of Pole gel polishes, see the next video.

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