Gel polish brands

Vogue Nails gel polish: features and variety of shades

Vogue Nails gel polish: features and variety of shades
  1. About the brand
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Color palette
  4. Application and removal rules
  5. Reviews

The Vogue Nails company appeared on the market of manufacturers of manicure products relatively recently. But in just a few years of existence, it has already managed to gain its permanent customer base, attracting new ones every year. This is due to the fact that the domestic brand produces products of excellent quality at quite affordable prices. This article will tell you in detail about the features of gel varnishes of this brand and related materials, the advantages and disadvantages of nail products will be indicated, and reviews from professionals from the nail industry and simply lovers of high-quality manicure at home will be presented.

About the brand

The brand with the attractive name Vogue Nails is Russian. His motto is: manicure is not just a banal job, but a real hobby. That is why the creators of the brand decided to bring to life gel nail polishes that will be comfortable and pleasant to work with. To date, the assortment of the brand includes more than 150 different shades of gel varnishes and related materials, with which masters of nail art work. Moreover, every year the brand's specialists release new, improved colors of varnishes with all kinds of textures.

The most fastidious representative of the fair sex will be able to choose her option.

Advantages and disadvantages

Varnishes from the Vogue Nails brand are excellent value for money. The average price for a product is only 350 rubles, but there are also cheaper options. The company very often offers discounts, thanks to which you can profitably purchase the necessary funds.

Now let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of this product.

  • All brand products do not contain any harmful ingredients, which means that they are completely safe for the nail plate.
  • A large selection of colors, shades and textures allows you to bring any design to life.
  • The textures of the varnishes are very easy to apply. They are quite dense, do not flow during application and do not leave streaks after the procedure. Sometimes one layer may be enough to get a perfectly even coating.
  • Vogue Nails gel polishes are incredibly persistent, they can compete with expensive foreign counterparts.
  • Masters are also attracted by the reasonable price of varnishes. Many professionals and amateurs can easily buy an entire collection that won't hit the budget.

As for the shortcomings, they are insignificant. rather, they should be considered features that simply need and can be used to.

  • So, the brand's gel polishes are not the most comfortable brushes: they are slightly thinner than those made by more popular companies. Many craftsmen are not very comfortable working with them, although this does not mean at all that they refuse the brand's products.
  • Also, a small amount of varnishes, which is only 10 ml, can be attributed to small disadvantages. But on the other hand, it can be a plus, because the varnish can be used up before it deteriorates.

Color palette

In the assortment of the company, you can find a huge number of shades, which for convenience are located in various collections. In general, the palette of colors includes delicate, nude shades and bright ones - for every taste and color. Finding your own will not be difficult. Consider the main collections of gel polishes that may be of interest to you.

  • Premium Collection (a limited edition collection of about 50 trendy and soothing shades). Here you can find all kinds of varnishes, from nude and chocolate, to bright red, burgundy, purple and pale pink.
  • In the collection "Barbie Style" the most delicate varnishes with original names are presented. We recommend that you turn your attention to "Capricious Beauty", "Fashionable Thing" and "Graceful Doll".
  • Lovers of everything bright should take a closer look at the collection "In the rhythm of the dance", in which there are only 9 bright colors of gel polishes. Especially popular are Ballet, Tango and Samba. The colors are mostly reds, but there are also some purples.
  • The assortment of the brand includes stained glass varnishes of various colors.
  • Red, burgundy and scarlet shades are presented in the series "Taste of Wine"... The varnishes "Marsala" and "Abrau-Dyurso" are considered especially in demand.
  • Glitter varnishes to be found in collections "Magic Night" and "Bachelorette Party"... Especially worth looking at the options with gold "Lioness", "Party Girl" and "Tigress".
  • Gel polishes to create an effect on nails "Cat's eye" worth looking for in the collections "Precious Box", "Cosmos" and "Mysterious Space". Particularly original are "Evening Topaz", "Magic Amethyst" and "Noble Emerald", as well as other options, for example, "Mercury", dedicated to the luxurious glow of stones and planets.
  • In series "Zodiac signs" you can pick up a gel polish with a shade corresponding to a certain sign. The series "Beauty Contest" presents modern varnishes, which can be an excellent solution for creating a bright festive manicure.
  • Collection with title "Coffee break" will be able to please with "tasty" names of gel polishes and interesting, win-win colors for every day. Almost all shades are in nude, chocolate and milk tones. They are ideal for everyday bows.
  • You should also take a closer look at the collection of gel polishes. "Night Party"... Here you can find the most fashionable and juicy shades with catchy names. Great for trendy parties.
  • Collection "Autumn in New York" will delight lovers of calm shades on the nails.
  • Glitter varnishes are presented in the series "Shards"and mother-of-pearl - in the "Mother of Pearl" collection.

Also in the assortment of the brand can be found other thematic collections, for example, “Valentine's Day”, the highlight of which is the “Love Confession” varnish. Not a bad shade "Women's Secret" from the "Classic" series. But lovers of nude tones should pay attention to the shade "Fresh Watermelon". Ladies who prefer rich shades should take a closer look at the "Sapphire Pendant", "Frosty Pattern" and "Constellation".

All other collections can be viewed on the official website of the company and from trusted suppliers who sell original products of this brand.

Application and removal rules

When performing a manicure, many ladies make banal mistakes that can be completely avoided, so further we will consider the basic rules for applying and removing gel polishes using a classic example, and also get acquainted with other important points that can be useful in the process of nail design.

I would like to note right away that in a UV lamp, varnishes need to be dried for about 2 minutes, and in LED, 30 seconds are enough.

Let's consider step by step the process of applying gel polish to nails and their preliminary preparation.

  • Pre-washed and dried nails should be cleaned, the cuticle should be pushed aside with an orange stick and removed with nippers. It is very important to work with sterile instruments, even at home. Also, the nails must be filed, leveling the length and adjusting the shape.
  • Next, you should slightly file the surface of the nails with a soft nail file and buff.
  • The next step is to degrease your nails. This is usually done with a special tool, but you can use absolutely any one that contains alcohol.
  • Then you can start covering the nails with the base. The layer should be as thin and neat as possible. Do not forget about sealing your nails at the tips. Then comes the drying process. Its duration depends on the power of the lamp.
  • After the base coat has dried, you can start using the colored varnish. It must be applied carefully, starting from the middle of the nail, completely covering the plate, reaching the cuticle as much as possible. The free edge should also be sealed with color.
  • After the first coat has dried, a second coat can be applied if desired.
  • Then you should cover your nails with a top. It is very important to do this as carefully as you apply the base. After drying, the sticky layer of nails can be removed even with nail polish remover.

The manicure is ready. If all the steps were performed slowly and conscientiously, then the manicure will delight for a long time. But what about the withdrawal? In general, this process is not as laborious as it seems. To remove the gel from the nails, they must be wrapped in cotton wool soaked in a special liquid and wrapped in ordinary foil. You can also use nail polish remover. Thus, the gel polish will soften, and it can be easily removed from the nails by prying with an orange stick.

In salons, they often cut down gel polish from nails, but at home you should not diligently sharpen the nail plate with the first files that come across. You can only harm your nails and make them more brittle.


Most of the craftsmen and amateurs speak positively about the varnishes of this domestic brand. They confirm that the consistency of gel polishes is dense, they do not flow, moreover, the products do not have a strong and unpleasant odor. Affordable prices are also a big plus, which allow you to purchase a high-quality and original product without much damage to the budget. Almost all masters give 4 or 5 stars out of 5 Vogue Nails products, recommending them to their colleagues. The brand's products are especially relevant for novice craftsmen who still cannot spend money on more expensive options.

Summing up, we can safely say that gel polishes from the Vogue Nails brand have already been tested by time and do not need advertising, because they write extremely good reviews about them.

For information on how to properly apply Vogue Nails gel polish, see the next video.

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