Gel polish manicure design

How to use nail foil with gel polish?

How to use nail foil with gel polish?
  1. Features and varieties of foil
  2. Required tools and materials
  3. Preparing nails
  4. Step-by-step application technique
  5. Common mistakes
  6. Tips from the masters

The creation of gel polish made it possible to bring to life the most daring ideas of the masters of the nail industry. They often create the most extravagant designs. The shiny, sparkling design is a favorite among many women. It is performed on gel polish using special foil and tools. The technique of such a manicure is simple. You can make an original design using step-by-step instructions and professional advice.

Features and varieties of foil

To create a manicure in a fashionable metallic style, ordinary chocolate foil will not work. It does not have the required strength and elasticity properties. Special foil in rolls or sheets helps to create a wide variety of effects and patterns. All the necessary materials are easy to find in specialized stores, they are inexpensive. Therefore, such a manicure is done not only for a holiday. True, for a daily look, it is enough to highlight only accent fingers with foil.

There are many types of foil for professional use. Before doing a manicure, it is worth learning about the varieties and their features. The most difficult and original technique will require practice and skill. Easy nail design options allow you to make materials for beginners. Let's get acquainted with the possibilities and scope of application of each type of foil.


This is a fairly common type and is often used by professionals. This foil allows you to create any effects, patterns and patterns on the nails. They sell it in small sheets, from which the desired shapes are cut.To attach it to the nail, you will need glue, since the reverse side of the sheet does not have an adhesive base. Foil can take different forms, have all kinds of shades and patterns. In many cases it is holographic. And also there is a luxurious foil with embossing of various volumetric figures and patterns.


This type is simply adored by beginners, because it is easy to use and easily applied to everyone's favorite gel polish. This foil is often produced in the form of small rolls, from which small pieces are cut immediately before creating a manicure. A protective film on the surface helps to protect patterns from premature damage. She creates a beautiful complex pattern on the nails. The choice of shades and decorative effects is very large.


Foil of this type is more often chosen by professionals and used for complex volumetric design. It is quite difficult to work with it, since the material is fragile and requires careful handling. Designs using it are often made for special occasions. When the entire surface of the nail is completely covered, silver, gold or copper are often chosen.

A trendy mosaic pattern will complement the festive look. The peculiarity of such a foil is its convenient attachment to the sticky layer of gel polish. After drying and curing, it holds excellently for up to two weeks.

Potal is often considered a variety of crimped foil. This is gold leaf (real precious metal), applied in the finest layer. The material is expensive and very fragile. It is used by experienced nail service masters. It can be sold in the form of a booklet, where the sheets of potal are laid with material like parchment.


The most durable type of foil. It is produced in the form of a set of individual stickers that are attached to the nails with their adhesive side or set on special glue. This foil is mainly glued to the entire surface of the nail plate. Less often - cut out options for curly decor. When covering the entire nail after complete adhesion, the excess edges are carefully removed using nail scissors or a nail file.


This type is attached to the surface of the nail using preheating. The material is quite thin and plastic. Manicure is done with tweezers, straightening the heated foil on the nail with an orange stick. Thermal film is also loved by newbies in nail design for the ease of creating a spectacular manicure and ease of use.

One or another type of foil is chosen in accordance with the skills of performing an independent manicure and the features of the technique, the design of the drawing being performed. Often, marigolds in foil are supplemented with individual decorative elements or used as an integral part of a more complex design that combines various techniques. At the same time, a manicure with metal foil looks spectacular and extravagant in solo performance.

Required tools and materials

To create a manicure with foil, you do not need a large number of specialized professional materials and tools. Most of them are in every woman who at least once did her own nail design with gel polish. However, some specific tools will come in handy.

  • Any girl has a standard set of manicure tools. To create a design with foil, the kit is needed when preparing the nail plates (scissors, forceps, file, buff).
  • Orange tree stick. If you are not using it for uncut cuticle removal, it can be useful for working with different types of foil. You will also need tweezers to remove the foil from the package and apply it to the nail.
  • A pusher with a rubber or silicone soft tip for smoothing the foil over the surface of the nail.
  • Cotton swabs, lint-free material, coating remover, cuticle softener, toothpicks, blank paper.
  • UV lamp if you are going to do long-lasting manicure based on gel polish.
  • Degreaser for nail treatment and removing the sticky layer from gel polish (cleaner).
  • Base or colorless base to protect the nail from damage and penetration of chemical harmful substances into its structure.
  • Top for finishing, firmness and nail-tip sealing.
  • Gel polish of the desired shade and additional decor (if this is required by the idea of ​​design implementation).
  • The foil itself and the glue for it, if its application involves technology.

A high-quality bonding compound is sold freely in nail art stores. It looks like a tube of regular white varnish with a handy brush for spot or spot application. Its price is quite acceptable, and its use is simple. It does not need special drying devices and is fastened directly in the air. As it solidifies, the composition transforms from whitish to transparent. This indicator tells you to glue the foil.

Preparing nails

For a manicure with foil, like any other, careful preparation of the nail plates is required. Do not ignore this stage or treat it inattentively. The further appearance of the entire manicure and the durability of the coating will largely depend on its quality and correct execution.

First of all, it is worth removing the old coating and doing it as carefully as possible so that there are no traces left. If, nevertheless, something could not be removed with the help of chemical and physical exposure, further steps will help.

We make a hand bath with the addition of salt and any essential oils of your choice. We wipe our hands and grease with a nourishing cream. After that, we give the chosen shape and the desired length to the nails. It is worth noting that the foil design looks great on all types of nail plates.

An important final stage of preparation is the treatment of the nail with a buff to level the surface and degreasing the nail plate with a cleanser. And also be sure to apply the base and dry it well. Then you can start painting with gel polish and manipulating various kinds of foil.

Step-by-step application technique

Foil design has its own creation technology. It is not difficult to do such a manicure correctly if you follow the developed step-by-step instructions. Metal designs can be made with any type of foil. Glue part of the piece in the form of a pattern or cover the entire area of ​​the nail - you choose. After preparing the nail plate, we choose one of the many fashionable manicure options and proceed according to the scheme.

Transfer foil is the best option for beginners, which is convenient to use with gel polish.

  1. After the base coat has dried, apply the gel polish in one or two thin layers. Dry each of them separately under a lamp for at least three minutes.
  2. Cover the gel with a top layer on top and dry it using a UV lamp.
  3. Remove the sticky layer with a lint-free material and a cleaner. We do this carefully, with one or two light movements on each finger.
  4. We smear nails with special glue for transfer foil. You should wait until it dries. In this case, its color will change from white to transparent. It is better to work with each nail separately, rather than use the application on all fingers at once.
  5. Cut off a small piece of transfer foil, about three by three or five by five centimeters. If there is a pattern on the foil, you should initially think about its direction. The foil will be printed immediately, so it will be unrealistic to correct the pattern.
  6. You will need a pusher with a rubber end, with which the foil must be transferred to the nail with smoothing smooth movements. In this case, the movements will go from the center to the edges in order to avoid folds and creases.
  7. With a sharp jerk, separate the foil from the nail surface.If the technique is followed correctly, the transfer foil should print the pattern evenly and accurately on the gel polish layer.
  8. We do the same with each nail. Then we cover the manicure with foil with a top layer. You need to seal the nail so that the foil overlaps at the edges and always at the tip of the nail.
  9. After the drying procedure in the lamp, remove the sticky layer from the top coat. Fashionable manicure with foil is ready. For everyday use, you can glue the foil onto one or two accent nails.

Broken glass nail design is quite simple with minimal manicure skills.

  1. First, to create a pattern in the form of broken glass fragments, cut the non-tearing foil into pieces. They should be of different shapes and sizes. Usually they make triangles and irregular rhombuses, quadrangles, trapezoids. The smaller the details, the better they will lie on the surface of the nail, and the manicure itself will look more neat.
  2. After traditional care procedures, we apply two successive layers of bright gel polish to the nail. Dry the first layer in a UV lamp for 150-180 seconds.
  3. Dry the second layer for 25-30 seconds. The wet gel forms a tacky coating that can be used instead of glue. We glue metal "mirror fragments" on it. Press them with a soft pusher and dry them in a lamp.
  4. The final stage is a thorough covering of all elements of the manicure with the top. It is worth covering them so well with gel that not a single corner sticks out. Otherwise, they will cling to clothes, hair, and the manicure will simply be ruined.

Common mistakes

From beginners you can often hear an opinion about the difficulty of performing this type of manicure. In fact, most of the time they make common mistakes that lead to damage to the coverage. Compliance with the execution technology ensures the correct result. The choice of basic materials also means a lot. A high-quality gel polish and a suitable foil create a stunning decorative effect with an optimally selected method of application.

Often, girls apply too thick a layer of gel polish or do not dry enough layers. When using glue for fixing the foil, they are in a hurry and do not wait for the glue to dry completely, changing its color to transparent.

A high-quality, even coating is ensured by accurate application and precise distribution of the foil over the surface. Wrinkling or blistering is possible if the foil is flattened with great pressure or in one direction.

The instability of a manicure is most often due to the fact that the top coat was not applied correctly. It should completely overlap the foil throughout the entire area, and all ends should be reliably sealed with gel.

Tips from the masters

Little tricks and expert advice will help you create the right trendy manicure using metal foil yourself. Constant practice and work with a wide range of tools allows them to develop their own rules and fundamentals for working with this or that material. Take on board the tips of the masters and develop your own life hacks to create the perfect nail design.

If, at the end of the manicure, the nails are placed in a special lamp, then the use of foil glue is not a mandatory procedure. Also, it is often not used when applying foil to a sticky gel layer or to an unfinished base.

To make the coating fit better, you should choose to remove the old liquid without acetone and without additional oils. In addition, the nails must be thoroughly degreased.

A simple measure will help to save the drawing for a long time. It is necessary to apply a finishing clear gel on top of the coating every three or four days and cure it well in a lamp. Then fashionable marigolds will be protected from a wide variety of influences.

If there is no foil glue at home, you can use a sticky layer of gel polish for this purpose. To do this, apply it in two thin layers.The first one is dried in a UV lamp as usual. The second one is just beginning to polarize after holding it under the lamp for 25 seconds. Thus, we get a hard and sticky base for further application of foil or decorative elements from it.

Do not use PVA foil or universal glue for gluing. The consequences for manicure can be the most unpredictable. High-quality glue is inexpensive and helps you understand and track the moment when you need to glue the foil. Its white surface becomes neat and colorless. Do not rush, because a wet product, together with foil, can form ugly lumps, and the shine will quickly come off the nail. A good product will extend the life of your manicure by several weeks.

When creating a manicure, beginners are advised to use the technique of applying a pattern. This greatly simplifies the process of creating a manicure, reduces the time for its implementation. In addition, you can get a neat, effective and symmetrical design on all nails.

If you are taking your first steps in nail design, the transfer foil can result in a blurry pattern. It also happens that the foil collects in ugly folds or bubbles and slides off. If all stages of the work were done clearly and accurately, you should pay attention to the quality and compatibility of the gel and foil.

Failures in creating a metallic manicure can be associated with the peculiarities of the gel polish coating. Not all formulations from different manufacturers have the required characteristics, density and tack for gluing foil. Therefore, only experimenting with application to different substrates will help.

The question often arises about the durability of such a beautiful mirror-effect coating. It directly depends on the materials and raw materials used, compliance with all basic stages of work and on the skill of performing a manicure. When working with gel and using the base and top layers, carefully and gradually drying them, the manicure can remain on the nails in its original form for up to two weeks. If the foil is glued to a regular varnish, then the design will last about three days.

Before you start making this or that design, read the reviews of practicing specialists. Their advice will help you at all stages of creating creative nail art on your hands. Feel free to experiment with combinations, textures and colors. Choose quality base materials from trusted manufacturers. When buying multiple products to create one type of manicure, it is better to use a professional ruler. Preparations and coatings of the same brand will give a guaranteed successful result. Create unusual manicure options, be unique. Compliments and lots of attention will be guaranteed.

For information on how to make a manicure with foil for gel polish, see the next video.

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