Gel polish manicure design

Geometry with gel polish on nails: design ideas and step-by-step creation

Geometry with gel polish on nails: design ideas and step-by-step creation
  1. Peculiarities
  2. How to make
  3. Popular ideas

Beautiful pens are considered the second face of a girl, therefore, their appearance must be given special attention and constantly have a perfect manicure. Today there are many original options for decorating marigolds, but geometric gel polish manicure is very popular among the fair sex.

Despite the fact that this design is complex, it can be easily dealt with at home, having special tools and imagination for this.


Gel polish geometry on nails is based on drawing various geometric shapes and is a unique type of nail art that is stylish and chic. The main feature of this design is that it is universal and ideally suited to both the everyday and evening look of a girl.

Geometry can be done for any length of nails, but designs look best on short plates. On a small base, you can perfectly place patterns in the form of vertical stripes and lines. In addition, horizontal patterns or diagonals are often used, they help to visually lengthen the nails.

The geometry is convenient in manicure because it is easy to adjust it to any shape of the nail plates. Correctly selected lines can visually hide the flaws of the marigold. For example, vertical stripes lengthen them and narrow wide plates. As for the color scheme, in such a manicure, both a dark muted shade and bright colors are allowed. Well suited for geometry and long nails, they open up tremendous design possibilities and allow you to translate unusual ideas into reality.

When creating geometry, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • the drawing must be created from several colors; it is not recommended to use many saturated shades of varnish;
  • on short plates, wide lines of a dark tone and large figures are not welcome;
  • the main coating is best chosen in delicate and pastel shades;
  • the design can be carried out on nails, the length of the free edge of which exceeds 2 mm.

To successfully complete nail art at home, you must first apply a special coating. Experts advise creating geometry with gel polish, since it provides a clear image, lasts longer and is available in saturated colors. The only drawback of this material is considered only that it must be dried under a UV lamp (each color separately).

In addition, to get a beautiful design, you need to correctly combine shades, applying the rules:

  • tones of one color palette require clear boundaries, otherwise they will become monochrome and visually merge into one spot;
  • contrasting colors should be placed along the edges of the composition;
  • neutral tones (gray, beige, black, white) are used as dividers, as they go well with the entire palette;
  • use bright colors to paint randomly located shapes.

Geometric design is a great way to show your imagination, so when designing it, you should not be afraid of fresh ideas and constantly experiment. Thanks to this, the manicure will acquire not only a beautiful look, but also individuality.

How to make

Geometric patterns on nails made with gel polish are considered a real work of art and are in great demand among fashionistas all over the world. The technique for creating such a design can be as complex or simple. It all depends on the chosen composition and the method of drawing the figures.

As a rule, masters use the following materials and tools to perform geometry.

  • Brushes. They are suitable for a salon manicure, since it is difficult for novice craftswomen to work with a brush at home. Brushes are usually used to create simple and large shapes.
  • Dots. It is a pen with a metal tip that makes drawing easy. With the help of dots, the lines are drawn evenly, its attachments allow you to draw stripes of any thickness and shapes of different sizes.
  • A toothpick and a needle. They are used when it is necessary to draw thin lines. In addition, with toothpicks, strokes are conveniently performed and contours are corrected.
  • Self-adhesive strips. Designed for segmentation of plates and facilitate the process of drawing patterns.

Geometry can be created using various techniques, most often such directions are chosen for such a design.

  • Casting. With the help of gel polish and foil, you can create an unusual illusion of "metallic" patterns. Even simple figures in this design look elegant and luxurious. It is additionally recommended to decorate them with rhinestones and liquid stones.
  • Knitted decor. It is an embossed coating with the effect of knitted patterns. It works well for winter manicure. On a pastel background, squares, intertwining stripes and rhombuses are usually painted in the same color of gel polish. The main emphasis in design is on volume.
  • Stamping. It is considered the simplest drawing technique. For manicure, special metal stencils are used, on the surface of which geometric patterns are placed. The image is obtained original regardless of the color of the gel polish.
  • With scotch tape. In a similar way, you can quickly and easily design complex shapes and stripes. The base of the plate is covered with base varnish, then strips of adhesive tape are glued in those places where you want to create patterns. The marigold is painted in a different color, and the areas protected with tape remain unpainted and form the desired shapes with smooth and clear edges.
  • Overlay multiple layers. This technique requires a dense gel polish structure. They make out a single-layer coating, then cover it with a transparent varnish and superimpose other colors in such a way that patterns are obtained.

In addition, the geometry can be performed using stickers. For the "figured" design, they use the blanks already drawn by the masters.

To make unusual geometric nail art at home, it is important not only to have all the necessary tools and materials, but also to carry out the decoration correctly.

The step-by-step creation of a manicure is as follows.

  • First, you should decide on the patterns and carefully prepare the marigolds for work. To do this, they are given the desired length and shape, the surface is degreased and the cuticle is removed.
  • Then the plates are covered with a base and divided into segments using manicure tape or cut strips of tape. It is important to ensure that the adhesive sides are as tight as possible to the base of the nail.
  • The next step will be to paint the areas with gel polish. Compositions made in dark, silver and golden shades look beautiful. The patterned coating is dried under a lamp, the tapes are removed and the marigolds are covered with a fixative.

Popular ideas

Geometric design is considered the most fashionable not only this, but also the next season. To complement your image in an original way and stand out from the crowd with an unusual manicure, stylists recommend experimenting with colors and shapes of figures. An interesting solution is also the combination of geometry with other manicure techniques. Next year, the next nail art will become popular.

  • Lunar manicure. The peculiarity of this design is to emphasize the lunula area with a different shade, while triangles and semicircles will look beautiful on the base of the nail.
  • Triangles with stripes. A similar performance is well suited for both everyday and evening looks. For decoration, it is enough to apply several lines with gel polish in a chaotic manner with the same angle of inclination.
  • Chess. This is a simple pattern that takes a minimum of time to create. The base is made in black, and a mesh is drawn with white gel, consisting of three horizontal and two vertical lines. The resulting squares are colored in a checkerboard pattern. Instead of black and white, you can use other more contrasting shades.
  • Zigzags. Such a design looks gorgeous, it is created in the same way as a chess one, only in this case the shape of the pieces is different. To obtain zigzags, special strips cut from scotch tape are required.
  • Polka dots. The most simple yet effective design. Both large and small circles of different shades can be applied to the nail plates. This design is perfect for a romantic look. It is also recommended to decorate the nails with sequins, foil or rhinestones, this will give them expressiveness and sophistication.
  • Bricks. Multi-colored rectangles are quick to create but look amazing. For decoration, you must first make a white background and divide the plate into small squares, it is best to place them randomly. This will make the pattern more interesting. Each figure is painted over with colored gel polish, and the borders between the bricks are left white.

A manicure in this design is suitable for ambitious and courageous individuals who are not afraid to fantasize and express themselves.

  • Ethnic motives. The decor is represented by a combination of geometry with national ornaments. This composition is unusual and is chosen by those women of fashion who like to amaze others with their image.

For information on how to create geometry on nails using a stamping kit, see the next video.

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