Gel polish manicure design

How to paint on nails with gel polish?

How to paint on nails with gel polish?
  1. Where to begin?
  2. Instruments
  3. Coating materials
  4. What can you draw with?
  5. Popular drawings step by step
  6. Master classes and lessons
  7. Beautiful examples for inspiration

Today, the beauty industry has gone so far that you cannot surprise anyone with a classic manicure. That is why women of fashion reproduce amazing and unique designs on nails. At the same time, patterns are applied using various techniques and materials, one of which is multi-colored gel varnishes.

Where to begin?

You can also learn how to paint with gel polish at home, without resorting to the services of expensive salons.

It is important to stock up on the necessary tools and materials, as well as knowledge before starting work. To do this, it is enough to study various videos and master classes of the masters.


A basic set of tools needed for a gel manicure, usually consists of the following elements.

  • File with coarse abrasive for coarse polishing.
  • Buff for adding shine and improving the adhesion of gel polish to the nail surface.
  • Ordinary sewing needle. You can use a pin, it is more comfortable to hold. The needles help to draw delicate patterns, but you need to be careful not to scratch your nail.
  • Toothpicks. Unlike needles, they do not scratch, but due to their significant thickness, the patterns are less clear.
  • Manicure wooden sticks. By analogy with toothpicks, they are used to apply any large parts.
  • A set of dots with balls of different diameters. They apply dot patterns and curls.
  • Set of brushes. Professionals advise choosing models made from natural bristles.
  • Several sponges or scraps of sponge that are designed for creating gradients or mixing colors of different shades. Also, depending on the structure of the sponge, the manicure is given texture.
  • Cotton pads and lint-free wipes.

The minimum set of brushes should contain the following types.

  • Point. The pile of the instrument is collected at the tip in a pointed lance. During work, the brush is held vertically and only the very tip is dipped in the varnish. Initially, a point is put with it, and then a pattern is pulled out of it. The tool is needed to reproduce small elements, flowers and lace.
  • "Hair". The professional name is liner. The brush has a cylindrical shape. It is very thin, up to two centimeters long. As a rule, you need 2 liners: a long one for drawing lines, a short one for curls. Unlike a point brush, the bristles of this brush should be completely dipped into the varnish. The tool is indispensable for geometric patterns, floral designs and monograms.
  • Plain flat. The brush has a rectangular shape and is intended for obtaining gradient transitions, applying sparkles, acrylic powder, rubbing in and other decorative elements. With certain skills, she is used to draw various patterns in the Gzhel style or medium-sized floral ornaments.
  • Dagger-shaped. Similar in shape to a flat brush, but the tip is cut at a 45 degree angle. It is convenient for applying small or thin designs. The beveled brush is used to write hieroglyphs and other elements of oriental painting. Volumetric figures are also included in the zone of its possibilities. It is convenient for her to display "smiles" for a jacket and moon manicure.
  • "Petal". The shape is flat, cut on both sides to the middle, forming a thin tip. It can easily replace the point and dagger-like ones, since with the proper skill it copes well with tiny details, painting, sparkles and rubbing. For French manicure, the petal is also irreplaceable.
  • Fan. A very wide and flat fan-shaped brush is necessary for smoothing color transitions, creating abstract or landscape images, evenly distributing decor in the form of sparkles or powder.

In addition to natural brushes, manufacturers offer their silicone prototypes called shapers. For beginners, they are a more suitable option, since the gel polish does not spread on them, they are easier to wash, the hairs do not bristle over time. In addition, shipers are cheaper than natural tools, so they are not so pity when training.

Coating materials

The list of materials can be no less wide, but we will list the main ones.

  1. Degreaser. At home, you can use nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol.
  2. Base. This clear coat is essential for strengthening and aligning the nail plate. Also, the latest novelties contain various vitamin complexes.
  3. Gel polishes of different shades.
  4. Finishing top. The transparent tool consolidates the result, making it complete.
  5. Decorative details: sequins, rhinestones, foil, beads, acrylic powder.
  6. Stencils make the work of creating a manicure much easier. As a template, not only special purchased, but also made and improvised means are suitable. For example, for geometric patterns, you can use a narrow masking tape, and for an openwork pattern, a piece of lace or tulle.
  7. Adhesive for fixing decor.

What can you draw with?

Many novice masters are wondering what it is possible to paint on nails coated with gel polish.

It turns out there are many options for this.

Patterns can be applied:

  • ordinary varnish;
  • acrylic paints;
  • watercolor;
  • acrylic powder-sand;
  • shallac;
  • gel polish.

The most common remedy is varnish. It is available, varied, easy to use. To create the simplest design, you only need two shades - for the background and for the pattern. The downside is the thick texture of the gel polish, which makes it difficult for beginners to reproduce fine and small drawings. But in fact, this is a matter of technology, it needs to be worked out.

Acrylic paints are considered another recognized material for manicure. They are easy to use, fit better on the surface, have a wide color palette, do not crack, do not spread, and dry quickly. It is very easy to work with them, they do not need to be diluted with water. The only drawback is that they are quickly washed off, so they must be covered with a top fixing layer.

Unlike acrylic, watercolor requires the addition of water, so it dries more slowly. Watercolors make it possible to create landscape compositions, but they are difficult to work with. The technology needs to be worked out for a long time.

Popular drawings step by step

The demand for a certain type of drawings directly depends on the season. It's no secret that snowflakes are popular in winter, blossoming tree leaves and buds in spring, flowers and berries in summer, and autumn leaves in autumn.

Let's consider the algorithms for creating the simplest drawings.


The easiest way is to use dots. In this case, first, gel polish is typed on the ball and the middle of the flower is placed on the desired place of the nail. After a dots of a larger diameter, round petals are marked around it.

Petals can be painted with a brush, beveled or "petal" will do. To do this, you first need to put a drop, and then pull the petal shape out of it with a thin tip. Or start drawing right away, starting from the middle of the flower. The tip of the brush is pressed to the beginning and, without tearing off, they make a wave-like movement in the form of a semicircle, then the same is repeated on the other side. The result is an oblong petal narrowed in the middle.

Floral ornament is one of the most complex patterns in nail art. Therefore, you should exercise, you can even on a piece of paper. The better you master the instrument, the more accurate the images will be.

Not all masters can reproduce a high quality rose. But the simplest sketch can be done even with your own hands. This will require a spot brush or short liner. We start drawing a rose from the center. We dip the very tip of the brush into varnish and, holding it vertically, put a point, and draw a comma from it. We twist the next arcuate line in the other direction. And so in a circle several times, increasing the length of the arcs. That's all.

Flowers are sometimes painted not on a dried basis, but on a "wet" layer. In this case, the background does not dry out, they immediately begin to work on it with a different shade. Drops are applied at the location of the petals and gradually stretched with a needle, toothpick or thin brush. It turns out a kind of watercolor effect, since the gel polish spreads.

It is customary to glue rhinestones or beads in the middle of the flowers, which will enhance the decorative effect of the design.

Maple Leaf

Fall designs are often associated with colorful leaves. Maple variants are very often reproduced. There are many techniques for obtaining them, but we will consider the simplest one.

Before starting work, it is advisable to remember how it really looks. Experienced artists suggest that it is better to start with the centerlines, and the maple leaf has five of them, like fingers on a hand. With a needle, we apply five points, which will be the vertices, of which we draw the axes: one central, passing into a leafy stalk, two to the right and two to the left of it. We shape the vertices in the form of arrows - these will be sharp edges. Then you can work either with a medium-length liner, or with a thin brush, shaping the edge of the sheet with wavy lines.

After receiving the contour, further actions depend on the wishes of the master. The drawing can be toned or only the sketch can be left. Some draw internal veins on the sheet, while others do not.


Hearts are the favorite pattern of young girls. It turns out to be very simple to execute them, even beginners will cope with it the first time.

To do this, you only need a toothpick or dots, which put two parallel points at the location of the heart. The distance between them is equal to the width of the pattern.

Then, from each point with a sharp toothpick, pull the tails down to the middle and connect together. That's all, the heart is ready.

Geometry gel polish

Straight, wavy or broken lines, geometric shapes and points have always been popular among fashionistas. The trends of recent years confirm that geometric patterns are still in trend, in demand, and most importantly, they are easy to reproduce.

To get even stripes, it is enough to use ordinary masking tape, forming stencils for drawing with it. More complex templates are offered by manufacturers of manicure materials.

One of the elementary methods involves the use of narrow manicure tape with a sticky seamy side. The strips are glued to the base manicure in random order. Gel polish of the selected shade is applied on top. After drying the coating and removing the tape, we get a monochrome pattern with stripes of the base color. If you need a pattern of contrasting tones, then you should cover your nails with colored varnish before the tape.

Another way. Scotch tape is applied to the base according to the desired pattern. The resulting areas are painted over with gel varnishes of different shades. After drying, removing the stencil and fixing with the top, we get a kind of geometric mosaic.

Summer manicure

Summer models are considered another category of popular patterns. These include palms, fruits, berries. In summer, you can often find a manicure with a sketch of a watermelon or strawberry, ladybug or sunflower. Some prints are easy to create, others take some practice.

There is nothing difficult in drawing a palm tree. Any fine brush is required. The drawing begins with a drawing of the trunk from the hole of the nail plate. The line should turn out with a thickening at the bottom, thinner at the top and with a slope. Then a drop of varnish is applied to the top and palm leaves are pulled out of it in different directions. Usually 4 to 5 pieces. The jagged edge is best drawn with a needle or, if you have skill, with the tip of a brush.


With the help of brushes with gel polish, classic types of manicure are well decorated: French and moon. It is important to use manicure tools correctly.

The holes can be drawn with a dagger-like brush, and the edges of the French manicure can either be drawn with it, or with an ordinary flat one. For this, the tool is applied first from one side and the line is drawn to the center, and then from the other side, also to the center.

Master classes and lessons

Beginners, in order to learn how to reproduce drawings with gel polish, should improve their technique. It is not necessary to do this on false nails, to spend money on them, it is enough to paint with a brush on paper. Drawing should be smooth and clear.

You should not start with complex patterns, it is recommended to start with simple ones, such as dots, commas, arcs, geometric shapes, and then gradually complicate the patterns.

Consider several master classes in which individual simple ideas are decomposed in stages.

In recent days, stamping technology has become very fashionable, which simplifies the application of patterns on the nail. The name comes from the English stamping - stamping. In other words, silicone stamps with engraved sketches are used to reproduce the pattern. Consider one of the master classes on this method.

  • All tools and materials should be prepared first. It is better to choose a special varnish that has a dense texture.
  • Then, hands are placed in warm water with sea salt for 25 minutes to steam the cuticle and remove it easily.
  • Then each nail is processed separately: remove the old coarse skin, cuticles, hangnails. Give nails a well-groomed look.
  • Next, using nail scissors, cut the nails to the desired length and polish the cut with a nail file, giving the desired shape.
  • After that, the nail plates are thoroughly degreased with a special agent.
  • Then you can buff them with a buff to ensure good adhesion to gel polish and shine.
  • Then you can start applying the base. The entire surface of the nail should be completely covered with it. If you cannot distribute the product near the side rollers with your own brush, then it is better to take another, thinner one. After applying, the hand should be turned over with the palm up for a few seconds so that the product is evenly glass towards the middle, and then dried under a UV lamp.
  • The next step is color gel polish. The method is the same as for the base coat. The only difference is the number of layers. As a rule, 3-4 repetitions are enough for saturation, not forgetting to dry in a lamp after each.
  • After drying, the sticky dispersion layer should be removed from the last layer, for which either a specialized tool - clinser, or medical alcohol, or a medical antiseptic is used.
  • Next, they proceed directly to the design. A couple of drops of gel polish should be dripped onto a metal plate with a pattern and distributed with a plastic scraper so that all grooves and grooves are filled, it is better to remove excess varnish. Gently press on the plate with a silicone stamp, the sketch should be imprinted on it without smearing.
  • After the drawing is transferred to the nail: the cliché is applied to the nail surface and rolled from left to right. No unnecessary movements are allowed, otherwise the pattern will be disturbed.
  • All nails are treated in this way. The stamp must be cleaned after each.
  • If there are prints on the finger near the nail, they should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.
  • Finally, the manicure is fixed with a transparent top and dried.

Summer design workshop.

  1. Standard processing of nails, creation of a basic manicure. The procedure involves cleaning, shaping and shaping with a base coat.
  2. Creation of a jacket. French manicure in warm pastel colors: a beige base and a slightly pink smile at the tip of the nail. First, the background gel polish is applied, dried and processed with a cleanser. Next, a smile is drawn with a brush, processed according to the same scheme.
  3. Then they begin to create a chamomile pattern. With the help of a dots or an ordinary toothpick, yellow drops are applied at the locations of the daisies: one on the little finger and index finger, two on the middle and ring fingers. Typically, the pattern is placed symmetrically. Therefore, on two fingers on the hand, the daisies will be to the left of the center, on the other two - to the right.
  4. While the yellow is still wet, add a little brown on one side for saturation.
  5. With a dotted or beveled brush, paint the petals with white varnish, starting from the outside to the middle. On those marigolds where there are two flowers, it is better to make one of them a little smaller.
  6. The pattern is dried under a lamp and covered with a finishing top.
  7. If desired, rhinestones can be glued to the middle of the daisies to enhance the decorative effect.

Beautiful examples for inspiration

Design with drawings is always unusual and unique. It can be tailored to suit your mood, season, or style.

For example, lace and nets have always been at the peak of their popularity. Openwork adds tenderness and femininity to the image.

Monograms are spectacular and fit any style. They always attract the eye, and made in gold will add chic.

Chinese painting is amazing. This painstaking work can only be done by true craftsmen, but such a design is worth it.

Summer patterns are bright and optimistic. They cheer up with their warm colors.

Autumn landscape drawings are no less beautiful, striking in the brightness of colors. No blues are scary.

Winter manicure is surprisingly snowy, shimmery and muted soft, or warm, knitted and cozy.

How to paint flowers with gel polish, see the next video.

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