Gel polish manicure design

Fashionable autumn gel polish manicure design

Fashionable autumn gel polish manicure design
  1. New items and trends of autumn
  2. Actual colors
  3. Options for drawings and decor
  4. What's out of fashion?
  5. Examples for inspiration

Golden Pushkin autumn or rainy, slushy, inclement weather ... It doesn't matter, the main thing is the weather and comfort in the soul. In the period of the autumn breakdown, it is very useful to take time for yourself, update your wardrobe, change your image, and, of course, make a bright, original trendy manicure. Nothing cheers you up like the contemplation of beautiful, well-groomed marigolds on your hands. Therefore, you need to carefully understand what will be in trend this fall, and what is outdated and irrevocably out of fashion.

New items and trends of autumn

Manicure and fashion are inextricably linked. Fashion dictates its own rules and framework, it introduces trends and styles, chooses popular colors and shades, which is why, in order to know what will be fashionable on nails this year, you need to figure out what will be fashionable in clothes.

And the fashion for clothes today just blew up all ideas about style and introduced completely new, unpredictable trends. In the fall, heavy, multi-layered looks, huge down jackets of absolutely irregular shapes, long ponchos, coarse-knit clothes and, in addition, metallic clothes and motifs from the 80s, will come into fashion.

Fall manicure must match this sophisticated set of fashion trends., take into account all the trendy novelties, which means that it must also be difficult, breaking stereotypes. Such an extraordinary manicure can and should be done with high-quality gel polish, since, like plasticine, it can take almost any desired shape. Design options with viscous, multi-layered geometry, ombre, complex patterns, stretch marks made with an airbrush will come in handy.

Manicure with drawings based on paintings by Van Gogh and Edvard Munch, as well as any other "with meaning", is especially relevant.

Actual colors

Most of the fashion houses gave their preference to calm, slightly gloomy shades: all shades of gray, brown, beige, matte blue, blue-gray, burgundy. The palette of colors fashionable for the upcoming fall is huge, but they all have one common feature - they are calm, restrained tones.

Nude shades of varnishes are very popular now, and their popularity continues to grow. This fall will become the peak of the popularity of manicure made in this color, the most popular tones of this fall: ivory, olive, gray, beige, flesh. During this period, you should pay attention to the most classic options for nude manicure: classic French, reverse jacket, full coverage, supplemented by rubbing or a design of one marigold marigold, light, unobtrusive geometry and, of course, floral and leafy designs, which are better done in gold.

Red will also become popular again, but not all of its shades. Better to forget about the scarlet sails and venous blood. The trend will be terracotta with a shimmer of gold, matte and glossy burgundy, shades of wine red. This is dictated by the need to bring warmth and calmness to the look of girls, this is what the fashion trends of this season are aimed at.

Brown tones from light to darkest will be very popular. This warm color will become the most common base for complex, multi-layered designs, and it will replace other popular previously autumn shades such as orange and scarlet.

Manicure made in dark but calm colors will be in great demand. The most popular fall colors will be rich green in matte and dark green with an emerald tint in glossy versions. In addition to him, black manicure, dark blue and warm gray will return to fashion.

Options for drawings and decor

Today there are millions of options for nail design, but all of them can be divided into several groups according to themes: plant, animal, geometric, design options with complex painting, using stones and rhinestones, combined. This theme remains invariably popular; it will be in the everyday life of manicurists for a long time.

Among the many options for decorating nails, it is extremely difficult to choose one that will 100% meet the wishes of fashionistas, since there are so many of them that it is impossible to focus on something specific.

In order not to get confused in the sea of ​​options and choose the most relevant and interesting, it is worth understanding fashion trends and proceeding from this knowledge.

  • Animal motives in manicure. This fall, the priorities in the execution of animal patterns will slightly change. The drawings with owls and seals that were popular last year will be replaced by large predators. This season will be popular painting under the skin of a tiger or leopard, as well as the skin of a crocodile and cobra. It is better to apply such patterns on long nails, but do not abuse them, one or two nails on each hand are enough to give the image originality without making it cheap. In addition to these bold decisions, cute red chanterelles, sleepy pandas and, oddly enough, paintings with cows will be popular. Decor options for both the skin of a giraffe and with its image will be relevant.
  • Herbal nail design ideas. Autumn is the time of falling leaves, but this topic is somewhat out of fashion. Painting nails with bright orange leaves will not be very popular this fall. However, options with gold leaves are acceptable. You should not choose a drawing of one leaf for the entire nail. More relevant this fall will be the creation of a leafy design using stamps: you can choose patterns with many small leaves and transfer them to a calm monochromatic surface.

A more popular motif for this fall will be a vines design with delicate, delicate crocus flowers.

  • New items in geometric style. Autumn does not exclude geometric design from a number of popular ones, however, some adjustments will be made here. This season, the most relevant options will be with a one-two-ton design that has small details. Multicolor design will be out of place this fall. In addition, thin stripes will remain popular.

Design options with straight lines are best to choose the most restrained, minimalistic, in shades of nude.

  • The cage is back in vogue. In the fall, ponchos made of plaid fabric, like kilt fabric, will burst into fashion. Manicure design with such a cage will also be at the peak of popularity.

What's out of fashion?

At the same time, it is very difficult to say what has gone out of fashion in manicure, because many of us choose designs and colors not according to fashion trends, but according to mood and taste. We can definitely say that unkempt nails will finally go out of fashion this year. Girls may have their own opinion about injections, pumped lips, eyebrow tattooing and much more, but a manicure is what has become a sign of good manners and good manners. Today, a manicure is a must for every self-respecting girl.

Today, the fashion for too long nails is fading away, and with it the extension. Modern materials allow you to create delicate, graceful manicure on short nails, and at the same time, it is enough to strengthen them so that they become a little branch and become longer.

Too long nails have long been recognized as bad taste and a sign of the vulgarity of their owner. In the fall of this year, you should not chase the length of the nails, but pay attention to the natural shapes and length.

Despite the fact that autumn is a golden time, and not a time for despondency, one should not abuse exclusively "autumn" paints in manicure. Of course, you can decorate the nails with gold or orange patterns, but everything should be in moderation. Just a year or two ago, the fall trend was orange manicure or orange jacket, decorated with the same orange maple leaf. While it's fun and vibrant, the trend hasn't lingered in nail fashion.

Design options with umbrellas will have the same fate as decor with large leaves. Manicure with umbrellas will still be relevant for some time, but it is gradually fading away.

This fall, we will admit this option for nail decor, but you should not make too bright accents, you should opt for a not too flashy design.

Stones and rhinestones are undoubtedly beautiful and attractive. The glances of those around them are directed to the nails, shimmering with the glitter of stones. However, minimalism and comfort are in fashion today, and stones do not fit into these concepts in any way.

This is not to say that this fall it is worth completely abandoning manicure with rhinestones, but you should not get too carried away with them, a few small pebbles on one hand nail are enough to emphasize your individuality and not look cheap or vulgar.

Examples for inspiration

Based on all of the above, there are several particularly successful design options that will help you understand the direction in which fashion is moving. The most interesting and relevant options for this fall have not yet been created, but there are wonderful interesting examples for inspiration.

So, today there are already options for a checkered manicure that ideally meets all the requirements of the fashion of the current season: restraint, calm or dark colors, nothing more.

As animal skin designs are coming back into fashion, there are plenty of options out there, but not all of them will look appropriate this fall. In no case should you abuse these motives, you should limit yourself to a minimum of an animal in a manicure. ¶

A tour of the fashionable colors of the coming autumn can be infinitely long, but the main requirement of this season is calm shades of any color. The most popular will be: brown, emerald, burgundy, beige and other shades of nude. A single-color coating with any of these shades is enough to look as relevant as possible.

In order to complicate such a design, you do not need to come up with something too pretentious, one of the simplest, but most interesting ways of creating a design will come to the rescue - airbrushing.

How to create an autumn manicure is in the next video.

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