Gel polish manicure design

Wet gel polish nail design

Wet gel polish nail design
  1. Design
  2. Color spectrum
  3. Schemes
  4. Possible application errors
  5. Beautiful examples

Each new season brings with it many interesting trends in the field of nail design. Some of them are becoming especially popular. This is influenced, as a rule, by a combination of showiness of appearance and simplicity of execution. So the design trend goes out to the masses and flaunts on the fingers of thousands of the fair sex. A similar thing happened with the painting technique on wet gel polish. She quickly won universal love and recognition. We invite you to get acquainted with the different patterns that are performed in this simple technique.


Initially, floral motifs were present in the painting on wet gel polish. The new season has made its own adjustments and created many options for the popular coverage so that every girl can create a unique masterpiece on her nails. Multicolored haze, abstraction, butterflies or matte finish patterns are now based on a long-lasting gel.

All these novelties have one thing in common - the invariable technique of execution. First, the first layer of colored varnish is applied in the usual way and polymerized. Then the second thin layer is not dried, but a fashionable pattern is immediately created over it. Only when the lines and contours on the surface of the nails begin to leak slightly, the manicure is sent for fixation under the lamp. Professionals advise to choose a gel with a medium density for optimal results in order to get a good spreading effect.


This is the most commonly used design on nails. The floral theme is always fashionable and in demand at any time of the year. The most often depicted on the nails is a rose. The look of this flower is most suitable for working with wet gel polish technique. Luxurious indistinct petals seem to float in the air. The drawing turns out to be very interesting and voluminous.

To obtain a striking result, it is important to choose the right color combination., then the manicure will look trendy and attractive. As a rule, such a design itself looks quite catchy, so additional decorations are not required in most cases. Although rhinestones can also be used. And supplement individual nails with a metallized rub in to obtain a contrasting combination of techniques in one manicure.

To create a winter version of manicure, luxurious velvet roses are used. They are created using the same technique. Only the pattern of leaves and petals is immediately coated with acrylic powder after application. The effect is simply amazing. Keep in mind that this design does not use a top coat, as it will destroy the charm of a voluminous fluffy pattern.

Not only roses are painted on wet gel polish. Various leaves and blades of grass, twigs, cherry blossoms in a stylish blurry design are also popular. Various tropical fantasy flowers are also performed using this technique. The patterns come out in the avant-garde style - very fresh and fashionable.

Dots and circles

This is a very popular topic for beginners and those who want to refresh their image, but have not yet decided how exactly. This does not mean that you can only create simple designs. Having mastered the technique, you can create a wide variety of complex patterns and shapes on its basis. It can be butterflies, fashionable design for a reptile, figures of animals and fantastic birds, hearts - anything you like.

You can draw dots randomly over the entire area of ​​the nail or give them a clear direction. They are connected to each other or superimposed on each other. Any number of colors can be used in one manicure. Various visual effects are popular, from maximum realism (imitation of reptile skin) to free avant-garde in the spirit of impressionist paintings. Often a metal gel polish with a "cat's eye" effect is chosen for such a pattern.

To create such a pattern, it is most convenient to use a special tool - dots. It resembles an ordinary pen with a round metal or plastic tip. The tool is very convenient, you can adjust the amount of paint taken and the thickness of the stroke with the depth of pressure. Beginners are advised to choose a versatile tool with balls on both ends: small and medium. If you can't buy a dots, you can use an empty writing pen or a retro hairpin with rounded ends.

Marble manicure

Unusually fashionable in the last season, the design looks amazing and is very simple to create. Enough varnishes in two contrasting shades. Most often, they choose milk and black or malachite with gold. Thin veins are created with a contrasting (usually darker) color using the thinnest brush. You can take any other available substitute for a professional tool: a needle, a toothpick, and so on.

To obtain the most naturalistic effect, the stains are made as chaotic as possible, reminiscent of the natural pattern on the cut of a marble block. It is necessary to alternate more distinct lines with thin branches - branches.


This pattern will be appreciated by lovers of elegant solutions. If you are already tired of the usual lace design, mesh or veil, you should try a more modern version. At the same time, we choose gel varnishes of the most contrasting shade and the thinnest tool for drawing a picture that you have. Traditionally, you can use two colors: the base and the "cobweb" or even several colors to draw the weaving threads.

This also includes drawings based on various streaks and spirals. In the right color scheme, they are beautiful in themselves. It is also possible to create various fantasy drawings on their basis. The technology is pretty simple. Several parallel straight lines are applied to the wet gel one after another, several more at an angle to them. For a less distinct stylized drawing, you can use a fan-shaped brush. It only takes a couple of movements in two directions. A black pattern on a nude tone and golden threads of a cobweb on a deep black look very cool.


Here, your imagination is not much limited. You can take a different number of colors and various shapes. Use popular geometric patterns, children's scrawl blots, or Japanese yuki flakes. There are a lot of options for creating a unique design. Blurred outlines look very delicate, like the finest painting on porcelain. For a different effect, you can add accents of clear volumetric outlines in white or black to the pattern. At the same time, to obtain a stylish design, individual elements of the picture should not be strictly inscribed in the frames. It is better if the blurred edges go beyond the clear lines that repeat them.

To create a picture, you can use a variety of tools and tools at hand. The more chaotic and ill-conceived the lines and elements are, the more original the design as a whole can be. The advantage of such a manicure is that it does not require special skills for its creation and is versatile, since it fits different clothes and looks equally attractive on nails of any shape and length.


Imitation of seashells does not have to be done in a color close to natural. Although blue-green tones or noble mother-of-pearl in the painting are quite welcome. The drawing is carried out on the basis of the simplest elements - points. Dots will help to cope with the task qualitatively. With its help, several points in the shape of a circle are applied to the surface of the nail plate. The next oval of points is made with a small indent and a larger radius of coverage of the area. The points are connected together in a circular motion or in a spiral. To do this, you can use the same tool or brush.

Color spectrum

The popularity of certain shades changes every season. So, in the new one they use green emerald, shades of chocolate, black, gold, all shades of burgundy, deep blue. Sometimes, briefly forgotten combinations, for example, chameleon and black, return to fashion. At the same time, there is also a color palette, which is considered a kind of classic that never goes out of fashion. These colors form the basic basis for creating any type of manicure: white and black, pink and milky, red and blue.

Nude delicate shades are less popular in wet gel polish manicure. So that they do not get lost, you should select a very bright contrasting pair for them. Choosing a traditional combination or metallic color, you definitely can't go wrong. Deep purples, lavender, flashy fuchsia and coral are also trending. Various shades of gray can be used to decorate the background.


If you doubt your capabilities or have never created gel polish drawings, it is worth performing a simple technique step by step. The most popular among the fair sex are delicate feminine floral motifs. Rose is the queen of flowers and an exquisite attribute for decorating nails of any length and shape. You can draw a flower using the following instruction.

  • Preparing nails for a primer. We remove the old coating so that not a trace remains. We make a warm hand salt bath with a temperature of about 40 degrees. We remove the cuticle as you usually do.
  • We choose the pattern and color of the future coating. They should be in harmony with the shape and length that you give your nails.
  • We level the surface with a buff and degrease.We cover with a primer. We lay out the tools for creating a pattern on the table.
  • Be sure to cover all your nails with base gel and dry them under a lamp for 1-2 minutes.
  • We take a colored gel polish for the main background and apply it in a thin layer, after which we send the marigolds for polymerization. Next, we work with each finger separately, with fastening after each pattern on the nail plate.
  • We cover the nails with a second layer of varnish. On it, without drying it, we put dots or a brush with dots, which we gently, with one slight movement, pull into the petals of a flower or any other pattern.
  • If necessary, add additional decor to the still wet layer.
  • Let the gel polish drip a little. In this case, the picture may mix somewhat with the main background, interesting color transitions are formed. This process takes about 10 seconds.
  • Dry the resulting drawing under a lamp for 3-4 minutes. Cover with top and remove the sticky layer. Do not forget to carefully cover the end side of the nail with gel and finish.

Possible application errors

It is very rare that even beginners complain that they did not succeed or that the design on wet gel polish was unsuccessful. Basically, errors occur at the initial stage of creating a coating or when choosing a tool for creating a fashionable manicure. Often, girls choose the wrong quality of gel polish. It shouldn't be too watery to run off the nail. However, a thick varnish will be the wrong choice: it will not be able to create the desired spreading effect.

It is best to choose coatings from one manufacturer or special varnishes designed to create the desired spreading effect. Then you can get good quality and predictable behavior of the gel polish. Often, masters create an insufficiently high-quality dense main background. You need to apply at least two layers. At the same time, each is applied as carefully as possible, drying thoroughly and applying quite thinly.

When creating a drawing, movements should be clear. Smearing or drawing several times along the same line is not allowed. We immediately make free strokes from dots in the form of straight lines, various zigzags or "commas". Sometimes novice craftsmen remove the sticky layer from one of the coatings before applying the wet layer. This should not be done. It provides the desired spreading and optimal adhesion of the gel polish layers to the nail plate or to each other.

Beautiful examples

When creating your own popular design, study trends and follow the advice of experts when performing the technique. Use contrasting colors of gel polishes. Feel free to experiment with color nuances and shapes. Create your own unique manicure with impressive fashion design.

  • Such an original design requires two colors of gel polish and a toothpick or a thin brush for its implementation. The actual color sets the tone. Manicure suits any style of clothing.
  • Various lines and points serve as an excellent basis for drawing in different styles and thematic directions. Such a positive summer manicure with grapefruit slices is obtained on wet gel polish.
  • Delicate monograms and curls are created in the classic tones of milky blue Gzhel painting. Manicure for real esthetes.
  • Only a couple of accent nails can be done using the wet painting technique. The darker and deeper the background, the more bold the image appears.
  • Graphic streaks work well on short nails. The current color of milk chocolate is suitable for a discreet manicure in the autumn-winter season.
  • Tired of the familiar drawings? We make a unique pattern. The ambiguity is only welcome. These are original flowers or stylized hearts - everyone sees what is closer to him in mood.
  • Roses in the technique of painting on wet gel polish are just like living roses. Actual colors don't go out of style - black, white and red are favorites. If you want a little more luxury - add rich green and gold.
  • It is not difficult to create a fashionable effect of natural stone or granite stains just like on a real mineral. It is important to choose the right color combinations.
  • The simplest drawings can carry several trendy motives at once. Fashionable geometry, a combination of classic contrast, popular Asian themes in yin and yang symbolism look unusual.
  • Within the framework of one manicure, you can combine several different motives for painting. They are united by a single technique of performance. The combination of colors of a peculiar shade range has also been successfully chosen.

For information on how to correctly design nails using wet gel polish, see the next video.

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