Gel polish manicure design

How to apply for a manicure with rubbing in gel polish?

How to arrange a manicure with rubbing in gel polish?
  1. Peculiarities
  3. Materials (edit)
  4. Design
  5. Application technique
  6. Errors
  7. Chips
  8. Beautiful examples

Among manicure trends, rubbing remains in particular demand and popularity. This technique is simple, and the hands become attractive and unusual. Interestingly, in the home, you can create a fashionable design yourself. And how to do it correctly, read our article.


Rubbed manicure is a fairly simple and effective technique for creating fashionable "nail art". With its help, nails can be given an additional gloss, shine, while not limiting your imagination. Decor is done using gel polish.

This technique has a number of advantages:

  • the most important advantage of rubbing in is to enhance the glossy shine of the top coating;
  • observing the technology of the procedure, you can increase the durability of "nail art";
  • creative design will give zest to your hands;
  • allows you to create a varied and unique decor of nail plates;
  • rub-in is well suited to color gel varnishes: by applying the substance to the appropriate shades, you will get a completely different effect;
  • does not harm the coating, as it is rubbed into the gel polish;
  • you can implement such a design even without experience: the decor does not require additional skills;
  • the design is optimal for short and long toes.

There are also some disadvantages of the technique.Doing such "nail art" for the first time, it is difficult to calculate how much glitter is required, and gently, evenly distribute them over the nail surface. To do this, lay a piece of paper so that the shimmer does not cover the entire workplace.

As you gain experience, you will learn to control the consumption of the substance, you will not waste too much pigment.

If you are not afraid of possible difficulties, then you can safely proceed to the embodiment of the planned decor.


In professional stores, various options for rubbing are presented. An individual pigment has its own structure and gives a specific color when combined with different gel polishes.


This option looks stylish, bold and interesting. The shade of the rub is obtained from the gel polish on which the substance is applied. It can be silver, white, copper. Such nails are distinguished by a mirror shine, attract the attention of others.


It is actively used to embody romantic and gentle images. The fingers will become more feminine and attractive. "Nail Art" can be used for celebrations, as well as for everyday wear. Looks quite stylish on nail plates of different lengths. To create a pearly effect, use lighter shades of varnish. It is good to use white, pale pink shades.

Brighter colors can be used. Often they complement such a manicure with rhinestones, stickers or drawings.


The interesting name of the rubbing justifies its appearance. Fascinating overflow effects attract the attention of lovers of creative decor. This option should not be confused with the Northern Lights. May beetle is characterized by warmer and softer shades. The rub is easy to apply and also easy to remove.

northern Lights

This option is similar to the previous one. It differs only in the color of the overflow. Often they are blue, blue, purple shades. For such a rub, you should use a gel polish of the appropriate tone.

Better to use purple, blue colors.

Yuki Chameleon Flakes

Such a rub has a completely different structure: it has thin plates of different sizes. They should be handled with care using air movements of the fingers. Yuki is Japanese for cereal. Their main feature is that at different angles of illumination, they change their shade. There are many ways to apply these decorative elements.


This design is for women and girls who love to shine in the truest sense of the word. Such a pigment has a bright shine, consists of the smallest particles. They shimmer in the sunlight with all the colors of the rainbow.

Perfectly decorate such a "nail art" evening look.


This rub is similar to the holographic version. The difference lies in the smaller shining particles that are part of the substance. They make the coating even and solid, so that a single particle of gloss cannot be seen.


This option is a kind of mirror. Features include a metallic effect that adorns your fingers in style. It feels like the nails are made of steel.

Such a manicure is quite effective, fashionable and creative. Brave girls choose him.


This option is suitable for romantic people. This pigment is based on three rubbing: pearl, holographic, "northern lights". This combination allows you to create a fabulous effect on your nails.

"Liquid diamond"

This option will allow every lady to shine with a metallic sheen. It is worth noting that the structure of the rub in can be very different.

Despite this, the pigment will adhere well and create the desired effect.

Materials (edit)

You don't have to queue up at a beauty salon to make your hands look attractive and stylish. You can create a creative "nail art" yourself at home.To do this, you should visit a professional store and purchase the necessary elements to translate your own ideas.

First of all, you will need gel polishes of any shades that you like. With their help, you can give the rub in a different tone. Be sure to stock up on a base, top-end coverage.

They must be of high quality. The durability of the entire manicure will depend on this. The polymerization of the coating will take place using an ultraviolet lamp. Do not forget about other tools with which the cuticle is removed, the shape of the nails is formed.

Based on the desired design, choose the appropriate rubbing. It should be applied either with your fingertips or with a special applicator. The first option is preferable for those who are just starting to master "nail art", as it allows you to control the force of pressure, evenly distribute the pigment. You will also need a large fluffy brush to quickly remove excess material.


Initially, you should choose the design that you want to implement, select certain tones of gel polish and the desired rub. It is noteworthy that mirror options will look spectacular and bright on a black base. Try options with other colors, rubbing in on white, red, pink backgrounds. It is best to use the right pigments here. Pearl, iridescent, "prism" and holographic glitter are also suitable. The different tones allow the surface to play in a new way.

If you like dark blue, gray gel polishes, then you can use Indigo Mirror Rub. She looks mysterious, stylish, irresistible.

Great for special occasions and social events, while doing it easily and naturally. Fingers in blue, beige tones can be decorated with a pearl version or use the "May beetle".

It is not recommended to make such a design on transparent varnish, since there is a possibility that the particles will not acquire the proper shine, as when combined with a colored coating.

However, you can experiment and come up with different negative space designs using brown, yellow, green varnishes.

Application technique

Rubbing is easy and simple to use. The pigment application technology, supported by step-by-step instructions, is described in detail on the global network. It is important to follow each step in order to get a positive result.

  • First, you should pay attention to the hands. It is necessary to prepare a steaming bath, preferably with herbs. After that, fingers should be well processed. There are many ways to remove cuticles. The most commonly used orange stick, which can be gently pushed back and removed the skin. Be sure to use a skin moisturizer.
  • After that, you should go to the nail plates. It is necessary to give them the desired shape. They can become round, square, sharp. It all depends on preference, design and finger length. This is done with a nail file. The surface of the nail plate is polished with a buff. This removes the top shiny layer. Do not press hard or rub with an object. The procedure is performed with light movements so as not to damage the surface of the nails.
  • After the fingers have been processed, the nails must be degreased using a special tool. This will completely cleanse the nail plate from microparticles, and it will be ready for further design.
  • Take a primer and apply it gently to your fingers. It is worth waiting a minute for the product to dry. The substance effectively disinfects the nail plate and increases the durability of the manicure.
  • Now it's the turn of the baseline coverage. It should be applied slowly in a thin layer. Be sure to seal the butt end of the nails so that "nail art" will delight you for a long time. After that, the hands are dried in the lamp for several minutes (it all depends on the power of the device).
  • Next, you should take the selected shades of gel polish.Apply them in the same thin layer, starting from the middle of the nail plate and then painting over the side areas. Each layer is dried separately in a lamp.
  • The next step will be the design itself. You need to remove the sticky layer and rub in the selected pigment with a brush or sponge. Don't use too much force. The surface needs to be polished, as it were. You can do this with your fingers. It is much more convenient to distribute the shine this way. Don't forget the area around the rollers so that the color is even.
  • After you have finished using the rub in, you should take a wide brush and thoroughly sweep out the remaining glitter by brushing your finger.
  • Then you can use the top. Gently apply a coating to the nails and dry it in a lamp. If you want to find a more saturated shade, then you can rub in again and apply a protective coating, drying it.

This is how quickly they make a stylish shiny design on the nails, which conquers everyone with its originality and unusual overflows.


Many women get upset if they fail to create a radiant finish on the first try. Experienced experts advise, first of all, to choose high-quality elements for the embodiment of "nail art". The result and durability of the manicure depend on them.

Remember that the particles of the rub-in are of different sizes. They are large, like flakes, or resembling the smallest dust. Consider this fact and choose the right option for your own design. Large particles may not adhere well, and fine dust will take a long time to dry.

Pay attention to the base. It is on it that the adhesion strength of the coated nail surface depends.

The rub on the nail plate must be dried so that it does not stretch behind the top, leaving bald spots. A manicure should be neat and attractive.

When rubbing in, step back slightly from the cuticle area and lateral ridges, otherwise the pigment will remain on the skin and "nail art" will look unattractive. It is worth distributing glitter with a brush with natural soft bristles. It is she who will allow the substance to optimally lie on the coating. Small particles of pigment will always rub in better and give an effective result. You can use rubbing in different sizes, which will look stylish and unusual.

Before starting all work, you should prepare in advance tools, materials, as well as all possible devices that you will need. For the execution of a high-quality manicure, it is important to create a perfectly flat and smooth surface of the nail. Mirror and other types of rubbing emphasize all cracks and bumps. This is why it is important to do thorough preparatory work with your hands. Only then can the perfect nail art be created.


Often applying gel polish and making creative designs, girls complain about chips that appear literally after the day the decor was created. This can happen for various reasons. Firstly, this is due to non-observance of the technology for creating a manicure, and, secondly, with ignorance of how to apply the rub in correctly.

Nails have a significant impact on quality design. If they are loose, exfoliate or bend, then pay special attention to their preparation. Be sure to use a base or reinforce them with acrylic. There is also an individual intolerance to various materials. Of course, such a phenomenon is quite rare, but it does take place. This manifests itself in the form of allergies, there may be exacerbations in the spring or during various diseases.

When you have done a manicure, it is highly undesirable to wet your fingers for the first day, as well as to do physical work using chemicals without using gloves. This will inevitably damage the surface of the varnish. In addition, a poor-quality cosmetic product can cause chips.

Check the expiration date of all products so that later you do not experience negative emotions.

Beautiful examples

It's no secret that rubbing today is a popular and fashionable attribute for decorating nails.With its help, you can create many interesting and unusual designs.

Monochrome coating

Some people think it's boring. But not with shiny particles. They are the highlight of this design. The rub can be applied to all nails at once for a brilliant, dazzling result. You can focus on one finger if you're not ready to experiment yet. In any case, such "nail art" will delight not only you, but also those around you.

We place accents

This option involves the use of shine on only a few nails. You can start with pastel colors for a soft glow in your fingers. You can also successfully decorate your nails with different designs.

It is important here to be careful not to overdo it with decorations.

Applying patterns

You can use a variety of patterns to add expression to your manicure. They are performed either with the pigment itself, or using acrylic paints. On a shiny basis, you can draw attractive thematic drawings that will successfully fit into the created image and emphasize your personal "bow".

Stones and rhinestones

No modern woman can do without these decorative elements. Of course, the abundance of brilliance is more characteristic of young ladies. However, mature ladies will be able to pamper themselves with a moderate amount of such decor. It would be ideal to highlight just one finger and create a creative composition. In this case, the rub in should be of light or delicate tones.

Observing all the measure, you can get a fashionable and creative "nail art".

French manicure

Connoisseurs of the classics who wish to add a fresh, fresh twist to their nail décor can also take advantage of the sparkling particles. Rubbing with a French manicure will look unusual. A radiant chrome smile zone can be created. Other glitter colors will also work well.

Moon manicure

You can create unusual iridescent holes that sparkle in different tones.

Such a manicure will undoubtedly be noticed by all colleagues and relatives.

Half nail design

This option looks interesting and fresh, reminiscent of an ombre, since it is based on the creation of smooth transitions from one coating to another. You should apply white gel polish on all nails, and then take a metallic sheen and apply it to the end of your finger, blending slightly towards the end of the nail. After that, the result is fixed with a top and dried in a lamp. This design can be completed with several multi-colored rhinestones. The manicure will fit into any chosen "bow".

Design "black glitter with acrylic powder"

This option looks interesting due to the velvet structure of the coating. Apply a layer of dark gel polish to your nails. It can be black or dark blue. After the corresponding shine color, the nail plates are sprinkled, and the particles are rubbed with the help of hands or a brush. Then a top coat is applied and dried in a lamp. Now mix the acrylic powder with glitter and apply to the top.

Dry the whole composition in a lamp. The excess powder is shaken off.

In this article, we looked at how to create a stylish manicure with a rub in, what you need for this at home. Strictly follow all points of the instructions, and you can find stylish and neat hands that will attract the attention of others, including the opposite sex. Buy quality products only in professional stores, keep track of the expiration date of gel polishes. Feel free to experiment, implement new interesting ideas and combine different tones. Rubbing will become the highlight of any composition.

How to apply a rub on nails at home, see the next video.

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