Gel polish manicure design

Gel polish with rhinestones: features, methods of application, examples of nail design

Gel polish with rhinestones: features, methods of application, examples of nail design
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Popular varieties
  3. What can be a manicure design?
  4. How to match with clothes?
  5. How to fix?
  6. How to shoot?

Manicure plays a huge role in the life of girls. Thanks to the stylish design of the marigolds, it is possible to originally emphasize the outfit and complement the image. This is especially true for special occasions when you need to present yourself in the best possible way.

Today there are many types of nail designs, but a manicure with rhinestones looks especially impressive.

Advantages and disadvantages

Nail art with shiny stones (rhinestones) is chosen by those representatives of the fair sex who want to stand out from the crowd with sophistication and charm. Modern manicure provides not only a simple design of plates, masters from decorative materials and gel polish create real masterpieces of art.

The main benefits of rhinestone decor are listed below.

  • Versatility. In this simple way, you can simultaneously emphasize the beauty of ladies' pens and hide their external defects in the form of uneven plates.
  • The perfect complement to the feminine look. The brilliant design is appropriate not only at night, but also during the day. It can be used both for everyday life and for going out.
  • Simple execution technology. It doesn't take much skill and experience to create decor. The placement of shiny particles depends on personal imagination.
  • Large assortment of products. The market is represented by rhinestones of any color and size, so they can be easily matched to a certain style.

As for the disadvantages of such a manicure, it can cause discomfort while wearing - rhinestones cling to hair and clothes.In addition, such a design is short-lived, its duration directly depends on the quality of the glue.

In addition, shiny elements need to be able to use in moderation; otherwise, from a sophisticated and attractive manicure, you can make sheer bad taste.

Popular varieties

Rhinestones are miniature jewelry with imitation of precious stones, they are made of rock crystal, zirconium, plastic, colored or transparent glass. Due to the fact that one side of the rhinestones has many facets, the particles can change their color in the sun and shimmer. The second side has a flat shape, which allows you to conveniently attach the elements to the nail plates. Rhinestones come in different shapes, sizes and types. The smallest of them are only 0.5 mm and the largest 4 mm.

For modern manicure, polyhedral, rectangular and round elements are usually used; Rhinestones in the form of ovals, boats, droplets, flowers and hearts are also very popular with fashionistas. Typically, glitter particles are produced in a metal base or on a mirrored substrate.

Depending on the manufacturing method and external effects, the following types of rhinestones are distinguished.

  • Classic. They are characterized by smooth edges and perfectly imitate precious stones and minerals.
  • Smooth hemispheres. They are specially ground. Smooth elements such as pearls and cat's eye look beautiful in design.
  • Chipped. These are pixie crystals obtained from crystal chips and broken glass. They have small dimensions that do not exceed 1.5 mm.
  • Conical. They have a tapered bottom and are usually used to decorate extended nails.
  • Charms. Differ in complex execution and are made in the form of Christmas trees, bows, snowflakes or crowns.
  • Pearls of Siju. They imitate transparent and multi-colored "sea stones".

In addition, rhinestones are distinguished by their glittering effect, which is obtained by passing light through transparent glass. Since the material can be either colored or colorless, light is refracted in different ways at the edges of the particles and scatters into numerous sparks. Many masters for manicure choose rhinestones with the effect of "northern lights", they are called chameleons. Thanks to the holographic coating, these stones shimmer with iridescent colors. There are also pearlescent rhinestones on sale, they are made in more than 20 colors and shades.

The most fashionable are transparent particles, as they are ideally combined with any pattern and design. The price of each type of rhinestone depends on the material from which they are made.

Plastic elements are cheap, glass ones are expensive, but they are of higher quality and look impressive on the nails.

What can be a manicure design?

Nail art with rhinestones is presented in various design options. They can be used to lay out interesting patterns and beautiful flowers. For a summer manicure, it is recommended to use brighter shades of gel polish and decorate with crystals both all and individual marigolds. For autumn, it is best to pick up pomegranate, chocolate and burgundy varnish. Most often, rhinestones are placed on the plates as follows.

  • Along the cuticle line. This design gives the manicure a festive look and dilutes the monotony of the colors. A large rhinestone is usually placed in the center of the line, small elements are attached on the sides, and the smallest ones are attached at the edges. Crystals asymmetrically located along the cuticle line also look unusual.
  • The whole plate. A marigold studded with shiny rhinestones can turn out to be a chic luxury, but if you overdo it with the number of elements, then the manicure will become vulgar and indicate the girl's bad taste. Therefore, stylists recommend decorating in this way only one finger (ring finger).
  • The pyramid. In this embodiment, the crystals are attached at the base of the plate, forming the appearance of a shiny triangle. A design like this looks pretty and is easy to make at home.
  • Shirt. The decor is suitable for a single color finish. Shiny fragments are laid out in the center in the form of three vertical stripes. In this case, the pattern can be slightly shifted to the left or right side of the nail.
  • Wave. The nail plate is decorated with a line of "diamonds" running from the base to the free edge. The pattern should smoothly change the angle of direction and wriggle.
  • Moon. In this design, the main focus is on the nail socket, which is decorated with iridescent elements. As a rule, this technique is used only on one nail.

In addition, rhinestones are often used in French manicure. This design is especially important when creating a wedding and evening look.

Crystals accentuate the contours of the jacket and combine them with other decor options.

How to match with clothes?

The manicure should be in good harmony with the outfit and look natural. Therefore, when choosing this or that type of design with rhinestones, it is important to remember about their moderation, otherwise a huge number of pebbles will give the nails a weighty look. The color of the crystals must be matched not only to the varnish palette, but also to the shade of the decoration. For a casual look, you cannot use stones that are too contrasting.

For girls who spend a lot of time in the office and prefer a strict style, masters recommend making a classic jacket with rhinestones. On a pastel base, which is close to the natural color of the marigold, small crystals placed at the junction between the base and the edge of the plate will look good.

Such a design will give the pens a femininity and will suit any style and color of the outfit. Business ladies can also apply a moon manicure with rhinestones: a lined line of shiny particles in the form of a ball or a month looks unobtrusive and beautifully emphasizes the style of a dress, skirt or trouser suit.

As for the publication and special occasions, a compositional manicure made of rhinestones is suitable for them. The color of the crystals should be continued in the girl's accessories and other jewelry. This will make the image both airy and bright.

A universal option that can be used for a daily look and special occasions is a manicure in pastel and delicate shades, decorated with small rhinestones. They are recommended to dot the ring finger and little finger.

How to fix?

Nail art with shiny stones is very popular among the fair sex, regardless of their age. This design can be done both in the salon and at home. The crystals are usually attached to a gel coat. This technique is simple and even a novice master can handle it. To correctly put rhinestones on the nail, you must follow these steps.

  • Before laying shiny elements, you need to create a gel polish coating, using both single-phase and three-phase varnishes. After the colored coating is ready, the marigolds are covered with a top, with the exception of those where it is planned to attach pebbles. The top is dried in a UV lamp.
  • Then, on the plates where the rhinestones will be placed, the gel is carefully applied and immediately laid out on it in the form of patterns of crystals. It is necessary to apply rhinestones on the gel polish carefully, pressing a little so that they slightly "drown" in the gel.
  • Further, the plates are dried in a lamp for several minutes and a brush dipped in a top is carried out between the crystals, trying not to stain their surface. Last but not least, the sides of the stones are treated, the top is dried in a UV lamp and the sticky layer is cleaned.

In addition, rhinestones can be fixed on transparent varnish, trying it on as glue. To do this, first a manicure is done, a design is made and everything is dried.Then the crystals are taken in turn with tweezers, turned over, placed with the back side on a drop of varnish and glued. Then the rhinestone is re-coated with a layer of varnish and waited for complete drying.

How to shoot?

A manicure with rhinestones is beautiful, but sooner or later it has to be corrected. Crystals usually stay on a gel base for no more than 5 days, then fragments of patterns from nails begin to fall off and their design deteriorates. To prevent this, rhinestones can be easily removed at home and then create a new decor.

To clean pebbles from gel polish, a pusher is used, which looks like a sharp hatchet, in this way you can quickly remove all the elements. Also, many craftsmen cut down rhinestones, soak them with a special liquid or remove them with a milling cutter. These methods are acceptable, but they are labor intensive and time consuming. Therefore, it is best to start working as a pusher. Each crystal in turn is pried with a hatchet: if the first attempt fails, then it should be picked up on the other side.

If the rhinestone is firmly fixed and cannot be cleaned, it is cut off with a file with a hardness of 100 grit.

When all the rhinestones are removed, but a dense layer of the top remains at the attachment points, which was poured for fixation, you need to additionally cut this cover. A similar procedure is performed on all marigolds. At the end of the procedure, the handles should be given a soothing compress and the remaining polish should be re-cleaned with an orange stick. In addition, the plates need to be well polished with a milling cutter and left without decor for a while, since the constant attachment and removal of rhinestones can harm the structure of the nails.

For an overview of Swarovski crystals for nails, see the next video.

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