Gel polish manicure design

Variety of design options for manicure with gel polish

Variety of design options for manicure with gel polish
  1. What does fashion offer?
  2. Technique types
  3. Ideas for drawings and patterns
  4. Winter
  5. Popular decor
  6. Trendy colors
  7. How to choose a design?

Modern man is accustomed to living using the achievements of science and technology. The same can be said about manicure: at the fast pace of life, a woman needs the coating to be flawless and durable. Therefore, we choose modern types of nail products and every season we expect fresh ideas for the design of marigolds from fashion. Let's take a closer look at the variety of gel polish manicure design options and analyze fashion trends from A to Z.

What does fashion offer?

Fashion is like a raging sea in which one wave is replaced by another. What was fashionable yesterday, today she presents as a sign of bad taste. However, be that as it may, femininity should remain in the first place, as fashion declares in the first place. Whatever design is chosen, it should be based on three pillars: expressiveness, correct selection of accents and purpose.

Expressiveness, according to fashion, should be in the dosage of accents. Indeed, the fewer there are, the more noticeable they are. In addition, this favorably affects the status of design, because, getting rid of variegation, it acquires elegance and sophistication. Fashion considered that 3-4 accent nails are enough to convey the desired design idea and mood.

The best position for accents was the marigolds of the ring finger. If the design on one hand should have more than one accent, it is preferable to choose the adjacent to the ring nail of the middle finger. In this case, the drawing should not be too voluminous and occupy the entire area of ​​two nail plates.This approach to design can add weight to the design, which is completely unacceptable for a modern manicure.

As for the choice of accents, fashion offers to build on the seasonality and purpose of the manicure. For example, designs for different seasons can differ in shades of the color palette, their temperature and degree of saturation. As for the purpose, here it is necessary to build on the characteristics of work and lifestyle in general. For example, for a business woman's set, it is necessary to maintain a strict and restrained design, celebrities choose more non-standard solutions.

If it's a runway option, for example, it's simple because the model needs a design that fits different clothes. The design may not be amenable to logical explanation at all. For example, neither the bubble trend nor nails with hair and fur are comfortable, although this design certainly has its own army of fans. And yet, fashion tries to appeal to tenderness and femininity, although this concept is different for each woman, judging by the variety of manicure designs.

Minimalism is at the heart of all trends today, no matter what it concerns. And the print, and the decor, and the idea should adhere to a certain simplicity, due to which, as the great Giorgio Armani said, the design will claim the title of elegant and status. That is why voluminous inlays, powerful stucco molding and piercings should be left outside the last season and forgotten about them. Now it is important to show the beauty of the hands, their well-groomed, which is the basis for any status design. At the same time, no one cancels the creative approach to manicure design. But everything should be in moderation.

Technique types

Today, there are several methods for performing manicure, each of which can decorate a woman's hands, regardless of her position in society and age. They all have their own characteristic differences, which determine the manner of performing a manicure.

Classic monochromatic design marigold is a great way to decorate nails for a different style of women. Based on the texture of the gel polish used, such a manicure can complement the office and business style.

He will be able to adequately complete the set for publication, decorate the nails of the decor fan. Also, often the classic staining of nails in one color is used in a combined manicure.

French manicure popular since its inception. For 40 years now, he has been on the crest of a fashion wave, overgrown with fresh design ideas. For example, today his smile is not only arcuate: it can have the shape of superimposed triangles, resemble a heart, and be executed in the form of a diagonal. A smile is fashionable in the form of a contour stroke, an angle, a wave, a lightning. Fantasy smiles are super relevant (for example, lace, various animals, fruits, flowers, feathers).

Mirror jacket differs from the classic French manicure in that his smile is not located on top of the growing nail, but below, at its base (in the place of the cuticle). Otherwise, it is similar to the main design: its bow exactly repeats the growing nail in shape. By the way, this trend is very popular today: the contour stroke from the base almost to the upper edge allows you to add elegance not only to the nail bed, but also to the fingers themselves.

Externally lunar design differs from the traditional and mirrored jacket in that its hole is not a repetition of the edge. In the usual version, it, on the contrary, is opposed to him in the form of a semicircular figure. Today it is fashionable to carry out a lunar design with a secondary bow, using the technique of negative space. The layering effect is also fashionable, in which the effect of a growing nail plate is created, and a hole pattern is superimposed on top of it, extending from the base of the nail bed.

Gradient - a design that will not go out of fashion for many seasons.If earlier it was only vertical and horizontal, the new season offers women two fresh solutions. For example, stretch can be done on one accent nail plate in a geometric shape. Moreover, it can be both smooth and sharp: both design options are popular. You can also perform an ombre effect with stretching on several nails, taking a classic manicure as a basis and painting each nail in a related tone of the same color.

Veil - design technique, which today has already managed to be modified, which pleases her many fans. Its basis is a translucent background, often for a more expressive effect, it has a thin contour outline of the entire nail plate. If earlier drawings in the color of the base were used to create the effect of nylon tights, today a translucent background is used for further decoration. For example, vertical stripes with a gradient are made on it and sprinkled with acrylic powder, achieving a special effect.

"Broken glass" - this technique has already acquired an army of female fans. It is based on the use of a special manicure film, which is cut into small pieces and then glued onto accent nails. The effect and brightness of the design will depend on the color of the gel polish: on light coatings, the "glass" looks softer, it makes dark shades especially elegant, which changes the purpose of the manicure.

Today it is fashionable to carry out this technique, enclosing the "fragments" in the outlines of a geometric figure, adorning only design accents with them.

Aquarium. Despite the fact that modeling gel is mostly used for this technique, gel polish is also involved in the work. Therefore, the technique can be included among the main methods of working with gel polish. In this case, it is used more for decoration, because the very basis is created with a transparent modeling agent, with which the created design is sealed. Depending on the design idea, they are made with a background or hand-painted. These nails look very impressive, but in most cases this technique is suitable for extended and long nails.

At the heart of the powdery technique manicure, the shedding of undried gel polish with a special acrylic powder is laid. In fact, this is the same combined manicure, because the basis for the design can be a gradient, jacket or classic. However, the simple design of nails with acrylic sand is considered rustic today, and therefore such material is more often used today to add volume to the pattern applied by gel polish. Whether it's the texture of a knitted fabric or a felt snowflake, such a manicure looks incredibly impressive.

Water design used to decorate accent nails of combined manicure. The technique is quite interesting and requires preliminary creation of the pattern in a glass of cold water. It is in the glass that the desired pattern is created, alternately dripping contrasting gel polishes into the center of the previous drops. When the required number of drops is reached, they take a toothpick and create a certain pattern with it, combining contrasting shades of gel polish. After that, the finger with the applied protection is dipped in water, thereby transferring the coating to the nail plate.

Spreading gel polishes appeared on the fashionable Olympus quite recently, but today they have already been tested by professionals in the field of nail art and are highly appreciated by studio masters. This design is created on the basis of the classics. Stripes are applied to a monochromatic base with a brush, which immediately begin to spread. When mixing paints, it is possible to obtain gorgeous play of tones. Designs with varnishes with a spreading effect are created very quickly: it takes from a few seconds to a couple of minutes along with painting.

Ideas for drawings and patterns

As for the design itself or the design of accents, its theme will adhere to the purpose of the manicure and seasonality.The second aspect is especially important, because the design belongs to one or another season of the year today is considered one of the leading trends in nail fashion. If we consider drawings created by hand, then lace and monograms are recognized as the most popular options today. It is they that allow us to point out the elegance and sophistication of the women's set.

Apart from lace, geometric patterns are popular prints among studio professionals. First of all, these are elongated triangles extending from the base of the nail to its edge. Due to the elongated shape, the effect of gracefulness of nails and hands is created. Triangles are considered a trendy print today, they are used in various manicure techniques.

Ideas for drawings and patterns can be very diverse. For example, options with fruits or inscriptions look very nice. The theme of space is also noteworthy, which can be created using different shades of gel polish, using different colors of dark varnishes. Trendy logomania: logos on accent nails can pull off even the most boring manicure design.

Mehendi and ethnic ornaments are fashionable patterns. However, if beauty bloggers have not yet come to the conclusion that such prints do not need coloring for high status, then professional craftsmen prefer monochromatic ornaments that look impressive on any contrasting basis. Abstract patterns in the form of varnish stains look beautiful. With regard to drawings in Indian themes, this theme can be used in design, regardless of its belonging to a particular time of the year. Since the theme of seasonality is very important for modern manicure, the designs on accent nails should correspond to a specific time of the year, and sometimes even a month.

For summer design, a floral theme can be the basis. Small flowers made in monochrome look perfect on accents. In addition, drawings of all kinds of insects are popular. Various butterflies, ladybugs, dragonflies, ants can, better than another pattern, indicate the binding of a manicure to a summer set. Prints such as juicy fruits, dream catchers, fluffy dandelions, dill and lily umbrellas, irises are very popular. Actual theme of the sea coast, all kinds of shells, divorces, flamingos.

If you closely follow the work of professionals in the field of nail art, you can find a lot of fresh ideas in their work. More recently, the priority was autumn leaves, which could be used to decorate the accents of an autumn manicure.

Professionals also used modeling gel, creating raindrops with it. Today, the focus is on the features of color and each month. These can be golden ears, ripe bunches of berries, umbrellas and sketches of a rainy city.


With the arrival of winter, the tones of the gel polish become calmer, the drawings should reflect the falling asleep of nature. Of course, it can be a variety of snowflakes, frosty patterns that imitate frozen windows. Prints can be used to beat the technique of broken glass, imitating puddles frozen from the cold. You can draw frozen leaves. Knitted fabric is one of the most popular patterns today. For Christmas, prints with deer and Scandinavian patterns, as well as painting on snow-covered spruce branches, are perfect.

The awakening of nature can be marked with different designs on the accent nails of the spring manicure. These are melting icicles and the first birds soaring against the background of the sky. In March, you can decorate the design with early flowers. Snowdrops against the background of the melting earth will look very beautiful and appropriate for this season.

Also in the spring, you can use neutral prints in the design that are suitable for all seasons. These are polka dots, stripes, and a diagonal check, created by varnishes of several shades.

Popular decor

Decorating accents of manicure is a topic that requires special attention.Various materials are used for design today, and their range is quite wide. Let's note some of the most popular techniques used by nail art professionals today.

Painting. This type of decor can only be done by professionals, because it requires accuracy and imagination. Having experience and artistic skills, you can paint various patterns on accent nails, spraying them with glitter, decorating with broths (microbeads), rhinestones. Acrylic gel paints or gel polish are used for painting, which is stirred with the top for a more liquid consistency. For a three-dimensional design, drawings are created with a modeling tool. Watercolored coverings are considered the most expensive today.

Stamping. Stamping with transfer of the pattern allows you to significantly reduce the time for making a clear and accurate pattern. This requires plates with an engraved pattern, gel polish, a scraper and a roller, through which the print is transferred from the plate to the nail. The technique is quite convenient, although it is demanding on accuracy. Patterns can be painted, silver, covered with gilding on top.

Rubbing. This polyester pollen will remain a popular decorative element for a long time to come. In a matter of seconds, she is able to change the texture of even the most ordinary gel polish. Of all its varieties, today the most popular options are "mermaid" and "pearl dust". Also interesting is the type "May beetle", which creates an original effect of the texture of the coating with overflows under the shell of an insect. Fashionable and powder with a gradient effect. The mirror is no longer relevant today.

Kamifubuki. Multicolored confetti is more often used today to decorate part of the nail. They create a traditional or reverse jacket, they are used to highlight the cuticle. This flat decor often replaces rhinestones when you don't want to overload the design with volume. The shape of the mosaic is varied: from circles and stars to geometric shapes and hearts.

Slider design. Today sliders are used not only by beginners, but also by professionals, although in their case it is more likely to save time for hand-painting due to the lateness of clients. However, it was the professionals who came up with the technique of disguising the slider by hand painting.

They make a watercolor effect by outlining the contours of some elements of the drawing and painting on the print in a couple of places with special paint.

Powder. It is difficult not to get lost in the richest assortment of acrylic powders for manicure. It differs in a fraction of particles, the presence or absence of mother-of-pearl, can create not only an unusual background, but also a three-dimensional pattern. For example, this powder can be the basis for creating knitted patterns for the texture of a sweater. It can be sprinkled with a drawing applied with gel paint, with sand you can add volume to snowflakes, curls, monograms.

Rhinestones and stones. The trend of decorating manicure accents with a variety of stones and sparkling decor has changed somewhat today. Now it is important not to overdo it with the amount of gloss, because the more there is, the cheaper the design becomes. And yet, opal and Swarovski crystal inlay will be appropriate for modern design. However, the arrangement of rhinestones should be point-like, this is how they will look organically in the design.

Transfer foil. This material is relatively fresh, it is a foil tape with a pattern applied to it. The transfer of material is carried out by means of a special white foil glue, which becomes transparent when dried. The decor is convenient and easy to use, has a lot of thematic patterns, and therefore you can choose an option even for the most demanding woman in preferences.

Stickers. This decor is often used by professional craftsmen, it is easy to work with and needs a dry base for reliable fixation. As a rule, such pictures have a small volume, and therefore, after fixing, they have to be covered with several layers of finishing agent.

The theme of the stickers is varied, as are their colors. They can be three-dimensional, very tiny, or medium in size.

Stencils. The line includes stencils for creating a picture and templates for a jacket, which can be used to decorate a smile and holes. In addition, these same stripes work well with geometric designs. Like disposable stencils with patterns, they also need to be glued to the nail. It is not difficult to use stencils, they are glued with a sticky layer to the coating, a contrasting coating is applied on top of them, then the templates are immediately removed.

Dots. It is a tool with a special ball attachment. The size of the ball may vary, which is useful when performing a bitmap pattern. Dots can create a smile of an ordinary or an inverted jacket, with its help they draw hearts, draw soft lines. Polka dots are an alternative to kamifubuki, they look nice and fresh.

Trendy colors

As for the color schemes, the varnish used can be either bright or calm. The focus is on mint, cherry, emerald and turquoise. In addition, this season, fashion proposes to turn to rich and dark colors: Marsal, wine, eggplant shades are the favorites of fashion trends today. All shades of green are relevant, it is fashionable to paint nails with shades of pistachio and juicy mint green.

This season, fashion is favorable to gold and silver tones, and therefore designs with gold or silver are considered one of the most trendy in the women's set. For example, such paints can be added to black, white, emerald tones, as well as marsala, peach and eggplant.

One of the best shades of the brown group is the coffee color: it can decorate both casual and evening designs. Contrasts in which a nude shade is involved are appreciated.

You can not discount the tone of pink. These are necessarily soft pink, pinkish lilac, raspberry pink shades and fuchsia. At the same time, the mega-popular contrast of pink is gray or silver. The hit trend was the combination of pink and blue. From the warm colors of the palette, bright orange, peach, cream, dark red, juicy yellow tones are relevant. The texture of the varnish can be either matte or glossy, mother-of-pearl, jelly, temperature, chameleon, magnetic.

How to choose a design?

There is a difference between design and design, fashion clearly indicates the appropriateness of a particular design in a particular case. Therefore, it is worth getting to know the nuances that it is important to rely on in order to choose the right option.

By the shape of the nails

A beautiful manicure is a design that does not look defiant and aggressive, but, on the contrary, breathes feminine principle and status. In order not to downgrade it, it is worth immediately removing sharp nails from the list of priorities. Of course, they can look organically in the bow of a representative of the youth subculture of the protest plan. However, this is an option at a time, and large nails look not as an adornment of the image, but intimidating.

Considering that there are three different types of nails in fashion (rounded square, oval and almond-shaped), choosing the best option for yourself will not be difficult. There are no design restrictions for the oval shape, it is considered universal. The same can be said today about rounded square nails: they are subject to any technique, any decor and print. As for the almond-shaped plates, if anything complicates them, it is the choice of the width and shape of the smile.

By lenght

The length of the nails matters today, because it is from this that you need to build on when choosing a particular design. In order not to get confused and not to complicate the design, you need to adhere to the rule: the shorter the length, the simpler the design. It is important to consider here that even the color of the varnish looks different at different lengths.

Light shades are best used for manicure of long nails, dark polish tones will look better on short plates. If you paint short nails with light or, say, mother-of-pearl varnish, this will visually shorten them, and even make them flatter. In order not to suffer with the choice of the color of the varnish and the complexity of the design, the fashion proposes to turn to the golden mean, taking the length of the grown edge of 5-7 mm as the ideal.

As for the techniques, you should not do a moon manicure on short nails, reverse or classic French. There is not enough room in them to stretch the gradient. However, if the nail bed is naturally elongated, and the length of the regrown edge is short, these techniques will not be considered undesirable. It is more difficult for long nails to decide on the technique, because in this case attention will be attracted not so much by the design as by the length of the plates.

Therefore, it is better to dwell on the classics, French, moon manicure or ombre, than to try to slap it all into a combined manicure at once. Even an ordinary monochromatic coating will look more elegant here than a colorful and voluminous design.

Rather than using pearlescent shine, it is better to use pearl dust with a weightless veil here. A jacket made with a transparent background and a light pearl coating will look great on elongated nails.

On every day

In order for the set to fit into the dress code or everyday attire, you should start from two rules: restraint and brevity. However, this does not mean at all that you need to deny yourself the choice of a beautiful varnish. Not at all: it can and should be special. In this case, you can even use one color, but a different texture. A matte velvety manicure without a pattern, but with an accent made by rubbing, can become super beautiful.

For example, you can make the main background in the form of a jacket with matte varnish and satin texture, and make a smile with a gloss. Alternatively, the accent of this design can be lace applied with gloss to the accent nail.

If you want more familiar solutions, you can give preference to a jacket with a subtle smile. At the same time, on all marigolds, except for the accent, you can make a laconic smile, and on the accent plate you can make it, for example, lace or in the form of a flower petal.

Everyday manicure should match the details of the wardrobe or even the accessories. So nails will always look appropriate in the set. However, no complicated drawings are needed here. It is better to do just two accents than to cover up all your fingers with decor. Layers of patterns are not needed here, as well as decorative elements competing with each other (for example, kamifubuki are not always combined with rhinestones).

For the holiday

Festive or dressy designs are different from everyday ones. This is expressed in the use of specific topics. For example, today it is customary to use various lace for a wedding, decorating accent nails with such a pattern. Considering that jewelry is always present in the image of the bride, the decor is selected with an emphasis on them. Everything should look holistic and harmonious.

Lacquer with glitter is appropriate for an elegant design for a wedding, acrylic powder is good, rubbing will also look good. Pearl dust looks especially delicate on a white coating, which changes its effect depending on the time of rubbing in the decorative material. The colors of such a manicure can be bleached, mint, caramel, pinkish. Volumetric monograms created on accents with white acrylic powder will look beautiful in such a manicure.

Birthday options can be vibrant and creative. On this day, you can afford anything you want, but taking into account the age and attire. To eliminate even a hint of boredom, the color of the varnish should not exactly match the shade of the dress. However, if he is related, it will decorate the female set.On this day, you can perform any experiments with gold or silver, rubbing in or acrylic powder.

As for the drawings, here each lady will choose her own version. The only things that are undesirable are skulls, skeletons, zombies and sliders with veiled pornographic overtones. This design is terrible, it spoils the whole impression of its owner. With regards to the form, there may be moderately creative options. But at the same time, nothing should cling to any objects, so as not to rip off the nails along with the design.

For a family holiday, calmer solutions are good. The decoration can be done in delicate pastel shades, complemented by discreet decor. The publication can be decorated with a classic design with a varnish, characterized by a velvety texture. It is in the evening looks that there is a place for rhinestones and other inlays, but if there are a lot of them, you can be considered a simpleton, greedy for everything shiny.

For an evening look, you can choose a solution with veil accents. If you want to stay on a jacket, the smile should be done in the form of a thin contour line, so it will look more graceful. An inverse matte jacket with a foil smile can decorate an evening outfit. In this case, the matte satin texture of the varnish will look more beautiful.

On vacation

While on vacation, you can afford the most daring options for nail design. This can be manifested both in the choice of a rich varnish and in a thematic drawing. For example, when heading to the sea, you can indulge yourself with prints in the spirit of the seaside. Even one painted or glued shell can change the perception of a design and cheer you up. What can we say about the design with sequins, which can be used to decorate even the usual classics.

The mega-popular design option will be stained glass design. You can use it for accents, because coatings of this type are able to give the base the effect of depth. You can mix stained glass gel polish with glitter, it can make even a gradient unique. At the same time, the tool is quite economical, because the stained glass material is applied in a very thin layer.

Vacation design ideas can be based on any technique. In the summer, you can afford compositional type pictures, located on two or even three adjacent nails. For example, it can be a butterfly with open wings, a dandelion with umbrellas flying in the wind. The St. Petersburg bridge, which is disconnected at night, will also look beautiful on the nails.

If a woman has a vacation in winter, you can give free rein to imagination and paint New Year's toys on your nails. This is a great opportunity to cheer yourself up and feel the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday. In addition, you can use flock powder, which, better than other nail materials, can convey the texture of Christmas socks and felt toys. She can also distinguish spruce branches on accent nails of manicure.

In autumn, you can pamper yourself with fruit and berry design. For example, you can decorate accents with a painting of juicy berries. You can move away from the usual patterns and add volume to individual elements. For example, it is the berries that can become voluminous due to a transparent modeling gel or a top mixed with gel paint.

Also good for vacation and space theme. At the same time, it can be performed both with a slider design and with water technology. Someone also uses a magnetic type coating to give the effect of volume. Fans of marshmallow manicure can delight themselves with designs with ice cream, kittens, sweets, and teddy bears. There is a place here for both glitter and bright stickers.

In the next video, you will find step-by-step instructions for applying gel polish.

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