Removing gel polish

How to restore nails at home after gel polish?

How to restore nails at home after gel polish?
  1. Causes of thinning and brittle nails
  2. How can you strengthen the nail plate?
  3. Recovery recommendations

Gel polish is one of the most demanded products of the nail industry and allows you to implement the most unusual design solutions. However, along with excellent decorative properties and high durability of the coating, the use of gel varnishes significantly thinns the nail plate. This is due not so much to the effect of the remedy itself, but to the detrimental consequences of removing it from the nails.

Causes of thinning and brittle nails

There can be several reasons for the weakening of the nail plate. Damaged nails can be the result of the inept work of an inexperienced craftsman who polished the plate too deeply, which made it very thin and fragile. Ideally, sanding should only touch the upper, shiny surface of the nail, and create only the slight roughness necessary for better adhesion to the gel polish. The second, no less common reason, is the use of improvised gel polish removers at home.

It often happens that professional compositions for removing manicure are not available for some reason., and then the owner of the gel nails begins to tear off the coating in the most incredible ways. Often the varnish is simply peeled off from the nail plate, and removed like a film or, even worse, acetone is used. The use of acetone not only adversely affects the nail itself, but also has a drying effect on the entire periungual zone. As a result of such a barbaric attitude, the structure of the nail suffers greatly, and it begins to partially collapse.

Another reason for damage to the nail can be the use of low-quality material. Particularly harmful to the nail structure is a gel polish coating with an expired shelf life. Such a coating quickly cracks and becomes covered with deep grooves. In addition to the mistakes of the master and the poor quality of the materials used, a fairly common reason is the very technique of using gel polish. The fact is that the nail plates covered with this composition become completely inaccessible to oxygen, moisture and sunlight. Such isolation leads to a rapid deterioration in the condition of the nails, and requires obligatory rehabilitation of the damaged plates.

How can you strengthen the nail plate?

To strengthen nails after removing gel polish, both professional restorative compositions and folk remedies are used. The choice of treatment method depends on the degree of damage to the plate and the level of availability of a particular drug.

Special formulations

The course of restorative procedures with specialized means with daily application should last at least 2 weeks. Among the drugs presented there are both completely budget formulations and expensive professional fluids. The timing of the appearance of visible results from the use of these funds varies greatly. So, expensive formulations are able to almost completely restore the nail structure in 14 days, while for treatment with inexpensive funds it will take at least a month.

  • Inexpensive, but quite effective remedy "Smart enamel" is very popular and affordable. The drug can be freely purchased at any pharmacy, while its cost is only 120 rubles. The recovery period for nails varies from 10 to 14 days and depends on the degree of damage and the regularity of applying the composition. The preparation is made in the form of a colorless varnish, which should be applied daily, removing the old coating beforehand.
  • The next remedy is called "Phytocosmetic" also quite affordable and costs 130 rubles. A distinctive feature of the drug is the presence of only natural ingredients in the composition, which gives the composition a powerful therapeutic effect. Thanks to the presence of natural oils, a complex restoration of the nail plates and softening of the cuticle takes place. The tool is very popular and has a large number of positive reviews.
  • Eveline costing 150 rubles allows you to increase the thickness of nails in a very short time and significantly accelerate their growth. The tool is applied in two layers once every three days, while the first results will become noticeable after 7 days. The duration of treatment is from two weeks to a month.
  • Brand remedy "Horsepower" called "Mega Nail Strengthener" costs about three hundred rubles and is based on diamond chips. The composition of the preparation also includes vitamins A and B5, due to which there is an intensive regeneration of the nail structure and rapid restoration of the nail. In addition to its medicinal properties, the agent has a powerful prophylactic effect, preventing further delamination of the nails and eliminating the excessive softness of the nail plates.
  • IBX nail strengthening product the cost of 1,500 rubles is already a professional product and quickly restores the damaged structure of the nail plate. The product is well absorbed into the nails and is not removed until the nail grows back.
  • Complex mask CND RescueRXx Daily Keratin Treatment also costs in the region of one and a half thousand rubles and perfectly moisturizes, restores and protects nails. The basis of the preparation is vitamin E, which, in combination with jojoba oil and keratin, makes nails look good in a very short time.

Folk remedies

Excellent results in nail restoration are given by homemade preparations, which consist of available components and can be easily prepared at home. The key to the success of using folk remedies is the regularity of their use. Otherwise, the effect will have to wait for a very long time.

  • Baths using sea salt are considered the most effective and simplest way to treat nails. In the process of contact of nails with sea salt, they are intensively enriched with useful minerals, which is why they recover faster and restore their original structure.
  • Cosmetic wax also works wonders. To perform the treatment procedure, you need to melt it in hot water and immerse your hands in it. The bath lasts 10 minutes, and with daily use, the result will come fairly quickly. Paraffin is very rich in vitamins of groups A and E, which are necessary for the restoration of elasticity and rapid growth of the nail plate.
  • Gelatin is also able to effectively restore nails damaged by gel polish and strengthen them qualitatively. To prepare the solution, you need to stir 30 g of gelatin in a glass of warm water, then smear your hands with greasy cream and place them in the prepared composition. After 15 minutes, the hands are removed from the solution and blotted with paper towels. To achieve the fastest effect, the procedure must be performed at least twice a week.
  • Olive oil is able to restore the damaged structure in 6 days. To do this, it is necessary to warm up the oil daily in a water bath and dip your fingers into it for 10 minutes.
  • The use of iodine is also quite effective. To do this, every evening a mesh is drawn on the nails, which is safely absorbed into the nail surface overnight.
  • Good results are obtained by treatment with beeswax. The product is melted, cooled slightly, then fingers are immersed in it. After the composition has hardened, thin cotton gloves are put on top and go to bed. It is recommended to remove the wax after 8 hours. The procedure is carried out 2 times a week for a month.
  • Honey and salt. Pour 0.8 liters of water into a saucepan, add 65 g of honey and 3 tablespoons of sea salt, put on fire and heat. Then pour 5 tablespoons of olive oil, the same amount of lemon juice, and put your hands there for 30-40 minutes.
  • Milk with lemon. One and a half liters of milk is poured into a cup, 2 lemons or one grapefruit are squeezed out, 80 g of honey and 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil are added, then hands are placed there and held for 30 minutes.
  • Calendula with soda. In a saucepan, mix 25 g of soda, 15 g of salt and one and a half liters of hot water. Then 5 tsp is added to the resulting solution. tinctures of calendula, put their hands in it and hold for 20 minutes.
  • Berry mix. To prepare the product, grind a handful of currants, lingonberries and cranberries in a blender, add 30 g of gelatin and wait for the mixture to thicken. Then evenly distribute the mass over the nails, wrap it with cling film and leave for 45 minutes.

Recovery recommendations

In order to quickly restore the structure of nails at home, you should adhere to a number of general recommendations.

So, it is advisable to cut as shortly as possible and regularly massage the nail plates with apricot oil. It also helps to apply on the hands twice a day a fat cream containing vitamin E.

Good results are obtained by permanently moisturizing the nails with any hand moisturizers, preferably with the consistency of a balm.

Additional home remedies include masks made from avocado oil and coconut oil extract. In addition, you need to balance your diet by saturating it with fresh herbs, lots of vegetables and fruits.

It is also recommended to consume as much pure spring water as possible and take vitamins regularly.In addition, warm gloves should be worn in cold weather, and rubber gloves should be used during cleaning.

Throughout the entire recovery period, it is recommended to wash your hands only with antibacterial soap, and then immediately apply petroleum jelly or natural oils to the nail plates. In order not to stain your clothes, you should wear thin cotton gloves that are breathable. After 30 minutes, the gloves can be removed, and the remaining oil is removed with a napkin. Instead of oils and petroleum jelly, you can use badger fat.

If the damage to the nails is very strong, then in order to avoid the development of fungal infections, it is recommended to carefully process the plates with apple cider vinegar, moisten a cotton swab in it and squeeze it well.

Thus, the timing and effectiveness of restoring the structure of the nails, as well as their healthy and well-groomed appearance, depend on timely treatment and the correct conduct of healing procedures.

For information on how to restore nails after gel polish, see the next video.

1 comment

After the gel polish, my nails deteriorated, and very much! Now I am reanimating them, I do baths from time to time, I drink vitamins.


the beauty
