Degreaser for nails: what is it, how to use and what to replace?

Any representative of the fair sex dreams of a high-quality and neat manicure, and more and more women tend to build nails or strengthen them with gel polish, since the procedure significantly saves time and allows you to boast of excellent results over a long period. However, how firmly the material will hold on the nail plate depends not only on the qualifications of the master, but also on how high quality the materials were used in the work. A degreaser plays an important role in creating the perfect manicure. What this tool is, and what it is used for, we will consider later in the article.

What it is?
Even with thorough hand washing, the complete purity of the marigolds cannot be guaranteed. This is because a person's skin is constantly releasing sweat and fat. A degreaser is needed in order to eliminate contamination as much as possible and allow the materials to adhere more firmly to the surface.
This tool is a special liquid with a carefully selected composition that allows you to remove the greasy layer from the nail. In addition, with its help, the plate is disinfected. Experts recommend using this material with any manicure in order to get a more lasting result.
It is also great for removing the sticky layer after the gel has been applied and dried.

In order to choose the right degreaser for nails, the consumer needs to take into account the product with which composition he needs. The material may or may not contain acid.You need to approach this issue carefully, because there are significant differences between the drugs. This applies to both their price and the impact on the nail plate.
As for the ingredients, in addition to the presence of acids, if provided, the composition contains vitamins, disinfecting elements, oils, isobutyl, isopropanol, aromatic fragrances.

Popular brands
When the master or consumer has already decided on the tool he needs, the question arises, which of the composition presented on store shelves will be better. It should be borne in mind that the material can be either single-phase or have other characteristics, for example, the ability to remove the sticky layer. In general, all nail dehydration liquids on the market can be divided into 3 types: dehydrators, primers and cleaners. Let's take a closer look at the main differences.
A dehydrator is capable of combining many properties. It removes impurities from the nail plate, disinfects it, and also dries it.
At the same time, the pH of the natural nail is not disturbed, in addition, with certain problems, it may even return to normal over time.
And also the product is perfect for removing the sticky gel layer in the process of creating a manicure.

It will be correct to apply the dehydrator with a specially provided brush, but you can distribute it with a lint-free napkin. So that the composition does not evaporate, and the plate does not have time to become covered with a greasy layer again, experts recommend applying the material to the nails in turn. This will help avoid unnecessary use of the product.
The main task of the clinser is to remove the sticky layer after drying the gels in a special lamp. However, this is not the only function, it will work just as well as a base.
This tool is capable of not only degreasing the nail plate, but also removing dirt and disinfecting the surface.
The liquid contains alcohol, so craftsmen often use it to disinfect work tools.

As for the primer, many craftsmen in their work cannot do without it. The liquid promotes better adhesion of the nail plate with the materials applied to it. Among the functions, one can note the protection of natural nails from the negative effects of artificial coating, cleansing from various contaminants, drying the top layer. The composition is absorbed into the scales of the marigold and remains there for a long time.
After the primer is applied to the nails, the materials do not come into contact with them, but with the composition covering the surface. The liquid can be either acidic or acid free. Depending on this condition, it acts differently on the plate.

The acidic material contains methacrylic acid, which, if used too often, can adversely affect the nail and the surrounding skin.
In order not to get burned, it should be applied extremely carefully. However, an acidic primer perfectly prepares the nail for artificial coating, including it can be used if you plan to carry out nail extension using acrylic.

An acid-free primer is more gentle on the nail. However, it is also able to remove dirt well.
If you use the drug regularly, the nail plate will return to a healthy state, and detachments will no longer occur.
And also the acid-free primer does not cause any unpleasant sensations during use, it does not burn the skin and mainly does not contribute to the appearance of allergies. It can be used both when covering nails with shellac, and when building or correcting.
Each master selects a degreaser based on his personal preferences. Consider those that are especially popular in the market and receive mostly rave reviews from the fair sex.

The product offered by this manufacturer is a cleanser. The size of the bottle is 100 milliliters. The bottle has a dispenser and a pump, which is very convenient to use and allows you not to use too much liquid. In addition, consumers note the affordable price of the product, which is undoubtedly a great advantage.
You can order goods not only in a specialized store, but also via the Internet, which is very convenient for residents of remote areas. The liquid is applied with a cotton pad.
Shake the bottle well before use.

Kodi brand degreasers are essentially acid-free primers. It can be used for any type of manicure, the liquid gently acts on the nail plate, removing unwanted dirt and excess moisture. The products of this American company are produced in 15 milliliter bottles and are in the middle price category. Most of the reviews on the use of such primers are positive.

The products of this company are often compared by consumers with Severina degreasers. The liquid is sold in small bottles, but it lasts for a long time even with constant use. With its help, you can both remove excess moisture from the nails, and remove the sticky layer after the gel has polymerized in the lamp. Affordable price and high quality of these products are noted.

How to use?
For the convenience of consumers, degreasers, for the most part, are equipped with a brush, like a regular varnish. This helps to make application as fast and hassle-free as possible.
The process of applying the product itself should be done as carefully as possible.
Avoid contact of liquid with skin, especially acidic formulations.
On average, you need to distribute the degreaser about 2 millimeters from the edge of the nail plate. In case of contact with skin, remove the product immediately.
When the degreaser is applied, it should dry. This process usually takes about 10 seconds. Certain brands of drugs require lamp drying.

What to replace at home?
If, for some reason, a degreaser was not purchased for the manicure, you can use other available tools. For example, at home, marigolds are degreased with acetone, alcohol, vinegar and even ordinary soap. But you can also do this with salicylic or boric acid and, say, cologne. The easiest option is nail polish remover. However, nail service masters do not recommend using substitutes for a long time, as this can lead to a deterioration in the condition of natural nails.
Let's take a closer look at what tools can be used as degreasers.
- Nail polish remover. If the liquid does not contain acetone, it will be of little use. The absence of this component will not allow cleaning the nail plate as efficiently as possible, some of the fatty deposits will still remain. However, the acetone-containing composition will help in this matter much better. They need to moisten a cotton pad and wipe the nails.

- Alcohol. To degrease nails with alcohol, you need a medical one. It does not contain impurities, provides high-quality disinfection, prevents the development of fungus and pathogenic bacteria. It should be borne in mind that alcohol cannot be used too often, it has an adverse effect on the health of nails. It is possible to use formic alcohol in the degreasing procedure, but its effect cannot be called useful either. Moreover, it is recommended to use it exclusively with gloves. Do not use vodka as a degreaser. It contains oils and impurities, so the procedure will not give the desired result.
- Salicylic acid. Salicylic acid can also be an alternative to a professional degreaser.The negative points here are the same as in previous cases: there is a risk of burning the skin if used carelessly, and the nail plate is drying out.

Side effects
It should be borne in mind that any remedy should be used with caution, because no one is immune from allergies. In the case of a degreaser, the negative reaction to it can be different.
Manifestations can be in the form of redness, itching, burning. And also the consumer can sneeze and cough. Peeling appears on the skin. In severe cases, the temperature rises.
Based on this, it is recommended to test it before using the tool. This is done like this: a small amount of the composition is applied to the nail plate and left for about half an hour.
If you notice signs of allergies, you should wash your hands thoroughly, take your allergy medication and ventilate into the room in which you planned to do the manicure.

As the nail service masters note, only professional tools should be used in the work. They guarantee excellent results, do not adversely affect the condition of natural nails. In addition, one bottle is enough for a fairly long period of time.
The same applies to the fair sex, who decided to make marigolds at home. Professional degreasers are not that expensive, but using them allows you to get a better manicure.
For a video review of the Lunail Cleaner nail degreaser, see the video below.