Why does gel polish peel off from the nail quickly and how to avoid it?

Gel polish manicure is considered to be durable. However, craftsmen also have cases when the coating begins to peel off within a few days from the moment of application. Someone associates this with the composition, someone with the characteristics of the female body, others are completely sure of the poor quality of the material.
Why detachment occurs and how to avoid it, the material in this article will tell.

Main reasons
Despite the fact that the gel polish should stay on the surface of the treated nails for at least two weeks, it can chip off even on the second day after application. You should not immediately blame the master, since the reasons here may be different. There can be several of them, let's note the main ones, dividing them into independent and dependent ones.
Not dependent on a specialist.
- Diseases. If the gel polish begins to chip off almost immediately, that is, within a day from the moment of application, this may indicate health problems. This can usually be associated with the presence of diabetes, as well as impaired kidney function and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The same can be said about any type of surgery. Even if a woman takes antibiotics during this period, this is also often the reason for the rapid detachment of the varnish.
- Features of the female body. Few people know, but gel polish can peel off if it was applied in the first days of the menstrual cycle. In addition, the varnish can poorly adhere to the nails due to such characteristics of the body as excessive sweating of the palms, excessive oily skin of the hands, thinning of the nails and their delamination.In these cases, flaking can occur from the base or finish. To avoid such a nuisance, you need to degrease the skin and eliminate excess sweating.
- Spa treatments for hands before coating. The process of applying hybrid products (gel varnishes and gel) requires mandatory degreasing of nails, since it can significantly reduce the wearing time of the coating. Wrapping your hands with oil-based formulations and performing a variety of masks, there is a significant hydration of the skin. The more funds are used, the fatter it is, the denser the oily layer. Not a single dehydrator (degreaser) can cope with completely removing the fat content, and therefore the coating after the spa procedure will not last long.
- Failure to comply with the recommendations of the master. As a rule, at the very end of a manicure (pedicure), a professional master always gives the client a few tips on extending the durability of the coating. Despite this, a woman, upon arriving home, immediately begins to break them all: to steam her hands, wash dishes in hot water, and even with the use of household chemicals. However, long contact with water and the use of aggressive chemicals in the first day after coating are completely excluded. From this, the varnish leaves not only at the ends, but also in a solid film.

Disadvantages of the wizard
No matter how much I would like to say that the master has nothing to do with it, there are times when it is his work that causes the gel polish to quickly peel off the nail. Consider the main nuances that you need to know before going to a nail salon or find out for yourself for those who independently perform manicure (pedicure) at home.
- Violation of technology. Violation of the technique may even consist in the preliminary preparation of the nails. For example, poor scrubbing of the skin around the nail can cause the gel polish to peel off the cuticle. It is undesirable to apply hybrid coatings immediately after performing an edged hygienic manicure. Do not allow the base or top to fall on the cuticle. Also, non-compliance with the technology is a hack of sealing the end of the nail. This can be one of the main reasons that the gel polish begins to move away from the top from the edge the very next day.
- The use of different materials. When looking for budget coatings and materials for manicure, we often forget that not all of them are compatible. Someone believes that the reason may lie in the low quality of lacquer products, and therefore tries to give preference to the products of well-known trading houses. However, the best solution would be to buy a base, top and pigmented varnishes from one manufacturer. This will reduce the chance of detachment.
- Exclusion from technology of one of the means. It should be understood that the full technology of nail polish coating is rather long. Unlike conventional varnishes, which do not need drying under a special lamp, here you will have to apply one layer on top of another. Moreover, their total number can be up to 5-6. Considering that each layer needs to be dried in a special device, a lot of time will be spent. Sometimes the masters do not treat the nails with a primer, do not strengthen them, or do not remove the grease well enough after a generous treatment of the hands with an antiseptic.

- Wrong drying mode. Hybrid coatings need to dry at a specific time. It depends on the type of lamp used and the type of specific varnish product. Also, one cannot ignore the fact that the lamps differ in power. Therefore, at low power, they will poorly dry the applied layer. Detachments can be accompanied by cracks. If you are supposed to dry the coating for two minutes, then you cannot shorten it. If a slider design is used, the layer underneath will take longer to dry.
- Dense layers of applied materials. The coatings should be applied in thin layers, remembering to pass the brush along the end of the nail. A thick layer will spread along the sides and behind the cuticle.In addition to the fact that this will make the nail look flatter, a large thickness in the cuticle area will cause detachment. It is important to understand that the greater the total thickness, the less the durability of the manicure (pedicure). Such a coating cannot be corrected if necessary; you will have to completely remove it and apply a new one.
- Ignoring the final stage of work. No hybrid product has something unnecessary and unnecessary. As for the top, it comes with and without a sticky layer. And since it is often the second one that is used in work, after the gel polish is sealed and dried, it is important to remove the dispersion layer or residual stickiness. This should be done about 30 seconds after drying.

Having found out the main reasons for possible peeling problems of gel polish, it is worth identifying what needs to be done to avoid such a nuisance. In this case, you will have to rely on the reasons themselves.
For example, if the matter is in the state of health, which we rarely think about, we need to abandon the gel polish and replace it with acrylic material. Before applying any material in general, it is worth asking the client if she is currently taking antibiotics, has heart problems, diabetes mellitus. As for the connection with the course of treatment, you will have to wait until at least 7 days have passed after taking antibiotics. After a week, the concentration of drugs in the body will decrease, you can cover your nails with gel polish.

If the problem is skin hyperhidrosis, it is worth systematically resorting to baths with oak bark.
However, you cannot rely only on the baths either: during the manicure (pedicure) you will have to use not one, but several times a degreaser, treating the nail plates themselves with it. If this does not help, you need to change the varnish by choosing a product of a different brand for the client.

When the root of the problem lies in the dryness of the nail plates and their insufficient thickness, you must first bring them back to normal. You can give your nails some time to regain their natural gloss and healthy appearance.
Frequent gel polish manicure often leads to the fact that the plates stop "breathing", and therefore break and grow more slowly. Weak and lifeless, they cannot hold the hybrid cover.
It is necessary to saturate them with vitamin complexes using special course preparations. With thin and flaking nails, it is important to be sure to wear gloves when washing dishes or hand washing.

When buying certain materials, you should choose a series from one manufacturer. Thus it is necessary to give preference to the products of trusted firms. It is not at all necessary that the materials cost big money (as, for example, sets of 6 pieces for 2000-2500 rubles). You need to flip through the reviews of professional craftsmen, find out their opinion. To be sure, it is better to buy from one manufacturer not only bases, top and pigments, but also a degreaser. This will ensure full product compatibility.
The masters have their own opinion about the observance of technology, they work with an apparatus, and they do not have time to invite a client twice for one manicure. In general, it is believed that decorative manicure should not be done immediately after a hygienic one. After it, oil particles, sawdust remain. They can get behind the cuticle, and this is what can cause the detachment to begin at the base of the nail.

It is important to understand that the nails do not dry all together: it is allowed to send no more than two into the lamp at the same time.
As for the cuticle, you need to move it back when applying layers. You can not steam the skin by taking a long bath before a manicure. Do not underdry the applied layers. Trash work with sealing the end is not allowed, because it is this that causes the varnish to chip off at the tips of the plates.

Can the detachment be masked?
If there is already a detachment, you cannot mask it, in this case it will not be possible to fix the gel polish and thereby extend the durability of the coating.
It doesn't matter if the peeling process has started from the free edge, from the base or from the side rollers, from the top or from the bottom: a complete rework will be the only option to remedy the situation. You need to understand the difference between peeling and chipping off a piece of coating. In the second case, correction is allowed, for example, by disguising as a French design.

How to determine the cause?
Of course, looking at the disastrous result with full confidence, it is impossible to say what the main reason for the detachment was.
However, some nuances sometimes indicate what could have led to it. For example, if the coating starts to crack on natural or artificial nails, this is a sure sign of non-observance of the gel polish manicure technique. When a chip first appears at the end, and then a spider-web crack extends from it, this can be explained by two reasons: drying out in a lamp or improper application of the base.
If the manicure was performed correctly, it is possible that the woman has endocrine disruption. You need to ask about these things before proceeding with the application.

Important nuances
Regardless of the type of design used, a mandatory step in the technology is the resurfacing of the nail plates. And you need to do it with a soft buff. Do not use old files, since they do not grind, but polish the surface, increasing its smoothness and thereby reducing the adhesion strength.
You need to walk with a buff in all corners and hard-to-reach places of the nail, without rubbing the plate.

It is also important to choose the right files as they differ in abrasiveness. It is imperative to use brushes to remove sawdust. After them, the remnants must be removed not with your fingers, but with a dehydrator and manicure napkins. The primer is used as a primer coat.
If in the process of work the varnish flows, this is disposed of before drying the coating in the lamp. When this moment is missed, it is necessary to correct the coating, getting rid of blemishes, and this can already become another reason for detachment.
It is also worth paying attention to the consistencies of the materials used, since they directly depend on the power of the lamps. For example, thick and viscous compositions are good for lamps with a wattage of 38 and 46 W.

If we really delve into the nuances of working with gel polish, then it is worth noting that the lamps are subject to a certain classification. In addition to the fact that they are professional or for household use at home, some of them are provided for building, while others are specifically for gel polish polymerization. That is why the lamp itself can be the cause of the problem.
We are not used to thinking about the fact that polymers harm the condition of nails. Without a break and prevention of nail delamination cannot be avoided. Do not overcoat with a hybrid film. This is important both for long extended nails and for your own nails. Not only will the film chip, but part of your nail can also come off. After 2 weeks from the moment of application, the marigolds begin to dry strongly, the lack of air and moisture, which is vital for them, affects. Therefore, in addition to detachment, painful sensations may appear around the nail plates.

Make sure that when working with gel polish and, for example, a slider design, you do not get air pockets.
It is necessary to seal the ends with high quality and thinness, apply varnish to a clean nail without hairs or lint that appeared after degreasing the plates. You cannot use cotton pads, you cannot brush off the dust with your fingers, the master must do a manicure with gloves. Do not pull up decorative elements.

For the reasons for peeling gel polish, see the video below.