
How much shellac lasts on nails and what does it depend on?

How much shellac lasts on nails and what does it depend on?
  1. How long does it last?
  2. The main reasons for the fragility of the coating
  3. Application errors
  4. How to extend durability?
  5. Choosing the best company
  6. Reviews

Long-lasting nail coatings eliminate the need for frequent manicure remodeling. Not all shellac sticks perfectly to the nails - there are cracks, chips, detachments. Many problems can be avoided by knowing how to wear shellac correctly.

How long does it last?

With proper application and proper care, shellac on the nails lasts for quite a long time (from 14 days to 1 month). However, after 3 weeks, the nails already grow back, and the appearance of the coating becomes ugly, although with the slow growth of the nail plate, the period of use of the manicure can increase to 1 month. During this time, defects in the form of cracks, chips, detachments should not appear.

The main reasons for the fragility of the coating

If the shellac is made of poor quality, then the result will be appropriate. Shellac will not last long if the plate is not degreased enough. The use of low-quality materials also does not lead to anything good; savings in manicure matters should be reasonable. Shellac may run out of shelf life; fakes of well-known brands are often found. In addition, you should choose well-proven nail salons or learn the secrets of applying shellac yourself.

Quite often, the integrity of the coating is compromised due to mechanical damage. If shellac is worn carelessly, without observing the rules of the technique of its application, then chips and cracks will appear very quickly. Therefore, you should not expose your nails to serious tests: opening covers or hitting a hard surface.

One of the most common causes of shellac damage on nails is heavy keyboard use.

A common cause of damage to the integrity of the coating is a chemical aggressive environment. If during cleaning, chlorine-containing substances, bleaches are used, then the shellac will not adhere to the nail plates. Hormonal disturbances, taking oral contraceptives, and antibiotic treatment negatively affect the condition of the nails. In case of hormonal disruptions, the nail plate rejects artificial materials, so you first need to visit a doctor and undergo the prescribed course of treatment.

Application errors

The main causes of defects are poorly applied shellac. Errors can be associated with a violation of technology or the use of substandard materials.

  • Poorly prepared plate: not completely removed pterygium or previous coating. The remaining particles will cause delamination and the coating will begin to break.
  • Primer not used prior to basecoat application. Unfortunately, many skip this step, but it is the primer that allows the coating to firmly adhere to the surface of the nail. This tool perfectly dries the nail plate, eliminates the adhesion of dust and other microscopic particles.
  • Poor-quality degreasing with a non-specialized tool. Everything is simple here - residues of fat, oils form spots on the plate that do not allow shellac to lie tightly on the nail, respectively, the coating will begin to collapse. It is not acetone or nail polish remover that should be used, but a special solution.
  • Use cotton pads instead of lint-free wipes. The villi that cling to the skin and nails subsequently create a space between the plate and the nail, which impairs the adhesion of the materials.
  • Drying in less than 2 minutes at each stage. The professional lamp is equipped with a timer that notifies you that drying can be stopped. If you do not wait for this signal, the quality of the manicure will be far from ideal.
  • Overexposure and overdrying adversely affect the durability of the coating.
  • The end of the nail is not sealed with a "finish" or transparent "base", the edges are not smeared when applying colored varnish. Sealing is necessary in order to close the access of water, air, microparticles. This will increase the life of the shellac.
  • Excessively thick layers of color, "finish", "base" slow down drying, which will certainly affect the quality of the manicure - the varnish will quickly peel off.
  • Shellac that extends beyond the boundaries of the nail plate increases the risk of detachment.
  • Use of expired material or varnishes that were not stored correctly. A poorly closed bottle allows air to pass through, which leads to deterioration of the shellac.

How to extend durability?

The craftsmen give many recommendations on what to do to prevent defects from occurring. You cannot ignore the procedures for cleaning, polishing, degreasing, applying a primer. If the health of the nails leaves much to be desired, then it is necessary to treat them: conduct a course of iodine-salt baths, drink vitamins, use varnish with medicinal properties. You can then apply the shellac in a nail salon or do it yourself. Coating at home must be done with high-quality professional three-phase products.

It is better to give preference to one brand and not buy "base", varnish, "finish" from different manufacturers. Do not shake bubbles before use, otherwise air may enter. When applying the coating, contact with oils and creams is excluded. Do not touch the surface of the nails during the procedures, otherwise the adhesion of the coating to the nail plate will be fragile. Manicure supplies must be kept in good condition. The lamp must be in good working order, otherwise all procedures will be in vain.

After a manicure, contact with water is avoided for several hours. You cannot go to the bathhouse or solarium on the first day, since the temperature contrast can affect the quality of the coating. In addition, you should not file, cut your nails until the next shellac correction.Gloves should be worn when cleaning with cleaning agents. It is interesting that the coating in the style of "French manicure" lasts much longer than monochromatic.

You should refuse procedures during pregnancy and lactation, as well as when taking potent drugs that affect hormonal levels. Another reason why you may have to ditch shellac: professions associated with high temperature fluctuations (bakeries and industrial production).

Choosing the best company

The selected manicure products must meet the following conditions:

  • long-term use without defects and loss of gloss - the declared period cannot be less than 3 weeks;
  • the coating must be easy to apply;
  • the composition of the product should not be too aggressive, otherwise the nail plate will quickly become thinned.

US brands are deservedly considered the leaders in the production of manicure products. You should pay attention to the following companies: Kodi, Jessica Geleration, Pnb, Gelish. Do not forget that the brainchild of the CND brand - Shellac - gave the appropriate name to the direction of this type of manicure.

It is very important not only to decide on the brand, but also to identify the fake in time, with which the market for professional nail art products is now oversaturated. The products are expensive and are in constant demand from the buyer. Fraudsters skillfully use this by offering gullible people a low-quality product that has nothing to do with high-quality shellac.

It is necessary to carefully evaluate the appearance of the bottle. It must indicate the name of the company and the country of origin. If the choice settled on the classic Shellac, then it is produced only in the United States. Inscriptions like: "Shellac IBN, Bluesky, CCO" - testify to a fake, because the real name of a high-quality coating is "Shellac CND". In addition, there should be a ledge on the cardboard packaging at the bottom, and a flower at the bottom of the bottle. The low price is one of the reasons to be on your guard and take a closer look at the purchase.

If you want to use brands in Europe, you can purchase the OPI line, Asia - Masura. They are practically not inferior in quality to their American "brothers". The listed manufacturers monitor the quality of the product, their products are distinguished by the widest palette of shades and high quality.

In recent years, Chinese gel polishes have become widespread, the most popular of which are: Bluesky, Canni, Cristina. They are often purchased for home use. Do not forget about the domestic industry of gel varnishes, although it is just beginning its development in the world of nail art. Russian brands include Aurelia and RuNai. The opinion about them is generally positive: they attract with good quality and affordable prices.


The majority of the responses to the durable coatings are positive. Those who have already used the service in a nail salon or did a manicure on their own note that the huge advantages of shellac are a long period of use, a wide range of colors and great possibilities for design solutions. Shellac allows you to embody the most unusual ideas, while you can not be afraid that rhinestones or sparkles will fall off, and the coating will fail at the most inopportune moment. In addition, shellac saves time and money, because it is enough to redo it once every 3 weeks.

Of the minuses, the most often mentioned are the duration of the procedure itself and low-quality materials. Most often, negative reviews are associated with the use of unverified gel polishes.

For information on how to make a shellac manicure at home, see the next video.

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