Removing gel polish

How can you erase nail polish if there is no remover liquid?

How can you erase nail polish if there is no remover liquid?
  1. Popular methods
  2. Folk remedies
  3. Tips & Tricks

Every modern beauty's cosmetic bag always contains a special liquid that is designed to remove nail polish. But sometimes it happens that the funds are not at hand, but you still need to remove the coating from the nails. How to erase regular varnish if there is no remover liquid? Let's talk about the most effective methods.

Popular methods

Of course, all women are accustomed to washing nail polish with a proven and specially designed composition. But sometimes situations happen that you urgently need to wash off the remnants of the old varnish, and there is no longer time to go to the store for a professional product. What to do? The main thing is not to despair. There are several ways to help you quickly deal with the problem.

  • The most popular method that many girls use is to remove the old layer with regular nail polish. Take any varnish that you have at home, boldly apply it in a thin layer on the nail plate, and after five to ten seconds remove it. In order to completely remove the old layer, we recommend doing this procedure with each finger separately. That is, you should not apply varnish on all nails at once. Also, keep not only cotton pads but also cotton swabs handy to easily remove leftovers.
  • If the house has the most common hairspray, then it can also replace a special tool. Take a cotton pad, saturate it with hairspray, and treat each nail. This method allows you to easily remove the layer of coating from the nails, but you should be extremely careful not to harm your hands. It is necessary to try to ensure that the varnish does not get on the skin during the process.If this happens, you should immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  • A spray deodorant can also help. It also needs to be applied to a cotton pad first. Avoid using too much deodorant during the process, as the pungent odor can lead to dizziness due to its abundance.
  • Ordinary perfume or men's cologne can also help in this situation. Moisten a cotton pad with perfume and gently process the nail plate. It will take a lot of time and patience, as the perfume does not remove varnish as quickly as we would like.
  • If you have alcohol in your home medicine cabinet, it can be used as an alternative to nail polish remover. Saturate a cotton pad with it and process each nail. After such a procedure, you should definitely use a cream for nails and hands to soften the skin, since alcohol has a drying effect and peeling may begin.
  • Another pharmacy remedy will help in an emergency. It's about hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad with liquid and boldly remove the remnants of the varnish from the nail plates. True, in this case, the process will take quite a long time, but the desired result will be achieved.
  • It so happens that there is no hairspray, no alcohol, or any of the other aforementioned products at hand. But there is always toothpaste in the house. This oral hygiene product can help, too. But it should be borne in mind that the paste should be ordinary white, not gel and not colored. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to the disc and rub gently over your nail.

In order to speed up the process and remove all the varnish without residue, the paste should first be mixed with a small amount of the most common baking soda.

Folk remedies

There are other popular methods, as they are called, "grandmothers" or "folk". That is, these are effective and safe methods using available tools that are in every kitchen.

One such method for removing varnish residues is the use of sunflower oil., which should be applied to all nails and wait fifteen to twenty minutes, after which it will be possible to clean off the coating.

There is always vinegar in every kitchen. In this case, you need to use a regular table one, which is not a concentrate and is used for salads. If only essence is available, dilute it 1: 7. There are two ways vinegar can be used for these purposes.

  • In the first case, you will need some soda water. In a separate bowl, mix both ingredients in equal proportions and dip your fingers there so that the liquid can saturate the nail plates. After about five minutes, hands should be washed, dried, and you can begin to erase the rest of the varnish.
  • The most popular handy tool for removing various contaminants in the kitchen is citric acid. It is she who, in combination with vinegar, can help to cope not only with grease stains, but also with the remnants of nail polish. This method is very effective. By the way, if there are fresh lemons in the house, then it is quite possible to use their freshly squeezed juice. It is recommended to take wine or ordinary vinegar, the concentration of which should not exceed seven percent; for 50 milliliters of liquid, you will need 20 milliliters of citrus juice. In the resulting solution, moisten a cotton pad and carefully process each nail. After fifteen to twenty minutes, the procedure should be repeated, and the varnish can be easily removed.

The simplest method, which does not require any funds, is to scrape off the coating with any sturdy manicure tool. Of course, it will take a lot of patience to clean your nails this way. And the risk of damaging the nail plates will be great. Therefore, many women, in order to quickly and effectively remove the remnants of the cosmetic product from their nails, simply start washing.

In this case, it should be exclusively hand wash. While you soak things in water with powder or soap, while you thoroughly wash them, the varnish applied to your nails will swell and almost all of it will be removed by itself. And if not, it will be easy to clean off the remnants.

By the way, you can use hand wash as the first step, and then remove the remaining varnish with sunflower oil. This way you can easily clean your nails and saturate them with useful substances.

Tips & Tricks

Finally, we have some useful recommendations that will help not only cope with the problem, but also keep your nails and hands healthy.

  • Many women often use harsh chemicals that are originally designed to remove enamel or paint. Such products are often used during renovations to easily remove paint stains and more. We are talking about special solvents, gasoline or turpentine. We do not recommend using such products, as it can seriously harm the health and beauty of your nails. In addition, the use of such products can cause irritation, itching, an allergic reaction, or even provoke skin diseases.
  • Some ladies use alcoholic beverages to get the job done. This method is also not safe, as it can harm the skin of the hands and nails. The method is very effective, but the nail plate can be so seriously damaged that it will take a long time to restore its former beauty and healthy appearance.
  • It is best for pregnant women to use folk remedies that are completely safe. For example, you can clean the nail plates with sunflower oil or lemon juice.

Be sure to protect your hands when using any of the above methods. Try to keep products such as alcohol or hydrogen peroxide away from your skin. After that, be sure to moisturize and nourish the nail plate with special products. Or at least use hand cream.

For information on how to remove nail polish without nail polish remover, see the next video.

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