Removing gel polish

Review of gel polish removers

Review of gel polish removers
  1. Features of the procedure
  2. Rating of the best funds
  3. What to replace?
  4. Reviews

Beautiful nails are one of the key components of a well-groomed woman, which is why gel polishes have firmly established themselves in the manicure industry. They are practical, comfortable and allow you to forget about updating the nail coating for 2-3 weeks. There is only one small "but" - it will not be easy to remove such a coating if necessary.

Features of the procedure

After shellac appeared on the market for decorative nail coating, most women immediately chose it as the basis for a manicure. Today, many well-known cosmetic brands produce a similar composition. The secret of its popularity is simple - this coating lasts much longer than a simple varnish, in addition, it is durable and resistant to impact and damage. However, if you decide to remove such a coating, then you will face some difficulties, since a special liquid called a remover is required for cleaning.

Acetone is usually included in the structure of a gel polish remover. It usually dissolves the hard layer of varnish quite quickly, but this substance can harm the upper layer of the nail plate - it provokes its delamination, softening and increases fragility.

Another aggressive component is often added to the remover - isopropyl alcohol. This is also far from the most useful ingredient; with frequent contact with it, the nail plates dry out and begin to crack.

To reduce the adverse effects of the active ingredients of the product, moisturizing and emollient ingredients, vitamins and nutrients are usually added to it.

Professionals advise to give preference to such preparations, which contain extracts of medicinal herbs, tea tree oil or ylang-ylang oil, oil extracts (jojoba, castor, burdock or wheat germ), as well as glycerin, silicone and necessarily vitamins A and E.

Rating of the best funds

Due to the high demand for shellac and the liquid for cleaning such a coating, it is also in high demand. This is often used by unscrupulous manufacturers who offer customers cheaper products, but at the same time more dangerous ones - they contain many aggressive components, and the proportion of softeners in them is minimal.

To maintain healthy nails, you should give preference to products from trusted manufacturers.


Under this brand, a line of effective shellac removers is produced, it is presented in several basic series.

  • Professional - created for beauty salons and professional craftsmen who work in the field of nail design.
  • Vitamin F Fortified Series - the best choice for those women who care about the health of marigolds. This component stimulates the onset of cell regeneration and quickly restores the entire nail plate.
  • Fruit - a line of products enriched with natural ingredients. As a rule, they have a rich smell (usually strawberry, apple, citrus, raspberry, kiwi).
  • Flower Is another line of products based on natural extracts, enriched with essential oils of lavender and rose.
  • Express series Are liquids that are made without the use of acetone. Such a composition not only effectively cleans the coating from the nails, but also removes the cuticle, and at the same time moisturizes the skin around the nail.

The undoubted advantages of these removers include the economy of use. It removes the coating very gently, without injuring the marigold, and, importantly, does not have a pungent chemical odor.


Liquids for cleaning gel polish from this brand are an example of the most successful cost / quality ratio. They are optimal both for salon procedures and for home use. The dissolution of the gel polish goes quite quickly - about five minutes, and the removal of the coating is quite delicate and equally safe on both real nails and artificial ones.

The consumption is very economical, and the pungent smell is fully compensated by the democratic cost.

The composition of the product includes acetone, which is harmful to the nails, therefore, after using the liquid, care procedures should be carried out - cosmetic baths and special rubbing that allow the nails to maintain strength and health.


This is one of the highest quality gel polish remover liquids - it penetrates deep into the gel composition and reduces the adhesion of the varnish to the nail plate. The compositions of this manufacturer remove varnish in the most delicate way, without causing the slightest harm.

Distinctive features of the composition are high efficiency and pleasant smell. The gel material dissolves completely in 10 minutes, while the skin of the hands is not injured.

Other popular brands include the following.

  • "Severina" - an effective remedy based on acetone, contains vitamins B and E, oil extracts of coconut, as well as tea rose and exotic fruits, thanks to which the plate remains healthy and strong.
  • Domix GEL Varnish Remover - this remover has an optimally balanced composition of the solvents used, therefore it does not harm the nails. The presence of castor oil additionally cares for the stratum corneum and gives a delicate aroma to the composition.
  • TNL Professional Is a liquid from Korean manufacturers that allows you to quickly remove any gel coating.Its structure includes acetone, isobutanol, and vitamins A and E, as well as castor oil and perfume, are introduced to soften it.

What to replace?

In order to remove the gel polish on your own at home, you can use acetone, isopropyl alcohol, or a simple nail polish remover. Any of these methods has both advantages and disadvantages, let's dwell on them in more detail.

If you do not have a specialized shellac remover at hand, you can use the most common one, it is sold in every store, so it will not be difficult to find it on the shelves. And the price for it is usually low.

However, such a liquid is designed to cleanse the most ordinary varnish, therefore it has minimal concentrations of active ingredients, and in order to get rid of a dense layer of shellac, you will need to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of time.

That is why, if you need to remove the polish quickly, then it makes sense to use extreme methods (keep in mind that they should not be included in your standard practice, otherwise your nails will be damaged so that they can only be restored by prolonged regrowth) ...

    So, in emergency situations, undiluted acetone is highly effective. It is used quite often in chores around the house, so it can often be found in your home chemistry cabinet. The acetone coating can be removed in a matter of minutes. However, this is where its merits end, since acetone dries up the nail plate, making it brittle and lifeless.

    Isopropyl alcohol dissolves shellac well, but this agent is rarely found in homes, unlike acetone, and it does not affect the nails themselves in the best way. There are much more disadvantages in using such a composition than advantages.

    Keep in mind that in order to remove shellac yourself, you will need additional material - foil. It is used to create a greenhouse effect, due to which gel polish coated with a remover softens quite quickly.

    If you do not have foil at hand, then you can use ordinary cling film, which is completely identical to foil in the type of impact.

    If there is no film either, then try using an adhesive plaster. This item is sure to be found in every home medicine cabinet, and you can even use a band-aid in rolls.

    Well, if there is no plaster, then use a simple plastic bag cut into strips. From a technical point of view, absolutely any material that does not allow air to pass through is suitable.

    A real revolution in the nail industry was the creation of wipes that are used to cleanse gel polish. These are quite practical devices in the form of pockets, well impregnated with a special tool. You just need to put them on each nail and fix at the edges. They replace both the remover itself and the film with foil. Of course, the cost of the product is quite high, but considering that it is "2 in 1", then ultimately buying it turns into savings.


    Reviews of women using specialized removers are in most cases the most positive - the nail plates are cleaned quite quickly, and the softening components prevent damage to the stratum corneum.

    When purchasing a liquid, you should carefully study the label - if it says that the composition is needed to remove the sticky coating - it will be useless for dissolving the gel polish directly. Cliners are optimal only for treating the hard coating after thermopolymerization under an ultraviolet manicure lamp.

    Avoid using undiluted acetone to clean hard surfaces.This chemical has a fairly strong concentration of aggressive components, therefore, not only damages the marigolds and slows down their growth, but can also harm health, since the vapors of the composition can penetrate the cells and tissues of the human body through the skin and respiratory organs.

    However, even if you buy a very expensive and high-quality liquid, try to take a short break - after removing such a coating, let your nails rest for 2-3 weeks, otherwise you cannot avoid delamination of the plates and their complete thinning.

    And while your marigolds are recovering, be sure to help them with care procedures that promote their regeneration. The alternation of salt baths and special masks for nails is very effective.

    See below for the test drive results for the removers.

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