We make a manicure with gel polish

What do you need to have for a gel polish manicure?

What do you need to have for a gel polish manicure?
  1. Coating features
  2. Materials (edit)
  3. Instruments
  4. Beginner's Starter Kit
  5. Popular brands of gel varnishes
  6. How to store?

Today, nail gel polish is insanely popular. The relevance of this type of design is due not only to its high attractiveness, but also to sufficient reliability. This manicure can delight you with its beauty for two weeks, or even more. Simple varnishes cannot boast of such a long action, therefore they gradually fade into the background. And about what you need to have for decorating ladies' nails with practical gel polish, read on.

Coating features

Modern women of fashion are free to choose any design for decorating their charming marigolds. It can be designed in absolutely any style, color and texture. The nail design is not limited to monochromatic coatings. The ladies are faced with the widest selection of varnishes with various decorative effects. Modern gel varnishes are also distinguished by a large assortment of colors and effects. These products are insanely popular and in demand because they are affordable, and you can apply them to your nails at home.

It should be noted that such fashionable coatings are distinguished by a more spectacular and "rich" appearance. They can literally transform marigolds, while emphasizing the overall style of their owner. A design like this can last for quite some time without peeling or cracking. However, a lot depends on how correctly the gel polish was applied. To do this, you should not only be neat and scrupulous, but also keep in stock all the attributes that are irreplaceable for application.

You should also take into account another important feature of such coatings - they are absolutely safe for the nail plate.

Of course, this parameter depends on the quality of the gel polish you are purchasing. If you decide to save money and bought a too cheap product, then perhaps it will harm your nails.

That is why it is so important to choose the right gel polish. It is advisable to give preference to products from trusted and well-known companies.

Before deciding to cover your own nails with gel polish or to start doing this by providing beauty services, you will need to familiarize yourself with the complete list of equipment and devices required for such procedures.

Materials (edit)

For a trendy design with gel polish, you need to stock up on a number of materials, without which such procedures may be impossible.

  • Colored gel polish. If you have never used such things, then first you better buy a starter set of bubbles with basic colors. It is advisable to purchase such products from one manufacturer. You can easily get the desired tone by combining certain basic colors on the palette. Over time, the kit can be made wider and richer by purchasing compounds that differ in structure and decorative effects.
  • Basic coverage (another name is base). This composition is designed to level the surface of the nail plate before direct application of the gel. The base layer is also responsible for protecting the marigold from the ingress of pigment into the keratin layers.
  • Top gel (he is also the topcoat). The specified composition protects the coating from cracking, chips, scratches and other similar defects. In addition, the top allows you to hold various decor, for example, rhinestones, sequins, broths and other similar little things. With the help of this gel, it is possible to create a manicure with both a glossy and a matte texture.
  • Antiseptic composition. This is another extremely important material that you should definitely buy if you are going to do gel polish coatings at home. After removing the cuticle and polishing the nails with a nail file, you need to thoroughly disinfect the ladies' fingers. This is necessary so that inflammation does not begin on the skin accidentally injured by the instrument.
  • Degreaser, dehydrator. Before you start applying such an important base coat, you will definitely need to get rid of all the greasy stains and moisture that are sometimes present on the surface of the plates. You cannot neglect this stage, because because of this, the gel polish may not lie as planned.
  • Primer. It is acidic and acid-free. Nails are treated with it so that the base layer not only lasts for a long time, but also adheres more tightly to the keratin scales on the nails. In this way it is possible to avoid detachment of the already hardened coating.
  • Klinser. After completing the polymerization process in a UV lamp, a characteristic dispersion layer (sticky) forms on the already hard coating. It can be removed without any problems using a special cleaner designed specifically for nail plates.
  • Liquid for removing gel. It is not recommended to keep a decorative manicure for more than 2 weeks, because "your" nails should be given time to "rest". They must "breathe". To quickly remove the hard coating on the plates, but at the same time not harm their structure, the first step is to soften the gel layer with the help of a specialized composition.
  • Orange sticks. With this device, it is very easy to remove traces of gel that remain surrounded by a lady's marigold. In addition, with orange sticks, you can easily process the cuticle, apply small patterns to the still sticky surface of the decorative coating.
  • Lint-free napkins. As many fashionistas know, simple napkins or cotton pads always leave the villi present in their structure on the nails. Ugly bubbles usually collect around these inclusions when the base coat is applied.It is for this reason that the plates should be degreased only with lint-free wipes.


If you are going to deal with gel polish coating of nails, then you will need not only the special materials listed above, but also special tools that you cannot do without if you want to achieve good results.

    This is a kind of complete manicure set with all the necessary accessories.

    There are both professional products and accessories for inexperienced nail artists.

    • UV lamp for polymerization. For the purpose of home use, it is recommended to purchase a 36-watt appliance with replaceable fluorescent lamps. Instead of this option, it is permissible to buy 16/24 Watt LEDs with long-lasting LED bulbs. You need to know that the fingers of one lady's pen should be comfortable enough to be and fit in the working area of ​​the selected device. It is advisable to look for more convenient and practical devices, complemented by a timer.
    • Shaping file free edge of the nail plate (or to file off the nail, if necessary). The tip of a natural lady's marigold must be processed with glass files or ceramic instruments, the abrasiveness of which is 180/240 grit.
    • Brush. With a special brush for manicure, equipped with a pile of artificial origin, it is very convenient to brush off the dust from the nails, which remains after processing with a file or buff. Basically, these tools have medium hard bristles.
    • A set of brushes. These include: a thin brush, reminiscent of a stripper, for drawing a "smile line" of a jacket and for depicting various rose patterns, decorations, monograms; fan-type brush for shading and placing small decorations on varnish; a petal brush with an oblique tuft; and a flat, straight brush for applying a gradient.
    • Clips. Not so long ago, these accessories made of plastic appeared on the market. They are used to remove the gel. This device, interesting in its form, greatly simplifies the process of removing the old coating from the lady's nails. Previously, it was necessary to wrap the nail with foil dipped in a special composition, but today this is not necessary - everything has become much easier. It is enough just to put a finger with a wet disk in the clip and wait a little.
    • File for sanding the surface of the natural nail plate. Before proceeding with the application of the base layer, you will definitely need to remove the top layer of keratin. To do this, they turn to nail polishing with a rather soft file 240/500 grit. The tool will need to be moved in one direction until the shine disappears.
    • A file designed to correct top or gel polish on the nails. A strong layer of "set" top-gel or gel polish must be sanded with a special nail file, the abrasiveness of which is 160/180 grit. This work is carried out before laying out various kinds of decorations or in the process of removing the layer before processing with a specialized composition, so that the liquid would rather make the solid layer softer.
    • Nail scissors. These are called small scissors that have curved ends. These tools manage to smoothly level the free edge of the nail plate on each finger.
    • Tongs or wire cutters. These devices are also very useful when decorating nails with gel polish. It is necessary to choose them especially carefully. Masters strongly recommend purchasing only high-quality instruments made of safe and reliable surgical steel. In addition, the cutting edges of tweezers and nippers must be perfectly sharpened, otherwise these devices will be of little use.
    • Pusher or manicure scraper. Before proceeding with the application of the coating, it is required to remove the overgrown cuticle, as well as the pterygium, from the surface of each marigold.With the help of a special metal pusher, it is convenient and easy to move the soft and stratum corneum to the nail roller to the maximum.

    Beginner's Starter Kit

    Today on sale you can find a lot of options for sets of tools and materials for nail service, which make it easy and problem-free to cover the nails with a suitable composition. For beginners, a starter kit is recommended, which has a number of advantages.

    • The specified set contains the components necessary for decorating nails with fashionable gel polish: the required tools, materials and accessories that will be useful to an inexperienced master for an easier start of work, as well as gaining the necessary skills.
    • In most cases, professional kits are made up of products from the same brand. At the same time, the composition of all products is developed for the effective interaction of all compositions with each other. Experienced craftsmen do not advise buying multi-brand kits for gel polish, because products from different manufacturers may not match each other in basic parameters and characteristics. This will definitely negatively affect the quality and durability of the manicure.
    • Based on the composition of the kit, it is possible either to organize a real workplace from scratch, or to supplement the existing list of special equipment and gels with those tones that are most often used by the master.
    • Buying a kit like this is more economical and easier than finding all the components separately.

    All components present in the starter kit can be conditionally divided into main and auxiliary ones.

    The latter may already be in the home manicure set, therefore their presence in the toolkit for beginners is not required at all.

    Main components

    • Base for gel polish. You cannot do without the use of a base if you cover your nails with a three-phase gel polish. This layer has no color, it is transparent and dries up under a lamp.
    • Colored gel polish. Experienced craftsmen advise looking for such configurations in which there is not one, but a couple of different colors. For the sake of varnish alone, it makes no sense to buy a whole set for a manicure.
    • Top for gel. This is a must-have topcoat, which is also indispensable when working with three-phase systems. The top makes the nail coating shiny, protects the gel polish from cracking, scratches and chips. This increases the stability of the coating.
    • Drying lamp. This device is considered the most expensive in the starter kit. Basically, the kits are equipped with small-sized 9V ultraviolet lamps (this is a budget option, but drying with it takes a lot of time) or Led lamps.
    • Composition for removing the sticky layer. The lion's share of modern tops has a special sticky layer. It must be removed using a specialized solution.
    • Degreasing compound. Another important part of the starter kit. It can be a primer, prep, bonder, or a simple product. This element is required to ensure a more reliable adhesion of the gel to the nail plate.

    Auxiliary elements

    • File for polishing nails. This tool in the starter kit is needed to remove the natural shine from the nail plates. This procedure guarantees a better and stronger adhesion of the coating to the base.
    • Dust brush. After completing all work with the nail file, you will need to remove all remaining dust from the nails. For this, it is very convenient to use a special brush.
    • Lint-free napkins. These items are often found in starter kits. Some ladies turn to the use of cotton pads, but this is not the best solution, because, as mentioned above, they leave their fibers on the nails.
    • Cuticle oil. It is required to moisturize and nourish the cuticle after all manicure procedures. It is permissible to use the same oil that you use for a simple manicure.

    To remove all layers from nails, the specified set must contain the following components:

    • plastic pads, foil with a sponge or tear-off;
    • specialized liquid for removing the hardened layer of gel polish;
    • all the same lint-free napkins;
    • orange stick or pusher.

    Popular brands of gel varnishes

    Many large manufacturers have established themselves on the modern market, producing high-quality and safe gel varnishes in a variety of palettes.

      The choice of these coatings should be taken very seriously, since not only the beauty of the manicure, but also the condition of the nail plates will depend on their quality.

      That is why knowledgeable craftsmen recommend giving preference only to branded products.

      • Bluesky. This firm is loved by many for offering good all-round products that combine base and base coat. You won't be able to find a very cheap gel polish from this brand, as well as too expensive.
      • Kodi. A brand that produces cosmetics for both amateur and professional use. Kodi varnishes are very popular and in great demand in Belarus, Latvia, Germany, Russia and other countries.
      • Canni. It is a renowned firm that dates back to 2007. Canni offers nail service products for customers to choose from. Branded gel polishes do not have pungent aromas and are not harmful to health. They also come with very practical professional brushes.
      • Lovely. This company produces gel polishes belonging to the premium category. They meet all European standards, are durable, beautiful and economical to use.
      • RuNail. Gel varnishes of this brand are the best in terms of price-quality ratio. Many experienced craftsmen buy them. Thanks to these varnishes, highly durable and attractive coatings can be applied.
      • Masura. This company became famous and popular due to the Basic series of gel polishes. It contains both one- and three-phase specimens in a variety of color palettes.

      How to store?

      In order to correctly distribute all the accessories for coating nails with gel polish, it is first recommended to sort them step by step according to the type of work performed. Many craftsmen keep these things in separate boxes. Separate reservoirs are desirable for different instruments and materials. Often, boxes are signed for ease of use if they are the same size and color.

      It is best to store them in a dark place where other people's hands cannot reach. It is also worth choosing a cool place to store your manicure sets.

      Such distribution using boxes will be sufficient for home storage.

      If the master has to regularly go to the salon or to the home of customers, then it is better to buy a suitable professional bag or a special case, a travel bag. Such products have different modifications and dimensional parameters. The largest models are usually equipped with a convenient pull-out handle. There are not so many disadvantages of such bags and suitcases: high weight and high price. However, they are very convenient to use, which justifies their high cost.

      Do not forget that gel polishes must be kept tightly closed.

      Make sure that no varnish remains on the thread of the bottle: it will interfere with complete closure.

      Keep in mind that nail polish gels do not need to be shaken a lot, especially if the composition is cheap. Because of this, bubbles can collect in it, which will prevent the coating from lying on the plate normally. That is why professional craftsmen often use special cases for transporting accessories, in which there are special clips for gels.

      A video review of a starter kit for gel polish manicure at home is in the video below.

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