We make a manicure with gel polish

How to properly rub in gel polish?

How to properly rub on gel polish?
  1. Specificity of the procedure
  2. Preparing nails
  3. Application process
  4. Common mistakes
  5. Examples of manicure

Every girl strives to always be flawless and attract the close attention of others with her style and grooming. One of the best ways to stand out from the crowd is an elegant manicure, but the fashion for nail decors is constantly changing and each new season brings fresh trends and directions. Rubs for nails are in trend this year.

Specificity of the procedure

Rubbing in is a simple procedure that gets its name from the type of coating. She came into fashion last year. Visually, it is a shimmering powder, ground almost into dust, it is sold in the same small jars, in which you can buy the most common gloss. However, outwardly, these two compositions differ: the rubbing is more like river sand of the finest grinding, in addition, an applicator is offered in the kit, which is needed to apply the composition to the surface of the marigold.

A rubbed manicure looks very stylish, so it immediately favorably distinguishes its owner among all the others. Due to its characteristics, the composition gives a mirror effect. Of the advantages of rubbing, one can also note the ease of application, which does not require any specialized skills, or work experience, or a professional tool.

Many people confuse rubs and varnishes familiar to everyone with a metallic effect. In practice, they differ greatly both in the application technique and in the main consumer features.So, mirror powder is characterized by its resistance to chemical solvents, sea water or the sun, and visually the coating looks more chrome-plated than when using shellac with foil. The rub is very easy to apply and easy to remove from nails. If necessary, you can create both a stylish metallic glow and a "shimmer" effect. Powder features allow you to create voluminous decors or French manicure.

With so many advantages, rubbing has a very democratic cost, and the composition is consumed very sparingly. The decor lasts up to 3 weeks without causing any harm to the nails. The products are presented in a wide product line in a wide variety of shades and effects, can be combined with any outfit, but if you wish, you can choose a coating for each individual case. In the current season, steel, dark blue, purple, as well as gold tones and the so-called chameleon are at the peak of popularity.

Important! When buying a powder, pay special attention to the quality of the products offered to you and the brand of the manufacturer. You should not chase the benefits - in most cases cheap rubbing is of low quality and creates dirty stains of an incomprehensible color on the coating.

Preparing nails

If you are determined to apply a rub in to cover the nail plates, then the first thing you need to understand is that the surface must be completely flat, otherwise the powder will be unevenly distributed and you will not achieve the desired effect. To prepare the nails, the plates should be pre-aligned with files of varying degrees of abrasiveness and covered with base compounds. It can be shellac or the simplest varnish. It is best to use darker shades - the metallic will be stronger and more pronounced.

A bright and unusual manicure immediately draws attention to the hands, so make sure that the nails have a neat shape, the burrs should be removed, and the overgrown cuticles should be pushed aside.

Application process

Different types of rubbing are applied to nails in several ways. It is worth dwelling in more detail on each option used.


This type of rub is the most popular, while giving your nails a stylish chrome look is quite simple even on your own at home.

The application process is as follows:

  • first you need to do a high-quality manicure, sand the surface, then degrease and apply a primer, which contributes to better adhesion of the gel polish to the top layer of the nail plate;
  • then apply directly varnish of chocolate, burgundy, black or any other dark shade and dry thoroughly;
  • then remove the sticky layer from the surface with a concealer, and then rub the mirror dust with massage movements; you need to do this with an applicator or just with your fingers;
  • pay special attention to the lateral areas near the nail rollers - if you do not pay enough attention to them, then the coating will be uneven and untidy;
  • at the final stage, the nails are covered with a top and dried in a professional UV lamp.


Pearl rub is more suitable for those girls who want to achieve a delicate effect. Natural shine will not leave anyone indifferent, but at the same time it does not look too bright and catchy. This option is considered optimal for young brides and is in no way inferior in popularity to a jacket and moon manicure.

To achieve the pearl effect on your nails, you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • cover nails with white varnish in 2-3 layers;
  • then remove the top layer with a degreaser and apply rubbing in any available method;
  • be sure to cover with a good fixer at the end - in this case, the manicure will retain its rich shine and pearlescent shimmer for quite some time.

Prism for nails

This is a special type of rub that has a much finer grind, which allows you to achieve a stylish 3D effect. Quite often, such a rubbing is called holographic, but it's not quite the same thing. The holographic composition has distinct glitters, while the prism coating is a very fine powder, almost dust, thanks to which it can be used to obtain a truly iridescent effect. The main advantage of this powder is that it forms a smooth, leveled surface and looks like a shimmery mother-of-pearl.

Depending on your own aesthetic preferences, you can apply a base coat of absolutely any shade under the prism rub. In the classic version, preference is given to black and dark blue tones or white. The prism makes the coating stylish, expensive and extremely effective.

It is applied in stages in the following sequence:

  • to begin with, the nail plate is filed, sanded and degreased;
  • when the surface is leveled, the very first layer of shellac is applied, dried in an ultraviolet lamp;
  • then apply a brighter coating and re-dry, not forgetting to remove the sticky layer from the dried nail plate with a professional concealer;
  • the required amount of dust is collected with the applicator and vigorously rubbed into the surface of the marigold with light massaging movements, distributing it in an even layer over the entire area;
  • all excess glitter is removed from the skin near the nail, the coating is fixed with a hardener and dried for the last time.

Be aware that the prism can completely overlap the base color of the coating. To achieve the desired effect, dust should be applied as carefully as possible so as not to impair the final look. As a rule, the substrate is painted in rich dark colors, then, depending on the basic tone, the powder acquires a certain gradient. For example, when rubbing sparkles into a burgundy base, the final color turns out to be pale pink with iridescent stylish tints. As for the holographic rubbing, every sparkle is clearly visible in this decor. Most often, such a composition is used in combination with such trendy tones as mint, turquoise and lime. A holographic rub with a Tiffany shade looks very stylish, while the nails are completely covered with such a composition.


This is a rather stylish and non-trivial surface. It is also often called a chameleon - it creates a real play of colors. Shades with such a coating shimmer and, in bright light, resemble the color of the wings of a May beetle. As a rule, such metallized powder is presented in various tones of dark color, as well as golden and bright green, and even turns purple in dim lighting. Depending on the selected base, the finished decor can come out more juicy and bright, or, conversely, dark, saturated or faded. It is noteworthy that the powder itself in the jar has a grayish-beige tint, and not at all green or even golden.

Important! Rubs can be used not only for shellac - they can be used to cover even the simplest varnish, but in any case, the nail should be smooth and neat.

The step-by-step application of rubbing on a regular varnish does not differ much from the shellac coating technique and looks like this:

  • to begin with, the nails are covered with the selected varnish in 2-3 layers and wait for light drying - this coating should be slightly sticky;
  • rubbing is applied with a small applicator, which is sold complete with dust, but if there is none, then you can use an ordinary cotton swab, a soft brush, or in the most extreme case with your finger;
  • the powder is rubbed in with rotating movements very carefully, with special attention paid to the edges of the plates;
  • at the final stage, the nails are covered with an additional layer of a transparent tone fixer and enjoy the result.

Important! Of course, such a coating will not last long, but the appearance of the hands will undoubtedly please with exceptional grooming and originality.

Common mistakes

The most common mistake when rubbing in is the purchase of a poor quality product. Poor quality polyester dust is applied in lumps, leaving dirty streaks, and the service life of such a coating is significantly reduced. The most popular for creating mirror effects are gold and silver pigments, but to get pearl, you should give preference to light shades. To make the decor more saturated, you need to focus on black and dark blue basecoats. If you want to get a delicate look, beige and pastel varnishes are used.

Wrong color solution prevents the desired rub-in effect, therefore, all the subtleties of the coating should be thought out in advance. If you are using a brush to apply dust, it is best to get the softest one so that the right amount of particles will immediately stick to it and not crumble. Women who are just mastering the rub-in technique often apply it directly to the base - this is not entirely correct, since in this case the color and, accordingly, the radiant effect is less pronounced than if they were using shellac. Moreover, it will look harmoniously with metallic powder, regardless of which tone you prefer.

To make the coating adorn your hands as long as possible, try to avoid the following mistakes:

  • you should not save rubbing - if you apply too little composition, then the shade will turn out to be faded and expressionless;
  • the technique can be used only on aligned nail plates, which is why, before coating, the entire surface of the marigold should be thoroughly treated with a buff, otherwise the particles will begin to roll into unaesthetic lumps;
  • when applying rubbing, you should not take matte tones as a topcoat;
  • it is best to use an applicator to blend the composition, applying with a finger is possible only as a last resort, since there is always a certain amount of sebum on the skin, which can significantly reduce the durability of the entire coating;
  • after applying the powder, unused glitter often remains on the fingers - they should be brushed off.

Keep in mind that the smaller the particles, the more tightly it needs to be applied, this is the only way to achieve a uniform look on the nails. Experts advise taking rubbing with a diameter of 0.2 mm for the first layer, and for the second, the size should be smaller, optimally 0.1 mm. Many beginners neglect this rule, as a result, the effect is not strong enough and is expensive. It is better to buy nail polish in specialized stores, and if time permits, it is worth ordering a parcel from a Chinese website. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages - in the first case, you can see the powder with your own eyes and touch it with your fingers, but the cost will be quite high. When ordering from China or another online store, the price will undoubtedly please you, but delivery will have to wait. And you can judge the quality only upon receipt of the rub.

Important! In order not to buy a low-quality product, it is better to give preference to brands such as Masura, as well as Nika Nagel and Zoo Nail Art. The assortment line of these manufacturers is replete with a variety of effects and shades, so you can look exceptionally stylish and flawless in any situation.

Examples of manicure

A gentle rub with a pearl shimmer will be ideal for romantic girls, as well as this choice will be optimal for creating a delicate bride look. This rub-in works well with basecoats in milky white and pastel shades.

Not so long ago, rubbers with unusual names appeared on the market: "Unicorn", "Aurora" and "Mermaid"... They are distinguished by a warm shimmer and are close to pearl in their final effect.

"Chameleon" and "May beetle" - these options are good for determined and active girls with well-groomed hands. Outwardly, they look like the shell of the well-known May beetle, ideal for covering black or purple nails. As a rule, such bows are used for evening outings.

Powder has a similar effect. "Northern Lights" - this is an option in which the color of the nail can change from pink-lilac to blue-purple and other similar shades. When done correctly, this manicure takes on a truly unique look.

Holographic - this rubbing is very popular in the current season, rubbing does not lag behind it "Rainbow" and "Prism"that combine the shimmer of snow and the multicolor of the rainbow.

Gold rub is perhaps the most luxurious, no other composition gives such a rich and expensive effect. Golden shimmer on the nails is the result of using gold rubbing. In addition to its unique shimmer, the composition is distinguished by a mirror shine, thanks to which the coating is as close as possible to the color of a real precious metal.

A relatively new type of rub - "Melange", the particles of such a powder are much larger than those of all other types of rub, therefore, many people call the material snowball or ice cream - and this fully determines the appearance of such a coating. On the surface, it forms a rather bulky layer that seems soft. Usually particles of "Melange" do not have a pronounced shade, but in some cases they can be colored.

And, of course, a mirror rubbing is kept at its peak, which recreates the effect of liquefied metal on the nails. Usually it is performed in silver or gold, but light pink and blue shades are equally popular. The mirror coating ideally emphasizes the beauty of the jewelry on the hands of its owner and even in the most laconic image brings a sense of celebration and luxury, without vulgarizing it.

For information on how to properly apply a rub on gel polish, see the next video.

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