We make a manicure with gel polish

How to make a gel polish correction correctly?

How to make a gel polish correction correctly?
  1. Features of the procedure
  2. Varieties
  3. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. Tools and materials
  5. Execution technique
  6. How to disguise overgrown nails
  7. Summing up

Every girl wants to look irresistible in the eyes of others, and a beautiful and high-quality manicure is a very important detail of the image. More and more women are using tools such as gel varnishes, since they can be used to give the nails a well-groomed look for a fairly long period of time. In addition, thanks to the rich color palette and the variety of proposals from the masters of the nail service, you can successfully implement any designs. However, over time, any gel polish grows back, and the handles do not look too neat. In this case, the correction can save the situation. What is this procedure and how to carry it out correctly - we will talk in our article.

Features of the procedure

Speaking about such manipulations as nail correction, first of all it is necessary to understand what a gel polish is. As the name suggests, this is a kind of mixture of gel and regular nail polish. The difference is that the composition remains on the nail plate for a longer time, it is not afraid of external influences: for example, you can safely do household chores such as washing, cleaning and washing dishes.

Correction is needed in order to fully or partially renew the marigolds and give them a presentable appearance. It also becomes a great solution if the nail is broken. Manicure is also of great importance, since during it the cuticle is removed and a nail of the required length and shape is formed.

Correction is a purely individual procedure, someone does it once every 2 weeks, someone just needs to visit the master once a month. It all depends on how fast the nails are growing.


Nail service specialists offer 2 types of this procedure. It can be carried out both without removing the coating or by completely changing the design and color.

If the nails grow fast enough, while the coating itself looks great, but you want to mask the overgrown edge, it makes sense to pay attention to the procedure without removing the material. In such a situation, the old gel polish remains in place, and the overgrown area of ​​the nail is filled with new gel, thereby visually creating a single flat surface.

If the fair sex often prefers to change the design or they quickly get bored with the same varnish color, it is worth carrying out a full correction with a color change. In this case, the old coating is removed, a full-fledged manicure is done, after which the nails are covered with a new gel polish.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each woman chooses the type of procedure based on her own preferences. However, it is impossible not to clarify that each of them has both pluses and minuses.

First of all, we will consider the option when the coverage does not change. The main advantage of the procedure is that it takes very little time. This is very convenient for the fair sex with a busy schedule. In addition, the price for carrying out manicure work will be quite low. However, the inconvenience is that in this case you will have to give up the variety, since the main color of the marigold will remain the same as before the correction.

Let's talk about the benefits of a complete coating change.

In this case, you can show your imagination and make a new design every time, as well as change the length and shape of the nails. But it must be borne in mind that the procedure takes a lot of time, and the cost will be significantly higher.

Tools and materials

You can make a nail correction both in the salon with a professional master, and at home. However, this will require special materials, tools and equipment. It is also important to keep it clean so as not to introduce infection during the procedure.

    For convenience and getting rid of dust when cutting material, experts recommend purchasing a vacuum cleaner that is installed on the table.

    You will also need:

    • nail files, different in hardness;
    • buff;
    • basic coverage;
    • top coating;
    • the gel polishes themselves;
    • soft, lint-free napkins;
    • special liquid used to remove material;
    • foil;
    • acid-free or acidic primer;
    • degreaser;
    • a lamp for drying gel;
    • sawing machine with various attachments;
    • a brush that brushes off dust;
    • manicure tools;
    • wooden sticks;
    • special oil.

    Execution technique

    So, how can you perform the correction procedure using gel polish? Each of the types has its own subtleties and nuances. Let's start with how to perform the correction without changing the nail cover.

    • First of all, you need to treat your fingers with an antiseptic liquid. For convenience, you can use a spray. Next, a manicure is done: the cuticle is shifted or removed, the appearance of the marigold is formed. Then with a hard nail file it is necessary to cut off the top layer of the gel.
    • After that, using a special solution, the dispersion layer is removed with a napkin, as well as the dust that remains after cutting. The treated area of ​​the natural nail is thoroughly degreased. In order for the gel to better adhere to the surface of the marigold, a little acid-free primer should be applied to it.
    • After that, the required area is covered with a base and dried in a lamp. Gel polish is also gently applied to the regrown area of ​​the nail and dried thoroughly. After that, you need to cover the entire nail plate with the material 2 times, drying each layer in a lamp.Next, a top coat is applied, baked under ultraviolet light, the sticky layer is removed if necessary, and the cuticle is treated with oil.

      As for the correction with a complete change of coverage, more complex and time-consuming work is carried out here, where step-by-step instructions should be provided.

      • To begin with, the hands are treated with an antiseptic. After that, a napkin or cotton wool is taken, divided into 10 parts, soaked in a special liquid. Each of the tampons is applied to the nail as tightly as possible, and wrapped on top with foil or cling film for 15 minutes. Further, the compresses are removed from the fingers, and the softened gel is removed with a wooden stick. If the gel does not have time to dissolve, the procedure should be repeated.
      • In some cases, you can do without a special liquid, but simply cut the cover. When the marigolds are clean, hands should be washed in warm water. Next, a manicure is done, the appearance of the nail plate and its length are formed. After buffing and cleaning the surface, apply a base coat and dry in a lamp.
      • Next, it was time to apply the gel polish. Each coating, and there are ideally 2 of them in total, must be baked in a lamp. After that, the nails are covered with a top, dried, the sticky layer is removed with a special liquid, if necessary. Oil is applied to the cuticle.

      How to disguise overgrown nails

      Correction can be carried out as often as desired by the fair sex. However, there are cases when it is difficult to find time for the procedure, and a visit to a nail salon is not cheap. Not everyone has the ability to perform these manipulations at home. But if the marigold has grown, then the manicure does not look so neat, and I want to fix the situation in some way. To do this, beautiful young ladies come up with a wide variety of options, some of which we will consider below.

      So that the regrown surface is not conspicuous, you can attend to this issue in advance. For example, make a popular French manicure or cover only the tip of the nail with gel polish or glitter. The camouflage applied to the nail plate repeats its color to the maximum, and the regrown part will no longer be as noticeable as in the case of bright varnish.

      Moon manicure is also gaining more and more popularity among the fair sex. The upper part of the nail is made in the shape of a crescent, respectively, when the natural nail grows, the transition becomes less noticeable. You can also decorate this area with glitter, and the manicure will look bright and attractive in a new way.

      Dense nail varnishes of the same shade that prevails in the main coating can also save the situation. If you apply it from above, the difference will be almost imperceptible, and the marigolds will retain their well-groomed appearance for a long time.

      For extravagant women of fashion, the option of decorating the overgrown area of ​​nails with rhinestones or sequins will be suitable. They will look bright and impressive, add charm and originality to the manicure. Such elements are fixed with ordinary transparent nail polish or glue.

      Summing up

      So, as we found out, manicure correction using gel polish is a necessary procedure that will help the nails stay in great shape. However, if the procedure is planned to be carried out independently, it is necessary to remember about accuracy, adherence to the execution technique, and sterilization of materials.

      A special nourishing oil plays an important role in keeping the handles well-groomed. It can be applied overnight, but during the day it is enough to use a regular hand cream. If you use these simple tips, you can confidently shine with a beautiful and neat manicure and remain the center of attention.

      You will learn how to correctly correct the gel polish from the video below.

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