We make a manicure with gel polish

Choosing a lamp for gel polish

Choosing a lamp for gel polish
  1. Characteristic
  2. Benefit and harm
  3. Types of lamps
  4. We approach the choice correctly
  5. Model rating
  6. Terms of use
  7. Misuse

Today, gel varnishes, biogels and a variety of color gels are often used to create high-quality and practical manicure. Unfortunately, they cannot be used without the use of a special lamp, because it is she who allows them to be fixed on the nails. Today, such lamps are found not only in beauty salons, many women of fashion have already purchased such a device for home use in order to create an amazing and stylish manicure on their own. It is worth considering in more detail the features of a lamp for gel polish, its pros and cons, features of choice, as well as the varieties and ratings of the best models.


Currently, not only nail art professionals, but also beginners in this field, as well as ordinary users, prefer gel polishes when creating a fashionable and durable manicure. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that a special lamp will be required for drying, because only with its help it is possible to achieve complete drying. In order to choose the right lamp for gel polish, you should first take a closer look at the principle of its functioning. This is a special device that is used to harden certain substances. It emits ultraviolet radiation, that is, waves that have a specific length. This allows the gel polish to polymerize, thereby fixing it firmly and permanently on the nails.

Ultraviolet rays transform the liquid, viscous substance into a stable surface that is durable.It is with the help of this simple technology that a long-lasting manicure can be guaranteed. You can be sure that your nail art will not crack in two weeks.

Benefit and harm

It is known that ultraviolet radiation is harmful to human health, but you should not think that lamps for drying gel polish are also harmful to health. It takes only 30 seconds to 2 minutes to dry the applied varnish on the nails. During this time, the impact of ultraviolet radiation on human health is minimal, so do not worry. The only thing is that with regular use of such a lamp, the skin of the hands can begin to age faster. To protect yourself from this, it is enough to apply hand cream 20 minutes before the manicure procedure itself. This will create a protective barrier.

It is also worth talking about the benefits of such lamps. We all strive to make our nails look beautiful and well-groomed, but sometimes we cannot often go to the salon to get a new manicure. With the help of gel polish, you can achieve that the manicure will look like new for more than one week. Of course, it is simply impossible to achieve such an effect without a lamp. Therefore, we can safely say that with this device you can save a lot of time.

Types of lamps

Today, customers can choose from a wide selection of gel polish lamps from various manufacturers. Everyone will be able to choose the best option depending on financial capabilities and goals. It is worth considering in more detail the main types of lamps, as well as their features.


Such lamps were the first devices in the field of nail art. They are also called UV lamps. Today they are popular because they have the following advantages:

  • a huge selection of designs - modern manufacturers use various shapes and color variations to create such devices that women of nail art will definitely appreciate;
  • cost - such devices are presented in different price categories, which provides a choice, and also makes devices available to everyone.

In addition to pluses, ultraviolet lamps also have disadvantages, such as:

  • the radiation of UV lamps has a negative effect on the eyes, which must be taken into account when working with this device;
  • the use of such a lamp dries out not only gel polish, but also the nail plate, as well as the skin of the hands;
  • UV models burn out quite quickly, which means they are often replaced, and this negatively affects the owner's finances.

An important criterion for the ultraviolet model is its power. Standard type bulbs are usually 9 watts, although 18 to 54 watts are quite common. It should be noted that power has a direct effect on the quality of polymerization and the duration of the drying process. The optimal solution is a 36 watt device. This lamp is usually equipped with four bulbs. It takes just 2 minutes to dry a layer of gel polish.

Do not forget about the timer, which is present in ultraviolet lamps. If we consider simple models, then there you can set the time for minutes. Many people buy devices with two modes. You can select the mode "2 minutes" or "∞". In the second case, the lamp will work until you press the shutdown button. But the expensive options provide for setting the time in seconds. It is these lamps that are the most economical to use.

The ultraviolet lamp can be presented in various sizes, which should also be taken into account when choosing the best option. Typically, nail art professionals purchase large lamps because they can dry both hands at the same time.

Thus, time is significantly saved, the drying procedure is halved. But for personal use at home, a compact version is ideal.

LED lamps

Relatively recently, LED lamps have appeared on the market.Their main plus is that they allow polymerization to be carried out fairly quickly. These devices, of course, are more expensive than the first type in cost, but they work for a long time without breakdowns and replacement of lamps, since light-emitting diodes are characterized by a long service life. If one of them stops working, then the remaining diodes will be enough to continue working with the lamp, which is an indisputable advantage of LED types.

LED bulbs are much better than UV fixtures, because with their help, gel polish on nails can be dried in just 10-30 seconds. This allows you to significantly save time on creating a manicure, so such devices are often used in beauty salons. If you need to purchase an LED lamp for home use, then you should give preference to options with a power of 6 watts. They are characterized by low cost, compact size and the same quality as UV models.

It is very important to consider the location of the LEDs, as the uniformity of polymerization depends on it. An excellent choice is the option in which they are located at the top and sides.

Modern manufacturers offer models even with touch controls. Such a device turns on when the hand is in the lamp, and if you extend your hand, the lamp will automatically turn off. It is very convenient and economical. The advantages of LED lamps include the fact that they are not prone to heating, and also do not cause discomfort during operation. The skin of your hands, like your nails, are completely safe. It is also worth noting that the emitted light is harmless to the eyes, since it works without pulsation.

Unfortunately, LED lamps have the following disadvantages:

  • not all gel varnishes can dry;
  • emit ultraviolet light, which has a lower range when compared with fluorescent;
  • quite high cost.

Gas light

Until recently, nail art masters decided what was better to buy - UV or LED for drying gel polish, as a newer solution appeared - CCFL. This device can be called hybrid or combined, because it combines the principle of operation of both LEDs and fluorescent. The indisputable advantages of gas lamps are such features as durability and low energy consumption. This option allows you to make high-quality drying of any gel varnishes, and this solution is also suitable for modeling gels, which makes it universal. The device is safe for health and does not dry out the skin of the hands.

The only drawback is a longer polymerization process when compared with the LED analogue, because its operation time can be from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.

We approach the choice correctly

There are various factors to consider before purchasing a gel polish lamp. This will allow you to make the right choice and not be disappointed in the purchase. So, when choosing this device, several criteria should be taken into account.

Rated power

Such devices are purchased not only by professionals, but also by self-taught for use at home. To choose the best option, you should first of all pay attention to the power of the model, since this factor has a direct impact on the speed of work. If you opt for a powerful lamp, use it quite often, then electricity consumption will increase. But the power of the device affects the rate of polymerization of the coating. Only a powerful lamp guarantees a drying process in just 30 seconds. This option is ideal for beauty salons, where the master serves a fairly large number of people per day. For personal use, a model with an average power is suitable.

Dimensions, weight and shape

When choosing the size and shape of the device, you can start from personal preferences. But experts recommend purchasing lamps for work in the salon without sharp corners in order to minimize the possibility of injury to the client.A small version will allow each hand to be dried separately, while a large device will allow two hands to be dried at once. There are even devices on sale that dry each nail separately; the optimal solution is a lamp designed for the fingers of one hand. The weight of the device plays an important role.

If a nail art master does an on-site manicure, then a compact model is better suited, but large-sized equipment can be used to work in a salon.


Ease of use of equipment depends largely on the configuration. It should be borne in mind that this criterion is directly related to the price. The more functions a lamp has, the more expensive it will cost. The best option should have the following features:

  • automatic switching on and off of the device will allow the master not to waste time and not turn his attention to the device itself;
  • the presence of a timer will allow the master to feel more free, because there will be no need to keep track of the time and constantly look at the clock, since after the set time the lamp will turn off automatically;
  • options with a removable bottom will also allow you to use the device for a pedicure, as well as provide convenient access to the bulbs, which will have to be changed from time to time;
  • With the help of the built-in fan, all elements of the device can be cooled as needed, which will prolong the operation of this equipment, and also protect users from possible burns.


Modern manufacturers of gel polish lamps provide a wide selection of models that differ not only in functions, but also in appearance. When choosing the color performance and design of the device, each customer can start from personal preferences and wishes. It is worth being guided by the style of the room in which the lamp will be located. As a result, the process of applying gel polish will bring pleasure to both the master and the user. When choosing a lamp for shellac, it is useful to take into account the following tips from professionals:

  • beginners should not immediately buy an expensive lamp, it is better to start with a budget option, and in the future it can be replaced with a more efficient option;
  • in order to work in different directions, for example, to dry various materials, as well as to build nails, a hybrid lamp will be the best option, which, although it costs more than usual, will allow you to easily work with any material;
  • for craftsmen who have many clients, it is better to buy powerful models, since they will allow the coating to polymerize in a minimum amount of time;
  • if the master works at a small table, the best choice is a compact lamp;
  • if you want to simplify the work with gel polish as much as possible, then it is better to choose equipment with a large number of functions, which will allow you to automate the drying process as much as possible;
  • a lamp in bright colors may not be in harmony with the general style direction, and also irritate customers, so the choice of design also plays an important role;
  • the price of the product may be different, everyone selects the option depending on their capabilities, but it is worthwhile to understand that cheap models cannot boast of high quality and a large number of functions, since they are mainly produced by small companies.

Model rating

There is a wide range of gel polish lamps on the modern market. To begin with, it is worth considering the manufacturers in order to make your choice easier. All brands can be roughly divided into three groups.

  • Professional lamps are usually designed for use in beauty salons. These include many American brands such as Gelish, CND, OPI and Harmony. Usually, the products from these brands are of very high quality, modern and expensive.
  • The middle class includes devices that can be used both for use in beauty salons and for personal use.This class includes Russian-Chinese and Russian companies. Brands such as JessNail, RuNail, Planet Nails, Sun and Polaris are gaining popularity. The devices are of good quality and also have a service guarantee.
  • The lowest quality of lamps for gel polish is provided by Chinese sites, on which it is not even clear which company is the manufacturer.

Such devices break down rather quickly, contain a minimum number of functions, and are characterized by a primitive design. But they perform the function of drying shellac, and also have an affordable cost.

It is worth considering the ranking of the best models, which will allow each buyer to make the right choice, depending on personal preferences and wishes.

  • JessNail 36 W - an excellent solution for both professionals in the nail industry and for home use. This model of domestic manufacture has a classic shape, due to which it allows you to dry the nails at the same time on one hand. This lamp allows high-quality drying of all types of coatings. The device contains light bulbs, each with a power of 9 watts. This model has three modes of operation - for 2 and 3 minutes, as well as an "endless" version. The kit includes instructions in Russian, which is an indisputable advantage. The pallet is of a removable type. And, of course, it's worth highlighting the affordable cost. Among the minuses, you need to highlight the lack of a timer if you need to dry in less than two minutes.
  • CND UV LAMP 36W Is an excellent choice among UV lamps, which is especially suitable for professionals in the nail industry. This appliance is packed with functions, including 4 timers, a pull-out tray, a carrying handle, a countdown display and a fan. This model is characterized by its versatility, as it is suitable for any gel polish. Its radiation does not affect vision. Light bulbs are distinguished by long-term operation.

Unfortunately, such a model is often faked, so you need to be careful when choosing. Of course, you always have to pay for quality, so it has a rather high cost. This model has a lot of positive reviews.

  • Opiled light Is the right solution for manicurists. Thanks to the LEDs, the coating is dried almost instantly. This model is characterized by such advantages as a reliable metal case, fast polymerisation, and a one-year warranty. It can be used not only for manicure, but also for pedicure. The lamp has a power of 32 watts, while each bulb has a power of 6 watts. But this device also has some drawbacks: a rather high price, it is connected only through an adapter to a European socket, and is also not suitable for all gel polishes.
  • LED + CCFL DIAMOND Is a bright representative of hybrid lamps for drying gel polish. It is characterized by affordable cost and good quality. Thanks to the presence of 12 LED-lamps and 1 spiral, the polymerization of the coating is carried out in a matter of seconds. This device is complemented by a timer, which is designed for 10, 30 and 60 seconds. Thanks to the removable base, this device can even be used for pedicure. If we talk about the cons, then the small size does not allow to dry all 5 fingers at once on one hand, it is worth adhering to the following algorithm "4 + 4 + 2". Since the timer is at the bottom, this is inconvenient for self-manicure. It is also worth noting that this device is produced in China.
  • RUNAIL 36 BTRU 911 Is an efficient lamp at an affordable cost. It is presented in the form of a "tunnel" in which there are four bulbs, each of which has a power of 9 watts. The device has a pull-out bottom, a timer with three modes (1, 2 and 3 minutes). Although the lamp has a small price, it is often chosen by professionals. If we consider the weaknesses, then it should be noted that the warranty is provided for only three months, the timer sometimes works intermittently, and the weight of the device is 1.5 kg.

Terms of use

To use the gel polish lamp correctly, it is worth doing a manicure correctly, adhering to the following sequence:

  • the nails should be given a certain shape, as well as remove the cuticle;
  • degrease the nails, because otherwise not a single lamp will allow the coating to be properly fixed on the nail;
  • after that, it is worth applying the base coat, while making the application layer very thin; experts advise first to cover four marigolds, except for the large one, and dry them in a lamp;
  • apply a top to a regular varnish and dry in a lamp; for shellac, the packaging indicates how long it will take to keep the marigolds in the lamp to dry it completely.

Many are interested in the question, or can you dry gel polish without using a lamp. Unfortunately, you can't do without it. Shellac does not differ in appearance from ordinary shellac, but its chemical composition is completely different, therefore, the use of a lamp is mandatory for drying. Moreover, it is very convenient to paint nails with gel polish, and then just 1 minute under the lamp and the manicure is ready.


If you do not adhere to the rules for using a lamp for gel polish, then you will not be able to create a durable and beautiful manicure. It is worth considering the common mistakes newbies make.

If the shellac does not dry, then it was applied in a rather thick layer. Apply a thin layer of gel polish, and then dry it under a lamp.

  • If the varnish does not dry out, then the reason may be that the hands were taken out of the lamp ahead of time. Gel polish needs a certain amount of time spent under the rays of the lamp, only then there is a strong adhesion of the coating to the nail plate. You should always follow the instructions, because every second counts. If the lamp has a timer, then only after the signal can you take your hands out from under the lamp.
  • If during drying you feel that you are baking, then you do not need to be frightened and stop the procedure, since this is quite normal. It is worth noting that it is not a gel polish that bakes, but a base coat, since it is connected on one side with nail platinum, and on the other with shellac. It can be roughly compared to double-sided tape. During the drying process, it becomes solid, and before that it is presented in a liquid form, where the molecules are randomly located. Under the influence of the lamp, the molecules of the base base form a kind of crystal lattice, it is at this time that heat is released, so it seems that the coating is burning.
  • Sometimes gel polish does not dry out under the lamp, but, on the contrary, begins to curl up and shrink, which is due to several reasons. A weak lamp does not guarantee reliable adhesion of the varnishes to the nails. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the lamp needs timely replacement of light elements. Usually, only the top layer of varnish dries up, and the coating remains inside in a liquid state, which is manifested in the further folding of the entire coating.

Of course, another reason can be a violation of the coating process, so it is worth strictly adhering to the instructions for using shellacs and drying lamps.

For information on how to choose an ultraviolet lamp for gel polish, see the next video.

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