
How to make a moon manicure with shellac?

How to make a moon manicure with shellac?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Execution technique
  3. Fashion ideas

A modern girl should have not only a stylish look, but also a beautiful manicure. Refined and flexible brushes make her feminine and attractive, so many of the fair sex are in constant search of new nail art. Today, nail design is represented by a huge selection of ideas, but the moon manicure made with shellac deserves special attention.


Lunar manicure, which is also often called a reverse jacket, is an original design of the plates, in which a hole is highlighted with a light or contrasting color, creating an interesting crescent effect. In order for such a design to be durable and retain its beauty for a long time, many girls choose shellac for coating. This material is available in the form of a gel polish, has more than 250 colors of the palette, does not contain harmful substances and can stay on the nails for up to three weeks.

The main advantages of a lunar manicure decorated with shellac include the following:

  • versatility - it can be applied to any shape and length of the marigold;
  • simple execution technique;
  • a great combination with different outfits and makeup;
  • dries quickly on the surface and is easily removed;
  • Durability - The glossy finish retains its attractiveness and does not tarnish for up to three weeks.

As for the disadvantages, the following are worth noting:

  • such a manicure is afraid of sudden changes in temperature, because of this, microcracks may appear on the surface of the plates;
  • it is difficult for many girls to accurately draw a hole on the nails at home, since a certain skill is required;
  • in addition, shellac coating is not recommended for those ladies who have thin and naturally weak plates, since they provide poor adhesion of the material to the nails.

Despite the fact that the moon manicure made with shellac is suitable for any shape of the marigold, stylists advise using the average length of oval or almond-shaped plates for it. Representatives of square marigolds should not be disappointed and refuse the reverse jacket. It is enough for them to give the plates soft strokes, slightly sawing off their free edge. Shellac manicure design options may be different. Most often, the hole is covered with white or beige, and the rest of the marigold is painted in a brighter and more contrasting shade (burgundy or red).

In this and next season, stylists recommend fashionistas not to be afraid of experiments and use the following color combinations for this manicure:

  • purple and white;
  • black and peach;
  • silver and burgundy;
  • white and chocolate;
  • gold and black;
  • gold and blue.

Important! The most powerful solution for a moon manicure is considered to be the design of the hole in silver or gold. To make it stand out beautifully against the general background, the base should be made dark and contrasting.

Execution technique

A reverse jacket with shellac can be arranged not only in the salon, but also on your own at home.

To do this, you must have the following materials and tools:

  • shellac of several colors;
  • degreasing agent;
  • base;
  • top coating;
  • brush;
  • special stencils;
  • UV lamp.

Important! If the design provides for bright colors and shine, then additional foil will be needed.

The very same technique for performing nail art is presented in several options.

  • Using stencils. First, you need to do a regular manicure step by step. The plates are given the chosen shape, softened with oil and pushed to the base with an orange stick. Then the marigolds are degreased, covered with a base and dried under a lamp for no more than two minutes. Colored shellac is applied to the plates and the marigolds are dried again in a lamp. To get a more intense shade, it is necessary to make a double layer of shellac, each of which requires separate drying. The final stage is the fixing of special stencils, they are placed on a plate to decorate the smile zone. The stencil-free area is painted in a different tone and dried in a lamp. At the end, the top is applied and the final drying is carried out.
  • With a brush. The first step is to carry out the standard preparation of the nails, then draw the lines of the hole with a thin brush and paint them completely with shellac. The surface dried in a UV lamp is opened with a top. This design goes well with a classic jacket. For its design, you can choose any color scheme.
  • With foil. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to create an interesting moon manicure with a mirror effect. Unlike previous versions, in this case, the nail hole is isolated with foil. After the plates are prepared for design, they are covered with a top and dried under a UV lamp. Then the foil is cut into small pieces that correspond to the size of the nails. They are treated with special glue and placed in the area of ​​the hole with the matte side down. Further, the foil is removed, the plates are re-processed with a top and they are dried in a lamp. For uniqueness in such a manicure, shellac can be combined not only with foil, but also with rhinestones, paintings or stickers.

When choosing a technique for decorating a reverse jacket with shellac, it is also important to take into account the following nuances:

  • this manicure requires an ideal plate surface and cuticle grooming is important for it, therefore, you need to start the creative process with the preparation of the cuticle and polishing the nails;
  • stencils must be removed from the plates before drying in a lamp; otherwise, the coating will turn out to be sloppy, with torn edges of the holes;
  • when the moon is drawn with a brush, special attention should be paid to its edges and paint them well with shellac;
  • the correct use of flowers also plays a huge role in such a manicure, otherwise nail art will acquire a defiant and theatrical look; you cannot combine pearlescent and matte shellacs, in addition, the color palette should be in harmony with the style of clothing and makeup;
  • decorative elements such as stones and rhinestones should be placed along the outer contour of the smile.

Fashion ideas

Shellac is very popular in modern nail art, since with the help of this material you can translate any design idea into reality. It is also well suited for the design of a moon manicure, for which stylists recommend using gentle pastel shades. When creating an evening look, women of fashion can choose brighter colors.

This year and next year, a combination of beige, red, white and black shades is in fashion. Thanks to such combinations, the hole becomes expressive, and the short marigolds are visually lengthened. The hole of a triangular shape looks beautiful. This nail art is versatile, as it is suitable for everyday and evening looks.

An interesting solution is also considered a reverse jacket, decorated with sparkles or colored rhinestones. The moon manicure looks great in combination with a bright gradient, it emphasizes the sophistication and chic of the girl.

In winter, the "crescent" can be decorated in the form of a half of a snowflake, in summer - with an image of fruits, and in autumn - with leaves. The lace-shaped hole also looks unusual.

You will learn how to make a moon manicure with shellac at home in the following video.

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