We make a manicure with gel polish

Degreaser for gel polish: what is it and how can it be replaced?

Degreaser for gel polish: what is it and how can it be replaced?
  1. Why you need to degrease your nails
  2. What is a nail degreaser?
  3. Composition and application of the product
  4. What else is used to degrease nails
  5. When and how is it applied?
  6. How to replace a special tool?
  7. Reviews

The modern rhythm of life does not leave much time for beauty maintenance. Useful inventions in the field of the beauty industry come to the rescue of the beautiful half of humanity. One of them is gel polish, the manicure with which is kept in perfect condition for up to three weeks.

Why you need to degrease your nails

For those who want to save not only time, but also money, self-application of gel polish is an excellent solution. But the result does not always meet expectations. This is often due to improper preparation of the marigold before coating. The main reason for a poor-quality varnish is insufficient or improper degreasing of the nails. To make a high-quality manicure, you cannot do without a degreaser for gel polish.

The product is sold in a specialized store. Its purpose is to remove excess fat and moisture from the natural surface of the nails. Fat secreted by the body or trapped on the nails along with creams and oils for hands must be removed before applying shellac. After that, it is not recommended to touch the plates with your hands. Degreasing lasts for an hour, so the procedure must be carried out during this period. If this does not happen, the nails will have to be processed again.

What is a nail degreaser?

A professional solution with a degreasing effect is needed for better adhesion of the gel polish base to the nail surface. The basic treatment of the coating with a degreasing agent also contributes to:

  • cleansing the nail plate from dirt particles;
  • leveling and drying the surface;
  • matting and disinfection of the nail.

Untreated nails are a guarantee of a short-lived manicure. Basically, such a mistake is made at home, especially with an incorrectly selected product containing oily substances

... The craftsmen in the salons use only proven specialized formulations and strictly adhere to the procedure in the process of work.

Composition and application of the product

A high-quality degreaser must have a specific composition:

  • distilled water;
  • n-propanol (solvent);
  • isopropanol (alcohol substance, degreasing base);
  • fragrances to soften pungent odors.

But even if you degrease the surface of your nails with a product with the correct composition, there is a chance of failure. Gel polish will begin to exfoliate and crack if the nails were not wiped off thoroughly, with an unsuitable material for this.

In order to successfully cover the nails with gel polish to the maximum, it is important to follow the recommendations for the preliminary preparation of their surface.

  • Do not use nourishing or moisturizing products for maintenance. Otherwise, the color will not lie flat and the base will not fully fix on the nails.
  • Do not apply the degreaser with cosmetic cotton pads or regular cotton wool. Microvilli on the surface will interfere with the application of the gel polish and cause subsequent detachment.
  • Only use a suitable degreaser, since not all products are suitable for this.

It is better to use a universal specialized composition for preparing nails for shellac. Because not every composition is suitable for this very purpose. There are specialized degreasers for building gel, biogel and acrylic.

Manufacturers who value their reputation and a growing number of customers are enriching their products with useful additives. For example, vitamins for the cuticle or nourishment of the nail plate. This is a competent approach to the sale of goods. A harmless composition enriched with vitamins is always bought more readily.

Before buying, it is important to familiarize yourself with the composition and instructions for use to make sure that this particular tool is the most suitable. And only then purchase a bottle of degreaser.

What else is used to degrease nails


A standard degreaser that does the job well and is affordable. It not only dries and cleans the natural surface, but also loosens it, making the gel polish smoother. With such a primer, the coating will perfectly fix on the nail.

The lack of a primer is acid in its composition. Regular use of such a product can harm the nail plate. Acidic degreasers are required only for the build-up procedure. It is better to choose a more gentle gel polish product, preferably supplemented with vitamins.


Copes well with cleaning and drying the nail plate. But the effect of exposure is short-term, since it contains a rapidly volatilizing substance - butyl acetate. It does not penetrate deep into tissues and the natural pH is restored in a short time. It is advisable to use a dehydrator if the manicure is planned to be done immediately after cleaning and disinfecting the nails.


Liquid formulation for removing the sticky layer. It is often used for cleaning natural surfaces. A universal tool allows you to easily dry and degrease your nails. Aromatized, thanks to which it leaves an exceptionally pleasant and unobtrusive smell after use. Like the dehydrator, the cleanser is inexpensive.

When and how is it applied?

The degreasing procedure does not take much time.It is carried out after shaping the marigolds and sawing the surface. The degreaser is applied with a brush or a special lint-free cloth. Usually the product is sold in a bottle with a brush.

Do not allow nail liquid to come into contact with the skin during the coating process. The product can cause irritation and trauma to the dermis. In order to avoid traumatic consequences, the agent must be applied, retreating 2 mm from the cuticle and the same amount from the side ridges. If you still manage to touch the skin, the product must be removed from it immediately.

After the correct application of the degreaser to the plate, you need to wait 20-30 seconds until it dries completely. After that, you can apply the base or shellac. A good result is obtained when using products of the same brand. They are perfectly compatible and guarantee the strength and durability of the coating.

How to replace a special tool?

Anyone who rarely does a manicure with gel polish and does not want to spend money on a professional degreaser can save money. Before applying varnish to your nails, you can degrease them with various improvised means. The main thing is to understand what suits best and what is not worth even trying.

Liquid nail polish remover

In extreme cases, this method of preparing a natural surface for coating is also suitable. But because of the acetone content, it is better not to use such a liquid often. The solvent in its composition destroys the nail. There is a possibility that the product contains a small amount of oils. And this already casts doubt on the result of degreasing the natural surface. It is recommended to read the composition carefully before use.


You can most effectively degrease and disinfect nails with a pharmacy alcohol solution. Ethyl alcohol is the most suitable remedy among the non-professional dehydrator counterparts.

It will easily remove natural grease from the surface, which is produced by the skin and the greasy film on the nails from cosmetics. In addition, the nails will be thoroughly cleaned of all kinds of dirt. This will have a beneficial effect on the quality of the coating. Many alcohol solutions will work, as long as you make sure they are free of fat. Oils are a completely unnecessary component for high-quality preparation of marigolds. Gel polish lays down evenly and adheres perfectly to the nails if the product is selected correctly.

Boric acid

If there is no simple alcohol in the medicine cabinet or in the nearest pharmacy, an alcoholic solution of boric acid will do. An effective medical cleaner for a penny cost.

It is worth remembering that vodka does not replace alcohol in any way. Vodka also contains oils and there will be no benefit from processing it. Rather, a negative result will follow when applying the coating and wearing it in the future.

Citric acid (lemon juice)

Of course, lemon juice is healthy and many people think that it is great for defatting. But this does not apply to nails. Citrus fruit also contains a proportion of oily substances, which will cause the coating to peel off after drying under a lamp.

Soapy water

In extreme cases, if there is no opportunity or desire to go to the store for a degreasing agent, it will be replaced by hand washing. Only very thoroughly, followed by wiping them dry with a lint-free towel. Ideally, dry your hands with a paper towel. It is important to keep your nails completely dry. Then the varnish applied to them after drying will not crack and peel off from the nail.


According to the masters who use professional nail degreasing products, one bottle is enough for a long time. They are sure that no household counterparts will fully replace them. For lovers of home manicure, a ready-made degreaser with a surplus is enough. So, it is even spent on cleaning brushes from gel polishes and removing stickiness from the top layer of the coating.

Alcohol-containing preparations attract home nail designers for their cheapness and versatility. Such a remedy will definitely not lie idle with a chance to deteriorate. Regular alcohol copes with all the tasks that a specialized degreaser is designed to solve. Therefore, each shellac fan decides on her own where and how to prepare her marigolds for painting.

For information on how to degrease your nails before applying gel polish, see the next video.

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