We make a manicure with gel polish

Why do you need a gel polish primer and how to use it?

Why do you need a gel polish primer and how to use it?
  1. What is it and why is it needed?
  3. How to use?
  4. How to choose?
  5. What to replace?
  6. Reviews

The nail design industry does not stand still, constantly improving the technique and means for creating a spectacular manicure. Today, each of the fair sex can afford beautifully and stylishly designed nails.

The building procedure is carried out using a primer, the basis of which is a soil mixture created in an unnatural way.

What is it and why is it needed?

A primer for gel polish is a tool that today is necessarily used during the process of creating an extended manicure. It is a liquid substance, the function of which is to bond natural and artificial nail plates. For sale, the product is packaged in containers, bottles, cans. The containers are opaque, due to which the substance does not deteriorate so quickly. During air contact, the primers dry out. In terms of consistency, primers are liquid, as well as in the form of a gel. This product is characterized by odor neutrality. The composition includes the following components:

  • ethyl acetate;
  • 2-hydroxelethyl mathacrylate;
  • methacrylic acid is the basis of the product, which affects its quality of adhesion.

In order for the coating to be characterized by uniformity and high quality when building nails using gel polish, it is necessary to use degreasers. Such manipulations contribute to the absence of flaking and the rise of the gel above the surface. The primer functions are as follows.

  • Degreasing surfaces.
  • Drying the surface layer of the nails. In this case, the substance does not negatively affect the internal content of the plate and its consistency.
  • Disinfection of surfaces, as well as the ability to maintain them in a healthy state.
  • Protection against deformation and delamination that can occur with frequent use of unnatural nail coatings. A primer is a barrier to contact between the nail and the extension material.
  • Improved adhesion. During the application of the primer, the keratin scales rise, which contributes to the permanent attachment of the polymer to the nail.


Currently, several types of primer can be found on the market.

  • Acid. The substance contains methacrylic acid. Its use often occurs during the modeling of manicure using acrylic. The application of this type of primer takes place in two layers, and each must be perfectly dry.

A hazard can arise if the substance comes into contact with the skin, which leads to the formation of burns and irritation on the skin. The use of an acidic primer must be carried out in compliance with all safety rules.

  • Acid-free. This type of primer is the most suitable for gel nail modeling. This substance is able to ensure the reliability of the bonding of the gel and the surface of the nail plate. An acid-free primer provides control against cracking and delamination of materials. The application of the product should be carried out, observing accuracy, carefully monitoring the absence of the primer getting on the cuticle or periungual area.
  • Prep primer found its application in removing excess liquid and fat from the surface layer of nails. This is a surface substance that cannot penetrate the inside of the plates, while drying it out. This product is not allergenic and can be used before starting to apply regular varnish. This primer has the ability to be combined with other similar substances, but is always applied first.

How to use?

To obtain the expected result after working on the nails, it is worth using the primer correctly, without breaking the sequence. Application should be carried out in stages:

  • performing a conventional manicure of a hygienic type;
  • the process of shaping the nail;
  • cuticle removal using a special-purpose buff, orange stick or pumice stone;
  • correction of the natural top layer of the nail using a delicate nail file;
  • dehydrate treatment to remove sticky and greasy sensations;
  • applying a primer, it must be collected with a small ball using a brush and evenly distributed over the nail;
  • removing excess primer using a cotton swab that is moistened with plain water;
  • drying the substance, usually the primer is air-dried for 2-3 minutes, but in some cases the masters use an ultraviolet lamp;
  • application of a topcoat, which can be either varnish or gel.

How to choose?

When choosing a primer it is worth being guided by the type of modeling of future nails.

  • For high-quality fixing of nail polishes or elimination of fat from them, it is better to stop your attention on a bond, that is, a prep-primer. Such a remedy should be used by the fair sex who suffer from excessive sweating of the hands.
  • If you want to carry out the gel extension procedure, you should give preference to an acid-free product. It promotes good adhesion of the artificial material and the surface of the nail. The acid-free primer works like double-sided tape for perfect bonding.
  • If acrylic is used during the manicure process, then acid must be present in the primer. The principle of the acidic agent is based on the process of lifting the nail scales, while realizing a good adhesion effect. This type of substance can be used for hyperhidrosis of the hands, as well as for gel build-up.

The following acid primer firms have proven themselves well.

  • Runail Professional Primer Acrylic System well suited for acrylic extension procedures.When the flakes are lifted, the agent provides a secure grip.
  • IBD Stick Primer prevents the formation of air-type pockets that can occur at the junction between natural and extended nails.
  • Yoko APR 15 is a universal option for gel, acrylic procedures, it guarantees adhesion strength.
  • Kodi Professional Primer is considered a means of universal purpose. It can be used for different types of manicure.

The demanded acid-free primers include such brands.

  • CND Acid-free Primer - this is a unique product that can be used with a variety of extensions, and home manicure is no exception.
  • Bluesky Nail Systems Primer. This substance is used to form a gel - varnish nails, it is also used during gel extension. This tool eliminates the problems of peeling, cracking and splitting of the manicure. The product is considered absolutely safe for the skin.
  • Runail Primer Non-Acid is able to provide excellent adhesion, as well as increase the attractiveness of the appearance of artificial and extended manicure for a long time.
  • EzFlow Non Acid Primer Is ideal for sensitive nail plate. This product is odorless and has good adhesion properties.

Bonders that are of good quality.

  • Red Carpet, PREP max adhesion sanitizer is a good degreaser, it is able to perfectly clean the nail and remove excess moisture.
  • In Garden Nail Prep System performs the functions of drying and preparation for the adhesion process on the base coat.
  • E. Mi Ultrabond found its application in all types of manicure modeling. The product is characterized by a liquid consistency, therefore it can spread well over the nail surface. The substance does not pose any danger to the skin of the hands.
  • Naomi Dehydrator performs the function of dehydration, degreasing of the nail plates. The tool is able to protect the surface, provide good adhesion. Bonder is used during building with gel and acrylic, as well as for home staining.

What to replace?

In the absence of the possibility of using primers, you can do without them by making the following replacement:

  • a less aggressive prep-primer or bond, since replacing it with a more gentle agent will save the nail plate from negative effects;
  • using cologne, perfume that can degrease your nails;
  • liquid for nail polish remover or acetone, which have the ability to eliminate dust, as well as fat from the natural nail surface;
  • the use of food vinegar, which is capable of degreasing and disinfecting the nail plate before applying artificial materials;
  • boric acid, which is recognized as an excellent alternative to the primer.

It is worth remembering that you cannot use products that contain oil as an analogue to the primer.


Reviews of masters, as well as women who use their services, suggest that the manicure will last longer with the use of a primer. Those who have been using the product for several years are satisfied with the result, and also note the long service life and the absence of chipping of artificial nails. There is also information that with careless use of the primer, it is possible to burn the nail surface and skin areas. Replacement of this tool is carried out with inexpensive substances that are at home or in the first-aid kit.

In the reviews on the use of the primer, there is information that if you ignore the treatment with this tool, there are a lot of unpleasant consequences, for example, peeling of materials, the formation of cracks and chips. Some masters are of the opinion that the use of a primer is required only for those of the fair sex who have a weak nail plate, which often exfoliates. Buying a primer is a profitable investment, as this tool is used quite sparingly.

During the simulation of artificial manicure, the use of a primer has significant benefits. This tool is a guarantee of good adhesion of materials, as well as a long service life of extended nails. Correct use of this product will help to avoid unpleasant moments that will ruin the attractiveness of your nails.

You should not save on a primer, because it depends on it how long a beautiful manicure will delight its owner.

In the next video, you will find the secrets of gel polish coating.

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