
How to make a shellac manicure yourself?

How to make a shellac manicure yourself?
  1. Features and Benefits
  2. How to erase old shellac?
  3. List of materials
  4. How to paint correctly?
  5. Features of painting during pregnancy
  6. How long does it take?
  7. Correction of nails
  8. How often can you do it?
  9. Shellac Design Ideas

Well-groomed hands are the hallmark of any woman. Modern ladies prefer to use such a resistant coating as shellac. In this article we will show you how to make your own manicure with shellac.

Features and Benefits

Shellac has a combination of gel and varnish properties. On nails, it looks spectacular and attractive. Let's consider the main advantages of coverage.

  • Persistence. Such nails can delight you with their beauty for about three weeks. Of course, the durability will depend on the nail plate itself.
  • Easy to use. It is quite easy to make fashionable nail art at home using different tones of shellac. There are also special techniques for this.
  • Protection. It is believed that it is this coating that protects the nail plates from delamination, cracks. At the same time, shellac does not affect the natural growth of nails.
  • Security. The natural composition of the product allows you to use it even during pregnancy. This varnish will not cause allergies.
  • Wide range of. In professional stores, you can find a variety of shades. You can combine colors for an eye-catching manicure.

    As for some negative aspects, they include the relatively high cost of the goods, as well as the difficulty in removing it - this will require a special tool.

    It is also believed that shellac can create a beneficial environment for bacteria to grow.

    How to erase old shellac?

    Before you start creating a beautiful and stylish manicure, you should remove the old coating. To remove the previous shellac, you should use a special tool. It can be purchased from a professional store. First you need to prepare cotton pads and foil squares, the size of which should be optimal for each finger.

    Now be sure to remove the glossy finish with a nail file. Take it and gently process the surface of your nails without pressing hard. After that, we take the discs and moisten them in a prepared product that is designed to remove the varnish. We carefully apply the discs to the nail plates and wrap each finger with foil.

    Leave on for 10 minutes. After that, you should remove all the elements from the nails. Take an orange stick and gently remove any remaining polish. If you did not manage to remove the coating completely, and shellac remained, then you should repeat the procedure and rub the nail plate soaked in cotton a little.

    After that, we process the nails with a buff. At the end, it is worth making a hand bath and applying a nourishing cream. Thus, in a home environment, you can cope with the old coating.

    List of materials

    Be sure to pay attention to carefully preparing your nails for a new manicure. It is necessary to purchase all the necessary tools and materials. Buy them only from professional stores. You should not buy expired products, they can harm your hands.

    At home, you will need a special hard file, sharp forceps, scissors, and a cuticle remover. You can also purchase a special brush to brush the dust off your nails. You will need a degreaser to prepare the nail plate for work. In order to polymerize each layer, you should get an ultraviolet lamp. You will also need to buy shellac in different tones.

    Don't forget the base. It is she who provides a strong and reliable adhesion of the surface to the nail. The durability of creative nail art will depend on its quality. At the end of the procedure, the nails should be covered with a top. This coating makes your fingers shine, protects the nail plate from chips and scratches.

    All tools and materials must be prepared in advance. Organize a free space where you can work.

    It is best to place everything on a spacious table so that every tool is easily accessible.

    How to paint correctly?

    After you have prepared all the tools and organized the workplace, you should start creating a stylish manicure. Let's consider a step-by-step step-by-step instruction.

    • The first and most important step is preparation. He should be given the lion's share of the time, especially if you are creating a manicure for the first time. First of all, you should make a steam bath for your fingers.
    • Then take an orange stick and gently push back the cuticle. If it has grown significantly, then you should use tongs or special oil.
    • Then use scissors to shape your nails. With a file, you should carefully bring the result to perfection. File your nails in one direction to prevent delamination of the nail plate.
    • After that, the surface should be sanded with a buff. This will allow the shellac to fit better on the nail, and make the manicure better.
    • The coating can now be applied. Degrease your nails with a special product. After the toes are dry, cover them with a base. This is done from the middle of the nail plate with a confident movement. After that, the side parts are painted over. Dry the layer thoroughly in an ultraviolet lamp.
    • Now take the desired shellac shade. In the same way, gently apply it to the nail plate. Dry the surface well. In order to obtain a more saturated color, you should repeat the procedure, drying each layer.
    • After that, you can move on to the surface decor. You can sprinkle sparkles on it, form a pattern with rhinestones. Design according to your preferences and tastes.
    • When you complete the design, you should paint the surface with top. This finishing layer will help set the result, make nails stronger and longer lasting nails.
    • After polymerization, remove the sticky layer with a lint-free cloth.

    As you can see, the technology is pretty simple. Even a novice master can easily carry out the procedure. It is important to do everything accurately and accurately in order to get a positive result.

    If it did not work out the first time, then you should not be upset - you just need to practice a little.

    Features of painting during pregnancy

    Pregnant women should remember that they need to be careful when doing a shellac manicure. You should not contact specialists who do the procedure at home. It is important to monitor the sterility of the instruments, as well as to use only high-quality materials and instruments.

    Formaldehyde, camphor, toluene should not be included in the products you will be using. Before you place your hands in an ultraviolet lamp, be sure to treat them with a special cream. This is especially important during pregnancy. It should be remembered that shellac has a specific smell. It can cause discomfort. In this case, it is important to have quick access to air. It is good if there is a window or door nearby.

    The very procedure for creating stylish nails takes a lot of time. Therefore, it is important to think over and provide a comfortable location for a woman who is expecting a baby. You should only sit in a comfortable chair. Keep track of the quality of the coverage - do not use expired options. If you feel a strong unpleasant smell, discard such shellac. The safest will be a product that contains resin.

    How long does it take?

    It is impossible to say the exact time of creating a fashionable manicure, since it will depend on the person's experience, external circumstances. The complexity of the coating should also be taken into account. For example, creating solid colored nails will be faster than painting a sophisticated design with a brush. In any case, it is better to do it slower but better than fast and bad. If you are just starting to learn the basics of nail art, then be patient and tune in to painstaking work.

    Correction of nails

    Correction - partial or complete restoration of the covering of the nail plate. It is worth doing it as the nails grow. You can do the procedure in several variations:

    • without removing shellac (when a free edge appears at the cuticle, you can fill the space with a different shade of shellac);
    • complete change of the coating (this option involves removing the old shellac and applying a new one).

    Let's consider how to make a correction without removing the nail polish. The cuticle is initially removed. Hands should be disinfected with an antiseptic solution. Gently remove the cuticle with an orange stick, cut off the excess skin with nippers. The length of the nail plates should be the same.

    With the help of a file, the top coating is removed, the surface is degreased.

    Using a buff, remove the top coat of varnish. Apply the primer to the overgrown part of the nail. After that, a base layer is applied to the entire surface and dried in a lamp. Next, we select the shade of shellac (one tone darker than the previous one), cover the nail plate with it and polymerize the result. Now you should apply the top and fix everything well. Correction of chips on the nails is carried out in the same way.

    If the nail is broken, then the surest way is to remove the cover and correct the nail plate. Then you can re-coat the surface with shellac of the desired shade. If you have exfoliating nail plates, then you should strengthen them with special means.

    How often can you do it?

    Many women use this coverage all the time and feel attractive and confident. If your nail plate begins to exfoliate, you feel discomfort, then you should refrain from using shellac. It all depends on the condition of your nail plates. If there are no contraindications, then you can cover your fingers as often as you want.

    When creating a stylish manicure, it should be borne in mind that not everyone can achieve an ideal result after the first nail work. Some problems may arise.

    • Chips. To keep your nails graceful and stylish, and to keep the finish long, be sure to seal the ends of the nail with each layer. You can apply the structuring gel immediately after the base to correct the plate.
    • Shellac lay unevenly. It is worth covering the nail plates with a thin layer. Only then will the manicure look graceful and create an even shiny finish.
    • Loss of gloss. It so happens that after applying the top, the glossy shine of the surface disappears. You can use regular polish to make your nails shine.
    • Uneven surface of nails. If the nails have an uneven surface, then it should be leveled with a structuring gel.

    Shellac Design Ideas

    Every woman wants to be fashionable and attractive. In the modern nail industry, there are many options for creating a creative nail surface using shellac. Consider stylish options.

    • Monochrome. Nowadays, monochromatic coatings are at the peak of popularity. The main thing is that they are made accurately and efficiently.

    You can apply various shades of shellac, match them to your outfit.

    • French manicure. French is also relevant this season. You will need shellac in nude shades and white. Initially, the nails are prepared according to the above scheme. After that, the base is applied, the selected shade. At the same time, each layer is polymerized. Then you should use white to draw a smile line. Various other color options can be used to create a trendy manicure. Nowadays, it is important to make a smile line in geometric shapes.
    • Lunar. This option is liked by both young girls and older ladies. You can mark the hole with a transparent color or lay it out with small rhinestones. Use different color combinations to express your personality.
    • Ombre. This manicure is a smooth transition from one shade to another. It's pretty simple to do. It is enough to choose the shellac color scheme and apply it to the nail plate. Use a fan-shaped brush to gently blend the borders of the shades. You can also take a piece of foil and place two drops of shellac in different shades next to it. Using a toothpick, mix the tones where they touch. After that, take a sponge, dip it in shellac and transfer everything to the surface of the nail plate. Movements should be clear and confident. Repeat the process several times to get rich colors. After that, the layer is polymerized, and a top layer is applied on top.
    • With sequins. You can successfully and quickly decorate your nails with glitter. They will create a festive atmosphere, highlight your stylish bow. You can decorate both the entire nail plate and part of it by laying out the shining particles along the smile line.
    • Rhinestones. Rhinestones give grace and grace. They have long been loved by all girls. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Do not decorate all your nails with numerous sparkling stones. It will look tasteless. It is better to focus on one finger, subtly emphasizing the image.
      • Drawings. You can express your style with the help of various drawings. Abstraction, floristic motives, animals, geometry are in fashion.

      For information on how to make a shellac manicure at home, see the next video.

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