Ultrabond for nails: what is it, how to choose and use?

Gel polish is the newest invention in the beauty industry. After the extension procedure, the appearance of the nails will be simply amazing. Today, almost every representative of the beautiful half of humanity can afford such a manicure. But in order for this beauty to last as long as possible, it is necessary to use high-quality materials and intermediaries, for example, ultra-bonds.

What it is?
Today you can find a large number of different gel varnishes, as well as products for the manicure process, a special place among which is given to primers. Ultrabond for nails is a liquid that has no color. It is designed to cover the nail plate before applying varnish or building procedure. This product is not characterized by the presence of unpleasant, pungent odors, and is also not capable of causing allergic reactions or unpleasant consequences.
Ultrabond is an acid-free manicure product.
Its main functions are as follows:
- hindering the process of peeling gels from the natural nail plate;
- preparation of nails for the subsequent extension process;
- ensuring the adhesion process of materials and nails;
- degreasing, disinfection, drying of nails, additional cleaning from dirt and grease.

Ultra Bondex advantages:
- during the application of an acid-free product, the client does not experience any discomfort;
- if it comes into contact with the skin near the nail, the ultrabond will not cause pain or irritation;
- has a gentle effect on the nail, and also guarantees their safety and health;
- the adhesion strength of the material and the nail plate, provided that it is used correctly;
- comfort in use due to the absence of an unpleasant odor.

What is the difference from a primer?
Acid primers, which are used in the building procedure, are able to degrease, disinfect, destroy fungi, enhance adhesion, and also prevent the formation of cracks and splits. The basis of such a product is methacrylic acid, which is no more harmful than acetone and lauryl sulfate. An acidic primer can irritate the mucous membranes, so it is worth using glasses or a mask when working.
In turn, the ultrabond is based on the acetic acid ester, therefore it is considered a more gentle agent than the previous one. It is best used for dry and brittle nails.

In an acidic primer, as in an ultrabond, there are unsafe compounds, but in an acid-free agent they are characterized by low volatility, therefore, they are less harmful to human health. Ultrabond also dries the nail plates less.
How to apply?
The primer is a small bottle filled with liquid, which determines the result of the procedure, which is performed on the nails.
For a perfect manicure, the DIYer or professional needs to know how to use primers correctly. Instructions for the use of the substance look as described below.
- Hands must be steamed, and the cuticle must be pushed back using an orange stick.
- Using a sanding file, it is necessary to polish the nails so that a slight roughness appears.
- The nail plate must be covered with a dehydrator, degreased or disinfected. After the nails are dry, you can proceed to the following procedures.
- Ultrabond is applied in a thin layer. If the liquid has spread, then it should be removed with a napkin.
- It is required to wait until the primer dries. According to the instructions, some ultrabonds must be dried using a lamp. You can find out that the acid-free primer is dry by losing its wet gloss.
- It is necessary to reapply the primer and wait until it dries completely.
- Then varnish, acrylic or gel polish is applied.

How to choose?
The Kodi Ultrabond has proven itself well, which is a special primer used for professional manicure. Thanks to this tool, one hundred percent adhesion of the natural nail and gel polish occurs. The result of using this tool is a strong attachment, as well as the absence of flaking for at least 2-3 weeks. Ultrabond is the most popular among manicurists. Kodi is a cuticle-free and odor-free product.
The following are effective acid-free products with similar functions.
- RuNail professional primer.
- Bond-primer Aurelia. It is recommended for nails that are prone to delamination. This product does not harm the natural nail plate.
- Le Vole Ultra is distinguished by the persistence of manicure after application. Reviews indicate the ideal application of the substance.

Many craftsmen cannot imagine their work without using a primer, as they consider it a means that has no alternative. If a situation arises that the ultrabond is not at hand, then it can be replaced by degreasing with acetone or ordinary alcohol. In such a situation, one should not forget that replacing a professional substance with an improvised one will not guarantee a good result and will not provide good reliability when building up. Acetone and alcohol will not be able to raise the scales of the nail qualitatively, so there is a risk of rapid detachment.
The choice of this tool is based on the financial capabilities of the buyer. But the main thing to remember is that the use of an ultrabond is a guarantee of the durability and beauty of a manicure, so you should not save on such a tool and a good master.
For the strength of adhesion and preservation of the health of the nail plates, the use of an acid-free primer is mandatory.Also, an important factor is the observance of all rules and technologies during a manicure.
For what an ultrabond is, what it is for and how to use it, see the next video.