
How to restore nails after shellac?

How to restore nails after shellac?
  1. What is shellac?
  2. Consequences of use
  3. Recovery methods

Who would have thought that a manicure could be done twice, or even once a month, and at the same time have well-groomed hands with flawless nails? The old manicure was very short-lived, the edges were chipped, the coating was covered with cracks, and the varnish was erased. And this effect could be expected even on the second day after the procedure. Now the nail design is done using shellac, which is dried in a special lamp, scientifically, this process is called polymerization.

Unfortunately, such a lasting effect has to be paid for. And the price turns out to be rather big. After removing the shellac, you can often find problems on the nails. This can be the yellowness of the nail plates, brittle nails, a rough surface, delamination and other unpleasant moments. Such situations need to be eliminated, and not closed with a new manicure.

What is shellac?

First, let's figure out what shellac is - the culprit of nail problems. This material is a cross between a nail polish and a gel that is used to extend the nail plate. If we parse the name Shellac, we get the name of a brand that actively protects know-how.

Shellac cannot be used for building, which cannot be said about the gel. Also, it is completely unsuitable for nail correction. For storage of shellac, ordinary bottles with a brush are used, which are already well known to us. This material requires exposure to ultraviolet radiation to dry. The list of shellac features does not end there.

  • The coating can stay on the nails for a very long time, for more than a month that's for sure. Everything will depend on the quality of work and the characteristics of the socks.Only because of the regrowth of the nail plate, about every 2 weeks, you have to remove the old coating and put the nails in order.
  • A special solvent is used to remove shellac. For a gel, for example, a mechanical method (cutting) is used.

  • A shellac manicure can only be performed on healthy nails. If the plate is unhealthy, then under a strong coating it will become even more depleted, brittle and fragile. In this case, the nail will most likely break with the new manicure.

  • Shellac can be used during pregnancy and hormonal treatments. There are no special contraindications, but still a consultation with a doctor will not be superfluous.

  • A shellac manicure has a gentle effect on the nail, in contrast to a gel coat. And yet there is a negative impact. You still have to pay for a durable manicure that will stay on your nails for a month.

Consequences of use

All shellac manufacturers tirelessly talk about its complete safety and the absence of a harmful effect on the nail plate. In fact, this is not the case. Yes, the effect of shellac is more gentle than in the case of a gel, but still it is. The consequences of using shellac, especially permanent, in which the nails do not rest from such a manicure, can manifest themselves in different ways. Nails deteriorate for several reasons.

  • Polishing the plate, even a very gentle one, in any case makes it thinner. If the nails are already thin, and even the master may not calculate the duration and intensity of polishing, then the matter is very bad.
  • Shellac, after drying, forms a dense, durable layer. Air and sunlight do not enter through it. But nails are part of a living organism, they need high-quality nutrition, air and sunlight. If these three factors are limited, the nails will become dry, soft, emaciated.

  • But you should not be afraid of UV radiation. Of all the procedures, it is the most harmless, of course, if it is carried out according to the rules, in compliance with safety measures. Only people with sensitive skin that does not tolerate UV rays should be wary of this procedure.

There are several types of nail problems that can occur after shellac has been removed. Having found one of them, we can say that the nails have deteriorated and they need urgent help.

  • When filing a nail or removing a design, excessive zeal or technology may be violated. As a result of such actions, the nails are very thin, they hurt at the slightest touch, not to mention the change in temperature when drying in a lamp.
  • From low-quality materials that attract an affordable price, the plate can crack and exfoliate just under the shellac. Further, the nails can become yellow and rough, become stained and move away from the nail bed.
  • From excessively long drying in a lamp without observing the technology, painful calluses can form under the nail plates. At the same time, you will not be delighted with the skin on your hands either, since it will peel off and may even crack.

  • Fungus is another common problem that craftsmen can "reward" with. The reason may be tools that have not been disinfected, and violations of basic hygiene standards.

  • Some people are allergic to shellac. Its presence can be recognized by the blisters on the fingers, they often itch and hurt. In this case, you will need to change materials or completely abandon shellac.

Recovery methods

If, after removing the shellac, the problems with the nails, which we talked about above, were found, it is imperative to take appropriate measures. There are many ways to restore the nail plate.

Some of them can be used at home, while others can only be performed by a specialist in the salon.

  • Beeswax and honey are used to seal nails. As a result of this procedure, the nail plates are enveloped with a protective film, which protects them from damage, mechanical stress and external negative factors. This product is sold in the form of a paste and powder. It is imperative to use both drugs, separately they will not allow you to achieve the desired result. Bee restoration can be applied to cleaned nails at home, not just in salons.
  • Restoring preparations that resemble regular varnishes are sold in many pharmacies, salons and beauty stores. Such restoration can be transparent and colored, aimed at eliminating a single problem, or have a complex effect. Such drugs are produced in a large assortment by many companies. Various preparations can be used as a basis, for example, silk, keratin, sea minerals. To remove such medicinal coatings, you need to use a special agent that does not contain acetone. These preparations can be applied under varnish, replacing the base.
  • Means Kalyon "Korablik" is unique in its composition and action. It allows not only to strengthen the plates, but also stimulates their growth. Available in bottles with a brush, it can be transparent or pearlescent. The treatment should be carried out for 3 weeks. It can also be used as a base.

  • Keratin Nail Restorer Trind is a keratin-based preparation that moisturizes and restores nails. This coating needs to be applied twice a day, which is its main disadvantage.

  • A wide range of oils are produced for the treatment of cuticles and nails. Olive oil has a good effect, from which you can make baths. Hands are kept in heated oil for about 15 minutes. The procedure is performed daily for a week. Also, experts advise using jojoba oil. There are special oils that come in bottles with a brush. They allow you to quickly tidy up both nails and cuticles.

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