Batteries for a hoverboard: selection rules and operating features

A hoverboard is a type of transport that many people like. But in order to ride it calmly and confidently, you need to study the basic nuances of energy storage devices. One must be able not only to choose a product, but also to choose the right battery for it. Let's talk about the rules for choosing this part and the features of its operation.

The battery (battery for a hoverboard) differs in the following indicators:
- total capacity (can be more than 4000 mAh);
- voltage (typically 36 V);
- power (more often from 100 to 200 W / h);
- operating time on one full charge (usually 15 to 20 km);
- permissible temperatures during storage and operation;
- manufacturer country;
- device type (mainly Li-Ion);
- permissible storage humidity;
- service life (measured in the number of charging and discharging cycles of the battery).

The size of the battery is also important. Only a suitably sized product can fit inside the case. Modern batteries are often made by connecting batteries with capacitors. This design is characterized by increased efficiency and performance.
Some devices are equipped with a bluetooth module, which allows you to quickly monitor the charge level and detect its recharging.
Features of operation
Even the best battery pack should rest periodically.... Intensive use quickly depletes the stored energy. Most often, you need to charge the battery from your home power supply. In the vast majority of cases, lithium-ion batteries are used. They do not need to be serviced additionally, and the charging time is minimal.

There is no memory effect. The accumulated energy of the Li-Ion battery loses rather slowly. But she keeps her in the cold badly. The same applies for high temperature operation.
The requirements for use must be observed very strictly, otherwise there is a danger of fire and even explosion.

On a recently purchased hoverboard, the battery must be discharged to a minimum and charged to the limit. Only a standard device can be used for recharging. Strong discharge should not be allowed categorically. After each ride, especially a long one and at high speed, you should immediately check which indicator shows the charge. The reliability of the battery is provided only with reliable insulation with a dielectric structure. Such protection is needed both for galvanic cells and terminals.

It is categorically inadmissible to get water on the accumulator. Do not allow any other electrical or electronic components to get wet.
Temperature requirements should be strictly observed. If the temperature is below normal, the power may drop by at least 30-40%. Worst of all, exposure to cold will greatly shorten the overall lifespan, and not only be reflected in a specific case.
This point (battery selection) should not be underestimated either. Its cost can be 20-25% of the transport price. Over 90% of current storage devices are manufactured in Chinese enterprises. It is advisable to give preference to all the same products of well-known companies, best of all - from South Korea.
But it should be understood that neither LG nor Samsung have their own capacities for assembling the batteries themselves.

They only release the original parts, which outwardly resemble finger-size batteries. The assembly of these elements into a single whole is carried out under license by completely different organizations, the name of which will say little even to a sophisticated consumer of electronics. However, even work under a license and the use of branded components do not guarantee that the finished unit is perfect. Even more problems arise when using batteries collected from informal production facilities. They often pose a direct threat to users and their vehicles.

And you don't have to rely too much on branded stickers. However, in the absence of a better criterion, one should be guided by them.
Another nuance: it is better to choose a battery model released under the original Chinese brand. It will cost less than the one supplied under a world famous brand. And at the same time, most often it is not inferior to her in quality.
Of the technical parameters, the greatest practical value is battery capacity... The children's gyro scooter can be equipped with 3000 mAh or more batteries. For adult models, the minimum figure is already 4400 mAh. Such a battery will be enough for a rather long ride even for a heavy person or when transporting a heavy load. It is advised to take a multimeter with you to the store, otherwise you will not be able to check the power and you will have to blindly trust the manufacturer's promises.

Surely worth going first to large stores. They value their reputation and discard usually knowingly unusable vehicles and batteries for them. But we must also take into account the category of the battery. It is determined by the materials used and the build quality. On a hoverboard with small wheels (up to 6.5 inches inclusive), batteries of classes 1 and 2 are suitable.
They can only work with light loads. If the motor diameter is 8 inches, 3C level batteries will be needed.
Models of categories 4C, 5C are used mainly on premium hoverboards with wheels from 10 inches.

Some models are equipped with a pair of batteries at once, designed for a small charge. At the same time, they will be able to drive further without recharging and move for a longer time without stopping.
Often people do not want to buy a battery for a hoverboard at the price of 15,000 rubles, which is more expensive than 5,000 rubles. They try to pick up something at a price of up to 3500 rubles maximum.You have to look for offers that are suitable in terms of cost from small dealers and on the Aliexpress website. However, it is impossible to choose a device of a decent class in this segment. Most often, batteries of unknown origin are offered based on 18650 cells.
Somewhat less common are completely similar devices, differing only in the glued label of Samsung or another well-known brand. You have to pay up to 500 rubles for the label. It is advised to carefully probe such devices so as not to buy a product half of which has been replaced with foam rubber or something else. Despite the issuance of the declared voltage, the capacity will be at least 50% less than the norm. And it is better not to chase cheapness at all and immediately buy a normal battery.

Storage rules
But the right choice and use is not everything. Batteries also have to be stored. In the warm season of the year, there are no special requirements, you just need to ensure dryness, protect the device from sunlight. When winter approaches, prepare the battery for it like this:
- charge it fully;
- removed from the hoverboard;
- cleans out all dirt;
- wipe the surface dry;
- pack the battery in a sealed container (usually a bag or bag);
- put the container in a dry corner.

The room must be kept at a temperature of at least +5 degrees. And it's better to focus on the +10 degree bar altogether. If you are not sure that these conditions will be met, you need to look for another place.
During storage, the charge must be kept at a minimum of 51%. As soon as it drops below, the battery needs to be recharged immediately.

Therefore, it is better to choose a storage location also taking into account how convenient it will be to get to the battery. It should be remembered that any fall is harmful to the battery. It is quite possible to put it under a wardrobe, table, in a voluminous desk drawer or in a cabinet. Of course, you shouldn't put the battery where people might step on it. You cannot put or put any other objects on it either.
Types of malfunctions
One of the most common battery malfunctions is the inability to charge it. It either does not gain a charge at all, or it cannot be fully charged. Unfortunately, this problem affects even the most advanced models. The reasons can be varied:
- wear of the battery itself;
- malfunction of the charger;
- breakdown of the power supply circuit;
- damage to the internal parts of the hoverboard and its electronics.
You can fix the problem only after a high-quality diagnosis.
It is worth noting that the least serious defect of all of the above is a charger failure.

It can be repaired or replaced relatively inexpensively. Worse if you need to change the battery itself. In even more serious cases, you will need to check all internal electrical circuits of the hoverboard with a multimeter or tester. It is impossible to say in advance what problem will arise in such and such a case.
That's why every rider should have a multimeter and tester at their disposal.

Start troubleshooting by observing the charging process. Normally, the connected charger will immediately light up the indicator. Although sometimes failures occur with a working indicator. A malfunction of the battery itself is usually indicated by the fact that it quickly sits down. This may be evidenced by the inability to hold the charge.

When the battery is rapidly discharging, it is useful to remember whether it has fallen, has not gotten any liquid inside. Sometimes the cause of a breakdown is the use of a non-standard charger. If the cause cannot be found, or if the problem is not resolved after replacing the battery, it is better to leave further attempts at repair. It is more correct to contact professionals from the service center who have the necessary skills and technological tools. It is worth remembering about the likelihood of trivial damage to contacts, power cord, outlet and home wiring - this also prevents the battery from being charged.

Replacing the device
The need to change the battery on the gyroboard with your own hands arises quite often. For this purpose, it is necessary to use only those devices that exactly correspond to the original standard models in terms of characteristics. Deviations in the amount of accumulated charge are especially dangerous. You need to change the battery urgently if:
- she began to lose charge quickly;
- the hoverboard does not start when fully charged;
- it is impossible to make up for the loss of current;
- unauthorized shutdowns began while driving.

First you need to disassemble the gyro scooter. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew all the bolts. Then carefully raise the top wall.
In this case, it is important not to touch the parts inside with it or with your hands.
Next, take out the battery itself.

After removing the mechanical lock, it is necessary to turn off the controller responsible for supplying current from the electronic board. When it is off, it disconnects the electrical connectors of the main board. When removing the battery, it is important not to damage some of the wires inside. Therefore, there is no need to rush with such work. When the problem battery is removed, put it in the designated place and connect all the components in the reverse order.
If the hoverboard is equipped with 8 or 10 "wheels, the screws must be unscrewed from the side of the start button. If the wheels are 6.5 inches, remove them where there is no button or network port. After installing a new battery, you must immediately check the performance of the system as a whole and carry out the usual calibration. Sometimes it is possible to restore the battery's performance by sorting it out in a service center.... They know how to fix any problem unit and reassemble the battery.

On the Internet, you can find many videos describing the independent bulkhead of the battery. Whether to follow such recommendations - everyone decides at his own discretion. But professionals strongly recommend not to take risks. If the device was opened by yourself, the service may refuse warranty service.
As long as the warranty period is valid, you must enjoy the legal advantages, and even when it ends, it is better to contact an official service center.

Do-it-yourself battery repair from a gyroscope is given below.