Large hoverboards: characteristics and model overview

Large hoverboards (they are also called segways or gyrocycles) are electric vehicles with increased cross-country ability. These samples can be used not only on level park roads covered with asphalt, but also in those places where there are irregularities, minor obstacles. They are designed for impressive weight loads and are capable of accelerating to high speeds. As a rule, manufacturers adhere to a direct relationship: the larger the wheel, the more powerful the electric motor.

What is considered a large model?
Among gyro scooters, the largest is considered to be gyroscopes 10 inches. Their solid size is compensated a hundredfold by their vast potential, making it possible to move comfortably even in difficult terrain conditions. Ten-inch modifications are something like SUVs in the range of the size range of gyro scooters. However, 10 inches is not at all the highest point - at some companies you can find gyroscopes with wheels of 11 and even 16 inches.

The most powerful hoverboard
The most powerful gyro scooter in the world today is considered Smart Balance Pro 10... The diameter of the wheels for this unit is 10 inches. It is essentially an all-terrain vehicle. The tuning of the internal control system is made in such a way that the gyro runs smoothly, picks up speed excellently, copes with a variety of off-road situations. He freely turns in any direction, even while in place.
And the main advantage of this device is probably not the widest and largest wheels. The point here is, rather, in the improved "filling", thanks to which this electric vehicle overshadows other modifications in power and other parameters.

Technical specifications
Let's take a look at what makes Smart Balance Pro 10 stand out. You need to immediately focus on the main parameters.
- Battery with Samsung components - class 5C, capacity 4400 mAh.
- The power of the electric motor is 1200 watts in total (600 watts each).
- Protection degree - IP54.
- I must say that Smart Balance Pro 10 is equipped with the newest 3-pay auto balance system. Thanks to this innovation, driving a vehicle is easy and convenient.
- The body of the product is made of durable material. The frame is made of an alloy that can withstand increased loads. The entire structure is designed taking into account the probable mechanical influences, for which special protection has been developed.

Performance properties
Becoming the first time on the site of this vehicle, you can immediately feel a serious difference. Even without movement, you will be able to feel the power and rationality of the control system.
This gyrocycle contains adjustment of the sensitivity of the sensors. Like other types of electric transport in this group, the hoverboard is equipped with speakers and a Bluetooth module. Through the application, you can monitor the battery charge and the state of the system.

The size of the wheels assumes a comfortable ride on small terrain. The Smart Balance Pro 10 features reliable splash and dust resistance.
The maximum distance on a single charge is up to 22 kilometers. The vehicle is allowed to operate in temperatures ranging from –15 to +50 degrees Celsius. The acceleration speed is user-adjustable. The maximum limits of the speed parameter are up to 20 km / h.

The lineup
There are other gyroscopes with the largest wheels.
High-flotation hovercraft Smart Balance AMG 10
Speed and comfort are the key benefits of this modification. The hoverboard is assembled from good quality parts. It eliminated the errors that were in the usual modifications of the Wheel and SUV samples. The large diameter inflatable wheels are especially impressive. Therefore, without hesitation, you can dub it an SUV among all gyroscopes. There is an option to connect to a device via Bluetooth for listening to music.

Basic parameters:
- weight is 13.5 kilograms;
- the diameter of the wheels is 10 inches (254 millimeters);
- there is Bluetooth and LED backlighting;
- class 3C battery;
- two 350 watt electric motors;
- speed up to 16 km / h.

Highly maneuverable gyro Smart Balance Wheel SUV 10
The first thing that characterizes this modification of the gyro scooter is the comfort in control. Compared to the rest of the known and not so samples - this is a real SUV. Having become the owner of such a technique, you can ride in any weather without fear for the "well-being" of your vehicle.
Basic technical parameters:
- wheel diameter - 10 inches;
- electric motor power - 1000 watts (in total);
- maximum speed - 25 km / h;
- 5C class battery - 4400 mAh;
- scale of withstand loads - 25-125 kilograms;
- the limiting activity of the charge is 2-3 hours.

And also I must say that the gyro is equipped with a self-balancing system, TaoTao application, Bluetooth module and speakers. That is, in front of you is a complete off-road vehicle that is able to drive off-road in hot weather, frost and snow (temperature ranges from -15 to +50 degrees Celsius).
Giroskuter Hiper ES100 (load up to 120 kilograms)
This is a well-made and high-quality product.
It is especially necessary to highlight 3 points:
- the ascent angle is 17 degrees, which is an ideal solution when moving;
- 10-inch wheels;
- the maximum speed is 10 km / h.

It may seem that these parameters are extremely simple, but in fact, all this, taken together, makes it possible to move quickly.
Advantages and disadvantages
Gyrocycles with large wheels have a number of advantages:
- the main advantage is the size of the wheels, which makes it possible for the device to easily navigate off-road, along forest paths, gravel, grass;
- most of the modifications of large hoverboards can be used even in winter;
- these devices are capable of developing considerable speed in comparison with small gyroscooters.

If you are going to purchase a large gyro, then it is not out of place to know that, in addition to positive qualities, these devices have a number of shortcomings:
- large mass and dimensions can create discomfort when moving indoors and transporting the device;
- the cost of large gyro scooters is generally much higher than that of small-sized models;
- such a gyro is not suitable for children and adolescents; it will also be quite difficult for ladies to cope with large equipment.

How to choose?
If you decide to purchase a large gyro, when choosing, focus on several points.
- You need to make a purchase exclusively from a trusted seller who can give a guarantee for the vehicle.
- Pay attention to the country of origin. Expensive modifications are produced in America, cheaper ones in China. It is important that the device is factory-made, not homemade. Illegally produced gyroscopes are not only of poor quality, but also a source of danger to the user.
- Estimate the capacity of the battery - in fact, this parameter determines how much distance the device will travel without additional charging. If you are counting on long trips, buy more capacity. Also, keep in mind that a large machine with a powerful motor consumes more electricity.

On a note! Before buying a gyro scooter, use the rental service - this will give you the opportunity to get to know it better in order to make the right decision.
For information on how to choose a gyro scooter, see the next video.