A hoverboard: what is it, how does it work and which one is better to choose?

Scientists of the last century described in their books and filmed some devices for moving a person. Futuristic cities, in which residents smoothly glide along the streets, without making a step with their feet, are gradually beginning to be embodied in reality. This is how gyro scooters look fantastic.

Description and history of invention
Giroskuter - street vehicle... It looks like a foot bar with two wheels on the sides. The wheels are driven by electric motors. And so that a person maintains balance in an upright position, the gyro scooter has a fairly large number of sensitive gyroscopic sensors. Sometimes hoverboards are called hoverboards, but this is not entirely correct, because a hoverboard was a flying board invented by science fiction writers.
It was originally fictional, like a flying carpet, for example.

Hoverboards were invented at the end of the last century, then, not the balancing devices themselves appeared, but only their prototypes. The ancestor of our modern hoverboard was the segway. But it was equipped with steering, and the gyro scooter went further - it does not have a steering column and a person can control the device not with his hands, but solely by moving the weight from side to side, balancing. It's very simple: you need to go forward - you lean forward, you need to stop - you lean your body back.Likewise, fantastic transport that has become a reality turns left and right.
The first modern gyro scooter was released in 2010. Chinese and Korean craftsmen were the first to put them on stream. Until now, world companies argue who is the author of the hoverboard. Almost simultaneously, the device was presented by several companies at once, but one thing is certain - the invention of the principle of self-balancing belongs to American Dean Kamen, which gave the world an electric scooter - segway.

Device and principle of operation
To understand how a gyro scooter works, you need to have a clear idea of how it works. The body of a modern device is small; if desired, it can be easily carried in a bag. The weight is small. The foot platform has two wheels on the lateral parts. Thanks to them, the device is able to move.
The platform is only seemingly monolithic; in fact, it consists of two semi-platforms. Each can move within a given range at certain angles. The upper part of the body has elements responsible for control. They look like flattened buttons, it is they who communicate with the gyroscopic sensor.
In the center of the platform there is a steel fastener, which is hidden under the cover. In the literal sense of the word, the entire load falls on it - the carrying capacity. Most modern models can withstand a weight of up to 100 kg.

The hoverboard has two electric motors. One is on the right, the other is on the left, their work is not interconnected, the motors operate autonomously from each other. There are also two gyroscopic sensors in the transport, and when a person changes his body position, the position of the platform under his feet changes, the sensors send information about this through a loop to the motherboard. The transport miracle of technology's own processor gives commands to the right or left engine. And all these processes take place in a matter of seconds.
The electric motors are powered by two batteries. The batteries are rechargeable and have a lifespan of approximately 2,000 recharge cycles.

Modern gyroboards can do a lot and this is not only a sensitive movement in response to a change in the position of the human body. Almost all models have lights and lights - they can be used to indicate your upcoming maneuvers for others. Or you can simply use the built-in Bluetooth system, turn on your favorite music while driving and synchronize the lights to it.
So why does the hoverboard ride? Because sensitive gyroscopic sensors register even minor changes in the position of the foot platform relative to the ground. By tilting your body forward or to the sides, you start this process over and over again. And in order to sharply accelerate or slow down, a person can press with the toe of the foot on one of the two flat buttons, which were mentioned above. Some models are optional have information panels, are with a remote control.

Advantages and disadvantages
Innovative transport has its advantages and disadvantages. A hoverboard is a very maneuverable form of transport and you can easily get to the metro by it - quickly and under the admiring glances of the crowd. At the doors of the metro or at a public transport stop, the hoverboard fits into a bag and can be easily placed on the shoulder. You cannot take a single transport - neither a car, nor a moped, nor a motorcycle, and this is the great advantage of a hoverboard.
Their owners do not need to look for a parking space. It does not need maintenance costs, it does not need gasoline that is so expensive by modern standards. The main thing is not to forget to charge the device in time. The hoverboard is quite easy to learn and available both in price and in the range offered.

Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that its the wheels are pretty hard and therefore, on a gyro scooter, it shakes quite noticeably while driving.For a comfortable movement, you need to choose only flat footpaths with high-quality and smooth asphalt pavement. If the asphalt on your route leaves much to be desired, then you will have to splurge on a more expensive vehicle with ten-inch wheels.
The disadvantages include the lack of a seat. By and large, it is not required, because this innovative transport is designed for short trips, and not for long trips. Another disadvantage is that you cannot give a friend a ride to the metro. This is a purely individual means of transportation, designed for one person, and not for a company.

Do you need management rights?
In the traffic rules in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, the concept of "gyro scooter" is absent. And many are sure that the rights to such transport are not needed. Is it really?
From the point of view of traffic rules, a hoverboard has 2 wheels, and therefore can be equated as a bicycle if its power is more than 0.25 kW, and the maximum speed does not exceed 25 km / h, and to a moped, if its engine has a power of 0.25 to 4 kW, and the maximum speed does not exceed 50 km / h. If a gyro scooter can move at a speed of more than 50 km / h, then it should be considered a motorcycle at all.
The power of the gyro scooter engine is often not indicated by sellers, and therefore buyers have no idea how their vehicle qualifies. Most of the gyro scooters sold today in Russia meet the definition of a "moped" by their technical characteristics. Therefore, according to the letter of the law, driving such vehicles requires category "M" driving license. In theory, their absence could result in a fine of 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.
In practice, everything is somewhat different. Despite the fact that the hoverboard fits the description of a moped, the traffic police still consider it a pedestrian and do not ask for the rights to operate the platform on wheels.

Inspectors may have questions and complaints about the gyroscooter if:
- you are driving along the carriageway, even along its edge, and there are pedestrian roads nearby;
- you are on your transport in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication, but in this case, the questions to you, as a full-fledged pedestrian, will not be asked by the traffic police, but by the staff of the PPS.
Before crossing the pedestrian crossing, you do not need to dismount, as cyclists are required to do. For traffic rules, you are on a platform and on two wheels - a pedestrian.
Thus, in Russia you do not need to get a license for a gyro scooter... At least for now. Soon, the traffic police are planning to give such vehicles a special status, and then the rules may change.
In the meantime, the only thing that threatens the gyroscooter is a fine under Part 1 of Article 12.29 of the SDA of 500 rubles for any violation of traffic rules. If on your two-wheeled miracle you interfere with other road users, you can get a fine under Part 1 of Article 12.30 in 1,000 rubles. If you have harmed the health of another road user by driving a gyro scooter, the fine will be up to 1.5 thousand rubles under the same article.

Types and characteristics
It is a mistake to consider as a gyro scooter everything that moves due to the principle of a self-balancing system. The work of electric unicycle, segway, mini-segway is based on the same principle. This does not make the listed devices hoverboards in any way. If we talk specifically about gyroscooters, then there are the following varieties.

Baby (4.5 inches)
The smallest vehicles in bright colors weighing only about 5 kilograms. Designed for children from 5 to 9 years old. They develop a low speed - no more than 9 km / h. It will take a little while to charge the battery - no more than 11-12 km. All indicators and technical characteristics of such devices are below average, but for children's use it is this fact that is considered the most optimal and safe.
A great advantage of this type of gyroscopic scooters should be considered the balancing setting for a child's weight up to 25 kilograms. This is useful when learning to ride. The downside is the cost - children's hoverboards can cost more than devices for teenagers.

6.5 inch
The gyro scooter 6.5 looks bigger and more solid than children's models. It is faster, it has better power ratings. Each wheel has 300-350 watts. Such a device weighs more - about 9 kilograms, but in general it looks quite compact.
The wheel size of 6.5 inches does not give the vehicle high off-road performance. On it, you will not go far on sand, rocky surface, on the ground, on grass. And even when driving on smooth asphalt, strong vibration is felt, since the wheels are rigid, tubeless.
The cost can be considered a great advantage - it is these hoverboards that cost the least - from 11 thousand rubles, and even cheaper when ordering from China.

8 inch
Giroskuter 8 has the best performance in terms of power, speed, cross-country ability, but its dimensions are larger and it weighs heavier. However, without significant problems, he moves on uneven roads. Some models can supply 400 watts to each wheel.
Such gyro scooters can accelerate up to 20 km / h. On one full charge of the battery, you can travel up to two tens of kilometers. They cost more than their counterparts with fewer inches. Although the wheels "grew", they remained firm, and therefore vibration while driving will certainly be felt, as well as faster wear of parts in general.

10 inch
The vehicles with the largest wheels have exactly this figure. Large wheels significantly expand the possibilities - you can ride a gyro scooter on the ground, puddles, snow, sand, on a gravel surface. This is a real "SUV" among their own kind. Differs in higher power, the presence of inflatable chamber wheels, due to what vibration when driving is reduced and the service life of the device itself is extended.
Such models can accelerate up to 25 kilometers per hour, the engines provide 500 watts of power per wheel. Such an innovative transport weighs about 15 kilograms, it is hard to carry it in a bag with you. The cost of such models is currently the highest.
Often people ask if there are hoverboards on sale with 12 "wheels. They tried to produce such and even larger ones, but they weighed under two dozen kilograms. To spin such large wheels, they installed very powerful batteries, which made the device even heavier and very expensive in cost.
That's why The most optimal today is a gyroscooter with wheels of a maximum of 10.5 inches. If you are offered a device with 12 inches or more, think carefully about whether you need it.

The hoverboard opens up a lot of possibilities for its owner - you can ride in the park and breathe the air in your free time, you can quickly get to the university, you can have fun with your friends, riding on such beautiful and interesting devices. In the United States, this type of transport is quite popular with courier delivery workers.
The information display, available in some models, will show the battery consumption, you can connect a smartphone to it so that while driving you can see who is calling you and what messages have come. There are models with a remote control. Almost all modern hoverboards are equipped with Bluetooth modules and speakers for playing music, to make the ride more fun. The hoverboard has lighting devices, and if you connect your smartphone to Bluetooth, you can synchronize the blinking of the backlight to the beat of the melody at will.
Especially creative individuals use self-balance not only for movement, but also for staging dances, choreographic numbers, stage performances.
Gyro scooters can perform acrobatic stunts if they have a sturdy and reliable frame.

Popular models rating
Leading brands are competing for the right to invent something new and exciting with the release of the "transport of the future". We present several options for you to choose from. The rating is based on the popularity of models among buyers.
Balance Prem Series
A bright multi-colored model with a large load capacity - up to 110 kg. Has small wheels, designed for city walks on a flat road. Great for beginners.

Smart Balance Pro 6.5
Can serve as a means of transportation for both children and adults. The battery capacity is enough for continuous three-hour skiing. Equipped with bright illumination, you can ride even in the dark.

Zaxboard ZX-11 Pro
This vehicle charges quickly and has a high build quality. Has increased protection against moisture. The popularity is also due to the record warranty period - 3 years.
No other manufacturer gives such a long warranty period.

Polaris PBS 0603
Inexpensive, but solid transport with an ideal balance and the ability to withstand a weight of up to 120 kg. Develops high speed. It has two modes of operation - educational for beginners and advanced for advanced users.

Novelty Electronics L1-B
It has a strong engine and good wheels, is able to climb a small, but still a hill.

Smart Balance Pro Premium 10.5 V2
Equipped with decent inflatable wheels, speeds up to 17 km / h, passes on different roads without significant difficulty. Equipped with bright illumination. With all this, its cost is low, and therefore the model is very popular.

Kiwano KO-X Electric Smart Scooter
It is capable of moving at a speed of up to 25 km / h, has solid large inflatable wheels. The autobalance is very sensitive, and therefore the model is not the most suitable for beginners. The engine is powerful.
If you are choosing a gyro scooter for yourself or a child, you should also consider brand models. Eboard, Mizar, SpeedRoll, MiniRobot, Asixbot, Umka, iconBIT. Having decided on the model, you can choose the one you like in any color available to her. The most popular colors are red, white, black, gold.

Selection recommendations
To choose a hoverboard so as not to regret buying later, simple recommendations will help.
- Manufacturer. American models are always more expensive than Chinese ones. But if the financial situation allows, it is better to choose an authentic American thing. If there is no such funds, feel free to take a Chinese gyro scooter, since even American companies locate their production in the Celestial Empire.
- Price. A too cheap vehicle is not always a quality product, since manufacturers often save on materials and assembly.
- Place of purchase. It is best to take vehicles from an official manufacturer who can provide a quality certificate and provide a long and reliable warranty service.
- Frame. The best are gyroscopic scooters, the body of which is made of plastic with a steel frame. Pay attention to the presence of protective pads, bumpers. If they are available, this is a big and undoubted plus.
- Wheels... If four-inch wheels are more than enough for children, then for adults the choice should start with devices with 6-8-inch wheels or more.
- Additional functions... If you need them, be sure to evaluate their availability and quality. Music, lighting, information board, remote control - all this must work flawlessly and correctly.

Soberly assess where and how much you need to drive. For smooth roads, more budget options with a small wheel size are suitable. For other places, it is better to pick up large inflatable wheels. Pay attention to the power as well. Some manufacturers indicate it in total, while others indicate it per wheel.
For quiet recreational riding, 350 W is enough for each wheel for a child, for an adult, more solid power is needed.

Optional accessories
The set with the hoverboard should include bag with a wide and comfortable handle, which will allow you to carry the device in your hands and on your shoulder. If the wheels are inflatable chamber, then it is desirable that the kit included spare camera.

The gyro scooter cannot be called safe. He is dangerous and the probability of injury is always there. For example, in Britain, gyro scooters are prohibited on roads and sidewalks. A battery that is of poor quality can self-ignite, but usually lithium batteries are more prone to this. Therefore, some airlines prohibit the carriage of such vehicles in the cabin.
Considering that the device sometimes accelerates to decent speeds, it is recommended to wear special knee pads, a helmet and elbow pads, and also try not to exceed the recommended speed of 10 km / h. If the body is tilted too much, it is possible that the motors will shut off.

Subtleties of operation
Before the first use, you need to carefully read the instructions, pump up the wheels, adjust the balancing for yourself. Follow this sequence of actions:
- after removing the packaging, you need to turn on the start button;
- blinking and beep may indicate a low battery level, so please charge the device and restart it again;
- when you put your foot on the platform, the signal for the start of self-balancing will light up. If it does not light up or blinks, you need to contact the service center.
If the transport supports the appropriate functions, you can connect it to the phone, select the desired settings and control them remotely.

How to skate properly?
Both feet should be placed on the platform, after which the body should be relaxed without starting to skate right away. A smooth tilt of the body forward and backward with an angle of 5-15 degrees should be a command for moving forward and backward, respectively. For a left turn, the body weight is transferred to the right leg, for a right turn - to the left.
When riding is complete, you need to stop the device by smoothly tilting in the opposite direction to the direction of travel.... One leg falls to the ground - the weight is immediately transferred to it, after which the other leg is removed from the platform.

Frequent malfunctions
Users describe the most common malfunctions as follows:
- the battery discharges too quickly - this usually happens with inexpensive Chinese batteries;
- the scooter vibrates strongly and makes noise when driving - check the tire pressure, adjust the wheels.
More complex breakdowns include errors in the operation of the motherboard and wheel controller boards, damage to sensors, motors.

Disassemble the gyro scooter and find the reason why one half of the platform does not work, the scooter twitches, does not maintain balance, the light is constantly flashing or the scooter turns off right on the go, only a specialist can. Such home experiments are contraindicated.
The weak points of gyro scooters are:
- intolerance to low temperatures;
- vulnerable batteries - if you are not using the device, be sure to charge it 1-2 times a month.

DIY balancing
A new hoverboard usually doesn't need to be balanced or calibrated at home. If there are problems, it is best to return the purchase to the seller.
After a long period of inactivity, the device needs balance before new use. This will help avoid configuration errors. You can return the device to factory settings. For this, the gyro scooter is turned off, placed on a flat surface. Then press the power key and hold it for about 10 seconds.
Then you should wait half a minute until the balancing is completed.

Review overview
Owners say different things about their hoverboards. Much depends on how successful the choice was made, how the device is used.Most of the reviews are positive, but there are also negative experiences - when a low-quality device was bought, the scooter quickly broke down, etc. In any case, it is easy to find user reviews for each model. Analyze them before buying.

For your device to serve for a long time, be careful in your choice of roads. Do not allow the device to be drowned, especially if it is not protected from moisture. Clean the device only with a damp cloth without aggressive detergents.
For information on how to choose a gyro scooter, see the next video.