What are hoverboard carts and how to operate them?

Today, an ordinary gyro scooter does not surprise anyone. They have long been very popular, so many owners are bored. Do you want to diversify your leisure time and make gyro-skiing non-standard? Then you should pay attention to an unusual accessory for him - trolley for a hoverboard.

Controlling a gyro scooter requires utmost attention and concentration, especially for beginners. It is unlikely that you will be able to immediately conquer the streets of the city on it. First, you need to learn how to control the gyrocycle with your feet, while balancing the body. Not everyone succeeds the first time, moreover, even professionals can accidentally fall off the device.
Hoverboard trolley Is a device that allows you to control it while sitting. The device provides convenience, relative safety and comfort with excellent driving stability. Operation does not require special skills, so even small children can use them. The hoverboard trolley will turn your device into a kind of go-kart. It facilitates control of the gyrocycle and increases its maneuverability, which allows it to reach speeds of up to 25-30 km / h.

Species overview
Designed for solo riding and can support the weight of an adult... Carts for gyroscopes are mobile, some models are designed for the transportation of light loads. Today, 2 types of devices are available for purchase: standard or lever and leverless.

All such models have a common design. The trolley weight is about 5 kg. The device consists of a frame that ends with footrests... Bottom front - a maneuvering wheel.Behind the top - a plastic seat, on the sides of which there are control levers; below - mount on a gyro scooter associated with levers.
The frame consists of 2 pipes: one has a larger diameter, the other a smaller one, they are inserted into each other. This allows you to easily adjust the length of the cart to the length of the owner's legs, and after use it can be folded compactly. Riding on such a device is quite comfortable. Installation on a gyro scooter takes about 20-30 seconds, the device is held by the straps. Even if the gyro is discharged while riding, the device can be easily moved by hand using the footrests.

New models of standard trolleys are equipped with shock absorbers... These are durable springs that vaguely resemble the suspension on cars. Riding a cart with a shock absorber becomes even more comfortable and safe for health. The spring absorbs strong vibrations, allowing you to ride on uneven roads.

These models are similar in design, with the exception of three details: they lack leverage; control is carried out by feet, not hands; factory wheels are installed at the back, so the hoverboard is mounted at the front. Such carts are also called gyro scooter strollers. The device is less comfortable to operate, but still safer, as it is carried out from a sitting position. To increase comfort, the stroller is equipped with shock absorbers.
Some models are equipped with the ability to raise and lower the seat... Adjusting the height level affects the maneuverability and ride comfort. High seating position is the most comfortable, although less safe due to low maneuverability. On tight bends, the cart can tip over.
A low ride provides more safety, but without shock absorbers, you will experience a lot of shaking, especially on uneven roads.

Popular models
Today on sale there are 2 types of models of carts for hoverboards: HoverKart and HoverSeat. They differ in the construction mechanism.
- HoverKart trolley... This is the most common option and comes with a standard linkage. The control is carried out by hands, therefore, for convenience, the handles are equipped with seals. The device is completely safe and comfortable.

- HoverSeat trolley. It has no levers, so it is operated with your feet. The device is less secure as it can roll over. With the help of such a cart, you can transport light loads.

There are few distinctive characteristics. The models differ in basic design, as they have the same functionality. Other differences may be in wheel size, shock absorbers, seat height and seat adjustment options.
Control features
HoverKart trolleys are controlled by hands using levers, which are a kind of steering wheel. To move straight, you need to tilt the handles of the right and left levers forward with equal force, for braking and moving in the opposite direction - back.
Turning to the left and turning to the left is carried out as follows: the right lever should be tilted forward, the left lever should be left in its normal position or tilted slightly back. To turn right and turn right, the same steps must be performed in reverse.

Steering the HoverSeat strollers is no different from controlling a conventional gyro, as it is done with your feet. In general, it is much easier to maneuver the gyro scooter in a sitting position, since you do not need to maintain balance. The owner can completely relax and enjoy the ride.

Please yourself or your children with a similar invention. If riding on a regular gyro bike gets bored, the cart will be an excellent solution.