Children's hoverboards: a review of the best models and selection criteria

Keeping up with the times, new devices have appeared in the range of children's vehicles for transportation, which are now in great demand all over the world. The category of such products should include gyro scooters, presented in a wide variety.

At what age can you ride?
To have an idea of the child's readiness to move independently on a hoverboard, it is worth taking into account his age, as well as the mass of a novice rider. It is difficult to distinguish a clear gradation in this matter, since each child belonging to the same age group may have individual parameters - weight. Today, such a device as a children's gyro scooter is divided by the manufacturer into 4 main groups:
- models with a wheel diameter not exceeding 4.5 inches;
- fixtures with 6.5-inch wheels;
- varieties with 8-inch wheels;
- hoverboards with wheels 10 inches.

The first class includes varieties that have the most modest parameters, respectively, this option will be most suitable for children of the younger age group. Despite their compact size and lightweight design, these devices are quite maneuverable, but they are unable to develop high speed. In most cases, a child who has reached the age of five will already be able to operate a hoverboard in this category.
Among the offered range of models there are also options with 4.5-inch wheels, which are also suitable for a child of 3-4 years old, however, at this age, parental control while walking will be mandatory.
The next class is designed for schoolchildren.

Such devices will have large wheels, as well as increased platform dimensions, which will provide the child with a comfortable position, as well as the ability to carry out maneuvers.
Hoverboards with 8 '' and 10 '' wheels are classified as recommended for adolescents, the selection of a suitable option in such cases will be based on the individual characteristics of the child at a particular age, which relate to height and weight.

Benefit and harm
Such a newfangled adaptation has both positive and negative features. Every parent who is thinking about purchasing such a vehicle for their child needs to know them. When it comes to the benefits for young riders, there are several factors worth highlighting.
- According to experts, hoverboard riding allows children to develop physically. In the process of riding it, the child actively uses the muscles of the back, legs, abs and neck. And also there is an important training of the vestibular apparatus, skills related to coordination of movements are improved.
- As a rule, the whole process of learning to ride takes a minimum of time in comparison with other options for children's street vehicles.
- The risk of injury while transporting the gyro scooter to its destination by a child on his own will be extremely low, since the weight of most of the models does not exceed 5 kilograms.
- The child will ride it at a maximum speed of 8-9 km / h, which will be enough for physical activity, but the risk of injury situations will be minimal.

However, such a tool is also not devoid of some negative aspects:
- often it is not recommended to use a gyro scooter for children, especially young children, since such a pastime will not replace full-fledged physical activity during walks;
- models for the smallest are not completely safe for children, therefore, they require parental control;
- when driving on uneven sections of the track, there is a possibility of serious damage to the device, as well as injury.

Manufacturers rating
To choose the right modern model of children's hoverboard, you should first study manufacturers who have proven themselves on the positive side in terms of the quality and reliability of their products... Today, the leading positions in the production and sale of devices of this kind are occupied exclusively by American and Chinese brands. Has for the latter, they will have a more affordable cost. American-assembled products are leading in such characteristics as reliability, which is reflected in their cost.
Asian products are purchased most often, and the cheapness of such models is due to inexpensive components that are used in the assembly of gyro scooters.
The best brands are discussed below.

A brand that specializes in the production of electric vehicle models for adults and children. New items regularly appear in the line of proposed devices, which take into account such characteristics as environmental friendliness and modern design. Varieties for boys and girls, for adolescents, at the same time have quite an affordable cost, therefore they are quite in demand in the modern market.
Among novice riders, hoverboards of this Chinese brand are in demand due to their well-thought-out configuration and visual appeal.

An Asian brand offering its products all over the world. The range of gyro scooters includes children's and teenage models. The main positive feature of the products of the Chinese manufacturer is considered to be high maintainability, as well as the presence of a large number of service centers around the world.

Novelty electronics
This is a domestic trade mark, the assembly of its products is carried out in China, and Asian parts and components are also used in the manufacture of gyro scooters. The range of models for children stands out for its diversity, the line includes devices for 3 and 4 years old, options for older children - 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 years old. The products are certified, have an attractive design, uncomplicated structure, which makes the operation of gyro scooters as simple as possible, even for the smallest.

Smart balance
The products of this brand are very often the choice of parents. This is due to the low cost of children's devices for movement, as well as the ability to reach speeds of up to 10-15 km / h on the older line of hoverboards. The line of the Chinese brand also contains exclusive models that are sold at a different cost.
The devices are small in size, so they can be easily transported by plane, by private vehicle, or in hand luggage.

Another Asian brand that sells innovative hoverboards, distinguished by their mobility and comfort. The price category of the fixtures makes the products in demand, the external attractiveness has a positive effect on the demand.

The line of electrical products of this brand belongs to the average cost category, since almost every variety is additionally equipped by the manufacturer with some kind of novelty, in addition to the basic configuration. Besides, the manufacturer took care of the high-quality balancing of the device.

The assortment of the brand enables parents to choose a gyro scooter for the individual needs of almost every child.

How to choose?
With the goal of acquiring for your child a really high-quality and maximum safe gyro scooter, when choosing among the available assortment, it is worth paying attention to a number of features of the models.
- The preferred version of the child's vehicle must have a certificate without fail. It is worth refraining from purchasing an uncertified device, since a hoverboard made in artisanal conditions can be dangerous in terms of operation.

- It is worth considering the proposed models, also taking into account the values regarding the permissible minimum and maximum load on the body. As a rule, the devices will not be able to function if the baby's weight is less than 20-25 kilograms, since the device simply will not “feel” the load. As for the maximum weight that the body can withstand, here the indicators declared by the manufacturer vary within 120-130 kilograms, although such a weight is extremely rare in children and adolescents, it is still worth taking into account such features.

- Power Is another characteristic that will not be of the last importance when choosing a children's gyro scooter. This nuance directly affects not only the speed that the device controlled by the baby will be able to develop, but also the overall throughput of the device. This applies to various obstacles - curbs and other hills. Experts for children's exploitation advise buying electrical devices with a power in the range of 500-700 watts.

- Since the hoverboard runs exclusively on battery power, the battery capacity must also be taken into account.... It is important that the batteries available are from reputable manufacturers. As a rule, one full charge of a good battery is enough to cover a distance of 15-20 kilometers, which will be more than enough for children or adolescents.

- The "stuffing" of the gyro scooter must contain three motherboards. Such a division is found only in proven units.In such an embodiment, one board will be responsible for controlling the control of the entire device, and the task of the rest is reduced to ensuring the operation of the wheels. This configuration has a positive effect on handling and maneuverability. Budget models can contain only two boards that control the operation of the hoverboard wheels. The latter option reduces the service life of the model, and also negatively manifests itself in the reliability and maneuverability of the entire unit while driving.

- A separate point is the material from which the body of the gyroscooter is made.... As a rule, manufacturers use polystyrene for these purposes, but this material can have different strength characteristics, which affects the quality of the finished product, as well as durability. Budget options are made from PS-labeled material. This variety has an extremely low resistance to mechanical damage. HIPS material is shock-resistant and wear-resistant, therefore it is used for the production of expensive and high-quality models. Before buying, it is recommended to check with the seller the type of raw materials used, and also to make sure of this by reading the documentation for the device.

- Additional devices are optional... However, teenage and children's models are very often additionally equipped with speakers, backlighting, a display for control, which may be in demand among novice riders.

Operating tips
Despite the fact that the gyro scooter belongs to the category of safe children's vehicles in comparison with rollers, skateboards and other varieties, for its operation by a child, you will need to follow some rules.
- First of all, before the small owner of the hoverboard gets on the platform, he will need to put on the necessary protection. This applies to the helmet, special knee pads, elbows, palms.
- Children under 5 years old must be under parental control when moving around the yard on a hoverboard. The same requirement applies to older kids who are just getting acquainted with a new means of transportation on the street.
- A unifying requirement for children of all ages is the prohibition of using the device on the road. It is also best to ride for the first time on those sections of pedestrian sidewalks where the number of passers-by and other devices for driving will be minimal.
- Before the trip, the child must be explained that controlling the gyro scooter excludes the presence of sudden movements on his part, since this may be fraught with injuries or breakdown of the apparatus.
- For riding, you should choose comfortable clothes that will not interfere with the child, hinder his movements.
- Riding a gyro scooter in rainy weather should be avoided. This is due to the peculiarity of electronics failing at high humidity.
- Proper storage is another point regarding the use of a child's mobility aid. It is important that the device in the room is away from heating devices, and it is also necessary to avoid contact of the hoverboard with water. This also applies to the serviceability of the sockets when recharging the batteries. Keep the device out of the reach of small children and pets.

For information on how to choose a children's gyro scooter, see the next video.