What is the speed of the gyro scooter?

Everyone who buys a gyro scooter for the first time in their life is interested in how many kilometers per hour this device is capable of delivering. On the very first day, having barely learned how to ride this vehicle, the young user will want to drive faster, go as far as possible, regardless of what is stated in the manufacturer's instructions.
Factors affecting the speed of a hoverboard
The laws of physics state that the speed of a hoverboard corresponds to the maximum declared only when driving on a perfectly flat road - whether it is a hypermarket floor or a racing cycle track. In real conditions - on an asphalt surface, on a tile in a park alley, and so on - the same speed can drop by 1-2 km / h. And it doesn't matter if this speed, which the vehicle is generally capable of, or artificially limited. Its decrease on the same roads will be approximately the same: minus 2 kilometers per hour from the standard value.

The diameter of the wheels also makes its own adjustments. With the same force generated by the same motors, the speed of the hoverboard is lower by the corresponding amount if the wheel is smaller. Without a hoverboard with a nominal speed of 10 km / h on 6 "wheels, the speed with 12" wheels would be 20 km / h. The excess weight of the wheel slightly reduces this value: the mass of the entire system, shifted from the spot and rolled forward (the total weight of the hoverboard and the rider), may be 2-3 kg more. This takes into account the design of the rim, the presence of an air-pumped chamber and other factors.
Finally, for the device to roll at maximum speed, it does not require:
- go uphill - the force of gravity is directed downward;
- switch the speed to a lower one;
- overloading the hoverboard with excess weight, riding it together or three, is, first of all, an individual vehicle;
- try to carry heavy bags on it, hang on ourselves to overflowing and weighted backpacks, try to carry bulky or other cargo that makes it difficult to control;
- ride in a strong headwind.
If you follow these rules, you are guaranteed to get the speed from the gyro scooter, which is mentioned in the instructions.

Typical speed
The speed of the hoverboard depends on its weight and the power of the motors. In practice, hoverboards with 700-watt motors will accelerate to 15 km / h - the maximum speed of a teenage bike with a single gear. A gyro scooter with 800 watt motors will reach speeds of 18 km / h, which puts it on a par with single-speed road bikes for adults and most scooters in the lower and middle price ranges.
Maximum speed limitation
The speed limit measure is a forced decision. This allows not only to extend the battery life, saving it from overloads, and reduce the load on rubbing mechanics, but also to prevent accidents when riding a hoverboard. Newcomers who have just bought this vehicle are in a hurry to accelerate it to the speed that the engines themselves are generally capable of, taking into account their real characteristics and the specific situation.
But there is no need to rush: a beginner learns to ride, precisely control at the minimum speed - for gyro scooters and segways it is 3-5 km / h. Some manufacturers program the device's firmware in such a way that after a certain mileage (for example, 15 km) or an hour's "experience" (say, after 5 hours of driving), the speed limit is automatically removed.

How to remove the speed limit?
The crudest way to remove the limitation on a gyroscooter is to disassemble it and discard the control board and gyroscopes, leaving only the driver board, which powers the stepper motors that rotate the wheel shafts. But such an alteration is fraught with a complete loss of control - the capabilities of the gyro scooter will resemble the functionality of the simplest electric skateboard rolling across, not along. That's why to remove the restriction, either a set of mileage set by the manufacturer itself, or setting using an application that controls the gyro scooter via Bluetooth, is used.
As an example - Xiaomi gyro scooters, delivering speeds up to 20 km / h. To do this, you need to change the firmware version of the vehicle. If your device has a version newer than 1.1.7, roll back to the previous one. But if you have version 1.3.1, you will not be able to return to 1.1.7.

But you can do the following.
- Download the Ninebot app to your smartphone.
- Turn on the Ninebot mini function on your smartphone or tablet and connect to the device.
- In the upper right corner, press the Main menu soft key.
- Give the command "Basic information - Software version".
- Check that the hoverboard is 100% charged and turned on.
- Download version of Ninebot 3.0.
- In the Wi-Fi network settings, change your temporary IP address to a permanent one. It will be received upon registration as the DNS address
- Confirm the action by clicking on the "Sure" button in the application.
- Revert your Wi-Fi settings back to prevent the firmware from updating itself.
At the end of the installation process, restart the hoverboard. Try to ride it. The speed will increase from the standard 20 km / h to the maximum value achievable in real conditions. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to noticeably increase the speed, then it may be worth looking for another solution that does not interfere with controlling the gyro scooter.

The world's fastest hoverboards
Below are the fastest models in the world, and the list starts with the slowest one.
- Smart Balance Wheel SUV 10 and Smart Balance DIAMOND 7 accelerates to 20 km / h.
- Smart Balance 10 Pro and Electroboard Lambo XXL develops 25 km / h.

For an overview of the fastest gyro scooters, see below.