Who invented the hoverboard and in what year did it appear?

A gyroscooter is a street vehicle made in the form of a transverse bar on two side wheels. A vehicle without a steering wheel, handles and additional support points has gained wide popularity among people from different social spheres and ages. Two-wheeled platforms are sold and used in different countries of the world, but few people know the history and author of this invention.

Who invented?
There are several versions of the creation of a two-wheeled vehicle, according to which, the invention is attributed to Shane Chen of Solowheel or David Pearce of Chic Robotic. But, despite the ongoing controversy, many researchers are inclined to believe that the first hoverboard was invented by the American inventor, Dean Kamen. He is also the author of the segway and other useful developments.
Dean Kamen, President of the DEKA Research Foundation, was born in the United States in 1951. The father of the future inventor worked as a comic book artist and illustrator, and his mother taught at school. The creator of the gyro scooter was interested in technology as a child. During his school years, he created the largest system of color music, which brought him his first fame and profit.

After school, he entered the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, but, despite an inquiring mind and outstanding abilities, Kamen did not finish it, but preferred to do his own development. One of the first inventions was an automatic syringe, which itself injects insulin, and a device for patients with renal failure. A little later, he founded his first company, DEKA Research, and in 1989 opened the new technology design firm FIRST.
Currently, the creator of the gyro scooter is heading a firm that manufactures gyroscopic vehicles and other useful devices. His company, FIRST, regularly hosts high school robotics contests and medical inventions.

History of creation
The first hoverboard appeared on the market in 2014. A compact vehicle designed for one passenger was presented simultaneously by several Chinese and Korean manufacturers. The mass launch of the gadget caused an expansion of the market, as a result of which there are now several dozen models with different technical requirements.

But the technology of street vehicles appeared in the late 90s of the last century. The platform with wheels was first presented to the public in 2001 and was named segway.
It is believed that the electric scooter, which took its author more than 10 years to create, is the prototype of the modern hoverboard. In those models, a seat was also occasionally found.

The official date of the invention of the hoverboard was 2014.... It was at this time that a modern model of a self-driving scooter appeared on sale. The inventor left only the platform on wheels, improving the control and use of the device. Currently, the vehicle is produced by companies not only in the USA, China and Korea, but also in many European countries.

Hoverboards now
The modern hoverboard is a popular and affordable form of transport, which is one of the TOP inventions of the century. The device is used by people of different social strata, age and interests. Famous celebrities and ordinary people ride a two-wheeled scooter, who have replaced the usual scooters and bicycles with a device. Electric transport is capable of speeds up to 30 km / h.
A similar device is used in the field of entertainment and is used as a convenient and irreplaceable means of transportation for people with disabilities.

Modern models from some manufacturers are equipped with features that provide additional convenience: speakers, MP3, backlit, bluetooth and others. In addition, there are special models for children and people with a large body mass, as well as devices with a powerful battery and a special tread on wheels for riding on slippery roads.

You will learn more about the creator of the prototype of the modern gyro scooter, Dean Keimen.