Why does the hoverboard not turn on and what to do?

The hoverboard is a modern and fashionable means of transportation and is rapidly gaining popularity among children and adults. The device has many advantages, but it is not immune to sudden breakdowns. It happens that the gyro scooter simply stops turning on from the button or turns off arbitrarily while driving. Such a failure can occur both due to a manufacturing defect or through the fault of the owner.

Emergency mode
The hoverboard may slow down on the move, start beeping with a flashing red light. This indicates a transition to emergency mode. Possible reasons:
- rarefied battery;
- disconnected contacts between electronic elements;
- malfunctioning wheels or out of balance.

If this mode is enabled, it is recommended to contact the service center.
You can only determine the exact problem on your own. It is worth noting: if the problem is in contacts, then it is far from always possible to notice with the naked eye. If the hoverboard is under warranty, then you shouldn't disassemble it yourself.

Does not turn on from the button
Often, when the hoverboard does not turn on with a special button, it is recommended to reset the settings to the factory settings. The reason may be a balancing failure, and after such a simple action, re-tuning will occur.
Let's consider the most common reasons.
- Discharged battery. The device should be charged for about 5-6 hours immediately after purchase. But then the charge recovery time is reduced to 2 hours. If it does not charge, then there is a problem with the charger or battery.
- Defective battery. It happens that the device works exclusively when the charger is connected.Usually a hoverboard behaves in a similar way after a long idle period. In such a situation, you will have to change the battery. The good news is that you can do it yourself. The main thing is to buy the right part.
- Damaged boards. Overheating or mechanical damage can lead to burnout of electronic components. In this case, the device can go into emergency mode. It is almost impossible to fix the problem at home, so you need to go to a service center.
- Breaking. Severe impact or water ingress into the housing can damage the electronics. Breakdowns occur after using an out-of-box charger. All this is not a warranty case, therefore, repair and replacement of parts will have to be paid.

If a breakdown appears even before the first use, then this is a clear sign of a manufacturing defect. Return the hoverboard to the manufacturer.
It happens that during transportation, some internal elements are damaged, therefore it is recommended not to order the device by mail. For repairs, it is worth contacting only certified centers.

Disconnects on the go
It happens that the gyro scooter goes and at some point slows down. After that, there is a transition to emergency mode or a complete shutdown. There are several reasons for this.
- Low battery level. Increasing the load, for example, climbing a hill, overcoming obstacles, requires more energy than driving on a flat road. Sometimes the hoverboard can be discharged earlier than the owner expects. In this case, you can hear a beep and see a flashing red battery indicator.
- Burnout boards. Center and side nodes periodically fail. For repair, you need to contact a specialist. This usually happens after the device has been dropped.
- Moisture or foreign objects inside... Such an incident leads to a short circuit in the electronics. Damage is not repaired under warranty, you will have to pay for repairs. It is especially important to consult a good specialist.
- Balance change. It happens that the balancing settings of a gyro scooter go astray, and it turns off on the fly. In this case, further use is possible only after reprogramming this parameter. Usually the problem occurs if the device was lifted while it was turned on.

What not to do?
If you find signs of a breakdown, you should immediately remember where the check and the warranty card for the gyro scooter are. If the term of free service has not expired, then you need to feel free to go to a specialist. It is rather risky to repair the device yourself. People who have no idea about the work of electronic systems should abandon this venture. All this can aggravate the situation.
When trying to remove the cover, special factory seals are damaged. After that, the center will refuse warranty repairs.
If the breakdown cannot be eliminated without disassembling the hoverboard, then you should immediately go to a specialist.

Important Tips
- Do not drive a vehicle in wet weather, mud and sand. Water and dust can impair performance if swallowed.
- It is important to protect the hoverboard from falls and bumps. The same goes for exiting curbs and other obstacles.
- Do not drain the battery after the device beeps about low battery level. This could damage the battery.
- If the hoverboard has turned off, then you should first find out the reason, and only then turn it on.
- When switching to emergency mode, you should not try to drive the vehicle until it returns to normal.

For the most common gyro scooter malfunctions, see below.