The hoverboard does not charge: what is the reason and what to do?

After winter or a long downtime during the season, the mini-segway may have a problem with charging the battery. If the gyro board cannot be turned on, it is worth considering in more detail the possible causes of the breakdown.
The light on the charger may be solid green or blinking amber. As a rule, the main indicator signals and their meanings are indicated in the user manual. But a mini-segway can be purchased in a used state, and the instruction itself could easily get lost among other papers. Repairing a breakdown usually requires a quick response from the user.
The reasons for the breakdown of a gyro scooter after winter are not too varied. Most often, the problem is solely related to the complete discharge of the battery. In this case, it is enough to connect the charger to the network and wait for the energy level to replenish. But these measures are not always enough, which means that it is worth considering in more detail all the possible causes of malfunctions.

Why is it not charging?
When the hoverboard does not charge when connected to the network, there may be 3 reasons for this.
- Battery worn out. Each battery is rated for a specific number of charge and discharge cycles. As its resources are depleted, the rate of energy consumption increases. The device can turn off spontaneously even with a fairly high charge level. In addition, incomplete charging can be a sign of a problem - the indicator never reaches 100%.
- Charger defective. In this case, even when the equipment is connected to the charger, the indicator on the device case will not light up.
- Opening the power circuit... If the integrity of the wiring is broken, the contacts have come off, a short circuit has occurred, the gyro scooter should be sent for repair. Experts diagnose the exact location of faults, suggest the best ways to solve the problem. The same applies to situations where a mini-segway without moisture protection falls into a puddle or rain, and its contacts are exposed to water.
These are the main causes of the malfunction, which are usually easy to diagnose.

Green light
Such an indicator signals that the power supply is working properly. The lack of a signal when connected to the network indicates that the reasons why charging does not occur are associated with the device itself. Most likely, it will have to be replaced. The same applies to cases when the light on the charger case is constantly blinking. This fact indicates poor contact in the electrical circuit, which can harm the battery when charging.
At the same time, the mini-segway itself also has a light indication. When connecting a discharged device after rolling to the network, a red signal should light up on its body. When the charge is replenished, the indicator turns green - this indicates that the device can be used again.
Do not leave the hoverboard turned on, which is connected to the charger, for a long time or try to use it while charging. If the indicator does not light up or immediately turns green, then this indicates the need to replace the battery.

Display features
Light indication in hoverboards plays the role of the main source of information about the state of the device along with special applications for mobile devices. If, while riding, the control panel emits a sound signal, and a red beacon starts flashing on it, this means that the charge level has dropped below 10%.
If the indicator glows amber while riding, the battery is discharged to 60% and below. This is a warning signal that allows you to prepare for a possible end of skiing. In addition, a flashing red light indicates an impermissible grade. Blinking of the control system light is used to diagnose malfunctions in the device:
- one-time - indicates that there is no contact with the board at the battery or controller;
- double - speaks of failures that have arisen when adjusting the current;
- when the system is closed signals will be 3;
- 4 and 5 times the lamp blinks when communication with the Hall sensor is lost;
- 6 reps indication indicates that the power supply is out of order.
This is the minimum set of information that is recommended to be remembered by the owner who wants to independently understand the signals of the mini-segway.

Causes of breakage after winter
If, after winter, attempts to charge the hoverboard do not bring results, then you should pay attention to this paragraph of the article. Even a brand new battery can fail if stored for a long time without recharging. In the case of home placement, the problem may be related to the temperature drop below -5 degrees. Under such storage conditions, the battery will drain rapidly and its capacity will be significantly reduced.
In the future, the battery will most likely not be able to use it normally.
In order for the gyro scooter to be ready for use after winter, it is imperative to take care of its proper storage. The procedure will be as follows:
- the equipment is fully charged (100%);
- mini-segway is used for riding for about 1 hour (you need to reduce the charge level to 50%);
- the platform is disconnected from the power source, sent to the parking lot;
- batteries are stored separately.
After the cold season, it is enough to assemble the hoverboard and turn it on. Models with increased moisture protection are also suitable for operation in the cold season - you can ride them at temperatures around 0 degrees.

What if the battery does not fully charge?
Typically, as the charge is used up gradually, the capacity of the battery will gradually decrease. A standard battery is designed for 500-800 mains connection cycles. Of course, if the charging rules are violated, rapid wear and tear occurs. Low-quality or low-capacity batteries can also have a reduced useful life.
If the battery is not fully charged, and the indicator remains red even after 3 hours after connecting to the network, while the battery itself is only enough for 15 minutes of gyro scooter operation, then there can be only one solution: battery replacement... Since such an element is installed in pairs in a mini-segway, two batteries will have to be purchased for replacement at once.

How to fix it?
When the hoverboard won't charge, trying to fix it yourself is usually the first step the owner will take to fix the problem. But in practice, without the help of the service center employees, you can only cope with the purchase of a new charger or replacement of the battery. If we are talking about certified, branded equipment, it is recommended to purchase components in specialized stores, since cheap analogs can cause a fire or a short circuit in the battery compartment.
If the breakdown is serious, then trying to fix it on your own can lead to aggravation of the problems. In addition, unauthorized violation of factory seals leads to the loss of the equipment warranty. It will not be possible to fix it in a service center without additional payment before the expiration of the warranty period.

The problem with replenishing the battery charge in a hoverboard arises from many owners. To face it less often, it is enough to follow simple preventive measures:
- do not violate the charging time recommended by the manufacturer (up to 3 hours);
- store the charger wires without twisting and kinking;
- exclude a drop in charge to a level below 10%;
- eliminate incomplete charging;
- exclude, if possible, shock loads on the deck and bottom of the device;
- if a malfunction is detected, immediately turn off the device, stop using it.
By following these guidelines, you can significantly extend the battery life of your Mini Segway and keep it running smoothly, even after being idle.

Next, watch a video with an overview of the reasons why the hoverboard does not charge.